1. Established members only.
Users require a certain number of posts in order to start a thread in the classifieds section. The required number of posts do not include posts in the Off-Topic section. Do not attempt to increase your post count by posting in other sections as your account will be suspended. This is not carsales.com and as such the classifieds section is restricted to members who actively contribute to Antilag.com.

2. No bumping.
The first bump will be deleted. The second bump will result in the thread being deleted without warning or notification.

3. Private posts only.
This includes posting for friends, family and individuals fronting for businesses. The only exceptions are Antilag.com sponsors and long term users in good standing who have permission from the administration team before posting.

4. Post a price.
All posts require a price and you can expect some criticism if you have blatantly overpriced your for sale item.

5. Posts must be relevant.
Ask genuine and relevant questions and only post if you have a genuine interest in purchasing. Off-topic posts will be removed and your classifieds access may be suspended. This includes posts along the lines of "nice car" or "good luck with the sale".

6. Accurate and correct information.
Ensure that your post includes correct information.

7. Marking your thread as sold.
If you sell your item please mark the thread as sold and closed. You can do this by clicking "Mark this thread as sold" from the "Thread tools" menu within your for sale thread.

Failure to follow any of these rules will likely result in your thread being deleted without warning or notification. Repeated breaches of the for sale rules will result in your classifieds access being removed.
