View Full Version : 24hr of Lemons - Collie 2016
13-11-2015, 01:42 PM
Collie Motorplex - 19/08/2016 - 21/08/2016
Entry $1.00 dollar per car “a buskers dream” $880.00 per driver, $75.00 for non driver.
(Each team must have 5-6 drivers.)
This fee covers registration, facility/track hire for 3 days, radio receiver , AAA Pit pass, rescue and retrieval of your sorry asses, commemorative crap and the sheer honour of being in LeMons and raising money for a damn good cause… Prostate Cancer cure!!.
Non driving crew members get all the same bennies except track time.
Not driving or crewing for a team?
General admission for all non racers is $30.00 good for the whole event.
Any one entering the venue under the age of 16 years will be admitted to the stands and general admission areas only free of charge. The Pit and Paddock areas are restricted to over 18.
Buy your ticket at the gate on the day.
Anyone keen to make a team for this?
Only downside I see is that the car would need to have a full 6 point cage, so unless someone from the team is a good fabricator we would need to either find a car with one already in it or pay someone to build it.
I figure something like a v6 commonwhore would be cheap and reliable.
Thoughts, Suggestions?
13-11-2015, 01:50 PM
could be keen to drive and chip in for some costs and lend a hand with prep, think its an awesome event
Need to invest in some proper racing apparel though haha
Rollcage is a tricky one to do on budget, depends on the car but there are cheapish bolt in CAMS approved cages around for some cars
Im abit confused by the whole thing.
2.1: Vehicle Eligibility:pingEntry limited to mass-produced, four-wheeled vehicles legal for Australian highway use at the time of their manufacture. Vehicles must be acquired and prepared for a maximum of $999.00 as described. Vehicles must meet all safety standards.
So the 999buks would have to include adding a rollcage etc if required? And how are they policing all this?
13-11-2015, 02:04 PM
Im abit confused by the whole thing.
2.1: Vehicle Eligibility:pingEntry limited to mass-produced, four-wheeled vehicles legal for Australian highway use at the time of their manufacture. Vehicles must be acquired and prepared for a maximum of $999.00 as described. Vehicles must meet all safety standards.
So the 999buks would have to include adding a rollcage etc if required? And how are they policing all this?
anything safety is exempt from the $999 purchase price
So go to town on brakes (this is a big one, especially for a 24hr race!), cage, seats, etc if req
13-11-2015, 02:12 PM
Must also hold a current race license not just a sprint/speedevent license
13-11-2015, 02:15 PM
A lot of money to throw around when I can go through autocross
13-11-2015, 02:20 PM
Must also hold a current race license not just a sprint/speedevent license
just a aasa club licence by the looks, so $50
Thanks lonewolf, it makes way more sense now
13-11-2015, 02:24 PM
could buy this car for $999
then pay him an extra 4 grand for the roll cage...
13-11-2015, 03:49 PM
Shame there are no lights at collie , be great to run through the night there instead of 2 x 12hr days ...
13-11-2015, 03:55 PM
Looks fun but jeez, ~$5000+ entry per team is pretty steep to race a shitter that will probably blow a head gasket after 10 laps.
13-11-2015, 04:07 PM
I will be up for this, already have a car in mind....
13-11-2015, 04:18 PM
Looks fun but jeez, ~$5000+ entry per team is pretty steep to race a shitter that will probably blow a head gasket after 10 laps.
My thoughts exactly, the idea is awesome and looks like great fun after watching the Roadkill episode.
5 x $880 = $4400
Car say $800 its a shitter race but you want something that will last
Whats a cage worth $2k?
other safety gear and maintenance on vehicle $1500
So you're at roughly $8,700 give or take to go race a shitter for 2 days?
13-11-2015, 04:40 PM
Shame there are no lights at collie , be great to run through the night there instead of 2 x 12hr days ...
I didn't realise it was for 2 x 12hr days. that sucks. night time driving would be cool as fuck. people all hopped up on redbull's, do some hot laps for some flamage and glowing brakes.
Reality is people doing this are doing it for the fun, not as a competitive outlet.
Be a cool memory.
No matter what, people will invest time into something semi reliable.
13-11-2015, 06:31 PM
Cage, seats, brakes etc are all classed as safety items and do not count towards the $999 price cap.
13-11-2015, 07:06 PM
Got a mate that is a fabricator and he'll do a cage, supply steel at cost etc.
So I'm thinking a KE 30 2 door corolla. :)
Fuck winning, it's a charity. Let the fun times begin.
13-11-2015, 07:30 PM
About 3k per driver all up? I'm keen and prostate cancer is a hell of a good cause
Then take the car to autocross
13-11-2015, 09:09 PM
I dont have the time or inclination to build a car but happy to chip in and 'buy' a drive if someone wants to put something together.
