View Full Version : Idling issues rb25

21-05-2014, 07:21 PM
Having afew issues with my stagea
Running gear is

Greddy copy plenum
90mm throttle body
Custom rail and injectors
High mount. To4z
Haltech( I think)

Issue is
I high pressured the engine bay

Was missing alittle after but nothing serious

Miss went away
But the TPS was sticking from sludge and causing it to hesitate on initial rev below 2000rpm, even bavk firing through turbo, also idling was terrible , would stall after rev as it wasn't returning at the same rate as the butterfly
Took it apart and cleaned it all up
Is working properly and idling fine
I put TPS back together to the point marked on the throttle with white out

It still has the hesitation, below 2000 rpm it's still slightly missing and stalling when revved and clutch is engaged. I'm guessing it's someyhing to do with the TPS

Did I possibly cook it with water ?
Or it's in the wrong position to start with ?
It still boosts up fine and revs find above 2000Rpm

I'm stumped !!!

21-05-2014, 07:24 PM
I'd also like to say the cold start is fucking horrible on it

But it wasn't running like this

Damo 69
22-05-2014, 05:50 AM
sounds like my old 32

greddy coppy throttle bodies / TPS are fucking junk, get rid of that and get a retune

22-05-2014, 11:06 AM
I don't think it's that
Although the person who mounted the throttle cable and tps should be fucking strung up

It's screwed in with two small wood screws into the aluminum mount. So hence why it moved around etc
But I agree aftermarket plenums and throttle body's often are tuned and Installed horribly