Official events only.
Official events that have past.
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07-01-2025, 03:17 PM
This section is for official events only. Any other events are to be posted in the Western Australia - Other Events section. Thankyou.
Any confirmation this is an actual event and not a troll? Seemed to be a little chatter but its all gone quiet
Locked in, official. Details released closer to event as per always. Performance cars and drivers only No stereo sound offs No neons
Stay tuned - post rw date. Bump - now with date! As per usual - performance cars and drivers only no neons no stereos no revving your car at meetpoints
Fri 18th October Location and time to be revealed closer to date. Usual rules - Performance cars and drivers only No neons/music at meet points, plenty of other cruises for that shit. Bring tank of fuel, and respect for fellow road users. Meet -
After a nice post-Racewars Hiatus we're back on deck and organising our next event. The event will be as follows: Location: Collie Motorplex Date: Saturday, August 3rd, 2013. Format: Untimed Laps and Cruise Sessions Requirements: Valid Drivers Licence, Fire Extinguisher, Helmet, Long shirt and pants, Enclosed shoes. Price: $145 ($125 for ALM members).
It's that time of the year again! ADGP is in town this weekend and the Motive DVD crew will be over here to film the event. As always, we'll be putting on a cruise the night before the event to show those Easterners that us boys in the West don't give a fuck about leather interiors or sound systems, it's all about performance! As such, we'll be holding a PERFORMANCE CARS ONLY cruise Thursday night (25/10/12). Last year we had nearly 400 cars and the segment on Motive DVD was a big...
It's time for another Time Attack Night! No cones, nothing fancy, just a good fun competition. ANTILAG TIME ATTACK There are the following categories. The fastest of which will win a trophy: OUTRIGHT fastest Street Tyre Fastest FWD Street Tyre Fastest RWD Street Tyre Fastest AWD
Post away :D
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