View Full Version : Accidents/Near Misses

14-07-2014, 10:03 AM
I'm still green when it comes to riding having only been on my R-E for ~2months, gone about 3000kms so far but had my first seriously close call a week or so back.

Armadale Rd between Fwy and Haynes there's semi-obscured driveways on the left. I'm riding towards middle in left lane, spot a car pulling out from a driveway, I'm watching him the whole way, and as I approach within ~20m him doing 80ish (thinking he should have seen me, but knowing he probably hasn't) I watch his front wheels make the move forward and he's out in front of me, about 3/4 into my lane. Shit my pants and am on the brake and horn and move to the right and miss his bonnet by about a foot.

I've never had the 'life flash before your eyes' type deal, but I'm sure it was close to being that - I was thinking "Well, it's been a good 2 months, didn't think it was going to be this soon though."

I'm sure form the many thousand's of kms travelled by everyone here that there must be some good ones.

14-07-2014, 10:05 AM
Assume everyone is trying to kill you - Dress and ride accordingly

Even if you are in "the right" you will always come off second best.

It's a sad reality of riding a bike - but if you ride appropriately you can mitigate the risk!

14-07-2014, 10:16 AM
I always watch the hands of drivers when i ride next to cars. The majority of people do indicate but wait to the very last minute to do so, If you keep an eye on peoples hands they often put their hand up to the indicators well before they flick the stalk.

It'll give you a good few seconds more to react.

14-07-2014, 10:16 AM
I was on a road that had a gradual right bend, had an oncoming car come a bit too fast ending up on my side. Shat bricks, straightened up and rode up the kerb into some bushland. How I didn't hit the bollards or a tree amazed me.

Uber XR
14-07-2014, 10:21 AM
Riding home in the rain a while back I had the extreme pleasure of some clown P plater sitting two inches off my arse. Riding a bike in the rain is bad enough without some idiot tailgating you. I was coming up to a roundabout turning right started braking early to give him the hint. He didn't change his distance so rather than be ass ended and end up as a bonnet ornament I went into the roundabout with a bit of extra speed than I wanted to. Which he saw as an invitation to follow me in.

My front wheel started to wash out and understeer into the outside lane. managed to control it enough to stay upright, shakily got around the roundabout and decided to get some room between myself and this idiot before he killed me, gave the bike a hand full which resulted in a big fish tail up the road. He also saw this as an invite for a drift comp and attempted to keep up with me sliding all over the road.

I took the next turn off, pulled over on the side of the road and waited a few minutes just to get the hell away from him.

had various other people entering roundabouts with left indicators on and then them going straight through and even driving up to a turn slowly with an indicator on so you expect them to turn start to pull out and they cancel the indicator and gun it.

From what I have learned Bikes don't kill people. its all the fucking brain dead idiots around that don't pay attention.

14-07-2014, 10:23 AM
^in all fairness, im sure you can see why he thought you wanted to play haha

14-07-2014, 10:25 AM


couple of videos that make me not want to get my license. had my L's for ages but sort of lost interest and got lazy a while ago. ill get it evenutally

14-07-2014, 10:36 AM
Alot of close calls I had were on open PSB rides when heros did stupid shit around me.. after a while I just felt to nervous riding with their large groups.

14-07-2014, 10:51 AM
By riding smart and waring decent gear you can reduce a lot of the risk.

Biggest oh shit moment was my own stupid fault, late at night Tyson & I were being a bit silly and giving it a fist full down west coast highway. We had a run, he gets the jump but I reel him in because S1000RR. He backed off and I kept on it for no particular reason. Bus turns right across our lanes a good 400m away but I was traveling at 220+ and closing rapidly. Jump on the brakes and start looking for the least painful exit. As I get closer realise it's a fucking long bendy bus and I had nowhere to go. Thank fuck the bus driver was alert enough to stop turning leaving enough room for me to slip in front of him as I would have gone straight into the side at well over 100ks. That bus driver saved my life.

9/10 times when I ride on the road someone nearly knocks me off, you learn to expect deal with it as a reflex action. No point getting agro as people are just too inattentive to even care. After a 1 hour ride if you are not mentally feeling drained from the concentration levels you are not being alert enough.

