View Full Version : Maintenance technician De-watering

04-04-2018, 09:56 AM
I'm currently advertising for a fitter with experience in engine driven transfer, sump pumps and generators for a FIFO 2/1 roster.
We run a varied fleet of Pumps, Hydro Titan, Godwin, Sykes, Aquaplus, all running mechanical seal arrangements. Engines are CAT, Cummins, Perkins
If you have considerable knowledge of pumps then please apply through the Seek advert


Greg Rust
04-04-2018, 06:13 PM
Do you guys have many issues with your mechanical seals? We’ve done a bunch of dual seal with buffer/barrier fluid tank upgrades.

05-04-2018, 09:11 AM
Used to rebuild flygt dewatering pumps etc, the closest we had to mechanical seal failure were the pumps used in Caustic for Alcoa.
Id be keen except the last time I rebuilt a pump was over 10 years ago!

06-04-2018, 10:07 AM
Do you guys have many issues with your mechanical seals? We’ve done a bunch of dual seal with buffer/barrier fluid tank upgrades.

Yeah mate we do, we've started to retrofit the grease type ones with a barrier fluid and tank set up and started to look at the rebuild able cartridge type seals

Greg Rust
06-04-2018, 11:34 AM
Send me a PM with your email and I can flick you some info that you may find useful.

26-06-2018, 12:09 PM
Position filled