View Full Version : Collie Trakdayz cancelled
11-07-2013, 01:36 PM
The Trakdayz rider training group has been forced to cancel any further track days held at the Collie motorplex, this means us riders miss out on what is a great track and a fun weekend away. The reason being fronted is that the track commitee keep changing the booking details and prices for Trakdayz and it has now gotten to a stage they have jacked the price so much its not viable to run the day.
Below is a copy of a letter than has been getting emailed to the Collie chamber of commerce and the track commitee, any one who could take 5 min to cop into and email and send to the two addresses would be greatly appreciated and hopefully we can make enough noise that they will change there decision.
admin @
manager @
I'm very disappointed to discover Trakdayz have had to cancel their planned track days due to an impasse over the track hire fee. I have no insight into what the new board is up to but perhaps they are not fully considering the bigger picture.
When we go to Collie we bring money into the town. In my case I usually stay at the Ridge with my wife, have a meal at the Federal, Crown or the Chinese. I often buy fuel at the Caltex and have breakfast at McDonalds and sometimes have to go into Coles.
TD are usually fully booked so probably about 100 to 150 people come into town when you include helpers, partners, family and friends. Thousands of dollars are spent at local businesses in Collie.
From my experience over the last five years or so attending TD at Collie we're a good responsible crowd and cause no trouble to the Motorplex or the town.
In the name of commonsense I urge the Board to negotiate a fair rate with Trakdayz so we can continue to visit the town and use the facility. It's a great little race track. However the Board need to understand it's no world class Grand Prix circuit and the facilities are very basic compared to Barbagallo Raceway in Perth and other tracks I have ridden in Victoria like Broadford and Phillip Island. We appreciate the effort the management have made over the years in continually developing the venue and making us feel welcome. We all enjoy the weekend away and the atmosphere at the circuit and in the town.
Please pass this onto the Management Board.
Kind Regards,
Get someone with more more experience in writing a letter. Unfortunate that a legal and safe avenue has been lost. Best of luck.
11-07-2013, 01:45 PM
i agree the letter is a bit poorly written and wasnt done by me but the content of the letter isnt that important really, they will read the first one then realise its ageneric letter being sent. Hopefully the fact lots of people are sending it will be a wake up call.
11-07-2013, 01:49 PM
Lovely touch that you got a child to write the letter.
11-07-2013, 01:52 PM
Lovely touch that you got a child to write the letter.
cosidering u have nothing useful to say why dont u fuck off
11-07-2013, 01:54 PM
Actually disagree. Personally think writing a more formal written letter/e-mail would be pointless.
The above shows the person who wrote the letter is genuinely voicing his opinion, and not some half-wit copying and pasting a letter prepared by an armchair lawyer.
11-07-2013, 01:58 PM
Actually disagree. Personally think writing a more formal written letter/e-mail would be pointless.
The above shows the person who wrote the letter is genuinely voicing his opinion, and not some half-wit copying and pasting a letter prepared by an armchair lawyer.
what you see here is a diffrent letter to what JME is refering to, the previous one was pretty poor. Hence why i changed it.
The Current letter isn't much better
Perhaps asking people to voice their own concern in their own writing would help instead of just copying and pasting.
11-07-2013, 03:47 PM
Price of the club days has doubled , people still go so I don't see why the fuss over price increase . Do you stop riding because Shell charge stupids amount of money for a litre of shit fuel ..
when you say they keep changing the booking details and increasing the price is that since the last event that was held or is it since the booking for the next event to be held was made. Pretty shit if they take a booking then make changes to the agreement and up the price. If its simply a matter of price increase over last year or since the last event then there probably isnt too much that can be done about it unfortunately.
11-07-2013, 06:46 PM
remember the track manager changed for a reason, simon was running the joint into the ground
shit is now getting done properly now
i am definately in the know on the track pricing as is brockas... so if there is an issue, just book in somewhere else like barbs
all the shit people whinge about out there is never going to improve while the venue continues to lose money (due to tight pingpingpingpings who want the track for nothing)
your last paragraph literally confirms this, how is it going to get better when everyone wants shit for free
i will happily rather watch the drifting and burnouts which actually brings in money over a bunch of bat shit boring track cars and bikes
p.s if you got 100-150 people coming to town, that means an easy 50 entrants, if 50 people cant split a few grand between themselves, you need to take a good look at yourselves and whether you actually want a nice venue to get loose at, if not... sort something out with Barbs
i will happily rather watch the drifting and burnouts which actually brings in money over a bunch of bat shit boring track cars and bikes
Says the guy who was selling a hyundai excel track car
Fuck your parents must have been scraping the bottom of the gene pool when they created you!
