View Full Version : Police claiming to be AL members?

23-08-2014, 06:29 PM
Hey all.

A close mate got his JZX110 stickered tonight (no big deal) he has all the right papers and certs and they were ignored, while the officers were issuing the sticker they said that they were Antilag members. From whats being said they didn't sound too sharp but claimed to know more than the average officer.
Now Antilag is a big place but i know 99% of you know what a JZX110 is and how to go about looking for things to sticker on a car.

I found it very strange that these cops would just randomly drop that they were from Antilag.
Am i just being overly suspicious or are they trying to get an internal conflict going?

Not sure if any of you have come across this before so i thought id put it to you all.

23-08-2014, 06:32 PM
Well anyone can sign up to the forums so it's not very surprising that there are police on here. That's why you've got to watch what you post.

23-08-2014, 06:36 PM
Well anyone can sign up to the forums so it's not very surprising that there are police on here. That's why you've got to watch what you post.

Yeah for sure, i just find it funny. why bother saying it?

should have asked them what their user name was. "im umm... TJ?"

23-08-2014, 06:44 PM
when something like this happens i wonder how the cops would react to busting out your phone, informing them that you are recording the conversation, and then asking "so despite the fact i have produced all necessary paperwork/permits, you are ignoring them and giving me a yellow sticker?"

The antilag thing is probably them just being dicks, but when they are already being dicks, i wonder what happens if you try the above. Get a shitload more trumped up bullshit ('obstruction/failure to assist' whatev) or if they would actually back off.

I got pulled up the other day picking up my 2 year old from daycare. the daycare is the last building on a road leading to a park(which has f-ing no-one there at 5pm on a weekday), just happens to have double white lines on it though. The cops were hiding behind trees, pulling over every mum/dad leaving the daycare because we crossed the lines, instead or turning down and driving the 300m to the park where there is a roundabout. I was polite, said i am new to the area and didn't realise as i was following the 5 other people you just pulled etc. Nup, $204 fine. to me and about 15 other parents just wanting to get home with their kids. Traffic cops are a special breed.

23-08-2014, 06:54 PM
That does not make sense as you can cross solid white lines (single or double) to leave the road. Only thing you can not do is overtake

23-08-2014, 06:55 PM
The whole justice system is fucked, someone gets a little power and it goes straight to their heads, look at America shooting up unarmed teenagers for one and straight up bashing on people for fun. Aussie cops are no different, mostly sorrupt and just wanting to fuck up other people's days in the name of "justice and safety"

To be honest I do not feel safer on the roads, nor in my home/community with a police presence, they do nothing to suggest promoting safety except picking on the little shit and making a minority into the bad people (performance car owners)

Cue comments defending cops and calling me stupid :D

23-08-2014, 06:55 PM
The law must be different in QLD then, because that is exactly what i thought growing up in WA.

edit: Just looked it up, yep, single line no problem, double bad.

23-08-2014, 07:09 PM
Fourseven pls

23-08-2014, 07:14 PM
I just find the lengths some police go to hilarious!
Why bother the fact that you operate under the guise of law enforcement means that realistically they don't need to offer an explanation or reason, they can just arrest you or make life difficult.

I personally haven't ever had a bad experience with wapol, my car is a rolling yellow but only when I'd done something really wrong (blasted an intersection) is when I finally ran out of luck.

I have however seen how unfair and carefree of the facts they can be.

23-08-2014, 07:19 PM
Hey all.

A close mate got his JZX110 stickered tonight (no big deal) he has all the right papers and certs and they were ignored, while the officers were issuing the sticker they said that they were Antilag members. From whats being said they didn't sound too sharp but claimed to know more than the average officer.
Now Antilag is a big place but i know 99% of you know what a JZX110 is and how to go about looking for things to sticker on a car.

I found it very strange that these cops would just randomly drop that they were from Antilag.
Am i just being overly suspicious or are they trying to get an internal conflict going?

Not sure if any of you have come across this before so i thought id put it to you all.

