View Full Version : Sleep Apnea - CPAP machines.
23-04-2017, 05:41 AM
So, I've recently been diagnosed with severe sleep apnea, having between 35 and 40 episodes every hour. Which is fun.
Currently using a loan machine from Charlies to see how I go with it, and so far so good. I wish I had gotten the sleep study done earlier. The loan machine is a ResMed Airsense10 (auto version) with a nasal mask. I'll be swapping to a full face mask this week to see if that is any better as the nose only mask is annoying the shit out of me. Keeping it sealed properly is fucked.
Either way, it's time to start looking for a machine of my own, so I thought I'd put the question out there.
Who's using what machines/masks, where did you source them?
23-04-2017, 07:29 AM
Exactly the same deal for me :-/
Tried CPAP, went through a heap of different masks but they either didn't fit properly or were so uncomfortable I couldn't sleep with them. During that process discovered that buying a machine locally is a huge ripoff, there's a forum where Aussies have posted saying where they bought them from the US for like half the price. The Resmed machines seem to be good.
If that's all a bit vague it's because I gave up on the idea and am now going down another path (mouth splint, surgery)...
Good luck. If you can get CPAP to work it's probably the best way to go!
23-04-2017, 08:02 AM
So far, I am happy with the CPAP results.
Week one I was at home and averaged 6 - 7 hours with the mask on, out of 8 - 9 hours in bed. This is week 2 and I am up at work and averaging 5 hours mask on, out of 6 or 7 hours in bed. I do wake up a lot to re-adjust the mask though, hence I will change masks/headgear around a bit until I find something that fits a bit better.
The sleep doc I saw didn't seem to the the mouthguard/splint would be a good option for me. I have a narrow airway and due to the muscle mass I carry around my neck, when everything is relaxed the extra weight would still close things up. Surgery could be an option, but one I would like to avoid as long as possible.
23-04-2017, 11:22 AM
Avoid the surgery (assuming they are talking uppp) hands down the most painful procedure I've been through and two years later my throat and pallet still get angry eating anything remotely spice.
Helped with the sleep apnoea but given a second go at it I'd delay as long as possible.
24-04-2017, 08:26 AM
I've recently just gone thought this myself last month. Like you my results came back in at 41.9 an hour. I found the first week of the trial it took me a little while to firstly get used to the mask, and then actually catch up on enough sleep to feel good again.
My trial machine was a Phillips Dreamstation, but I opted to buy the ResMed as it seems a bit more compact and easier to travel with. I was also lucky enough to be able to use a single pressure, so I didn't need to buy an automatic one.
A few things I have noticed;
Don't eat large meals close to bed time, I wake up feeling quite nauseous if I have eaten 1-2 hours before sleep. I also feel quite nauseous if I over sleep with the mask on (9+ hours).
After getting used to the mask, I don't really toss and turn anymore, so its quite easy for me to keep the mask on. (Unless I've been drinking)
I have managed to lose a few KGs just by sleeping properly again.
I am not a fan of the heated tube. I've got the temperature turned right down. For me, this made using the mask much easier.
Getting out of bed is much easier now, and I am much more productive at work, enough for the partners here to notice as well.
I bought my machine locally from SleepWA in Yokine, I did look into buying it online but RedMed seem to be a bit like Apple with keeping their prices locally locked down, and I found most of their official distributors wont even ship the machines (even the local ones). The biggest rip off is the mask itself, $200+ for a piece of plastic and some velcro.
You do get a decent rebate from private health, and i the remote monitoring is included in the purchase price, so if I do have any issues, they can pull up the data and have a look at it.
Not sure if you have reviewed any of your results yet, but I dropped from 41.9 to 0.9 after 2 weeks with the machine.
I use a Phillips Respironics, had it for about four years now still going very well and most importantly still quiet. The best thing about this one is it "learns" you breathing patterns so you do not need to go back and get it adjusted every six months or so or if you loose weight etc. Give Perth Cpap a call, they have a few offices around, 1300 744 441. The guy I dealt with years ago is Lincoln Hefferen. 0417 456 nine nine six. ENT specialist said I would have to get rid of my goatee but talking with Linclon he said come in and we will try a few different masks to see what works for you. Still have my goatee!