14-07-2014, 11:52 AM
I'm watching him the whole way, and as I approach within ~20m him doing 80ish (thinking he should have seen me, but knowing he probably hasn't)

Lots of good advice already, especially 'ride like everyone is trying to kill you' which you can remember next time this happens, because it probably will.

In your case, I probably would've reduced my speed from 80 a bit, triple checked behind me and picked my best exit before getting too much closer.

14-07-2014, 11:58 AM
^ lol at inattention. Image the RAC test subject for that one.

Motorbikes and roads are just bad juju....

Still kicking today but that has to end someday. My near misses... wish I had them. I've ridden into cars, buses, poles and blew a red light watching a hot bitch cross the road. Not a good look on Wellington st in front of the hospital.

Hit oil slicks on Cantonoment St in freo whem people were doing burnouts and my Wayne Gardner efferts around the corner resulted on my sliding one way and the bike another. Thank fuck I was only doing ~50kmh.
List just goes on...

Whos up for a ride on the weekend? :)

14-07-2014, 01:05 PM
my only near misses have been due my own stupidity thankfully. locked up the rear coming in too hot a couple of times.

i stay clear of cars at all times by any means necessary and anticipate no look merges at EVERY over take.

i commute to East Perth from Baysie daily...the day will come eventually :(

14-07-2014, 01:33 PM
I usually try to ride at least 1 day a week to work (Mount Nasura to Balcatta) to break up the monotony of the 2hours worth of peak traffic each day.

Company car though so it could be worse.

dak dak
14-07-2014, 04:24 PM
I am now extremely wary of drivers pulling out on me, had it happen on Hume road and I was just putting along at 50 and saw a lady pull up from a side street, she was turning right and checked traffic on her left side and saw there was a car approaching so she pulled out........WITHOUT even looking to her right and what do you know I was there!!

The stupid bitch just pulled out assuming that no one was there and she finally noticed me when I beeped the shit out of my horn and grabbed a handful of brake, locking up my tyres and nearly stacking it. She slammed on her brakes putting her in the centre of the road and I was about a foot away from her door.

Also had a muscle spasm whilst mid corner and nearly high sided myself

And then there is the countless times people just cut me off or think that driving right next to me is cool.

14-07-2014, 05:31 PM
Close calls are part of riding sometimes you get away with it sometimes you dont. After a while you start having less due to people pulling out etc because you learn to read the traffic to a certain extent but on the flipside you start having more from pushing your own limits. I've had me rear wheel up in the air with front suspension fully compressed trying to pull the bike up to avoid running out of road. All it would of taken in this situation is a tough of gravel or something and i would of been on my arse i was at the limit there was nothing left.
3 that stick in my mind:
1. Dunsdborough run on my first gen R1, was wet and some water had gotten into the electric meaning it would cut out for a second occasionally. I was tipped over and well into the 200's when the engine cut for a second it happened so quick i didnt get a chance to close the throttle. The engine then kicked back in viscously causing the back wheel to start spinning, if felt like i was sideways for ages then i eased of the throttle and the bike corrected itself.
2. First gen R1 again pulling onto Roe get on the power front wheel comes up gets a bit crossed up and comes down and starts a massive tank slapper (these bikes were notorious for it) legs flapping around i managed to get control again and ride it out.
3. Late night hills ride on the ZX6 a mate infront was holding me up, waves me past, i hesitated for a second then went for it just as i passed the apex of the corner i realised it was a T section, hard on the brakes back wheel skipping about i managed to just pull the bike up before it parked it in a ditch.

Been numerous other ones riding with mates in the burbs late at night, bike in front hard brakes for a sudden turn you miss them then bike behind just clears you etc. Things really get interesting when the adrenalin is pumping and a mobile disco is after you!

14-07-2014, 05:39 PM
Near miss was some fucktard nearly wiping out the patrol on Tonkin because he couldn't lane split for shit .

Close calls are part of riding sometimes you get away with it sometimes you dont. After a while you start having less due to people pulling out etc because you learn to read the traffic to a certain extent but on the flipside you start having more from pushing your own limits. !

And when it ends in tears just blame the people in the car :)

14-07-2014, 06:38 PM
I have had 3 close calls since getting my license in march, each time I have been one step ahead of the driver and predicted the future. I have also been lucky lol.