Heres a tip to stay out of trouble when posting things you've done in your car on a public forum, first always put a $ sign infront of your speed eg: $1.60 totally confuses any cop reading. Alternatively you can just say "on a closed road of course" after any mention of burnouts and this completely protects you from any chance of prosecution


23-08-2014, 07:24 PM
Lol anyone know where I can find space to pick up $3.00 in perth? Shouldn't take too long to find $3.00 if I had enough space!

23-08-2014, 07:28 PM
Kargotich Rd in Oakford

when it was closed

23-08-2014, 07:32 PM
Kargotich Rd in Oakford

when it was closed
Got it! Barbs main straight. Thanks!

23-08-2014, 08:27 PM
would not surprise me @ cops being on here .
i do know from my own experience cops taking photos of my car and people i was with then hounding us to give up info of the cruise we where on , so " we can put down who you are affiliated with in the database"
a thought maybe they did this with your friend and where trying to poke fun ?

23-08-2014, 08:31 PM
He's not an antilag and doesn't run with a club but I have heard and been asked when hangin in a carpark and the cops roll up "what car club are you with?" The answer is always "none"

23-08-2014, 08:43 PM
should just make names up, but they have to be really stupid so they think its another legit facebook car club something like Looze Wheels Cruisers or Perpendicular Cruising Car Club.

Overload the data base hahaha

23-08-2014, 08:45 PM
Wu Tang FTP Car Club

23-08-2014, 09:47 PM
That does not make sense as you can cross solid white lines (single or double) to leave the road. Only thing you can not do is overtake

are you a cop or something?

23-08-2014, 10:55 PM
LOST shit at perpendicular !

23-08-2014, 11:10 PM
Need pics to depict the road.

You can cross a solid while line making a right hand turn but not when a left hand turn is made.

when something like this happens i wonder how the cops would react to busting out your phone, informing them that you are recording the conversation, and then asking "so despite the fact i have produced all necessary paperwork/permits, you are ignoring them and giving me a yellow sticker?"

The antilag thing is probably them just being dicks, but when they are already being dicks, i wonder what happens if you try the above. Get a shitload more trumped up bullshit ('obstruction/failure to assist' whatev) or if they would actually back off.

I got pulled up the other day picking up my 2 year old from daycare. the daycare is the last building on a road leading to a park(which has f-ing no-one there at 5pm on a weekday), just happens to have double white lines on it though. The cops were hiding behind trees, pulling over every mum/dad leaving the daycare because we crossed the lines, instead or turning down and driving the 300m to the park where there is a roundabout. I was polite, said i am new to the area and didn't realise as i was following the 5 other people you just pulled etc. Nup, $204 fine. to me and about 15 other parents just wanting to get home with their kids. Traffic cops are a special breed.

That does not make sense as you can cross solid white lines (single or double) to leave the road. Only thing you can not do is overtake

23-08-2014, 11:31 PM
anyway what was the yellow for on the op's post?

24-08-2014, 03:36 AM
Nothing new, quite a few years ago at a large cruise there was cops asking for TJ or Ricey.

24-08-2014, 05:35 AM
anyway what was the yellow for on the op's post?

N wot pitz shuld he go 2?

24-08-2014, 06:43 AM
Nothing new, quite a few years ago at a large cruise there was cops asking for TJ or Ricey.

Fuck that was game
Could have had the death curse put I on them

24-08-2014, 08:04 AM
Nothing new, quite a few years ago at a large cruise there was cops asking for TJ or Ricey.


24-08-2014, 08:15 AM
Nothing new, quite a few years ago at a large cruise there was cops asking for TJ or Ricey.

One of them called me at home, was a little disturbing.

Anyways you can defend cops all you like but like any organisation or group you have decent ones then you have the complete douchebags that are nobodys and think a badge makes them superior. It just so happens that most of the scum migrate to TEG. That being said Ive come across plenty of decent traffic cops so we wont paint them all with the same brush.