Can provide transport to and from collie, generators etc.
SO fucking beyond keen to enter.
can drive.
13-11-2015, 10:30 PM
We are entering in this
Since we have a race car for spares like cage and stuff.
It will cut our budget down a little.
Finding a civic hatch for under $999 that would last 24 Hour would be another story.
But it's all in the pipe line ;)
Team of 5 and hopping to get the entrance form accepted
Brakes, tires, fluids, safety cages and other cut off switch etc are on top of the capped budget of $999
Any thing above that there is penalty for 1 lap per $100
and also Bullshit Factor (BsF)
If they find that you bullshit your way in it will get penalized by points and each point is 1 lap.
it's do able and sounds like fun!
Check their fb photos lol!
It's not all bout competitions but also mates gets together and having balls fun as long it runs for 24 Hour hahahha
Would like to see more joining in from antilag.
14-11-2015, 10:33 AM
I saw this yesterday on FB, so keen to put a team together
14-11-2015, 03:32 PM
I didn't realise it was for 2 x 12hr days. that sucks. night time driving would be cool as fuck. people all hopped up on redbull's, do some hot laps for some flamage and glowing brakes.
Collie doesn't have light towers , wakefield stopped for that same reason
Reality is people doing this are doing it for the fun, not as a competitive outlet.
Be a cool memory.
No matter what, people will invest time into something semi reliable.
My mate Jack ran a 31 ( car 66 ) at the wakefield and it had issues ...the punishment for off track excursions ranged from having to do a kids jigsaw puzzle to having to hoola hoop before going back out and one team all had to hold hands and walk pit lane .:P
14-11-2015, 03:42 PM
...the punishment for off track excursions ranged from having to do a kids jigsaw puzzle to having to hoola hoop before going back out and one team all had to hold hands and walk pit lane
Actually laughed out loud. This sort of thing should be introduced to F1. I'd fucking love the tantrums the drivers would have!
14-11-2015, 09:28 PM
I'm keen. Have arranged team and have a plan for a car we already have. Since we have 6 drivers with another keen i imagine a few more antilag teams will be popping out of the woodwork. I've estimated less than 2k a driver to cover costs should be enough. By the time you factor a cage seats and the safety stuff it ads up but not a whole lot spread between a few ppl.
14-11-2015, 10:24 PM
This is the best excuse ever to claim the $880 back on tax. Imagine how cool it would be if all racing was a fundraiser for charity.
15-11-2015, 07:30 AM
Has anyone done any fuel calculations yet? Even a 4 banger will chew some juice when pinned for 24hrs.
15-11-2015, 08:35 AM
Then take the car to autocross
This!! Currently looking for a shitter that would be OK for autocross and meet the requirements of this event. The Missus got wind of this event via other channels and suggested we enter. She is a keeper :)
18-11-2015, 01:46 PM
19-11-2015, 11:38 AM
Has anyone done any fuel calculations yet? Even a 4 banger will chew some juice when pinned for 24hrs.
We are estimating 1 tank of 45L for 200km full blats
normally 45L would go at 450kms or so we are halving that.
taking into account collie track is about 1 minutes
60 laps in an hour - 1440 Laps in 24 hour
so roughly we get about almost 2 hour to finish for full tank.
thats - 12 full tank of 45L = 540L for 24 hours.
Collie track is about 1.8KM long,
to be save we can have every 1 hour fill up to get the flow (fill up &exchange driver)
but we can stretch to 2 hours but take a longer time to fill up..
$700 bucks worth of fuel for the weekend.
this is our rough calc based on our car.
Problem is how are we going to bring 600L of fuel or so to Collie when every body is doing the samething to drain the local fuel station.
19-11-2015, 11:57 AM
how are we going to bring 600L of fuel or so to Collie
Anyone mates/know a fuel company employee to hook everyone up with fuel at discounted rates or even retail price? if 10 teams did it following your calc you're looking at 5400L+ for thirstier cars. lets say we're all cheap pingpingpingpings and fuel is $1.40PL that makes over $7.5k in fuel alone for like 95ron spec piss! decent bump to the place that can help us?
19-11-2015, 12:04 PM
hire a mini tanker!
19-11-2015, 12:09 PM
Man...95oct you guys must be loaded. We are just going to carry three 205L drums on a trailer. I think you need a placard and spill kit to go along with it.
19-11-2015, 12:17 PM
Our plan at this stage is to bring enough fuel for day 1 and then that night go get more in town. Everyone forgets you have to be doing something pretty amazing to be going flat out for 24 hrs with heaps of shit. And from what I've been reading it takes a few races to learn what your car needs done to it to be running at the end of day 2.