14-07-2014, 07:26 PM
I was driving in the s15 on Constellation Drive in Ocean Reef near the church for some reason I decided to go 45-50kms normally Im a bit more aggressive on that road anyway I was 15 meters away from one of the round about's and out of no where a Hilux appeared in front of me in my lane coming towards me around 120kmph and smashes through the round about in the opposite lane I quickly just came to a stop and let him through... scared the shit out of me if I was going 60 through there that would be me gone.

Reason why he was in the right lane is because the round about is far easier to get through due to less angle, but fuck me theres no time or place for shit like that.

15-07-2014, 05:48 AM
Close calls are part of riding sometimes you get away with it sometimes you dont. After a while you start having less due to people pulling out etc because you learn to read the traffic to a certain extent but on the flipside you start having more from pushing your own limits. I've had me rear wheel up in the air with front suspension fully compressed trying to pull the bike up to avoid running out of road. All it would of taken in this situation is a tough of gravel or something and i would of been on my arse i was at the limit there was nothing left.
3 that stick in my mind:
1. Dunsdborough run on my first gen R1, was wet and some water had gotten into the electric meaning it would cut out for a second occasionally. I was tipped over and well into the 200's when the engine cut for a second it happened so quick i didnt get a chance to close the throttle. The engine then kicked back in viscously causing the back wheel to start spinning, if felt like i was sideways for ages then i eased of the throttle and the bike corrected itself.
2. First gen R1 again pulling onto Roe get on the power front wheel comes up gets a bit crossed up and comes down and starts a massive tank slapper (these bikes were notorious for it) legs flapping around i managed to get control again and ride it out.
3. Late night hills ride on the ZX6 a mate infront was holding me up, waves me past, i hesitated for a second then went for it just as i passed the apex of the corner i realised it was a T section, hard on the brakes back wheel skipping about i managed to just pull the bike up before it parked it in a ditch.

Been numerous other ones riding with mates in the burbs late at night, bike in front hard brakes for a sudden turn you miss them then bike behind just clears you etc. Things really get interesting when the adrenalin is pumping and a mobile disco is after you!

Nothing like being on the back wheel long enough thw front wheel has stopped spinning and then skids when it comes down and tries to snap the bars out of ya hands. But does one learn? No.... (on the mighty KTM)

15-07-2014, 09:31 AM
Was riding in leather jacket, gloves, boots and kevlar jeans on a 40degree plus day. Was waiting to turn into a side street where the car missed multiple oppotunities to go, once they finally moved and my legs were pretty much cooked i was travelling behind them going only 30kmh, fed up with the person i went for the over take when they decide was optimum time to do a u-turn. Dented their rear quarter, rear door, front door and front fender to the point they struggled to get out. Managed to keep the bike upright after going up a driveway way onto a foot path on the opposite side of the road. Managed to walk away with no injuries, and no damage to the bike, my boot, knee and oggy knob made all the contact.

Moral of the story keep cool and calm and dont forget people are idiots.

Edit* even though I wasn't at fault (he didn't indicate) I still put myself at blame for overtaking a moron. Sometimes you can't predict people completely unaware of things happening around them.

15-07-2014, 09:51 AM
3. Late night hills ride on the ZX6 a mate infront was holding me up, waves me past, i hesitated for a second then went for it just as i passed the apex of the corner i realised it was a T section, hard on the brakes back wheel skipping about i managed to just pull the bike up before it parked it in a ditch.

That was some funny shit. It helps when you know what's coming up.

15-07-2014, 03:47 PM
Ive had too many to count..

Closest I'd have to say is a car pulled out of a sidestreet right infront of me, only thing I could do was swerve the bike to avoid him and literally had my elbow going along his windows as I just squeezed past him. Luckily there were no cars in the right lane or I woulda been screwed.

Heaps of wheelie > tank slapers (although I dont really call them a near miss..)
Rear wheel 'oh shit' drifting moments on track. Had the front wheel lock up on me for a split second once..no idea how I kept it upright.
Heaps of cars pulling infront of you..especially lane splitting in peak hour

I guess I'm quite attentive as I havnt had a accident yet (Touch wood), but this is what we have to deal with when riding bikes..