Moral of the story, watch what you post and dont give them a reason to target you.

24-08-2014, 08:16 AM
Fuck that was game
Could have had the death curse put I on them

Ricey not Russo lol

24-08-2014, 09:21 AM
Both Mark/c, both drive thongadores, both white. Same same

24-08-2014, 09:26 AM
People dont spontaneously combust in my presence.

24-08-2014, 09:36 AM
He got the yellow for having a "1JZGTE" sticker in the bottom of his windscreen, wheels(permitted) and too loud.
other than that it think he was ok.

24-08-2014, 03:48 PM
The 20"s are not permitted stef told me a while ago. And it's loud as hell it was a matter of time before a sticker was given.

He got a sticker. It happens. Just get it off.

24-08-2014, 04:51 PM
Ricey not Russo lol

Ahh but I thought you might call him in to point the bone at them!

24-08-2014, 04:55 PM
I'll point a bone alright but it's not lethal unless choked on haha

24-08-2014, 06:03 PM
I'll point a bone alright but it's not lethal unless choked on haha
And let's be honest, no ones choking on that thing anytime soon

24-08-2014, 06:25 PM
Except people with tracheodomies 😊

24-08-2014, 10:21 PM
He got the yellow for having a "1JZGTE" sticker in the bottom of his windscreen, wheels(permitted) and too loud.
other than that it think he was ok.

if it's too loud then of course they ignored the permits.

25-08-2014, 07:35 AM
if it's too loud then of course they ignored the permits.

Oh yeah of course, im not in any way saying that the sticker wasn't deserved or that hes been treated unfairly, I just found it really odd that they even mention being AL members as if to justify the sticker?

25-08-2014, 07:45 AM
Obvious site police officers Damo69, Buckets and Ricey; they're confirmed to be part of the Counter Trollism Unit, their latest stints to throw off the sent have included:

- Perths Shittest
- Healthagenix
- Attempted derailment of this thread

25-08-2014, 08:05 AM
TBH im almost a little disappointed this didn't go down in a ball of fire and resulted in me being called a stupid fuckin pingpingpingping :P
derail all you like I just figured id see what the masses of AL have to say when "law enforcement" claim to be some of the members.

25-08-2014, 08:08 AM
Sargeant Snitchy is the obvious one?

25-08-2014, 08:12 AM
TBH im almost a little disappointed this didn't go down in a ball of fire and resulted in me being called a stupid fuckin pingpingpingping :P
derail all you like I just figured id see what the masses of AL have to say when "law enforcement" claim to be some of the members.

I work 'not for', but around a large volume of police officers and its always the same.

The vast majority are friendly and down for a laugh but then you have the ones that think they're a higher class than the rest 'had one call me a civilian the other day'.

Given what some have to deal with, you can understand why they may get a little twisted at times.

25-08-2014, 08:23 AM
I work 'not for', but around a large volume of police officers and its always the same.

The vast majority are friendly and down for a laugh but then you have the ones that think they're a higher class than the rest 'had one call me a civilian the other day'.

Given what some have to deal with, you can understand why they may get a little twisted at times.

I lived in Townsville for a few years back in highschool and some time after living with a mate of mine whose dad was Traffic Sargent for the North QLD region so I was privy to some of the stories and things that Traffic see in their time on the street, no its not pretty and some of it is just fuckin awful (attending his daughters nearly fatal car crash) but him and hes buddies weren't jaded or pingpingpingpings and none of them got their jollies from stickering cars, in fact for some reason in Townsville its just not really something that happens!

sidenote* friend in TSV was getting is s13 licensed after buying in from NSW and he had thrown the book at it suspensions wise, im talking external res coilovers and rose jointed everything, the pits inspectors comment on it was "I wish more people would do this, I makes the car so much safer with new parts on it." I nearly fell off my fuckin chair!

25-08-2014, 08:25 AM
Sargeant Snitchy is the obvious one?

nah, would've been straight to lock up

25-08-2014, 08:31 AM
and too loud.
other than that it think he was ok.