Also they say to expect a lot of yellow flags
19-11-2015, 12:58 PM
Keen to enter if anyone needs a spot filled
Greg Rust
19-11-2015, 01:55 PM
This!! Currently looking for a shitter that would be OK for autocross and meet the requirements of this event. The Missus got wind of this event via other channels and suggested we enter. She is a keeper :)
I'm happy to be your wingman!!
19-11-2015, 03:07 PM
you may also find that its better to not drive the car super hard, short shifting and being gentle with the throttle would help with both fuel economy and preservation of the car
19-11-2015, 03:26 PM
i think they penalize you if you're racing too seriously as well.
Greg Rust
19-11-2015, 03:42 PM
you may also find that its better to not drive the car super hard, short shifting and being gentle with the throttle would help with both fuel economy and preservation of the car
This is good info; if anyone is thinking of teaming up with Jamie Whincup.
19-11-2015, 03:46 PM
Do this or another JPN trip to Matsuri and buy a drift missile. :/
19-11-2015, 04:13 PM
you may also find that its better to not drive the car super hard, short shifting and being gentle with the throttle would help with both fuel economy and preservation of the car
We have a mix bag of drivers in our team.
a couple experience guys and newbs.
experience guys can go all out set out the pace but I doubt these guys can have 110 concentrations driving for 1 hour before they start binning the car.
while newbs can just drive and have fun while keeping the car in 1 piece for the next guy to jump in., technically they are less harsh on the car :p
19-11-2015, 04:37 PM
We are estimating 1 tank of 45L for 200km full blats
normally 45L would go at 450kms or so we are halving that.
Just asked my mate what consumption they did with the 31 and 75ltrs every hour , not sure how wakefield compares to collie in distance . Also averaged 2 sets of pads a day :P
19-11-2015, 04:40 PM
Also averaged 2 sets of pads a day :P
southwest brakes sponsor the event with free race pads? :P
19-11-2015, 05:14 PM
We have a mix bag of drivers in our team.
a couple experience guys and newbs.
experience guys can go all out set out the pace but I doubt these guys can have 110 concentrations driving for 1 hour before they start binning the car.
while newbs can just drive and have fun while keeping the car in 1 piece for the next guy to jump in., technically they are less harsh on the car :p
watch some of the in-car videos from events in the US.
Alot of the teams take it easy and don't go flat out, lift and coast into turns. remember you don't have to worry about just fuel but also brakes and tyres ;)
19-11-2015, 08:26 PM
Alot of the teams take it easy and don't go flat out
Because it is all about the fun .
20-11-2015, 06:28 AM
JPN trip to Matsuri and buy a drift missile. :/
20-11-2015, 09:25 AM
well I have a vu ss ute that I got for free from my uncle. so $0 spent there. she looks a little worse for wear but mechanically it's spot on.
even has lpg gas injection, add a set of brembo brakes to it and she is track ready. just needs a cage.. any takers?
20-11-2015, 09:27 AM
Sounds like it could be good fun but realistically its a decent amount to spend on driving a boring car in a boring manner around a track for up to 24 hours.
20-11-2015, 10:18 AM
well I have a vu ss ute that I got for free from my uncle. so $0 spent there. she looks a little worse for wear but mechanically it's spot on.
even has lpg gas injection, add a set of brembo brakes to it and she is track ready. just needs a cage.. any takers?
Hmmm mind is ticking over - Got me a mates rate price??
20-11-2015, 11:48 AM
Having people donate cars and parts doesn't count. They will look at how much it would have cost if it was advertised in gumtree or something.
20-11-2015, 01:07 PM
Having people donate cars and parts doesn't count. They will look at how much it would have cost if it was advertised in gumtree or something.
yeah well, there the ones taking the piss expecting someone to put a fucking 6 point roll cage in. Average cost is usually 3500-5k
I don't understand the reason for such safety measures if people are competing with "shit heaps". Don't need to have a cage for most other racing that takes place in collie. (antilag days for instance)
20-11-2015, 01:22 PM
Pity they wouldnt let my Super Sedan drag car run there - its got a 6 point roll cage that is Andra approved
Its only running a std 5.7 litre now though
20-11-2015, 01:50 PM
The cage brakes tyres seat and harness doesnt come into the 999 expenditure. Doesnt mean you cant do it but the amount the car is worth will give you penalty laps. Since its not really about winning or losing doesnt really matter. We are trying very hard to stick to the spending rules. Its all for charity anyway!
I think its because its door to door racing and that makes it more dangerous than your average tuning day.
Bart, what pads do you recommend for this event? At least one pad change also?
