View Full Version : JZA80 boost control with eboost street 40

04-10-2016, 05:41 PM
Having an issue (or maybe its not an issue) with my boost control on my stock twins (jza80). System is a turbosmart eboost street 40psi.

If I pedal to the metal there is no issue. However if I progressively accelerate (however still pretty aggressive), as soon as I get to GP (gate pressure value), the boost drops off mega like 5-10psi drop (boost set point is to around 15psi at the moment),if I keep accelerating it will stay at like 3,000rpm and struggle to make any boost and wont build more RPM (this rpm is no were near when the second turbo opens up).

its definitely when it hits gate pressure, as I've tried setting gate pressure to a lower value, and it does it at that lower value. Like i said its only if i progressively accelerate. Is this just because there isn't enough puff through the turbine or is the gate opening up too much.

let me know if its not clear... also the issue definitely is not fuel cut as I'm not at that value yet.

04-10-2016, 08:11 PM
What's the overboost shut and sensitivity set to?

04-10-2016, 09:28 PM
20psi.. Sensitivity is 0, but on another boost group i set to 20 and,doesn't,make,a,difference

05-10-2016, 06:04 AM
Sensitivity should be around 20 to 22 in most cases. Having it set to zero means it's not adding any gain to the solenoid duty cycle.

It's sounds like on the slower pull once the GP is reached the gate is starting to open and because the sensitivity is so low it's not adding to the WG DC to bring the boost back up.

Are all the other setting in the other boostgroup the same? What does the car do if you switch off the EBS so the car runs off gate pressure?

09-10-2016, 02:29 PM
Sensitivity was 20 on other group still same. Ill try turning it off, but ill get an analogue boost gauge first, as its hard to see exactly,what's going on with the electronic,read out. Thanks for that info

10-10-2016, 08:36 PM
Ok some update. Turned sensitivity to 22. Behaves a bit better. I turned it up to 17.9psi! No boost cut? I held maybe for few seconds, bit surprised i got that high, i thought boost cut,was at 16+ i had a look at the ecu and couldn't see a fcd installed. Only noted that a pink wire had some tape around it. It it possible an fcd has been installed? How long,you need to be over 16psi to cut fuel? I toned it back to around 17.5psi as Ive been led,to believe 18 is limit for,reliability.