24-04-2017, 07:25 PM
Avoid the surgery (assuming they are talking uppp) hands down the most painful procedure I've been through and two years later my throat and pallet still get angry eating anything remotely spice.
Helped with the sleep apnoea but given a second go at it I'd delay as long as possible.
If I can avoid the surgery, I most definitely will!
I've recently just gone thought this myself last month. Like you my results came back in at 41.9 an hour. I found the first week of the trial it took me a little while to firstly get used to the mask, and then actually catch up on enough sleep to feel good again.
My trial machine was a Phillips Dreamstation, but I opted to buy the ResMed as it seems a bit more compact and easier to travel with. I was also lucky enough to be able to use a single pressure, so I didn't need to buy an automatic one.
A few things I have noticed;
Don't eat large meals close to bed time, I wake up feeling quite nauseous if I have eaten 1-2 hours before sleep. I also feel quite nauseous if I over sleep with the mask on (9+ hours).
After getting used to the mask, I don't really toss and turn anymore, so its quite easy for me to keep the mask on. (Unless I've been drinking)
I have managed to lose a few KGs just by sleeping properly again.
I am not a fan of the heated tube. I've got the temperature turned right down. For me, this made using the mask much easier.
Getting out of bed is much easier now, and I am much more productive at work, enough for the partners here to notice as well.
I bought my machine locally from SleepWA in Yokine, I did look into buying it online but RedMed seem to be a bit like Apple with keeping their prices locally locked down, and I found most of their official distributors wont even ship the machines (even the local ones). The biggest rip off is the mask itself, $200+ for a piece of plastic and some velcro.
You do get a decent rebate from private health, and i the remote monitoring is included in the purchase price, so if I do have any issues, they can pull up the data and have a look at it.
Not sure if you have reviewed any of your results yet, but I dropped from 41.9 to 0.9 after 2 weeks with the machine.
I'm going back in Wednesday to have my first review. But when I go through the machine results they are similar to yours. All under 2, with the majority being under 1. For me size is a concern. Being FIFO I'll be packing it up and taking it with me, so the smaller the better. I'll be hunting the various CPAP shops and doing a bit of research.
I've heard a few stories similar to yours about weight loss, and a few of the powerlifters I know that are on them, reported that their recovery had improved massively, which in turn bumped their lifts, which will be a massive bonus. And because the body is resting, there's less niggling little injuries too. Massive bonus!
I use a Phillips Respironics, had it for about four years now still going very well and most importantly still quiet. The best thing about this one is it "learns" you breathing patterns so you do not need to go back and get it adjusted every six months or so or if you loose weight etc. Give Perth Cpap a call, they have a few offices around, 1300 744 441. The guy I dealt with years ago is Lincoln Hefferen. 0417 456 nine nine six. ENT specialist said I would have to get rid of my goatee but talking with Linclon he said come in and we will try a few different masks to see what works for you. Still have my goatee!
I'm actually very keen to see what my breathing patters are like. The ResMed gives me very basic results, but if I can save a bit of money and get a fixed pressure machine, then I will. But if I do need to go for an auto, so be it.
Will give them a call during the week.
25-04-2017, 09:20 AM
Theres free software you can get called Sleepyhead which takes the log files most CPAP machines save and gives you access to all the stats. Useful if you want to keep a more detailed track of how you are going
25-04-2017, 09:43 AM
Will check it out.
25-04-2017, 12:18 PM
Tried it. Hated it...... Wife is my human machine when I stop........ Or she just likes hitting me
03-05-2017, 09:54 AM
Now on week 3 and everything's going well. I went in for a follow up appointment with the sleep clinic and they were impressed with how quickly I have taken to the mask.
They have now set the machine to manual so the pressure is constant and I am trying out the Nasal pillow. It's so much easier to sleep in, but it is a little louder than the nasal mask. I felt like I was struggling to breathe out at first, so I dropped the pressure from 11.4 to 10.4. Next morning I checked and I averaged 3.5 episodes per hour. I have been slowly adjusting the pressure back up to where it was, as I adjusted to the nasal pillow and I am back down to averaging 1.
At this point, I daresay I will stick with the Airsense 10 when I buy. I tried a few other machines in the shop the other day, and they were all noticeably louder, which would bug the shit out of me in my sleep. Will also be sticking to the nasal pillow.
