View Full Version : Race riots

12-12-2005, 04:01 PM
By now im sure youve all seen the race riots in NSW yesterday ...

Thoughts opinions?

This read gave me alot to think about ...

http://www.australian-news.com.au/The%20rise%20of%20Middle%20Eastern%20crime%20in%20 Australia.pdf

12-12-2005, 04:20 PM
i always thought 5T was an asain gang ... ?

12-12-2005, 04:24 PM
Absolutely disgusting,pathetic atempt at being patriotic,if you want to stand up for this country so much join the defence force instead.

12-12-2005, 04:24 PM
makes us look like a bunch of f***en rednecks..i mean, going on a riot and bashing anyone of middle eastern appearence..the images of the the chicks fighting was funny tho, talk about bush pigs..then again..not sure wat the deal was with the bashin of life guards at the beach which was apprently wat caused it..

still i dont think it called for a angry mob

my 2cs

12-12-2005, 04:30 PM
I'm not even gonna enter into this. Touchy subject That is all.

12-12-2005, 04:36 PM
Im sure everyone here can have a mature and adult opinion while respecting those of others

As everyone knows im an ethnic, but im also an Aussie....

Im disgusted by actions from both sides.

12-12-2005, 04:39 PM
its more than just goign and bashing random middle eastern ppl... sydney has had a huge problem with lebos threatening ppl and now everyones just gotten together to fight back.. ive been to sydney twice now and both times ive been there ive been chased with guns and knives just because i looked at a lebo in a shopping center its bull**** why should ppl taht live there live in fear.. so good on these ppl for fighting back.. problem is just finding the culprits and hoping innocent ppl dont get involved

12-12-2005, 04:43 PM
Seeing those dickheads rioting on the news this morning made me feel embarrased to be Australian, A few people get bashed by "gangs" so what do they do go on a 5000 plus riot targeting anyone of middle eastern appearance ****en tools. Dont get me wrong i think bashing LifeGuards is a fuken low thing to do.

12-12-2005, 04:44 PM
I'll just nick Chrystals account again :D (Ireally should get my own account)

Absolute stupidity,those involved should feel ashamed of themselves,My family didnt go to war for this country to have its residents embaress it like this,standing up for yourself is one thing,but forming a mob and bashing anyone who looked middle eastern,then pelting the ambulance with rocks,ffs these people are the ones who are going to save your life,then burning innocent peoples cars for the sake of it,is just plain idiocy.

Im sorry but anyone who supports these idiots makes them just as bad imho.
My grandparents would be turning over in their grave over this.


12-12-2005, 04:58 PM
Good read there tom ...

here come my 2c

i guess australians are just sick of living in fear ... theres that many differnt cultures and races in our country now i guess were feed up of them bringing there shiit over here to our quiet and peaceful nation ... alcohol induced riots may not be the best way to go about it but i think a small comunity sick of ethnic gangs had had enough and obviously the police dont give a fukc about anything but offences that bring them more revenue like road and traffic ones that a racial problem is not theres to worry about ... for me its hard to say wether its right or wrong ... as a very patriotic australian i cant say wether or not i would involve myself in such riots if they were in perth ... on one hand racial riots seem sooo stupid its not funny but on the other hand what else is there to do when the police or government wont do anything to stop these ethnic gangs and there actions ... sometimes when people have had enough of living in fear thats the only way they seem fit to retaliate is a drunken mob

12-12-2005, 05:01 PM
sorta like all of us standing up together to take on randy boongs in balga

12-12-2005, 05:05 PM
yeh see its hard to know when u dont live other there, ive seen docos on Cabramatta and places that are ruled by ethnic gangs and seen the peoples anger because they are to frightened to stand up against them

it makes me sick when people imgrate here and then start abusing our way of life

12-12-2005, 05:07 PM
actually everyones seen all those lebos on the ACA shows well u saw the cops didnt do **** to them.. so ppl decided to take it into there own hands

12-12-2005, 05:23 PM
Aussie country, aussie rules. You want to abuse the Australian hospitality and make its true residence live in fear then i say kill them. Embrace Australian culture, if you don't and want to have little niche ethnic gangs you can **** off.

12-12-2005, 05:28 PM
I dont think anyone is Suporting the Ethic gangs I think its more the fact that this mob was attacking innocent people and damaging the property and from what I saw on tv it just looked like a bunch of drunk dickheads looking for trouble.

12-12-2005, 05:32 PM
i dont agree with any of the rioting what so ever. totally disgraceful.

but i did get extremely pissed off myself when i heard that a large number of the lebanese community retaliated by becoming violent themselfs and stealing an Australian flag from an RSL club and burning it in the street. THIS MAKES ME SICK! it shows that even though they are now "Australians" they have totally no pride in this country. imo these kind of people do not belong here what so ever.

12-12-2005, 05:42 PM
that article was a discerning read TJ. digusting. absolutely disgusting.

12-12-2005, 05:43 PM
but i did get extremely pissed off myself when i heard that a large number of the lebanese community retaliated by becoming violent themselfs and stealing an Australian flag from an RSL club and burning it in the street. THIS MAKES ME SICK! it shows that even though they are now "Australians" they have totally no pride in this country. imo these kind of people do not belong here what so ever.
:werd: otherwise they should fcuk off back to there own country

12-12-2005, 05:46 PM
:werd: otherwise they should fcuk off back to there own country

/\ intelligent input mate /\

Although I can totally sympathise and understand why these people went bezerk, I don’t agree with it. What we’ve essentially done is stooped to ‘their’ level (remember the Macquarie riots a few months back?).

At a time when the world seems to have increasing racial violence & terror, Australia should be proud that it still remains a comparatively safe and enjoyable place to live. This sort of behaviour is certainly no way to maintain that reputation.

12-12-2005, 05:48 PM
"fvck off back to their own country"...hall mark quote of a truly intelligent individual.

