View Full Version : Daily spec bunky Civic sedan

Douche Bag
20-10-2015, 03:51 PM
For sale: 94 EG Civic Sedan
Condition: Good for age, mechanically perfect
Price and price conditions: 1600
Extra Info (ie mods/history etc etc) below
Contact Details: PM
Location: Wembley
Delivery & Conditions of Delivery: Pay money take car

Selling a 94 EG GLI Civic Sedan. Was a mates car he bought in 95 with 11k km, now 189km. He doesn't like dealing with people so I'm selling it (it's in my name). I'd keep it but already got 3 cars...

Hasn't been used much in last 3-4 years but just before that it had t belt, w pump clutch all done. This was around 187kms.

GLI (EFI not carb) so power windows front rear, mirrors etc. everything works afaik. AC is cold as was regassed today.

Pics make it look better than it is IMO. Clean but not immaculate. Interior is real good however.

Great first car or second run around, work car etc. WIll run forever and use very little fuel.

Figured I'd post it here after the countless time wasters on gumtree and FB. Make a reasonable offer and its yours.

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24-10-2015, 07:08 PM
Yeah Ill buy it I need a daily. Can I pick it up tomorrow?