View Full Version : Blood donations

24-08-2018, 07:46 PM
Hello everyone,

Whilst this post isn’t the usual thing I’m hoping that you can help and will share it where appropriate.

The Red Cross is currently critically low in blood supplies for Group O Rh- in Western Australia.

This is of a particular concern to me as a person who's a long term member of the forum and a friend otherwise has someone very close to them has acute leukaemia and desperately needs this blood group for their survival.

I hope that you all take this as an opportunity to give blood, and if you know someone who is Group O RH get them to help those most in need. The sick, the injured and those that may be dying.

Thank you in advance for your help.

24-08-2018, 07:48 PM

24-08-2018, 08:34 PM

Shame they won’t take folks that lived in the UK when mad cow was a thing even though there hasn’t been a case in decades and they can test for it.


25-08-2018, 07:00 AM
True and it does seem a little silly.

12-09-2018, 07:48 PM
They recently lowered the limit for tattooing etc too btw. It used to be six months, now it's four, if anyone is holding off because of that. The link above outlines the rest.

Personally I am O- and was planning to donate when I'm in town for Xmas, but the tattoo time limit plus the limits on travels and fucking people who've lived in other countries means I'll likely not be eligible.

13-09-2018, 01:41 PM
Personally I am O- and was planning to donate when I'm in town for Xmas, but the tattoo time limit plus the limits on travels and fucking people who've lived in other countries means I'll likely not be eligible.

Likewise. I'm O- too and donate, not just for the rest of society, but also for my own well being should I find myself in hospital at some point.

Was in South America in May and still waiting for the four months to pass before I can donate again.