Agree with Chryssstal and Brett - its so stupid and asinine forming a 5000 strong crowd to "bash people of middle eastern decent" - and for the peaceful people from lebanon living here? fcking disgraceful. its so KKK/Nazi/Jerry Springer its not funny.

12-12-2005, 05:58 PM
The only good from this is the government will be pressured by the populace to stand up and take notice,then hopefully do something about it,from what friends from over east have said,its been bad for years,on both sides of the fence.

Have just heard that a car load of AUSSIES just drove to the nearest mosque and grabbed the nearest Muslim and nearly bashed him to death.

Go aussie pride.

In sydney of course this happened,not here.

12-12-2005, 06:28 PM
gayy fUUcks
rm65 (http://www.cyclechaos.com/wiki/Suzuki_RM65)

12-12-2005, 06:45 PM
ben351: Yep 5t is, funny thing is they only stick to fighting 'inhouse' with other Asian gangs, in their own area and don't go round stabbing guys walking home on their own in the back.... go figure... ;)

Anyhow I've been in the thick of it (somewhat) for years, and have experienced first hand some events with myself and others which has influenced my opinon on what is hopefully a small percentage of a certain group. This sort of thing has gone unanswered for a while now - and if you ask me - it was only a matter of time until someone stood up and said NO - no more.

Sure - the 5000 odd crowd of hooligans was not the most diplomatic thing that ever happened, but sometimes you need to get your hands dirty to put out a message. I'm not saying this justifys the actions of some, but there has been alot worse done in the events preluding to the protest. ALOT worse.

The next few weeks are going to be very interesting in Sydney, I might just lay low and see how it pans out ;)

12-12-2005, 07:02 PM
Have just heard that a car load of AUSSIES just drove to the nearest mosque and grabbed the nearest Muslim and nearly bashed him to death.

Go aussie pride.

In sydney of course this happened,not here.

and i wonder what would happen if a group of Muslims here grabbed an Aussie on his way to church in the back of an H2 and beat the crap out of him...

the Aus govt would be up in arms..

fvcking cowards...what is australia turning into....

Passage GT
12-12-2005, 07:06 PM
i agree with the genera sentiment being shown, these people were allowed to live here which iss no doubt lots better than their own war torn ****hole countries
and how do they repay australia?
they form violent criminal gangs and make australians live in fear
the cops have done **** all and it was only a matter of time before something like this happened. i don't condone what was done at all, there is no doubt innocents being targeted but then wasn't it innocents being targeted for years that has led to this?
hopefully the police and government will take this as the kick in the ass they need to do something about gangs

12-12-2005, 07:09 PM
I'm yet to even hear that rumour being confirmed. There has been bull**** flying from all corners. I heard that there were thousands of people at a Mosque in Maroubra earlier. Well, Maroubra dosent even have a mosque ??

Its actually happend as you've described Twe12ve, and there was no response from the Govt. Only resulting in one mate in intensive care for a couple of weeks who couldn't eat solid food for a while.

12-12-2005, 07:26 PM
These people are really making a difference forming mobs, here's just one example ..

One guy that was getting bashed by the 5000+ strong "aussie" crowd managed to make his way into police hands. They were yelling out of out country you Arab. Once police had him,it was found his heritage was italy but he was born and raised here.

Smart c*nts these mobs.

12-12-2005, 07:34 PM
itd be interesting to know the heritage of these "australians" who form these mob...

odds on they are all british....

12-12-2005, 08:12 PM
and i wonder what would happen if a group of Muslims here grabbed an Aussie on his way to church in the back of an H2 and beat the crap out of him...

the Aus govt would be up in arms..

fvcking cowards...what is australia turning into....

i doubt it..that many gang bashings take place in Australia even in Perth without even making it to the news, ive seen innocent people get bashed over looking a someone wrong, the worst seeing 2 English tourists get beaten badly by around 10 bunch of wanna be hard cnuts, and even if they were cuaght..wat would the cops do..give them a slap on the wrist, criminal record maybe

bring back capital punishment..give police more powers, allow them to dish out their own punishment no questions asked..works for Singapore..

12-12-2005, 08:19 PM

Sign up and go to the Live Streams bit

People shooting people,girl got stabbed,cops have their handsful,really bad place to be at the moment.

12-12-2005, 09:18 PM
That link was an insightful read.. typical West Aussie.. Ill admit to being completely oblivious in my nice safe Perth...

Makes me rethink any thoughts I was having on moving over east tho.

Maybe WA does have to "wait awhile"... but if we are waiting a while for the violence to be on that scale then thats fine by me.

frustrates me to see people in positions of power wasting their's and our time. useless pricks. :mad:

12-12-2005, 09:41 PM
I don't agree with giving police more powers... atm they let the innocent goto jail and the criminals frolic free in the park. And even if the criminals goto jail they still get compfy beds and TV's.
The only thing police use there power for is making money...
They over staff highway patrol and they will chase you and fine you for not stopping at a stop sign yet if you rang them will someone was in your house robbing you with a knife you wont see them for a good 4 hours.
I know from experience... someone broke into our house when i was younger and my Mum caught him and called the cops.
4 hours later they casually strolled upto the door. By this stage the guy ahd already gotten away with alot of our stuff but luckily Mum managed to get her laptop back.

Great police work fellas.

12-12-2005, 10:00 PM
It seems the NSW police force is rather rooted at the moment too which would not be helping any end....

12-12-2005, 10:19 PM
there is a thread on ausrotary off topic that is a good read all there opinions are first hand knowledge and experience from what they have said it was bound to happen there are alot of bad ass ethnics over there that think they run the show.i feel sorry for the innocent ppl on both sides that are just walking to the shop and get bashed its truly fuked up

12-12-2005, 10:28 PM
My turn to bitch.

By the lebos bashing the lifeguards in the first place, is not only physically torment for the lifeguards, but is also disrespecting a part of Australian culture, the Beach!.

Therefore on one hand i can see why the riots occurred, but they didnt have to go about it in this way. Ripping girls headscarves off etc. is utmost disrespectful.