20-11-2015, 04:03 PM
The cage brakes tyres seat and harness doesnt come into the 999 expenditure. Doesnt mean you cant do it but the amount the car is worth will give you penalty laps. Since its not really about winning or losing doesnt really matter. We are trying very hard to stick to the spending rules. Its all for charity anyway!
I think its because its door to door racing and that makes it more dangerous than your average tuning day.
Bart, what pads do you recommend for this event? At least one pad change also?
I know the safety side of it is free from the costs. But it would still be a cost that far out weights the cost of the base vehicle is my point.
So if im willing to bin the car that I got for free (regardless of it's worth) I'd be happy to take some lap penalties.
20-11-2015, 04:07 PM
Pity they wouldnt let my Super Sedan drag car run there - its got a 6 point roll cage that is Andra approved
Its only running a std 5.7 litre now though
see yours would be a perfect candidate for this. just change the 90-10's in the front end, put a bigger tank in it and a set of brakes and you could be good. if only it wasn't for the andra spec 6 point.
Greg Rust
20-11-2015, 07:15 PM
Told my missus about this event and received extremely favourable response. Bonanza
21-11-2015, 09:47 AM
I don't understand the reason for such safety measures if people are competing with "shit heaps". Don't need to have a cage for most other racing that takes place in collie. (antilag days for instance)
Wakefield had 30 cars out at once unlike ALM day where it is 5-6 spread out and are not timed .
Mike Hunt
21-11-2015, 10:55 AM
We are looking at doing this event in Hampton Downs NZ.. On the hunt for a shitter now with help of some of the kiwi guys we have raced against in the past - possibly one of the E30's that race in a category over there.
Realistically it will be the only time I get to race at that track..
23-11-2015, 06:52 PM
Would really like to do this but I think I'm just too cheap to spend $1500+ on it. I have no problem spending money on a car but the entry fees seem a bit steep. Shame its not priced similar to the US where entry fees for a team of 5 is $1350 vs the $4401 they want here.
23-11-2015, 07:15 PM
found this place, cages might be a lot cheaper than i thought.
23-11-2015, 08:43 PM
I got an email back from agi rollcages in nsw today.
They do a discount for lemons guys. For a bolt in 6 point cams state level comes in at $1740 delivered to WA. Ive sent one back asking about the double door bars and if they are required. If they are it is $2060 delivered. So cage isnt too bad pricewise. Do yourself a favour and get a car they make a cage for. I've got a quote from a local guy and he was struggling to match their prices for a weld in to the same spec. At this stage they say 5 to 6 weeks lead time.
23-11-2015, 09:04 PM
I got an email back from agi rollcages in nsw today.
They do a discount for lemons guys. For a bolt in 6 point cams state level comes in at $1740 delivered to WA. Ive sent one back asking about the double door bars and if they are required. If they are it is $2060 delivered. So cage isnt too bad pricewise. Do yourself a favour and get a car they make a cage for. I've got a quote from a local guy and he was struggling to match their prices for a weld in to the same spec. At this stage they say 5 to 6 weeks lead time.
Yeah was looking on gumtree, can pick up heaps of cars, even a vx v6 commodore that's still got rego.
24-11-2015, 08:12 AM
Surprising how cheap the cages are.
I was thinking the AE86. Cheap car. Can buy box and motor for spare. Water pump and cam belt prior to event should be a reliable car good on juice. Work on average speed as opposed to big power and down time changing pads.
Everything on the ae86 is easy and cheap to change.
Well my limited knowledge anyway.
24-11-2015, 08:28 AM
AE86. Cheap car.
i like the part where AE86's are cheap.... have you got 10k to spend ae? wanna buy me one too?! i miss mine :( .
buy an Excel! now there is a cheap car!
24-11-2015, 10:53 AM
I got an email back from agi rollcages in nsw today.
They do a discount for lemons guys. For a bolt in 6 point cams state level comes in at $1740 delivered to WA. Ive sent one back asking about the double door bars and if they are required. If they are it is $2060 delivered. So cage isnt too bad pricewise. Do yourself a favour and get a car they make a cage for. I've got a quote from a local guy and he was struggling to match their prices for a weld in to the same spec. At this stage they say 5 to 6 weeks lead time.
Double door bars arent required, but as per the rules, the organisers are happy for you to go full FIA spec if you want and they might even give you some laps for your trouble. :) There are some sketches of the basic design in the rules. Will have to weight up how far to go, as the car might also make a gravel rally shitter.
24-11-2015, 11:25 AM
i like the part where AE86's are cheap.... have you got 10k to spend ae? wanna buy me one too?! i miss mine :( .
buy an Excel! now there is a cheap car!
Haha well I'd have the 10 k but not too sure if I would buy one for you ;)
10k fuck me.... I would of thought cheaper.