15-07-2014, 06:41 PM
Welshpool road has nearly killed me a few times, from rapid lane changes by landcruisers to having a fucking spastic pull out from side street, saw me and shit bricks coming to a stop right infront of me instead of continuing on. I was hard on brakes with rear stepping out to make it into the other lane to get around him. Was too close for me so pulled a u turn when safe and went after him. Lucky he smashed it up an unknown side street to me as I was so blinded by rage I was keen for first hand prison experience. I understand accidents happen but that pingpingpingping shouldn't have been behind the wheel with that sort of brain function.

21-08-2014, 10:22 AM

21-08-2014, 10:25 AM
^^ That move is in the R class test.

We're teaching miss_petepie how to do it this weekend.

21-08-2014, 10:29 AM
ninja moves ftw! :D

21-08-2014, 12:17 PM
^^ That move is in the R class test.

We're teaching miss_petepie how to do it this weekend.

Please film & post results

21-08-2014, 01:59 PM
I feel fuckin sorry for you bike guys hey, im no saint behind the wheel, anyone who knows me will attest to that. but if I see one of you on your bike coming up near me I either move further left or speed up / move away. ill be fucked if im gonna take out some poor pingpingpingping on his bike just wanting to go for a burn.
I don't care if you lane split or whatever, some people get all fired up about that shit. fuck it if you wanna make use of how small the bike is then fuckin go for it.
this is one "hoon" who keeps his eye out for you where he can.

ride safe pingpingpingpings <3

21-08-2014, 04:51 PM
if I see one of you on your bike coming up near me I either move further left or speed up / move away.

Dont, just continue to drive as normal. If a bike wants to get round you it can and will.
That is unless you are riding the centre line, in which case move the fuck over anyway!

22-08-2014, 07:58 AM
Dont, just continue to drive as normal. If a bike wants to get round you it can and will.
That is unless you are riding the centre line, in which case move the fuck over anyway!

Fair call, I don't have much to do with you 2 wheel folk so id not had a chance to air this tactic out with anyone.
guess ill just check over my shoulder I few more times if ive seen a bike about.

22-08-2014, 08:50 AM
Dont, just continue to drive as normal. If a bike wants to get round you it can and will.
That is unless you are riding the centre line, in which case move the fuck over anyway!
Will take that on board, I always tried to leave a little extra space when I saw a bike coming up but I can see how that can make you appear more unpredictable.

22-08-2014, 09:20 AM
I will always give a thumbs up as I go past if a car shuffles across in stationary traffic to let me split as it is appreciated, what I find extremely frustrating though is when people panic when they see a bike approaching and start watching their mirrors constantly and weaving about as they are not looking where they are going. Or when they slow down to under the speed limit and move right across to the left for no reason thinking they are being helpful.

22-08-2014, 10:41 AM
I will always give a thumbs up as I go past if a car shuffles across in stationary traffic to let me split as it is appreciated, what I find extremely frustrating though is when people panic when they see a bike approaching and start watching their mirrors constantly and weaving about as they are not looking where they are going. Or when they slow down to under the speed limit and move right across to the left for no reason thinking they are being helpful.

It is difficult though from a car only users prospective, if you have friends that ride or are more aware of the dangers riders face, you want to be more carful and more accommodating for bikes on the road.
im not talking about weaving all over the show or slowing down, I maintain speed and just shift over a bit.
Like Nugs said, ill be taking the advice on board

22-08-2014, 10:52 AM
moving over a bit is great, it tells me you know i'm coming and aren't going to try and squash me cause you can't handle someone 'beating' you...

23-08-2014, 10:12 AM
I move over for riders when driving when they have approached from behind through traffic quite quickly, best to move aside and let them keep the pace up. If just everyday driving and a bike it riding as per normal and not splitting from behind I just go about driving normally.

pingpingpingpings that move across to ride the center line in stationary traffic to stop splitting riders get past need to die a fiery death as far as I am concerned. Only thing you can do for them, is ride around just their car to make a point that all they are doing is making themselves out as being a dickhead.

23-08-2014, 10:26 AM
+1 to moving over.

If there is no traffic around on a dual carriageway or the freeway I'll let you guys pass of your own accord, but in traffic I'll always drift slightly to the opposite side you guys are on. Too many times I see the opposite. Not cool. Hell even on a single lane, I'll drift to the edge of the road if a bike comes up quick. Would rather a bit of extra room than the chance of clipping etc. Have seen too many mates with bark off.