Dont get me wrong im all for multiculturalism, but the thing that gets me is that all these little cultures are willing to live and reap the rewards of living in a free country like Australia, but they are unwilling to absorb a little of the Australian culture itself.

For example: (this is going to sound stupid, but try to get the point). at work i had to cut some shadecloth for an aussie women the other day, and she presented me with a optimistic and lively attitude and was willing to help me in any way she could. On the other hand, i had to cut some wire for a muslim lady, who demanded what she wanted, simply stood back, let me do all the work and never offered to help, didnt say a word, and i barely got a thankyou out of her. Now they call themselves Australian, but is it really endorsing the Australian culture.

Now i know theres some wonderful individuals out there from all different races who are happy to embrace the Australian culture, but the MAJORITY, repeat MAJORITY of other cultures are happy living as they would in their own country. Now that really ticks me, but is it really asking too much?


12-12-2005, 10:41 PM
i hate politics and our government, they are a bunch of soft c0cked fagg0ts who only make decisions that will keep them in power and not is what is right for the country, and they wonder why things like this happen, its their own fault (the governments that is).

actions of all the people involved are childish and disgrace their own respective beliefs and culture, and for the guys that bashed the lifeguard, what kind of lowlife scum do that sorta sh!t, they should be given torture punishments, really sh!ts me that does.

ok im done :)

12-12-2005, 11:28 PM
Having lived in Sydney for 28 years before moving to Perth i can understand the frustration that has led to these out of control protests.I spent a number of years living in Campsie which back then was muslim rule and it wasnt until i moved to Cronulla that i realised what Australia was supposed to be like.Growing up as a teenager in Cronulla you couldnt ask for more (surf,sex,motorcross,getting drunk and stoned,and even more sex).Back then the muslim invasion was only really on weekends where a few thousand muslims would come into the area and take over the parks like Shelly beach,Gunamatta Bay,Northies, etc.They would pretty much do there own thing and not bother anyone other than use our rock pools as a weekly bath which they would do fully clothed.Then along came the next generation which were out of control criminal gangs of muslims bashing and raping anyone without cosequence as the cops seemed to have no effect on them or there behaviour.They would walk into pubs in gangs and just take over.One night about 100 of them walked into a pub i was working in and just run amok stabing staff and patrons.The cops did nothing even though they new what train they caught out of there.If you ventured into there areas you were pretty much garunteed a flogging as a minimum.The government and police were pretty much aware of what was going on but failed to address the problem and i can only imagine how much worse the situation has become over the last decade which is one of the reasons i bailed out of Sydney and moved to Perth in 89.I dont agree with what the drunken mob did on sunday but having lived in Cronulla for 20 years i can understand why it has happened.When the government doesnt act then people take matters into there own hands but unfortunately when an angry mob gathers and gets drunk it lacks order and **** happens.I'm still proud to be Australian and we will win.

12-12-2005, 11:49 PM
Once again I urge to read the link on my first post

Its a very stirring read , and the best insight alot of us have here to why this happened...

But just reading what you have said Andrew (and all of us here know you for being a good and honest guy) makes you wonder...

13-12-2005, 12:19 AM
i used to live in sydney and still have a lot of family there. What they did is wrong however i agree that Australia is getting so ****ing ridiculous. I am sorry but ppl setting up there religions and what not here is just bull****. Try and set a christian thing up in a muslim country and you would be killed.

If people want to live here they should embrace the Australian way. I am sorry if this offends people and to be honest i dont really care.

Dont like the australian way its quite simple
leave and go somewhere that does.

13-12-2005, 01:57 AM
cnuts need to take a step back and have a look at whats going in the rest of the world, our squabbles are so insignificant...

boohoo, the ethnics got a little carried away, they'll be beaten into line and treated harshly until they realise they cant kick up a fuss in other people's countries, if they cant be flexable, shut the fu(k up and adapt they can leave IMO...

put the angry young cnuts in thier place and lets move on, life on earth is going to get pretty interesting and challenging in the next 60yrs, we cant afford to be fighting in the streets.

too petty for me to even care about it, let the people that are stupid enough to fight kill each other off, sif i give a sh1t, unless they harm my family or my car i'll just sit back and watch the mad brawl footage.

someone give these spencers some spud guns to fight with, i've dreamt about spud guns being used in the street, i'd love to see some big dero aussie cnut with a mullet cop a flying potatoe in the side of the face...

13-12-2005, 09:05 AM
Intersting read peeps.
Being of ethnic background myself, i understand why the Australians retaliated the way they did on sunday. But it was uncalled for. It shouldnt have happened the way it did. The NSW government and police let it go too far. They knew beforehand what the problem was. But they didnt do anything about it.

To see grown men going rampant on the sydney streets just got my blood boiling. It was truly disguisting. And to see all those people chanting thinking they've done some good just got me even more pissed off. What they did was far from the Australian way.

I dont beleive this has all been about race. I do beleive it was just about people being angry. I wouldnt blame them. But to go around beating up any non-australian man or woman they see was just shameful. Some of them were italians or greeks. The mob didnt care. And they call themselves Australians!

Alot of those rioters were just little 18 year olds thinking they'd tag along. Little ****s. They'd **** themselves if they were to come face to face with a arab.
Also as datsquik has already said. Its the next generation of arab youths who take it too far. Something really needs to be done about them. Something should have already been done about them.

So to who should we put the blame on? Id say we put the blame on the NSW governemnt. This has been happening for years. They could have come up with a plan. Instead they let it ride. And all they have to say for it was "its disguisting". Well its you're ****ing fault mate!

Oh and to finish up, concerning the lifeguard bashings, It could have been a totally un-related matter. The Australians just used it as an excuse to start a riot. No one knows for sure what happened, or why it did. But who will the public beleive? the lifeguards story or the "bashers" story?

