View Full Version : Dem Bikies

07-06-2014, 10:27 AM
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/w7r_Sq_T-A8" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

3 x as big? shit!

Yakky Bear
07-06-2014, 10:49 AM
saw this the other day, not a bad watch.

07-06-2014, 12:03 PM
did not know the rebels where that big !! interesting that they let the bloke come down sit and talk about it openly.

07-06-2014, 07:25 PM
Mick is a well respected member that has ties in many places both motorbike and car related worldwide and is obviously relied on to be a responsible spokesman.

07-06-2014, 10:29 PM
this from wiki "Bandidos - One of the "Big Four" American gangs identified by authorities. They have 19 chapters across Australia and between 250 and 400 members. One of the clubs that has actively recruited from ethnic groups in recent years.[37]
Coffin Cheaters - They have chapters in Western Australia, Victoria, New South Wales and Queensland, as well as in Norway. They have between 200 and 300 members.
Comanchero - One of the oldest outlaw clubs in Australia founded by Jock Ross during the late 60s early 70s. Its headquarters are in Western Sydney. It has chapters in Western Australia, Victoria and South Australia. They have between 250 to 300 members in Australia and have expanded in Spain and Serbia.
Finks - Formed in Adelaide, South Australia, in 1969 and now has chapters in other states. It was reported in October 2013 that most members were to switch to the United States based Mongols.[38]
Gypsy Joker - The Gypsy Joker MC, an American-formed club, are most notorious for the 2001 car-bomb murders of West Australian police senior investigator Don Hancock and Lawrence Lewis. They have between 200 and 300 members in Australia.
Hells Angels - Founded in the US and one of the "Big Four" American gangs, now active worldwide. In Australia, they have 150-250 members and are allied with the Nomads.
Nomads - The Nomads club has no website and is not as widely known as other clubs, but does have a significant presence in the press as an outlaw motorcycle club engaged in allegedly illegal activities.[39][40]
Notorious - The club Notorious, a Middle Eastern gang, started competing with Australian bikie gangs, in a turf war for drug sales. Notorious was reportedly using members of the Middle Eastern and Islander communities in Sydney.[41] They no longer exist.
Rebels - The Rebels are the largest outlaw motorcycle club in Australia, and have 29 chapters. They are a more traditional club and are run by former boxer and founding member, Alex Vella. They are by far the largest club in Australia with around 2,000 members.[42]

seems even there they are the largest.... what is laughable is the amount of taxpayer money spent on these laws and challenges etc, for such a small proportion of people. When if in fact the police were actually targeting crime and those doing it they would catch any that were in on it anyway. without the draconian legislation that has taken us back to ned Kelly days that actually targets more than just those it is supposedly meant to target.... PLEASE>....

08-06-2014, 08:27 AM
its much the same as hoon laws, the government are using a group of people that are easily noticeable or stand out (modified cars) to make the general public believe its a bigger issue than it really is and get bullshit unfair laws passed.