View Full Version : Understanding Halal Certification Schemes

XF Falcon
14-10-2014, 10:03 PM
Found this to be a very interesting video, if you've got the spare time check it out and let me know what you think about it :mad:


14-10-2014, 10:27 PM
So sending this to the muslim at work, I'll give him a plate of bacon with bismallah written on it

15-10-2014, 05:50 AM
I read a news article a while ago about how the halal certification people were trying to extort Dick Smith into paying for certification on his products and he refused noting that kraft in Australia had been strong armed into doing so and no extra profits were made from enticing muslim customers to buy their products, however the cost of certification was huge and incurred an annual re-certification.

15-10-2014, 06:18 AM
I know that slaughtering animals for halal was different - we had to string them up by the back legs, have some dude bless it, then slit its throat while it was "alive and healthy" (no stunning) and let it thrash around until it bled out.

15-10-2014, 06:21 AM
send them home with their certification

Massive amounts of discussion around regarding it being a strong armed money maker

15-10-2014, 08:04 AM
I know that slaughtering animals for halal was different - we had to string them up by the back legs, have some dude bless it, then slit its throat while it was "alive and healthy" (no stunning) and let it thrash around until it bled out.

So it was hung while bleeding out? As in like upside down?

15-10-2014, 08:10 AM
So it was hung while bleeding out? As in like upside down?

Yep, the stall looked like a murder scene. This was a fair while ago though so things may have changed.

15-10-2014, 08:38 AM
I know that slaughtering animals for halal was different - we had to string them up by the back legs, have some dude bless it, then slit its throat while it was "alive and healthy" (no stunning) and let it thrash around until it bled out.

Just on this...

**NOTE - Graphic description ahead... Please skip if you are easily offended or don't want to know how the Halal procedure for slaughter is undertaken**

For an animal to be classed as Halal Slaughter, it must still be "living".. The abattoir will put the animal into the craddle and use a "Captive Bolt", which is basically a handheld device loaded with a blank .22 bullet cartridge for the charge.. This is then held against it's the animals skull and fired, forcing a mushroom shaped bolt to break the top of the skull of the animal to basically Knock It Out..

The animal is then released from the craddle and hydraulically lifted off the ground by its rear leg.. The Muslim Slaughterman will then face towards Mecca say a quick prayer (some have the prayer engraved on their knife) and slice the animals throat.. The animal is then let to bleed out as it's other leg is then connected to the hydraulic lift where it then makes its way to being processed..

NOTE: If the animal is still conscious after the first captive bolt "hit" it will be given a second one.. At this point if it is still conscious it will be deemed "Non Halal" and then shot with a .22 rifle..

15-10-2014, 08:46 AM
Went to the site shown at the end, Harvey Fresh is under it. Always bought from them to support local farmers. Need a new milk brand.

15-10-2014, 10:20 AM
Yep, the stall looked like a murder scene. This was a fair while ago though so things may have changed.

I don't feel so bad then. I tie the legs... pat it so its calm and relaxed. Quick sharp small cut on the neck... have blood flowing down hill away from the animal and continue to pat it until it falls asleep with no thrashing etc.

15-10-2014, 11:26 AM
I read a news article a while ago about how the halal certification people were trying to extort Dick Smith into paying for certification on his products and he refused noting that kraft in Australia had been strong armed into doing so and no extra profits were made from enticing muslim customers to buy their products, however the cost of certification was huge and incurred an annual re-certification.

this never happened...DS released a statement about it

15-10-2014, 12:24 PM
Funny how we have to conform. Our foods to be Halal, Our own religious beliefs not allowed to be spoken and our Australian lives too outlandish or too Provocative. All this change to suit a minority of Muslims. So we don't offend the newest group in Australia. Yet the 5 decades prior of Jews, Chinese, Japanese, Germans, Italians, Greeks etc were able to assimilate and live peacefully without trying to change the locals or the ozzie way of life.

Really shake my head at some of the shit spoken these days. Its a shame we cannot all just get along and continue our mixed Australian traditions. I am all for change but hay At least spend a few decades in our country before pushing your ways and beliefs on us.

A Mate of mine who is Macedonian said the other day . "Welcome to our world we have been fighting Muslims for thousands of years"

Long road ahead!!

15-10-2014, 12:49 PM
so, apart from Hitler being mentioned in forum posts, whats the average post length for a Maco to get mentioned?

15-10-2014, 04:06 PM
Nevermind, muslims are evil rah rah rah

15-10-2014, 04:16 PM
blah blah blah fairytales.

religion is dumb. everypingpingpingping leave everypingpingpingping alone.

and stop knocking on my door you chewbaccas witness fucks.

15-10-2014, 04:19 PM
If I put a bosnian, serb, maco side by side you would not be able to tell the difference.

Wasn't that hard to tell. The Muslim was the dead one.

No offence to the passed away people.

15-10-2014, 04:29 PM
If I put a bosnian, serb, maco side by side you would not be able to tell the difference.


15-10-2014, 04:43 PM
this never happened...DS released a statement about it

So did Dick Smith go halal or was the whole story concocted and the halal council never approached the company?

16-10-2014, 08:54 AM
Funny how we have to conform. Our foods to be Halal, Our own religious beliefs not allowed to be spoken and our Australian lives too outlandish or too Provocative. All this change to suit a minority of Muslims. So we don't offend the newest group in Australia. Yet the 5 decades prior of Jews, Chinese, Japanese, Germans, Italians, Greeks etc were able to assimilate and live peacefully without trying to change the locals or the ozzie way of life.