13-12-2005, 09:42 AM
i would say everyone would believe in the life guards as they contribute their time to save other peoples lives
having said that i have seen some asshole life savers who are smart asses...
so those life guards might of got bashed for a purpose of beening smart asses.

these ethnics who have migrated here to start a better life here in australia should respect the authority they should be greatful but should not overuse the privilege. i say the NSW government and police force should crack down on the ethnic people who causes all this trouble, and straight away deport them to make statement.

i also do not agree on australias behalf as the way they acted producing all this violence and animal behaviour.

13-12-2005, 09:45 AM

13-12-2005, 11:48 AM
PNC hahahah

13-12-2005, 12:04 PM
**** random thugs starting on people for no reason is what i say.
cops should make these thugs hang out with dodgey 3weeks without a shower coons and make them live like thay do so thay can decide if thay want to be a true mindless thug.

and for god sake this isnt about racism its about people who are out to cause trouble

13-12-2005, 12:26 PM
and for god sake this isnt about racism its about people who are out to cause trouble

werd to that...

13-12-2005, 01:17 PM
And the cause of the trouble is............ ?

13-12-2005, 01:25 PM
That link was an insightful read.. typical West Aussie.. Ill admit to being completely oblivious in my nice safe Perth...

um....u think Perth is safe?? if you want safe, try singapore...or even Dubai..dont have to worry about that sh1t here...and before the ignoramuses here start saying "oh man you live next to a muslim, wont he bomb you?" - i think Oz is more likely to get hit by a terrorist attack rather than the UAE.

Corporal punishment is an Excellent idea. capital punishment is appaulling, barbaric and archaic.

13-12-2005, 01:31 PM
Try and set a christian thing up in a muslim country and you would be killed.

dude you are so full of sh1t its not funny....i live in a muslim country, im a christian...there are hundreds of thousands of christians here...there are christian churches here. They celebrate christmas here - they have christmas decorations and stuff all around the place....

have you even lived in a muslim country before? if places like Dubai can do this, and bear in mind its not even a democracy - shouldnt australia (seen as an accepting, western, multicultural society) be more accepting of different races/religions?

religion may not be important to you but its very important to some people...and trust me if you tried to "set up a christian thing here" you would NOT be killed....there are lots of "christian things" all around here....

13-12-2005, 02:19 PM

GOLD ^^^^^

Wait till this weekend its going to go off!!!!!

13-12-2005, 02:39 PM
i wish i was a riot officer
id love to hit bogans with my stick hahaha

13-12-2005, 02:45 PM
so your telling me that those countries handle it well. Ever noticed that they are bombing each others churches. You cant go set up **** like that in a country that has its own beliefs.

Religion is the main cause to most of this **** cause everyone thinks they are right and that everyone elses is wrong. Land rights for religion is another thing that causes alot of **** and history shows this. I dont think its full of **** ...

Personally i dont care what you think either and as stated allowed your own opinion. I dont think its racist either as i didnt knock 1 group i just said they cant live together in the same area.

13-12-2005, 03:03 PM
i think this whole issue (not your opinion, the riots in general) are getting a LITTLE to KKK/Hitler/Stalin/Genocide for my liking....

id hate to walk down the street and get bashed for no reason..esp by a bunch of people...for no reason, just because i may look like im from a certain race.

also, not all middle easterns are muslim either...are they targeting the race or the religion here?

13-12-2005, 03:04 PM
Did you see that cop that they are calling a hero on the news? all he did was swing a big stick and hit some ****s... it was funny tho when you see the people jump out of the way after being hit..

13-12-2005, 03:07 PM
race - cos some lebo's bashed life guards - BUT - I would say peoples current attitudes towards muslims wouldn't have helped...

180 sx
13-12-2005, 03:39 PM
they are targetting italians as well.

13-12-2005, 03:42 PM
Middle easternish appearance - that very broad area..

13-12-2005, 03:44 PM
one eyebrow will probably do it

13-12-2005, 03:56 PM
*high 5*

13-12-2005, 04:00 PM
*jumps* *Slap* Does the Poiter walk, fuill skip spec

13-12-2005, 04:04 PM
"Australians" are not targetting anyone.

Over the last two night, ME groups have been attacking south Sydney with over 60 cars converging on Cronulla, Maroubra, Brighton and neigbouring suburbs attacking anyone they see. People putting out their rubbish. People walking down the street. People driving past.

Ambulances are being shot at. Women in the street are being stabbed. Bricks are being thrown at police and police cars. Thats the reality of the situation right now.

13-12-2005, 04:11 PM
Its one hell of an arguilment...

I'd hate to be over there at the moment.. :(

13-12-2005, 04:17 PM
"Australians" are not targetting anyone.

so the 5000 strong crowd yelling "go home lebs" and bashing people at mosques arent targeting anyone? Right...

why do you THINK the "middle eastern" people react? if you saw your mates being bashed by a crowd id hope youd step in as well...

vicious circles have two ends...

13-12-2005, 04:45 PM
after reading all these posts what comes to mind is the 'dicks, pussies and asses' analogy used in team america.
and quite frankly anyone who sympathises or wah wahs is ****ing pussy. The reality of the situation as stated by morgs and datsquik etc and in manner areas of the news, not just biased mainstream ones, is that ethnic groups are ****ing out of control. and as far as im concerned, the perpetrators should be flogged, beaten, abused, shamed, embarrased and then have a bullet planted in their heads.

13-12-2005, 04:51 PM
spot on

13-12-2005, 05:03 PM
Tis getting worse and worse watching the news, bunch of idiots!

13-12-2005, 05:12 PM
news lies, and doesnt show a lot of it,, talk to people who live over there...
the police and news keep trying to play it down, or make the anglo's look bad. just so we dont look rascist..

its not about race, its about groups, or gangs full of ****heads who just hapen to be of similar origin.
the innocent people from lebanon and serbia italy ect have NOTHING to do with this ****up.. but the gangs need to be sorted out, if the police cant do it,, the people have to.

13-12-2005, 05:20 PM
good point - its not the specific race or religion - its the gangs of individual fagbags that are ruining this...