The Korean choice would be the go for sure:)
24-11-2015, 11:33 AM
I'd stick to something light and as simple as possible, excel/swift/charade would all be easy to set up, and would transfer across to a shitter dirt rally car really nicely.
24-11-2015, 12:20 PM
the Toyo AE/KE's of old are gone and pricing has gone the way of the pipe.
heaps of cheap Korean tin to be had for a few bucks, there is a silver one that frequents RAC days and makes cars with triple the budget piss.
24-11-2015, 12:29 PM
buy an Excel! now there is a cheap car!
Bingo , sell it after to some one wanting to build a Cup Car if it stays in 1 piece ( sell cage if bent )
24-11-2015, 01:24 PM
Bingo , sell it after to some one wanting to build a Cup Car if it stays in 1 piece ( sell cage if bent )
Ask mys1 how that went for him.
24-11-2015, 01:25 PM
Double door bars arent required, but as per the rules, the organisers are happy for you to go full FIA spec if you want and they might even give you some laps for your trouble. :) There are some sketches of the basic design in the rules. Will have to weight up how far to go, as the car might also make a gravel rally shitter.
The reason ive asked is because in their sketches they clearly show double door bars. It also says double door bars in the documents but in the image it shows a cage with single door bars as being the bare minimum.
24-11-2015, 01:34 PM
Ask mys1 how that went for him.
Why I said IF .. I know the SA boys copped a hit that send them off , minor 1/4 damage ..
24-11-2015, 04:01 PM
The reason ive asked is because in their sketches they clearly show double door bars. It also says double door bars in the documents but in the image it shows a cage with single door bars as being the bare minimum.
I stand corrected :) You are spot on and it is ambiguous. The text definitely calls for double drivers side intrusion bars and their pics are single.
24-11-2015, 09:42 PM
Why I said IF .. I know the SA boys copped a hit that send them off , minor 1/4 damage ..
More the fact that Tyrone said "this is the one" to which JME found a hammer and belt the shit out of every panel (shorted out the battery on the bonnet), then sat in it with it bashing limiter while he kicked and hammered the entire interior. Excel Cup dream over for Tyrone.....
24-11-2015, 10:46 PM
1.8L throttle body and exhaust
cheap cage
Hi guys , for anyone interested i can offer CDS (cams approved material) weld in rollcages (made to cams spec so they can be cams engineered if need be for other events) for $2300 for coupes and smaller cars and $2500 for sedans.
09-01-2016, 10:01 AM
Are people still interested in this event?
Our "Racecar" is almost at the fire up stage should be able to get it to some shakedowns so we have half a chance of finishing the actual race. Brakes are done suspension is done, still need to grab some harness' and window nets but its getting there. Pro tip - if your LeMons car has been sitting somewhere for a while drop the tank and clean it all kinds of crazy sludge came out of ours.
We got an 6 point AGI rollcage cheap so all we need to do is add in door bars and we are set. My race suit cost $550 from Revolution but there are cheaper alternatives around I would suggest searching eBay. Gloves were $120ish, socks were $40 haven't got my shoes or neck brace yet. Its a lot of cash but I will most likely wear it when at the track with my normal car because it's bound to make it go faster :)
09-01-2016, 03:37 PM
Yep still interested, it's committing the dollars that is the hard part.... A couple of groups are trying to get something happening but a lot of people are also on the fence over the costs!
09-01-2016, 04:39 PM
One of our guys went and bought a manual vs commodore. Took it to wanneroo and did 8 laps before it did a big end.
Tried to buy an e30 of scumtree last week but was beaten to it. Car would of been mint.
Hence still on the lookout for a weapon
Looking forward to this event. Interest is high.
Going to be organising some 'Shakedown' time at RACDC. We will test the shit out of this car to iron out any bugs. Anyone else keen for this? Obviously it all depends on the dates and the readiness of your car.
One of our guys went and bought a manual vs commodore. Took it to wanneroo and did 8 laps before it did a big end.
You need to find a manual VN-VR, the 3.8 Buick is unbreakable, the VS Ecotech is average.
14-01-2016, 04:44 PM
Have grabbed a old Suzuki Swift GTi with a stroker motor. :) Not sure if it will be a good thing but it's highly amusing to drive.
15-01-2016, 06:54 AM
The red thing you rallycrossed? Think this will be a very good thing for 24 hr. trans was a little weak on them iirc, but otherwise unburstable I think.
15-01-2016, 09:31 AM
yep good idea, reliable engines and very light so nice on brakes, fuel and tyres
15-01-2016, 01:51 PM
The red thing you rallycrossed? Think this will be a very good thing for 24 hr. trans was a little weak on them iirc, but otherwise unburstable I think.
