View Full Version : My fundraising (almost begging) attempt

18-06-2015, 09:58 AM
Hey everyone,

Pretty off topic and random, but figured I would just get some exposure out there really.

trying to see if I can raise some money for my father in-law who had his electric bike stolen (Yay Rockingham). Police are unable to do anything even though there is footage of the person stealing the bike (the guy must have been on crack, not realised he didn't own a bike, which is why he didn't have a key to the lock thus having to cut through it, pretty common mistake I guess).
He is a pensioner who did the local paper round to save up for bike (We bought him his very first one for christmas few years ago) and it was his only means of transport, He can't walk long distances because of lung disease (20% Lung capacity). He is pretty devastated about the whole thing really as I guess if you have ever had anything stolen from you, you could relate. He doesn't like to burden or put people out so when he finds out I am trying to raise money he won't be impressed. In return you will feel wonderful for helping make a difference and I can send you a picture of of him with his new electric bike (without his consent)

Even if you can't donate please share.
Thank you for reading and thanks in advanced (link is below)

Click here to Donate! :D (http://www.gofundme.com/x4f97q8)

20-06-2015, 08:34 PM
Just an update, donations are coming in and any donation is greatly appreciated, big or small.
Thank you to those whom have donated.