13-12-2005, 05:27 PM
The media have done well to misrepresnt the issues

13-12-2005, 05:37 PM
Over the last two night, ME groups have been attacking south Sydney with over 60 cars converging on Cronulla, Maroubra, Brighton and neigbouring suburbs attacking anyone they see. People putting out their rubbish. People walking down the street. People driving past.

Ambulances are being shot at. Women in the street are being stabbed. Bricks are being thrown at police and police cars. Thats the reality of the situation right now.

the reality of the situation is that they have been doin that for the past 20 YEARS, not just the last 2 nights. and the police and governments have honestly done fukc all about it.

13-12-2005, 05:43 PM
oh and those of u that are thinking and saying its not about race, hahaha dont fukcing kid yourselfs, ofcourse its about race.

13-12-2005, 05:50 PM
they probly start on the asias next! But then i think they be out numbered

13-12-2005, 06:26 PM
this looks like potential arguil material...

oh and those of u that are thinking and saying its not about race, hahaha dont fukcing kid yourselfs, ofcourse its about race.

i honestly think its a case of ethnic youths getting rowdy, getting smashed back into line, then looking for reasons as a excuse to justify thier actions.

they will be smashed hard and that'll be that, theres hardly enough anti-australian sentiment to turn this into a small civil war, once all the young angry confused cnuts have had enough, IMHO i believe it will be a much easier issue to manage and address.

they have no excuses for their behaviour, rascism or unfair treatment? fuk off, the over sensitive little brats have nothing to complain about, nobody in a country with welfare does...

the mekanik
13-12-2005, 06:29 PM
Received this today

Date: 13/12/05
Time: 12:28
Sender: 04** 7** 4**
Message: Support AUSTRALIA piss up @ ******* beach park Sunday 18th. come and support your country! Tell everyone! **** the arabs

removed the location for obvious reasons

edit- also this uprising was brought about with due cause, but I agree that they're going about it totally the wrong way by hurting innocent people. the lebanese that started all this are a noisey minority and it's going to be pretty much impossible to single them out

13-12-2005, 07:56 PM
I dont think its about race or religion. I agree that the little gangs are the cause to all this.
But as some of you have already said, the news lies. Not everyone knows for sure what the cause of all this was.
But as the news has stated today, as you could see the ethnic groups were being man-handled in a different manner then the Australians. Not saying it was a bad thing, but its sure to cause some sort of retaliation to that.

Also, for this kinda crap to start in Adeliade or Perth is just pathetic. Not all the states are the same as Sydney. That poor guy and his family, being attacked by 10 youths. Felt so sorry for him.
Hope i see dip****s do that near my neighbourhood. 'Neighbourhood watch' at its greatest!

13-12-2005, 08:32 PM
That poor guy and his family, being attacked by 10 youths. Felt so sorry for him.

if your talkin about that guy in Perth...
i think that incident has been exploited and exagerated by the media. aparently there are 4 other muslim families living on that street but none of them had any racial violence directed towards them. i think he's just been an asshole to some young guys, had his house egged and blamed it on events in sydney.

13-12-2005, 09:22 PM
anyways ive actually read the article...and a very interesting read i might add

my 2c worth...the current aussie govt has been using racsim in its policies for some time to get things done so to speak...john howard is a dirty lil weed of a man..children overboard scandal.....they sold joe public lots off sshiit and we bought it...but thats ok cause its long forgoten after 1 month and we can move onto the next storey (sarcasm)...have a look at our soft policies on everything..consecutive govts from both sides are weak soft ccockss bowing to the fringe who follow the minority and suffer delusion, n nepotism...in essence they are all fukcen useless

reality is this counrty has always been a lil rascist...im ital descent oz born and proud but ive seen it experienced it and bashed and fought my way through it.....every NEW cultural group that has come to this country has had to pay thier dues...the wogs...the asians....and now its the middle east countries turn.......but the problem is that they have strong current ties (it aint a bad thing) to thier respective country of origin but many cant or wont assimilate with our culture coupled with high unemployment and limited opportunity for self advancement.....they ( some) become thugs finding new families and social groups where they feel they are worth something

wot happened on the beach is here nor there......LOOK AT THE UNDERLYING ISSUES PPL...we have a war being used by the media to prey on our vulnerabilities and weaknesses and they use racial overtones in each storey...too many minority groups wanting too much controll in society and ppl r sick of it....more pressure on society to conform...less opportunity for unskilled ppl...higher drug/alcohol use...esp good ol speed and 'e' that does wonders for yr brain...not

the riots are an ugly manifestation of ppl that r fukcen fed up with deeckheads running amuck...innocent casualties are a fact of life...and yes it sucs but such is life sometimes

now lets pause for a moment......ask yrself am i rasict in ANY way...do i contribute to this problem occassionally..rasicim is based on a limited understanding of others....and acceptance or lack of it

life is so short and more short for some who live in auto pilot each day wake up in 30 or 40 yrs and dont know where thier life went

for the record if u cant be a part of this country leave...if u dont like not being persecuted leave...or breathing clean air eating good food minimum health care for all basic wage and riights to live yr life with dignity....BY ALL MEANS LEAVE cause i dont wont my taxes going to ungratefull bsateds :wave:

14-12-2005, 12:04 AM
its definately race related. How could you think its not . Aussies vs ME.

And lol at 1 eyebrow comment

14-12-2005, 03:22 PM
in a way both teams are in the wrong, ive been at the beach here and u see guys of middle eastern appearance harrasing girls and startin crap wit ppl, they aint even there for the beach they friggin wear 2 pairs of jeans down to their knees screamin out sh!t tryna make themselves look big! but with the aussies i just reckon they are screwin with the wrong crew, australians are tryin to prevent terrorists and that and here they are smashin every middle eastern head they see, not that smart! wouldnt be surprised if something happens soon (touches wood)

14-12-2005, 03:57 PM

14-12-2005, 04:08 PM
hahhaahahaha nice one Yipes

14-12-2005, 04:10 PM
Oh I have more! Just warming Up ahahha :P

14-12-2005, 04:35 PM

14-12-2005, 04:38 PM
Oh I have more! Just warming Up ahahha :P

keep em coming :D:D:D

I myself, and friends have been victimised by groups of ME gangs

they hang around in groups and just cause sh!t - any excuse for a fight.

