View Full Version : Anyone here suffer from BPPV

29-08-2013, 06:34 AM
Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo ...

Maybe its just because im getting older but woke up Tuesday and as i rolled over to my other side of my head the earth started spinning at a major amount of knots. Started spewin everywhere. Sat up and i was ok, still dizzy but each time i put my head on its side or back it would be like i just done a 100 dizzy wizzys.
Really had me worried that i was having a stroke or something so i went to the docs and they said i have Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo and could last a couple weeks Fucking great!

Also now i may get it again on occasions.
Yep its like being pissed as yet no nice feeling.

Anyone else have this?

29-08-2013, 06:38 AM
A friend has a similar balance/vertigo issue and found that cutting out all dairy from his diet alleviated the symptoms.

29-08-2013, 07:04 AM
You gotta stop downing a bottle of tequila before bed dude.

29-08-2013, 07:09 AM
Friend was out for 4 months from this, wasn't allowed to drive either. Would be pretty shit!

29-08-2013, 07:27 AM
Yeah i was a bit iffy on driving but with the medication im fine as long as my heads up and level but im going to limit the driving till im over it

29-08-2013, 07:28 AM
You gotta stop downing a bottle of tequila before bed dude.

Haha i dont acually drink but it did remind me of once when i was pissed as.
Was told by someone in the medical feild that pot helps WTF

29-08-2013, 08:01 AM
Yeah i was a bit iffy on driving but with the medication im fine as long as my heads up and level but im going to limit the driving till im over it

That's good news to everyone out of walking distance of your place...

Benign paroxysmal positional vertigoSevere, short-lasting vertigo induced by certain head positions.

Postural retraining using a sequence of movements called the Epley manoeuvre is useful.

Medication is usually ineffective.

Severe persistent symptoms may require surgery.

AMH 2013


Meniere's diseaseMeniere's disease involves recurrent attacks of vertigo, tinnitus and hearing loss. Restrict salt intake and avoid cigarettes, alcohol, caffeine and CNS stimulants.

AMH 2013

Not saying you have Meniere's but avoiding those things *may* help - this is why you cant have nice things :)

29-08-2013, 08:17 AM
My old man got Menieres Disease at 50 - took him several years to come good, but he has never really recovered fully.

Hope you are ok soon mate!!

29-08-2013, 08:28 AM
That's good news to everyone out of walking distance of your place...


Not saying you have Meniere's but avoiding those things *may* help - this is why you cant have nice things :)

Yeah menieres was something i was worried about as my grandmother and auntie have it.
The medication is helping but may have to go back to the docs if things havnt changed in a couple weeks.

Cliff and rock fishing will have to take a back seat for a bit :(

29-08-2013, 08:30 AM
My old man got Menieres Disease at 50 - took him several years to come good, but he has never really recovered fully.

Hope you are ok soon mate!!

Thanks mate, few of my mates have had worse problems in the last few years, like deafness, epilepsy, depression and one even took his life etc so dissyness i can handle but still not good. The joys of getting older
Hope you old man fully recovers

29-08-2013, 09:03 AM
yep ive had it, worst feeling ever to the point where leaving the house is borderline impossible....

only thing I found to cure it (for 6-18 months at a time anyway) is the Epsley Manoeuvre.. youtube it and work out which ear is the one most likely to be causing it... mines caused from being a stupid hektik car audio retard back in the day plus a bad sinus ear infection etc which caused some hearing loss etc in one ear.

29-08-2013, 09:37 AM
This about sums up my knowledge on the subject

29-08-2013, 09:44 AM
yep ive had it, worst feeling ever to the point where leaving the house is borderline impossible....

only thing I found to cure it (for 6-18 months at a time anyway) is the Epsley Manoeuvre.. youtube it and work out which ear is the one most likely to be causing it... mines caused from being a stupid hektik car audio retard back in the day plus a bad sinus ear infection etc which caused some hearing loss etc in one ear.

Yep i may have to give that a crack :)

I recon mine is caused from years of snorting dodgy stuff. Stopped it 8 yrs back but had sinus probs since. Hay fever is terrible from the party hard days

29-08-2013, 09:53 AM
my dad has this which kicks off due to his hearing issues.. he has to now have a hearing aid which will help with the vertigo he gets randomly, but it can put him out for days..

dad had a CT scan done and that's how they found it..