How the fuck can they check that on the road side ??

25-08-2014, 08:39 AM
I suspect with their ears.

25-08-2014, 08:50 AM
I have heard of cops pulling out sound meters before roadside

25-08-2014, 09:14 AM
I lived

sidenote* friend in TSV was getting is s13 licensed after buying in from NSW and he had thrown the book at it suspensions wise, im talking external res coilovers and rose jointed everything, the pits inspectors comment on it was "I wish more people would do this, I makes the car so much safer with new parts on it." I nearly fell off my fuckin chair!

Lol. Queensland is good for some things but when I was there they had inspection stations set up like booze busses. Any lowered cars were 'randomly' selected to go on the 'shaker' which was designed to simulate driving down a bumpy as fuck road at 80km/hour

It broke coilovers and suspension arms and then you'd get a sticker

25-08-2014, 09:20 AM
Lol. Queensland is good for some things but when I was there they had inspection stations set up like booze busses. Any lowered cars were 'randomly' selected to go on the 'shaker' which was designed to simulate driving down a bumpy as fuck road at 80km/hour

It broke coilovers and suspension arms and then you'd get a sticker

QLD is less uniform across the state from what I can work out, Brissy and more metro places are strict as where as more regional places are like SICK ITS NOT FALLING APART!

25-08-2014, 09:22 AM
I have heard of cops pulling out sound meters before roadside
which is funny because all you have to do to void that is ask to see a calibration cert for the unit and 9/10 they don't have it.
when I got my yellow "too loud" wasn't on it, I loved that because its straight 3inch pipe no cat front to back, jumbo jets make less noise. pits didn't find the 3 digit noise reading as funny as me for some reason.

25-08-2014, 09:33 AM
They have the sound meter's at booze bus's, as i found out last week....

25-08-2014, 09:35 AM
I have heard of cops pulling out sound meters before roadside

I've been tested on the side of the road before. My car somehow read 0.4db under the limit and I drove off without a sticker.

25-08-2014, 10:36 AM
is there a copy of the 'testing procedure' somewhere? I got tested at 4k rpm and half a meter from the tailpipe...

25-08-2014, 10:58 AM
is there a copy of the 'testing procedure' somewhere? I got tested at 4k rpm and half a meter from the tailpipe...

95 on it has to be 3600rpm , distance is right . Where did they do the test and was the device calibrated before testing ?

25-08-2014, 11:03 AM
That's what they did to me. They took an idle reading, then a 4k reading at about half a metre from the exhaust. I raised it to 4k really slowly and made sure to ease off the pedal so that it didn't make any extra decel noise.

Found the national test procedures:

25-08-2014, 11:27 AM
seems they followed the rules correctly... test was done out in the open on the street.. no idea about it being calibrated correctly etc... not like i was only just over anyway. hahaha

25-08-2014, 11:40 AM
I raised it to 4k really slowly and made sure to ease off the pedal so that it didn't make any extra decel noise

Temptation to bash limiter and set fire to anyone within half a meter would be high!

25-08-2014, 11:53 AM
White Knight pls.

Uber XR
25-08-2014, 12:13 PM
doesn't matter what police do, it is still far better than AL members posing as police.

25-08-2014, 04:44 PM
Channel 10 news tonight,story on a "Hoon" in WA who lost his Ve Senator to the "3 strike" rule,his car is to be auctioned off by police and the money from the sale to be donated to the Road Trauma Unit,

25-08-2014, 05:24 PM
1st offence was a Magna 22 days after getting licence, 2nd was a hilux in a Maccas car park (lol, brings back memories) and the final one was +72kmh in the senator which had 4 other people in it.