Im glad im in hornsby - which is much north of all this crap happening. although i wouldnt be surprised if this stuff spreads all over sydney

Time to move to perth for real - hey gazza! :D

14-12-2005, 04:44 PM
I heard your a member of the "bra boys"

reliable sources too ... morgs cough morgs

14-12-2005, 05:12 PM
they probly start on the asias next! But then i think they be out numbered

Always outnumbered..but never outgunned!

14-12-2005, 06:37 PM

14-12-2005, 07:05 PM
seems like the problem of ethnic gangs was pretty bad before this whole thing errupted, the innocent people been hurt is disgraceful tho..

looks like the tides have turned, instead of Ethnics gangs mobbed Aussies, its Aussies mobbing Ethnic gangs..

14-12-2005, 07:46 PM
man this is gonna be nuts..there will definitely be MASSIVe backlashes for this...

i can see a bunch of aussies getting the living CRAP kicked out of them by some massive hairy lebbos...and really, you cant blame them for retaliating when the aussies did it so cowardly...

14-12-2005, 07:53 PM
**feels pressure inside head building**

14-12-2005, 07:57 PM

14-12-2005, 08:17 PM
its only a mater of time b4 some nob pulls out a piece and starts takin pot shots at innocents..and then watch the riots...

i wish this could all happen in front of parliament house so then lil johnny and his merry band of toe jammers and asss lickers can all see the results of thier wonderfull ideas.... oh sorry lack of them...social asssimilation....all the soft cokc do gooders with thier useless social policies helping the "needy"...

we give way too much $$ in benefits in this counrty to ppl who dont deserve to be part of this way of life....years ago in the early 40's 50's and 60's ppl that came here worked and had something to contribute to this nation...and many of them like my father have worked the arrses off and never got any benefits/social security from this country

maybe this should be introduced cause this bloody family repatriation program is killing this country...unfortunatly too many ppl come here with no education skills and thus no opportunity...they should come here with skills or be willing to work within 3 months or leave

want to help yrself..get of yr asse and give it a go..its called work...far too many liberalists with notions of saving the world...how about saving yr own family and fukcen work so u can feed them

ppl need to understand the ideas work ethic n freedoms generations proir fought for......pll forget to quickly...memories like a sieve

end of rant :wave:

14-12-2005, 08:24 PM
if it wasnt for the ****ING MEDIA barely any of this would be happening

14-12-2005, 10:45 PM
if it wasnt for the ****ING MEDIA barely any of this would be happening


the west australian publishes word-for-word the text message that was sent as a "call to arms" by the "aussies" in sydney...and surprise surprise, tonight they're reporting on the news that there's concern over an outbreak of copycat violence at the beaches this weekend due to the same msg being sent around perth.....

thought there was supposed to be this thing called social responsibility in journalism??

15-12-2005, 07:53 AM
Romper Stomper 2005
coming to a news report near you!!

The reason this has become so big is because of the media... end of story. All the media has done is put ideas into peoples head and given people insite into how to join, where to go and whats happening with these riots.
The typical 'sheep' just read and join the bandwagon..

Turn Tassie into a island prison and send them there to sort it out. Free 1 way flights for all the units and we can all get back to cars and playstation :D

15-12-2005, 09:04 AM
hows the young white boy with "WE GREW HERE, YOU FLEW HERE" painted on his stomach, thats just not cricket!

Targeting the innocent like they did was wrong, big retaliation is just around the corner, im sure..

Good to see no footage of Lebs in bombed imports getting mobbed too.....

15-12-2005, 09:13 AM
ahhh i dunno :dizzy:
life was so much easier when it was only abos that everyone hated

15-12-2005, 09:23 AM
']hows the young white boy with "WE GREW HERE, YOU FLEW HERE" painted on his stomach, thats just not cricket!

Targeting the innocent like they did was wrong, big retaliation is just around the corner, im sure..

Good to see no footage of Lebs in bombed imports getting mobbed too.....

We came in planes, they came in chains

See how easy it is to talk **** to elevate situations....

****ing morons.

15-12-2005, 09:34 AM
Anyone wanna go to the beach with me this weekend?

15-12-2005, 10:03 AM
if i went to the beach, it would be to hang out at the plaka by the sea, with the dudes that own it (ME), and help them defend the shop against stupid ****ing assholes trying to start ****.
**** that ****

Some of the guys i was with last night are part of the most powerful ME gang in WA, including the 3rd in charge, u know what they were doin. just watching, keeping the peace, makiong sure noone got hurt if someone started some ****.

P.S i was gona punch shane warne in the face, asshole.

15-12-2005, 10:18 AM
warneys wicked only guy i know of that has an affair gets caught and continues to keep doign it... my hero

15-12-2005, 10:19 AM
if i went to the beach, it would be to hang out at the plaka by the sea, with the dudes that own it (ME), and help them defend the shop against stupid ****ing assholes trying to start ****.
**** that ****

Some of the guys i was with last night are part of the most powerful ME gang in WA, including the 3rd in charge, u know what they were doin. just watching, keeping the peace, makiong sure noone got hurt if someone started some ****.

P.S i was gona punch shane warne in the face, asshole.

so your an accociate of a ME Gang ?
And you feel you have to tell people that because it will imtimidate us ?
Its Perth your talking about dude ... i think we have more brains than the goats in the eastern states ... or SOR :p
Just a quick question its serious and it is a question not a statement but when was the last time you heard of a white australian being involved in a gang related crime ? is it because there arent many or because the media doesnt feel the need to cover it as much ? Saying that remember the bikies have been rather quiet the past few years.