Really shake my head at some of the shit spoken these days. Its a shame we cannot all just get along and continue our mixed Australian traditions. I am all for change but hay At least spend a few decades in our country before pushing your ways and beliefs on us.

A Mate of mine who is Macedonian said the other day . "Welcome to our world we have been fighting Muslims for thousands of years"

Long road ahead!!

Top post and well put Juzza!!

I am originally from the UK but consider myself Australian. To the point ,if we went to war against England I would proudly fight for this country. Ask a Muslim that who lives here and see what response you get.I have...and found they will not answer the question so where do their loyalties lie??

Thanks "XF Falcon" for original post....but you have ruined my life as Harvey Fresh was my favorite and now I know it is is Halal..:)

16-10-2014, 10:03 AM
I did some work at a major chicken producer recently, they had a bloke sitting on a stool watching every chooks neck sliced as they were conveyered around by their legs to the blade and then dropped into the next part of the production line. I'm unsure how many chickens they produce per day but surely it would be tens of thousands and this guy had to watch each and everyone of them die.

I assume he was a cleric or someone thats authorised to certifiy the animal was killed in the correct manner for halal products.

16-10-2014, 10:23 AM
so, apart from Hitler being mentioned in forum posts, whats the average post length for a Maco to get mentioned?

I don't think there is such thing as halal goats..

16-10-2014, 10:50 AM
Just on this...

**NOTE - Graphic description ahead... Please skip if you are easily offended or don't want to know how the Halal procedure for slaughter is undertaken**

For an animal to be classed as Halal Slaughter, it must still be "living".. The abattoir will put the animal into the craddle and use a "Captive Bolt", which is basically a handheld device loaded with a blank .22 bullet cartridge for the charge.. This is then held against it's the animals skull and fired, forcing a mushroom shaped bolt to break the top of the skull of the animal to basically Knock It Out..

The animal is then released from the craddle and hydraulically lifted off the ground by its rear leg.. The Muslim Slaughterman will then face towards Mecca say a quick prayer (some have the prayer engraved on their knife) and slice the animals throat.. The animal is then let to bleed out as it's other leg is then connected to the hydraulic lift where it then makes its way to being processed..

NOTE: If the animal is still conscious after the first captive bolt "hit" it will be given a second one.. At this point if it is still conscious it will be deemed "Non Halal" and then shot with a .22 rifle..

I worked at Narrikup for a while. This is accurate. The only thing we had was a chute . they'd get stunned up in the yard then dropped down a chute to the slaughter floor so they never saw what was coming.
Have seen tens of thousands of sheep slaughtered this way and I honestly don't have a problem with it.

16-10-2014, 11:36 AM
Just on this...

**NOTE - Graphic description ahead... Please skip if you are easily offended or don't want to know how the Halal procedure for slaughter is undertaken**

For an animal to be classed as Halal Slaughter, it must still be "living".. The abattoir will put the animal into the craddle and use a "Captive Bolt", which is basically a handheld device loaded with a blank .22 bullet cartridge for the charge.. This is then held against it's the animals skull and fired, forcing a mushroom shaped bolt to break the top of the skull of the animal to basically Knock It Out..

The animal is then released from the craddle and hydraulically lifted off the ground by its rear leg.. The Muslim Slaughterman will then face towards Mecca say a quick prayer (some have the prayer engraved on their knife) and slice the animals throat.. The animal is then let to bleed out as it's other leg is then connected to the hydraulic lift where it then makes its way to being processed..

NOTE: If the animal is still conscious after the first captive bolt "hit" it will be given a second one.. At this point if it is still conscious it will be deemed "Non Halal" and then shot with a .22 rifle..

Hi Paul :)

16-10-2014, 04:54 PM
I worked at Narrikup for a while. This is accurate. The only thing we had was a chute . they'd get stunned up in the yard then dropped down a chute to the slaughter floor so they never saw what was coming.
Have seen tens of thousands of sheep slaughtered this way and I honestly don't have a problem with it.
When Mullmans goes to bed
"1 dead sheep, 2 dead sheep, 3 dead sheep"....

Damo 69
16-10-2014, 06:35 PM
So did Dick Smith go halal or was the whole story concocted and the halal council never approached the company?

more than likely concocted and then shared by various red necks on facebook like half the stories about evil muslims on facebook.

my favourite has been the "I found a guys wallet and returned it to the rightful owner who happened to be muslim, he said as I have done a good deed for him he will do me a favour and just said "stay away from Sydney on new years"

3 people on my facebook shared this, I was like really you pingpingpingpings believe this shit?

16-10-2014, 07:06 PM
more than likely concocted and then shared by various red necks on facebook like half the stories about evil muslims on facebook.

my favourite has been the "I found a guys wallet and returned it to the rightful owner who happened to be muslim, he said as I have done a good deed for him he will do me a favour and just said "stay away from Sydney on new years"

3 people on my facebook shared this, I was like really you pingpingpingpings believe this shit?

My favourite Muslim story is these dudes doing skids at a Mosque... then beaching a car and thw dudes that helped push the car were most likely Muslims. ...

Damo 69
16-10-2014, 08:13 PM
Awasss Zeljko