View Full Version : Qu on disability payout

17-01-2018, 11:15 AM
Mate of mine who isnt pc savvy had a car accident 2yrs ago and has just been assessed as having 25% perm disability under item 76 by insurance co.
They offered him a payout in line with the Work Cover schedule.
Is it worth him seeking legal advice.on this to try to get more, or just accept the first offer?
Any recommendations for Lawyer if needed?

17-01-2018, 12:35 PM
What kind of answer do you want? The Workers Compensation insurance scheme in Australia is a joke and is designed so it can easily be manipulated and exploited.

If he wants to exploit the situation, get a lawyer and I'm sure they will get him more (even after their exorbitant fees). If he thinks it's fair and reasonable then settle, considering it's 25% perm disability it's probably fairly serious and he may just want to move on.

I assume he actually had the injury at work?

17-01-2018, 12:44 PM
I received a payout for workers comp a couple of years ago, first offer was supposedly inline with the disability table but it was nowhere near what costs I would incur in future years and my disability level was only around 10%

I outlined my costs to the insurance company and the offer was pretty muched doubled without me even speaking to a lawyer, tell him to get legal advise especially with that level of permanent disability

17-01-2018, 07:03 PM
Yep, he injured it in car accident, and spent weeks in hospital - in constant pain now
Doc limited him to 10kg lifting restriction for life
He cant go out in a boat, ride dirt bike etc ever again
Offered him 40k for a 25% total body disability
Seemed low to me

17-01-2018, 08:15 PM
Yep, he injured it in car accident, and spent weeks in hospital - in constant pain now
Doc limited him to 10kg lifting restriction for life
He cant go out in a boat, ride dirt bike etc ever again
Offered him 40k for a 25% total body disability
Seemed low to me

Yep definitely low!!

I got 18k for a busted knee, knee still gives me grief and don’t have a full range of movement but it doesn’t totally limit my life like what has happened to your mate

Seek legal advise would be my next move of was him

18-01-2018, 09:02 AM
This has been recently talked about on PSB
Not sure if you need to be a member to see it
General consensus is lawyer up as ICWA will try to minimise their loss

18-01-2018, 09:12 AM
John Cooke.
Has handled many of my friends injury cases, small, large and complex ones.
He is a super nice guy, and very experienced.
No fucking way would I be considering that a reasonable settlement.

18-01-2018, 09:40 AM
One of my neighbours was involved in a motorcycle accident a few years ago
Basically wrote off one of his legs below the knee. Kept it but was fairly stuffed.
Was in traction for months, many operations, still can't walk properly. Will never regain full use.
He was FIFO on reasonable coin and hasn't been able to work since
He got 400k

18-01-2018, 09:49 AM
You don't need to go all ambulance chaser lawyer, but definitely get some advice before committing to any offer.

18-01-2018, 10:09 AM
What kind of answer do you want? The Workers Compensation insurance scheme in Australia is a joke and is designed so it can easily be manipulated and exploited.

If he wants to exploit the situation, get a lawyer and I'm sure they will get him more (even after their exorbitant fees). If he thinks it's fair and reasonable then settle, considering it's 25% perm disability it's probably fairly serious and he may just want to move on.

I assume he actually had the injury at work?

I Agree with SimonR32, the whole scheme in Australia is a complete joke and everyone will find a way out of the system or not to pay for what they have too. i am still currently trying to seek compensation for a work place incident dating back almost 3 years.
it was gone back and forth multiply times and been to court to many times. my advice is to lawyer up and never accept there first offer. they will try and get out of there responsibilities

18-01-2018, 09:31 PM
Cheers - I will pass this on.
I think its worth him heading to Perth to chat to a good Lawyer for advice