15-12-2005, 10:33 AM
lol no im not an associate, you guys who know me would understand what i meant,, you read that wrong.
Im always at leedy cause some of my tracks get spun there and im good mates with teh Dj's and lighting guys thru my production.
My point was, i only met em last night, because of all this **** thats going on, they weree out to just make sure no-one starts anything, on EITHER side.

as for anglo dudes and gangs?
um, WA's biggest organised crime rings, are predomanantly white/euro males, the bikies. The bikies are moving into slightly more legitamate stuff, earning almost as much from legit means as illigal, but yeah, they keep a lower profile nowadays, maby theyre just smarter abotu their activities. but they still have almost all of perths entertainment industry under total control.

15-12-2005, 10:35 AM
I cbf reading the start of the thread, but thought I'd put my 2c worth in since I'm living in Sydney for now (well for another 2 weeks before I drive back to Perth).

Atm the tensions over here is pretty crazy, even in areas where all this **** has happened. I'm currently just helping my girl friend at her work in Camplebelltown Shopping Centre, and supposively the other day people were supposively fire bombing random cars, and the word spreading around town is that the aussies are coming down the shopping centre to bash anyone who 'doesn't look aussie'. I'm not all too worried, as some of this can just be a little bit of teenage hype however my flat mate is very worried and is thinking about closing the shop she's at early just incase.

The other day while I was at this shopping centre, 3 teenagers sat next to me (rather close) while I was just having a break, and I guess were really wanting to see how tough / cool they were by giving me these pathetic questions. When I turned to them and answered just a few of them, they finally stood up and ****ed off probably due to the fact I didn't sound asian.
This **** isn't new to me, as I copped a **** load of racial abuse when I went to Wesley College (however never got one bit of it @ Applecross SHS, probably since 50% of students there were asian)

Anyway, I'm glad I'm getting out of this **** hole shortly and hope to god that when I hit up Perth everything was the way it was when I left / or better.

15-12-2005, 10:38 AM
haha no worries

15-12-2005, 10:42 AM
its MATTY P!

lucky they werent trying to bash asi/stralian photographers! haha, least you'd have some good photos, then bust out come kung fu on their skippy ass!(cliche)
love you man

15-12-2005, 10:59 AM
HAHAHA!! *Remember the many times I've almost had my head chopped taking photos in bad situations*

15-12-2005, 06:06 PM
its nothing to do with the bikies or any large crime sindicates, u never hear on the news about the Mafia or Bikes unless theres a killing or assualt, which is very rare.. its the small gangs who cuase trouble and now have cuased this shti upon other people

was talking to my boss today at lunch and he is from Sydney and he reckons that even back say 10 years ago, people kept to their suburbs and if u were caught in another suburb u would get bashed becuase your a "westie" or watever...that had nothing to do with race,

15-12-2005, 06:31 PM
LOL what a crock of ****e

"oh your not from my suburb, ill bash you!"

15-12-2005, 07:40 PM
']LOL what a crock of ****e

"oh your not from my suburb, ill bash you!"

u saying he is full of shti?

15-12-2005, 08:55 PM
cambelltown is a ****hole dodgey ass area i used to live near there to in ingleburn which is just as much of a ****hole now.

I think it will settle down now and it was all blown up like everyone said.

16-12-2005, 01:32 AM
u saying he is full of shti?

Yes. considering I have family and friends in NSW thats a pretty wild claim ... random bashings bashed on suburb of residence.

On another note.. I just got a Email... if the contents are true, stay out of Northbridge on Sat night kids...

16-12-2005, 01:46 AM
Northbridge bashing/riots spec?

thats ****t up, got a metro's party

16-12-2005, 01:50 AM
LOL isnt metros like race riots every week anyhow? ;)

No just jokes, much love to the boys at Metros City

(this is not a paid endorsement)

16-12-2005, 01:53 AM
so is anything happening in NB?
am i gunna see sum "shiiiiit" go down or what

16-12-2005, 08:14 AM
hahahah yeah i better keep outtah northies on sat night
*waves hands in the air*

you believe every email you get tom ?
if so start replying to those ones that promies 3-4 inches on top of your already 3 inch monster :) and were not talking exhausts

16-12-2005, 10:27 AM
The ones I send u Ben?

16-12-2005, 11:03 AM
You only send him the ones that worked for you eh? :lol:

err back O/T, i *seriously* hope nothing happens in Perth, if it does we will have reached new levels of lameness (as if Sydney isnt bad enough) :squint:

16-12-2005, 11:11 AM
If anything Happens I will open a can of whoop arse. OH hang on, that make me as bad as them hmmmmmm,

**** I wish everyone would just get over it. I'm sick to death of bloody hearing about it

16-12-2005, 01:33 PM









16-12-2005, 01:36 PM

16-12-2005, 01:38 PM
Where's the Hoff. Honourary Australian

16-12-2005, 01:42 PM
ok WTF? not only are these 'aussies' ghey cnuts but they knee blokes in the knads when its more than 1 on 1...

Pic 7, dude getting hit from behind whilst another 'aussie' shakes his hand...

second pic, big cnut in the singlet getting a knee to the testies, that sh1t hurts...

what a bunch of hero's...

16-12-2005, 01:44 PM

That dude looks like a white Mr. T.. hahaha

16-12-2005, 01:47 PM
i vote lock this. Open team Arguil, we accept all

16-12-2005, 02:37 PM
whats the world coming to....hope this rank sh1t doesnt end up over here .

16-12-2005, 02:52 PM
If anything Happens I will open a can of whoop arse. OH hang on, that make me as bad as them hmmmmmm,

**** I wish everyone would just get over it. I'm sick to death of bloody hearing about it

how could you not care about this?

its clearly one of the biggest issues to have hit australia in some time, and could shake society up quite badly...

16-12-2005, 03:13 PM
people will care when violence erupts here and they know someone who is involved....

f*cken pathetic really, unfortunately there is no simple solution that will please all involved....