Were you high? :). It is dark blue :)
But yeah, same car. Not so suited to autocross with its super low shit coilovers but should be ok on relatively smooth Tarmac. Gearbox is shit. 2nd to 3rd shift is very hit and miss. Might try some redline shock proof in it. Has helped shit gearboxes in the past.
Hopefully it's a good thing. Is a platform a few enthusiasts have messed with so there are some ghetto big brake kits (Honda accord??) and other cheap track mods.
15-01-2016, 02:55 PM
Were you high? :). It is dark blue :)
But yeah, same car. Not so suited to autocross with its super low shit coilovers but should be ok on relatively smooth Tarmac. Gearbox is shit. 2nd to 3rd shift is very hit and miss. Might try some redline shock proof in it. Has helped shit gearboxes in the past.
Hopefully it's a good thing. Is a platform a few enthusiasts have messed with so there are some ghetto big brake kits (Honda accord??) and other cheap track mods.
Hard to tell from the outside if the whine is from stuffed or straight cut gears???????
15-01-2016, 03:37 PM
Good point ^ my bro had one with some racing gearbox in it too the 2nd third shift was straight up and down and first had a dogleg to get it in if that makes sense. I'm jealous thats a really good car for the race.
Ghost Who Walks
20-01-2016, 02:12 PM
Interested in getting a car together for this?
20-01-2016, 03:40 PM
AFARCC have track night at barbs on February 10th if anyone needs test laps.
13-03-2016, 09:41 AM
Winton lemons was on yesterday. Initial thoughts were tiny field of 12 cars.
I dont know what won but their fastest lap was 1.55. As a comparison v8's are doing 1.22 and the excel cup cars are doing 1.45's. This isnt about going quick....
13-03-2016, 06:42 PM
^^^ interesting. I have the car put aside but won't be stripping and caging until there is some sense it will actually fly. 12 cars is a bit of a non event.
14-03-2016, 11:43 AM
I dont know what won but their fastest lap was 1.55. As a comparison v8's are doing 1.22 and the excel cup cars are doing 1.45's. This isnt about going quick..
Just a few laps :P " MOST LAPS: Team Expendables Car 16. 416 LAPS. "
14-03-2016, 12:14 PM
I'm guessing the reason they arnt as fast as the excel cup cars is because you cant use a decent tyre.
From what I can see the winner usually drives a totally normal car and wins because it doesnt stop the whole time. Just keeps going round and round. The fast cars on the budget are usually unreliable but thats half the fun imo. But the cost is high to enter and if your car is too unreliable half your drivers might not get to race at all.
14-03-2016, 01:43 PM
Just a few laps :P " MOST LAPS: Team Expendables Car 16. 416 LAPS. "
I saw the team but it didnt say what sort of car it was.
I only saw the results after the first 12 hours and the mercedes wagon was running second.
14-03-2016, 01:52 PM
Team Expendables car, I'm guessing it is or was an excel cup car.
14-03-2016, 04:36 PM
Team Expendables car, I'm guessing it is or was an excel cup car.
What I was looking to build , after event is done you sell on as a good starter car for Excel Cup ..
14-03-2016, 10:42 PM
To add to the list: I'm entered in a team with an Opel Vectra. Hopefully we get more than 12 entrants!
15-03-2016, 03:00 PM
Price cut just announced in an email I received.
Now $585+gst per person and $399+gst per car. Its an improvement. Prior to this it was 800 per person and 500 per car I believe.
15-03-2016, 03:37 PM
Price cut just announced in an email I recieved.
Now $585+gst per person and $399+gst per car. Its an improvement. Prior to this it was 800 per person and 500 per car I believe.
At a guess that means too few entries
15-03-2016, 07:44 PM
^^^ reckon so. Most people I knew that were initially keen, dropped the idea once they added up the total $$
I like the idea of it but 12 cars circulating collie won't be much of a spectacle or have much excitement for competitors.
15-03-2016, 11:17 PM
Collie is pretty small so only 12 cars would still mean close racing.
More would be better tho so if you want more best be dropping your car off to Tom (deke) for a cage asap. $2300 for that there is a kirkey race seat on gumtree for $250 and a 5 pt racing harness is about $150 from Your car is almost lemons speccd for under 4k including purchase price of the car. Get Tom to make mounts for that kirkey while hes making the cage and all it needs is a battery isolator and a bad paint job/ large penis spray painted on the bonnet. Brake pads, fluid, tyres for under another 1k if you want to be a front runner.