On the other hand I do get a lot of riders that seem very unaware of car blind spots. They'll come up and disappear into my blind spot & just sit there. Also not cool. Personally would much rather be able to see you guys in my mirrors, next to, up in front than sitting on my rear 1/4.

25-08-2014, 09:42 AM
I was taken out going through a roundabout last July.

Riding straight through the roundabout, he comes down the hill on my left and didn't see my bright red bike
I had enough time to grab a handful of brake but he still hit the front of my bike, hard enough to banana it and swing me around into the side of the tray on his ute. Gave it a good headbutt :P I'm so thankful I was wearing my helmet, ended up leaving a dent in my shoei.
Scares me to think that if I didn't brake he could have t-boned me. That would have sucked because I like driving manuals.
Little dickhead was wearing those sunglasses with the lines across the lens, no wonder he didn't see me

25-08-2014, 10:05 AM
+1 to moving over.

If there is no traffic around on a dual carriageway or the freeway I'll let you guys pass of your own accord, but in traffic I'll always drift slightly to the opposite side you guys are on. Too many times I see the opposite. Not cool. Hell even on a single lane, I'll drift to the edge of the road if a bike comes up quick. Would rather a bit of extra room than the chance of clipping etc. Have seen too many mates with bark off.

On the other hand I do get a lot of riders that seem very unaware of car blind spots. They'll come up and disappear into my blind spot & just sit there. Also not cool. Personally would much rather be able to see you guys in my mirrors, next to, up in front than sitting on my rear 1/4.

I do much the same, if I see a bike coming up behind me I'll generally let him know I can see him eyeing up a way past by moving over to one side of the lane. But as you say some riders are just unaware of how easily they disappear into a blind spot. My other pet hate is when you are pulling onto a largeish road say 100-200m down from a set of lights, you look right (nothing coming b/c they are stopped for the red, maybe just pulling away), look left and proceed only to have a bike fly past at a rate of knots getting pissed I pulled in front of him as he's decided to test out the 0-100 time off the lights. You cannot expect me to anticipate you are going to do that! /rant

25-08-2014, 12:40 PM
do any other riders experience cars trying to race them off the lights when splitting to the front?

whats the consensus feeling of fellow drivers? do you let the bike take off before doing so yourself or quite the opposite?

25-08-2014, 12:49 PM
I let bikes go if they've split and end up next to me, knowing full well they'll out accelerate me. Although a scooter did it the other day and I was somewhat annoyed since he couldn't even manage the speed limit once we got going.

Yakky Bear
25-08-2014, 12:55 PM
Yeah I let them split, even give them room if I can. I know it's impossible to acknowledge every car that does this for you. Occasionally get a wave for the rider.

25-08-2014, 03:43 PM
do any other riders experience cars trying to race them off the lights when splitting to the front?

whats the consensus feeling of fellow drivers? do you let the bike take off before doing so yourself or quite the opposite?

Do on occasion, not that it bothers me. I just twist the throttle more and fuck off.

25-08-2014, 04:33 PM
do any other riders experience cars trying to race them off the lights when splitting to the front?

whats the consensus feeling of fellow drivers? do you let the bike take off before doing so yourself or quite the opposite?

Happens occasionally, usually just ignore them. I'm not gonna risk my lic and bike to prove i'm faster than some fuckwit in his WRX or V6 Commodore, I know I am faster ;)

25-08-2014, 04:39 PM
Happens occasionally, usually just ignore them. I'm not gonna risk my lic and bike to prove i'm faster than some fuckwit in his WRX or V6 Commodore, I know I am faster ;)

im hearing ya...im more concerned about their control and clipping my rear as i get clear into the other lane.

annoys me a little, a bike isn't going to hold up your journey if anything its easing congestion and making it quicker!

25-08-2014, 04:51 PM
I ride and give room to other riders when driving but if Im at the front of the lights and someone spliting ends up next to me its game on. Has resulted in some great lols and some classic runs.

Pet hate is riders who split to the front of the lights then drop a leg out infront of someone already waiting.. pretty arrogant imo.. if there is no room for you to be between the drivers put yourself infront of them at your own risk imo.