16-12-2005, 03:15 PM
Very well said Matt

16-12-2005, 03:20 PM
quite disheartening you watch those fools over east, both ethnic and Oz -spec'

they all have complete disregard for the law, so cops all of a sudden 'getting tough' will do SFA....

if it happened to get to that over here, i would like to think that most of the people on here, and in particular my mates, didnt get involved. Except Cerbera, u can bash him if u like! :)

16-12-2005, 03:41 PM
tj - yep - morgs is a good source for info like that! :D
been a member for a while :D

16-12-2005, 03:50 PM
The situation in Perth is heaps different to Sydney, just hopng the copy-cats dont turn it around and make a big mess

Pretty poor of the news to broadcast the sms messages :S

16-12-2005, 05:57 PM
I say fair go. If the cops wont do anything about me groups of thugs who terrorise peaceful civilians then let the rioters do it. Only problem is these tuff thugs who hang in groups will only ever prey on victims when they have the upper hand. Now that there is a large number of angry people after them they'll disappear back into the hole they came from making it hard to identify them. Not all me are dim witted thugs. This is unfortunate when the innocent me people are targeted, but if anything is exactly what has been happening conversely. Scum.

19-12-2005, 09:40 AM
I think all the race riot crap is getting to the point of pathetic.. why cant ppl just grow up and accept each other for who they are.... my 2c anyways

its actaully quite sad and dishartening to see this happeneing to our society hey :(

19-12-2005, 10:11 AM
the organised cruise on 16/12/05 involved a stop in the Lockridge area I think it was. The local pub was full of yobbos who, once seeing our imports arrive in the carpark for a meet, all came outside. I dont know if anyone else heard what they were saying but it was abuse until they got closer then they were commenting "you guys are OK, your all Aussies so your safe"

Quite rediculous really.... I tell you what, I would hate you be a young Middle Eastern guy right now, which is very unfortunate....

19-12-2005, 01:06 PM
and how does one "look aussie" - im an australian citizen, was born here, lived here for 22 years until i recently moved, i sound aussie, but i sure as hell dont look it - do they mean that you actually look British? cos quite frankly there is no such thing as a "true Australian" - all aussies stem from the Brits...so i dont get how these aussies are saying "you look aussie so you're safe"....

19-12-2005, 01:25 PM
exactly right, shows the sever lack of intelligence in the thinking of these types of people.....

19-12-2005, 01:44 PM
exactly mate - they think "aussie = white".

Pro White? sounds a little too hitler/apartheid for me...

so what defines a "true Australian"? i can guarantee you a LOT of the people they are targeting were born here and have australian passports....

20-12-2005, 02:58 PM
Aussies @ Cronulla!

http://img392.imageshack.us/img392/4646/image0017cu.jpg (http://imageshack.us)

20-12-2005, 04:49 PM
Poor Leb, probably bashed for putting a RB20 in his Silvia....

21-12-2005, 01:18 PM
http://img456.imageshack.us/img456/3150/safe6qk.jpg (http://imageshack.us)

21-12-2005, 01:28 PM
http://img383.imageshack.us/img383/3290/highrolla20051219184740funnyfi.jpg (http://imageshack.us)

04-01-2006, 05:46 PM
going around by email lately...


After Sydney not wanting to offend other cultures by putting up Xmas
> lights.
> After hearing that the State of South Australia changed its opinion and
> let
> a Muslim woman have her picture on her driver's license with her face
> covered.
> This prompted this editorial written by an Australian citizen. Published
> in
> an Australian newspaper.
> Quote:
> of
> this nation worrying about whether we are offending some individual or
> their
> culture. Since the terrorist attacks on Bali, we have experienced a surge
> in
> patriotism by the majority of Australians.
> However, the dust from the attacks had barely settled when the
> "politically
> correct" crowd began complaining about the possibility that our patriotism
> was offending others.
> I am not against immigration, nor do I hold a grudge against anyone who is
> seeking a better life by coming to Australia.
> However, there are a few things that those who have recently come to our
> country, and apparently some born here, need to understand.
> This idea of Australia being a multicultural community has served only to
> dilute our sovereignty and our national identity. As Australians, we have
> our own culture, our own society, our own language and our own lifestyle.
> This culture has been developed over two centuries of struggles, trials
> and
> victories by millions of men and women who have sought freedom.
> We speak ENGLISH, not Spanish, Lebanese, Arabic, Chinese, Japanese,
> Russian,
> or any other language. Therefore, if you wish to become part of our
> society, learn the language!
> "In God We Trust" is our National Motto. This is not some Christian, right
> wing, political slogan. We adopted this motto because Christian men and
> women, on Christian principles, founded this nation, and this is clearly
> documented. It is certainly appropriate to display it on the walls of our
> schools. If God offends you, then I suggest you consider another part of
> the
> world as your new home, because God is part of our culture.
> If the Southern Cross offends you, or you don't like "A Fair Go", then you
> should seriously consider a move to another part of this planet.
> We are happy with our culture and have no desire to change, and we really
> don't care how you did things where you came from.
> This is OUR COUNTRY, OUR LAND, and OUR LIFESTYLE, and we will allow you
> every opportunity to enjoy all this.
> But once you are done complaining, whining, and griping about Our Flag,
> Our
> Pledge, Our National Motto, or Our Way of Life, I highly encourage you
> take
> advantage of one other great Australian freedom,
> If you aren't happy here then f#@* off! We didn't force you to
> come here. You asked to be here. So accept the country YOU accepted.
> Pretty easy really, when you think about it.
> I figure if we all keep passing this to our friends (and enemies) it will
> also, sooner or later get back to the complainers, lets all try, please.

05-01-2006, 10:38 AM
http://img464.imageshack.us/img464/5873/hero9nd2sp.jpg (http://imageshack.us)

05-01-2006, 10:47 AM

05-01-2006, 11:12 AM

You girls cant resist the hoff eh? :p