25-08-2014, 05:30 PM
lost car and 10 year driving ban

25-08-2014, 05:43 PM
Channel 10 news tonight,story on a "Hoon" in WA who lost his Ve Senator to the "3 strike" rule,his car is to be auctioned off by police and the money from the sale to be donated to the Road Trauma Unit,
SA (I think from memory) are in the shit for this. Some dude challenged it.
His lawyer said
Australian constitution states you can only be punished once for a crime
He paid a fine
He got car impounded
He got a car crushed being punished 3 times.

Police told to stop crushing cars while police battle the courts
Police are worried about having to pay back money for cars crushed

Watch this space. ... maybe.

25-08-2014, 05:46 PM
What would happen though if he had finance against the car?

Bank, Loan company lost their asset.

25-08-2014, 05:47 PM
SA (I think from memory) are in the shit for this. Some dude challenged it.
His lawyer said
Australian constitution states you can only be punished once for a crime
He paid a fine
He got car impounded
He got a car crushed being punished 3 times.

Police told to stop crushing cars while police battle the courts
Police are worried about having to pay back money for cars crushed

Watch this space. ... maybe.

I remember something like this a few years ago, guy got pinged by a radar, then got pulled over up the road for speeding, cop had picked him up speeding as he went through the radar, so when the fine came, he didn't have to pay it after challenging it, same theory that he got nailed for the same crime twice.
Not sure it was exactly that, but it was close enough.

25-08-2014, 08:25 PM
What would happen though if he had finance against the car?

Bank, Loan company lost their asset.

My work have had a few instances of this - we basically have to send a lawyer to court at our expense so we can re claim possession of the vehicle.

Yakky Bear
25-08-2014, 11:45 PM
still using leach highway footage on news reports, lol

27-08-2014, 09:10 AM
Quite a while ago, I used to work in IT support for WAPOL.
Their weekly bulletins posted in the Exchange Email 'Public Folders' used to show what cruise was on when and which club it was etc, and they gave them a 'trouble' rating.
I used to organise a lot of cruises for calaisturbo.com.au and we definitely had cops registered on the forum checking things out and patrol cars would rock up to meet points..

Damo 69
27-08-2014, 09:19 AM
Quite a while ago, I used to work in IT support for WAPOL.
Their weekly bulletins posted in the Exchange Email 'Public Folders' used to show what cruise was on when and which club it was etc, and they gave them a 'trouble' rating.
I used to organise a lot of cruises for calaisturbo.com.au and we definitely had cops registered on the forum checking things out and patrol cars would rock up to meet points..

How often was it updated? i.e. if you post a cruise Friday morning for that night would it be on or just the ones organised a week or so in advance?

27-08-2014, 09:22 AM
Generally a week in advance. Memory is a bit hazy though, we're talking 7-8+ years ago :p

27-08-2014, 09:24 AM
Generally a week in advance. Memory is a bit hazy though, we're talking 7-8+ years ago :p

Good reason to leave meetpoint details to last minute.

27-08-2014, 09:27 AM
Quite a while ago, I used to work in IT support for WAPOL.
Their weekly bulletins posted in the Exchange Email 'Public Folders' used to show what cruise was on when and which club it was etc, and they gave them a 'trouble' rating.
I used to organise a lot of cruises for calaisturbo.com.au and we definitely had cops registered on the forum checking things out and patrol cars would rock up to meet points..
Clearly the internal leak ^^ XD

27-08-2014, 12:29 PM
Good reason to leave meetpoint details to last minute.

On the flip side they can find out where to go when everybody else does & have the units ready to go disrespect somebodies family

27-08-2014, 12:47 PM
I heard TJ narc'd on Brokas and SWAT went into his house and his Chinese dad slapped him... might be a rumour though.

27-08-2014, 02:26 PM
TJ never knocked on nobody!


27-08-2014, 03:38 PM
TJ knocked the shit out of that kangaroo on a cruise.

he has history

27-08-2014, 03:44 PM

27-08-2014, 04:21 PM
On the flip side they can find out where to go when everybody else does & have the units ready to go disrespect somebodies family

A lot harder to coordinate with fuckall notice though, not knowing in advance what areas we will be going to.