View Full Version : Usenet/NZBs/VPNs
24-10-2014, 07:45 AM
I'm behind in understanding where things have progressed - so who uses what and what do they find the best?
Found this guide for setting stuff up:
Lifehacker lists these as their 5 picks for providers:
So are these the ones to go for? Any recommendations? Seems dognzb and are the ones to go for but invites are required for those.
Was also looking at VPNs - cyberghost was mentioned on here.
24-10-2014, 08:30 AM
+1, also keen to move away from private torrent trackers
24-10-2014, 08:47 AM
Was also looking at VPNs - cyberghost was mentioned on here.
I have used PIA VPN for a few years after moving away from HMA VPN due to privacy concerns.
Great service at a good price (~$5 p/month)
I never moved to usenet as I never found anything lacking from torrents when you have a good private tracker.
24-10-2014, 10:20 AM
For VPN i use Express VPN purely because of working in China and everything that is useful is fucking blocked ( including Aus news sites ).
Its pretty dam decent and has a stack of servers. Costs me about $8 a month.
mr top hat
24-10-2014, 07:05 PM
people breaking the first rule about usenet....tut tut
that being said torrents are fine if youre behind a VPN dangerous otherwise. i mean i pasted a peers ip that was leeching into my browser managed to login to his router and disconnect him so i could get faster download speeds. imagine what a actual bad guy could do with that access...
Usenet is awesome much reccomend.
astraweb for server access
private internet access for VPN
inb4 "you're a pingping for diconnecting that guy" no its his fault for not securing his shit.
24-10-2014, 07:49 PM
private internet access for VPN here too good for watching BBC Iplayer too :)
24-10-2014, 09:45 PM
Astraweb and Giganews process DMCA takedowns automatically. Tweaknews ignores them entirely.
Usenet + SSL = no VPN necessary.
dognzb etc are indexing sites, not providers. To use usenet you need to get a server account (from Tweaknews for example) then find a preferred indexing site. is a general indexer for .nzb files, but there are private sites like and other member's only sites that are better setup for specific content.
people breaking the first rule about usenet....tut tut
25-10-2014, 05:24 AM
So you would rate tweaknews above usenet and newshosting?
mr top hat
25-10-2014, 07:54 AM
Astraweb and Giganews process DMCA takedowns automatically. Tweaknews ignores them entirely.
Usenet + SSL = no VPN necessary.
dognzb etc are indexing sites, not providers. To use usenet you need to get a server account (from Tweaknews for example) then find a preferred indexing site. is a general indexer for .nzb files, but there are private sites like and other member's only sites that are better setup for specific content.
lol you obviously didn't get that i was joking, especially considering after i made this comment i preceeded to break the rule myself. :-)
if you werent aware, usenet is considered fight club of the download world.
i agree using ssl should be enough... for now. im sure in the coming years the Gov will make accessing these servers illegal then we'll need the VPN.
Not sure what you're all scared of using torrents?
Private au tracker with a vetted userbase - no problemo :)
25-10-2014, 11:50 AM
So you would rate tweaknews above usenet and newshosting?
lol you obviously didn't get that i was joking, especially considering after i made this comment i preceeded to break the rule myself. :-)
if you werent aware, usenet is considered fight club of the download world.
i agree using ssl should be enough... for now. im sure in the coming years the Gov will make accessing these servers illegal then we'll need the VPN.
Usenet has more legitimate content than warez. Many large companies use it for distribution, including Google and Microsoft. It's only in the last couple of years we've seen these companies move their support discussions from usenet newsgroups to forums because of the ease in which they can support their customers.
Usenet has never been the "fight club" of the downloading world. BitTorrent and FTP topsites are the main targets for anything warez related.
25-10-2014, 12:58 PM
I'll have a look at Tweaknews, the retention time doesn't seem as high but seems the only difference between the amount each month is the speed.
26-10-2014, 01:30 AM
Retention time is irrelevant for the sort of content you're chasing. Giganews currently offers 2272 days of retention, but I'll bet you a beer that if you sign up for a trial account (make sure you cancel it before the trial ends) and attempt to download anything over 1100 days old the download will fail.
27-10-2014, 02:21 PM
After a bunch of nzb indexes got shut down last year im back to using, not as good but works and no login required
if you use Internode as your ISP you get an Astraweb account as part of the package, saves paying for one (ive never had problems finding stuff with AW but then i dont care about finding the latest movies a day after they come out or whatever)
I did have an account with usenetbucket who have full NG access/no restrictions but had more trouble with failed d/l with them than i did with AW...
10-01-2015, 09:30 AM
Well I got Cyberghost as the VPN though depending on the server you connect to - some sites load and some won't. Speeds do vary.
Will have to have a proper look into Tweaknews and and everything else though.
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