View Full Version : Why speeding isn't dangerous

04-01-2018, 12:08 AM
I'm sick of the government and its focus on lower speed limits being the only thing that will save lives.

So, I wrote this - http://www.suvauthority.com/2181/why-speeding-isnt-dangerous/

04-01-2018, 07:43 AM
If only other mainstream media thought like you do 👍🏻👍🏻

04-01-2018, 07:47 AM
Look at how good those AU's look

04-01-2018, 10:26 AM
It is however, very easy to police and earn millions in revenue from, and keep people ignorant with scare campaigns.

04-01-2018, 11:12 AM
Seen 1 hwy patrol car between bunbury and Eucla before Christmas , pingpingpingpings are not that concerned about road safety or you would see the pingpingpingpings every where :P

04-01-2018, 11:24 AM
It is however, very easy to police and earn millions in revenue from, and keep people ignorant with scare campaigns.

Revenue the dumb pingpingpingpings in charge don't even know how to spend apart from on black spot initiatives, like more cameras lol

It would be nice if there was an open and accountable road trauma fund website which gave relatively up to date revenue and operating costs for each camera unit (ignore handhelds/cops as that becomes complicated) and then where is has been spent with project costs.

04-01-2018, 09:38 PM
Seen 1 hwy patrol car between bunbury and Eucla before Christmas , pingpingpingpings are not that concerned about road safety or you would see the pingpingpingpings every where :P

In WA perth to the SA border not one cop. SA/NSW/Qld seen 2 active radar guns. No need here. Point to point everywhere or just tiny fixed camera everywhere..... no one seems to speed here.

04-01-2018, 11:13 PM
Instead of hyperbole around increased braking performance of modern cars - why not run comprehensive testing?

05-01-2018, 08:30 AM
In WA perth to the SA border not one cop. SA/NSW/Qld seen 2 active radar guns.

Going and coming the only cop we seen was Eucla hwy patrol , NSW , ACT ,SA and Vic we seen bulk marked hwy cars . 5 just coming through blue mointains , wagga wagga had a blitz going with road block rbt and 4 cars around down ..

05-01-2018, 03:08 PM
Drove from Broome to Perth 2 weeks ago. Didn't see a single cop the whole way

09-01-2018, 03:35 PM
good article, I have been banging this same drum with many of the same points as you for years. the biggest point to take home is this one

Don’t drive tired, don’t drink or take drugs before you drive, and don’t drive distracted. Pay attention to the road and to the idiots around you

speed is never the cause of an accident alone, the cause of the accident will still likely arise from inattention, inexperience, stupidity, distraction or just flat out incapability to handle a vehicle in that situation.

so how do we actually solve the issue? become better drivers and change our driver attitudes. better skilled, more attentive, respectful, courteous drivers will have less accidents regardless of their speed.