View Full Version : Antilag bespoke furniture aficionados v1 (Electrical Query)

20-02-2017, 07:35 PM
So after months of not being able to find a bed head lamp/bedside table lamp to my liking I am going to go to the effort of making my own.

Anyone here made a lamp before and have they made it a touch lamp? I have found these on eBay, but not sure about running them.

http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/AC-100-240V-3-Way-Touch-Light-Switch-Sensor-Control-Repair-For-Desk-Lamp-Dimmer-/400977995509?hash=item5d5c26a6f5:g:elQAAOSwd0BVzo~ s

I am wondering if there is a way to purchase something like this through a reputable source that meets Australian Standards, seeing it involves power and me touching it lol.

Any pointers would be great. At the moment looking to have 3/4" copper tubing from around the rear of the bedhead to a shade/spot/wank globe.
Copper tubing on both sides being the switch surface for both lamps.

20-02-2017, 10:33 PM
I love lamp

21-02-2017, 11:16 AM
Main thing is to make sure everything is earthed and bonded correctly. Double check circuit is on RCD first beforehand also.
Because if that cheap eBay unit shits itself, there's the potential for 240V to the copper tubing. Turns out copper conducts electricity well too.
Slide into my DM's if you get stuck and I can sketch up a quick wiring diagram or whatever.