03-05-2017, 10:17 AM
Is the Airsense setup to gradually increase pressure as you fall asleep? Mine's set at 10 which is pretty uncomfortable at first, but takes 10-15 mins to get there which isn't noticable. I'm down to 0.7 episodes an hour. Life Changing.
03-05-2017, 10:28 AM
so you guys are able to sleep on your backs without choking or snoring and waking up?
i've been lurking this as i believe to have sleep apnea also but haven't spoken to my GP as yet.
i've also noticed if i take my diazepam with in 2-4 hours of bedtime i actually relax so much which is great for sleep but i end up waking up in a huge panic choking on vomit gasping for air.
(which i assume is a combination of being so relaxed that my airways close enough that my brain thinks im dying) not fun, ive stopped taking the meds in that time frame and haven't had an issue like that since which is ok i guess.
just one of those things, i dont wanna drag myself to the GP blah blah blah, but id love to wake up feeling rested again like i did when i was a teen.
03-05-2017, 10:39 AM
so you guys are able to sleep on your backs without choking or snoring and waking up?
03-05-2017, 10:53 AM
Is the Airsense setup to gradually increase pressure as you fall asleep? Mine's set at 10 which is pretty uncomfortable at first, but takes 10-15 mins to get there which isn't noticable. I'm down to 0.7 episodes an hour. Life Changing.
It's just set at constant pressure at this stage. Will be having a fiddle with settings again over the next week.
03-05-2017, 10:54 AM
so you guys are able to sleep on your backs without choking or snoring and waking up?
i've been lurking this as i believe to have sleep apnea also but haven't spoken to my GP as yet.
i've also noticed if i take my diazepam with in 2-4 hours of bedtime i actually relax so much which is great for sleep but i end up waking up in a huge panic choking on vomit gasping for air.
(which i assume is a combination of being so relaxed that my airways close enough that my brain thinks im dying) not fun, ive stopped taking the meds in that time frame and haven't had an issue like that since which is ok i guess.
just one of those things, i dont wanna drag myself to the GP blah blah blah, but id love to wake up feeling rested again like i did when i was a teen.
Get tested. I put it off for a couple of years. Looking back I shouldn't of.
03-05-2017, 10:56 AM
thanks guys! :)
ill be keeping an eye on this thread.
I've just started going through this now. Did sleep study test Thursday night, horrible night sleep with everything hanging off me. Just couldn't get really comfortable, but they got enough data though. Upto 100 episodes an hour, so they were pretty keen to get me booked in for me to start my trail period this week.
09-05-2017, 05:42 PM
I was a bad sufferer of this
Had sleep study, and yep, had it.
I tried a cpap, and developed cronic phobia of suffocating etc , and got full blown claustrophobia that fucked me at work as well.
Went off cpap, lost 20kg, and have been pretty good ever since.
Found out I needed to go on reflux tabs, and never wake choking on food now either
Have the odd episode here and there, but I will live with that for now
09-05-2017, 07:51 PM
Well, week 4 is done. Last two weeks were spent on manual mode, and I changed between the nasal pillow and the full face mask.
Sleep hasn't been as restful, yet the results on the machine have still been decent for the time I have actually had the mask on.. Which is about half that of the first two weeks.
Have my final appointment at the sleep joint at Charlie's tomorrow, so will see what they say, but I think half the issue was the constant pressure. I'd wake up feeling like I was fighting the machine to breathe. The nasal pillow never felt like it sat right, so I'd end up pulling it off in my sleep. The full face was better, but I had the humidifier up too high the first couple of nights and the mask filled up with condensation.
Either way, I'd say I'll be sticking with the Airsense 10, but I will be buying a couple of masks and swap as I need to.
16-05-2017, 08:50 PM
Just got diagnosed with sleep apnea today. Only moderate - 28 episodes an hour. I'm carrying some extra weight on my stomach and chest after being skinny all of my life (currently 83kg @ 5'8). I fall asleep and wake up on my side, but when I'm asleep I roll on my back and that's when the breathing games begin. Keen to avoid using the cpap machine as there is a chance it could exacerbate the vertigo I already get regularly. Have been put on the waiting list for a "Night Shift" device (night time dog collar) so will give that a go when it becomes available.
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