Standing on the sidelines saying its too expensive when we all spend thousands upon thousands on our primary cars doesnt make sense to me. Also its not like the car you choose for lemons can only be used for lemons. Autocross or rallysprint are perfect examples where it wouldnt hurt to have a full cage and a racing seat/harness in your car. (If you dont want ppl laughing at it the whole time maybe re think the penis on the bonnet bit)
Entry is still high but I've never raced door to door before so I am looking forward to it. I think of it like Go Karting. This is like those bucks partys where everyone tells you how good they were after the race except its with real cars on a real track.
16-03-2016, 08:35 AM
Collie is pretty small so only 12 cars would still mean close racing.
More would be better tho so if you want more best be dropping your car off to Tom (deke) for a cage asap. $2300 for that there is a kirkey race seat on gumtree for $250 and a 5 pt racing harness is about $150 from Your car is almost lemons speccd for under 4k including purchase price of the car. Get Tom to make mounts for that kirkey while hes making the cage and all it needs is a battery isolator and a bad paint job/ large penis spray painted on the bonnet. Brake pads, fluid, tyres for under another 1k if you want to be a front runner.
Standing on the sidelines saying its too expensive when we all spend thousands upon thousands on our primary cars doesnt make sense to me. Also its not like the car you choose for lemons can only be used for lemons. Autocross or rallysprint are perfect examples where it wouldnt hurt to have a full cage and a racing seat/harness in your car. (If you dont want ppl laughing at it the whole time maybe re think the penis on the bonnet bit)
Entry is still high but I've never raced door to door before so I am looking forward to it. I think of it like Go Karting. This is like those bucks partys where everyone tells you how good they were after the race except its with real cars on a real track.
There are a few things putting me off
-Entry numbers
-Roll cage cost
-The fact it's 2 x 12 hour races
We have the Bluebird that would be perfect to race and I'd love to do a 24 hour race, but it's not 24 hour and it's expensive as hell for a lemon that may not last the first hour
16-03-2016, 08:48 AM
I'm with Simon on this one. It does sound fun, and at another time in my life when I had more time and money then maybe. But I've been a poor student long enough many years ago driving Lemons as dailys/gravel track thrashers to enjoy punting a slow POS pretending to be a racecar for any decent length of time.
Yeah, the Lemon could be recycled into Autocross car afterwards. But as for tarmac rallysprint, nah. Slow car is not the go for that at all.
The potential problem with the LeMons event here in WA could be low entry numbers. I'm hearing about a few potential teams who are waiting to see how big the event's Entry List is before committing their entry.
However, if everyone is waiting for everyone else to enter, then there could very well be a chance that the event doesn't get the numbers necessary to run it.
That would be a BIG shame. Obviously because we have a car that's pretty much ready to go, but also because I think it's going to be epic fun. It's also for a very good cause.
Yes it's expensive. Yes it's a lot of work. However, if you base your car on something already reliable and robust and keep the weight down, you may find that you've created a car that will do more than one event. That's the plan for ours anyway...
My fingers are crossed. :)
16-03-2016, 10:02 AM
Dont think a small light car is super important if the US results history ( are anything to go by - the top three most successful models are all larger cars - Lexus LS400/SC400 Soarer :), Mercedes 190s and Volvo 240s....
16-03-2016, 07:35 PM
I'm worried about low entry numbers too but if I decide its not worth it before the event even happens I'm not giving it much chance.
19-08-2016, 06:41 AM
So it's on this weekend......... Isn't it?? Any updates as to whether is actually happening?
19-08-2016, 07:04 AM
All gone very quiet - I havent even seen anything pop up on facebook
19-08-2016, 07:05 AM
I saw on FB that the organisers flew in yesterday and that there was a VL commodore parked up ready
I know of 2 cars entered plus the one that is on here, Kerry Wade built a E30 to enter but that his highly unlikely after last week
19-08-2016, 07:17 AM
around 14/15 cars is the word
19-08-2016, 07:57 AM
^^^^ Good to know. I didn't chase it that hard but had a perfectly good car ready to go (needed prep mind you) but didn't commit due to the perceived uncertainty of it going ahead. As per heavyduty it all seamed to go pretty quiet. A bit of a "5 cars of 50 cars, it is definitely going ahead" might have spurred a few on. Hopefully it goes off well and sets a foundation for next year.
19-08-2016, 09:08 AM
Lemons organisation needs some work. We got emails about someone trying to scam money from the racers using the website and one prior "race director" getting caught embezzling so that didn't fill us with confidence only a few weeks out. I think they have themselves to blame for low numbers at this stage but if this weekend runs well next year will probably sell out. They changed the rules recently and that pissed me off as we would have been penalised for being organised basically. Plus our requests for the new updated rules went unanswered so that kind of thing could use some work. From what we can gather they want stock cars for the most part.
Doesn't mean you cant race but you will be given penalties, not that anyone cares who wins anyway. One of our guys was speaking to the organiser and he said a typical penalty for bigger brakes/different suspension was a letter written on a typewriter to the organisers saying sorry for cheating! it's all in good fun, but you have to write it during the race while the car sits next to you not being raced. I'm not sure how this will go this weekend as some racers have spent thousands on braking systems alone for their cars. (Old rules brakes were free. New rules say must be stock and can only do service parts)
Average car costs about 4-5k. From what I can gather most teams had the car or it was given to them and all the time and money is in the prep. One team I've spoken to said the car handled terribly once they stripped it and caged it and have been screwing with it to try to get it right for the past month. Prior to that it handled great so I assume the missing weight screwed up the balance. I've been told Collie can only support 26 cars so that's the maximum possible entries. BMW team is out, I believe two of their drivers are still hurting from the Targa crash and pulled the pin. Anyone that's racing would be there by now as they have a scrutineer to check the cars and free practice all day today.
Lots of Lemons have been testing at the last few collie open days chasing setup/ fixing bugs. We are out of this years race due to some of our team members having other commitments and it sucks because our car is pretty sorted but I've met so many guys that are racing I'll be there this weekend to see what its like for myself. Even without us the field is at least 11.
19-08-2016, 09:21 AM
19-08-2016, 09:28 AM
Car is named "Six Pest" haha
19-08-2016, 12:08 PM
i was considering going down for media purposes but after multiple attempts to contact organisers never got a response so didnt bother
19-08-2016, 09:31 PM
We're here! Got wing?
Yep, it's a bit loose here re: organization, but it seems enough people have the competition experience to be chasing things up and helping others out.
People are having a ball already though.
We'll be posting updates over the weekend (have heaps already), do check us out in Facebook:
Rennwagen - 24hrs of LeMons
20-08-2016, 06:59 AM
15 cars just started so not a bad turn out to say it is on a race weekend at Barbagallo also
20-08-2016, 09:24 AM
Plenty of cars three wheeling through the chicane! Three cars wide down the back straight.
Not sure how the rules work. At least one pretty much saloon car running a050s. Two motorswaps already and the rx7 is actually running well enough to do some laps not many tho as it seems to have disappeared again..
20-08-2016, 08:37 PM
Probably the best themed car
People were good about racing room plus they were regularly going two wide into corners and racing in a big bunch.
In fact they spend a lot of time bunched up and it reflects in their times. There may be a bump or two (I only saw one the entire day) but the car you take wont get destroyed unless you destroy it.
two sets of brand new a050s for this team!
Eastern states team. Have won in the east before, Biggest fuel tank I've ever seen coupled with some monster brakes.
Big brakes? --- this is the rear wheel!
This is the front setup
Doubt they will be able to win this one tho as their engine expired about 3pm today. By 4.30 they had the replacement in and were starting it up.
If you lose an hour and a half of racing that's about 80ish laps. Average laptimes are about 1.05.
Fastest lap I know some guys had done was in the 58's which sucks because our own car is regularly in the 56's so we would have been tough to catch.
However, The organisers plan to have another race in about 6 months time at Barbagallo raceway. Their plan is two per year in WA.
This is ghost rider requesting a flyby.
The rx7 died on the starting grid and wouldn't run again. Got towed off, was in the pits for a solid 3 or 4 hrs while they mucked about with it. In the end it did hit the track and was circulating just fine.
Needless to say if fault finding and working on your cars is not your thing then lemons probably isn't your thing.
Yep I'm definitely disappointed that we're not in the race today. :(
Next time Gadget. Next time!
Some pics that the Missus got of Saturday's action... g g g g g
Link to Facebook Album ( 645422846&type=3)
25-10-2016, 04:33 PM
Here's our video wrap-up of the event!
Aaaand, entries are open for next year's event; again to be held at Collie Motorplex.
For those of you who may have wanted to see "how it went" this year, I can assure you it was massive fun and will sell well for the 2017 event. I asked the team "so we're doing it again next year right?" and was given "you always ask stupid questions" in reply. Definite yes.
So get your shit together and enter at their website. I believe you only need to pay for one driver and the car to secure a spot, then pay the rest later.
25-10-2016, 07:42 PM
I was pit crew for the VL, pretty boring as it didn't have many issues haha Would be much better driving.
14-08-2017, 07:35 AM
The next event is this weekend. Any other antilaggers entered?
14-08-2017, 12:13 PM
RENNWAGEN is back!
Can't wait to see how some of the teams have built/changed on last year, and to see some cool new contenders out there.
Sneak peak: (
14-08-2017, 06:00 PM
Shame you didnt show a picture of the rear of the car cause i will see the front plenty in our rear view mirror. ;-)
Haha see you there!
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