11-07-2013, 07:28 PM
and your point is? as usual you post something pointless
the price can't have been that bad either, the dates got filled pretty much straight away and antilag is booked in also
i still cant believe it got to the stage an illiterate letter needed to be written
and your point is? as usual you post something pointless
the price can't have been that bad either, the dates got filled pretty much straight away and antilag is booked in also
i still cant believe it got to the stage an illiterate letter needed to be written
As usual I post something useless? That's a little rich coming from you...
11-07-2013, 07:31 PM
ahhhh bringing up the anti-eagles afl thread again, thats a new one
good luck with barbs
11-07-2013, 07:32 PM
What is/was the entry fee for trackdayz?
Entry fees for all Motorsport has gone up quite a bit in the last year or 2 and I have found the events hosted by MSW to still be around the same kind of money
ahhhh bringing up the anti-eagles afl thread again, thats a new one
good luck with barbs
Why do I need luck? Who said anything about AFL?
11-07-2013, 07:36 PM
remember the track manager changed for a reason, simon was running the joint into the ground
shit is now getting done properly now
i am definately in the know on the track pricing as is brockas... so if there is an issue, just book in somewhere else like barbs
all the shit people whinge about out there is never going to improve while the venue continues to lose money (due to tight pingpingpingpings who want the track for nothing)
your last paragraph literally confirms this, how is it going to get better when everyone wants shit for free
i will happily rather watch the drifting and burnouts which actually brings in money over a bunch of bat shit boring track cars and bikes
p.s if you got 100-150 people coming to town, that means an easy 50 entrants, if 50 people cant split a few grand between themselves, you need to take a good look at yourselves and whether you actually want a nice venue to get loose at, if not... sort something out with Barbs
No one said they want the track for free, atm collie trakdayz costs $180 for the day, plus fuel, tyres, brakes, overnight accommodation. Last time I went down cost me over $600 and I didn't care I had awesome fun and a great weekend. People are happy to pay this for the time on the track.
If the trakdays group can hire wanneroo a currently more expensive track with the same number of riders then Collie must of really jacked the prices for a less well equipped track to make them turn round and say they cant afford it.
U don't like track cars or bikes that's fair enough but guess what? a fuckload of people do!! IMO watching a burnout gets boring yeah the first couple are entertaining but after the 20th meat head has come out disappeared in a cloud of smoke it does get boring. But Trakdayz isn't a spectator sport its rider training and for the rider.
11-07-2013, 07:39 PM
What is/was the entry fee for trackdayz?
Entry fees for all Motorsport has gone up quite a bit in the last year or 2 and I have found the events hosted by MSW to still be around the same kind of money
$190 at Barbs and $180 at Collie. Its my understanding the issue Is also the committee changing what the orginal agreement was.
11-07-2013, 07:41 PM
Assuming your track hire is the same price that I pay, and I know it will be. You are paying $2614+GST for a 1-day weekend track hire. Plus $1150+GST for 2 paramedics. This is a total of $3764 for an event. Now assuming that you have 50 riders enter, you need only charge $75 per entrant to break even. I must also say that looking at the TrakDayz website, courses vary from $180-$210. So my question is, who is actually profiting?... And who is missing out on the fun?
So grab yourself a group of 50 people, each chuck in $75 and book the track independenty. I think TrackDayz is having a lend of you. Be quick, the first date they cancelled has already been rebooked.
11-07-2013, 07:42 PM
i still cant believe it got to the stage an illiterate letter needed to be written
So what part of the above letter is illiterate to you? you seem to off picked up on what other people have mentioned early in this thread that relates to a different letter.
11-07-2013, 07:42 PM
$180 each? what is there 20-ish entrants amongst the 100-150 that supposedly come to town?
if you're into your sport you will pay the money, bike people all seem to have bulk $$$ when it comes to fancy clothing and mods
the venue cannot continue to lose money, people need to realise this
sounds to me like trackdayz is ripping their members off, never seen $180 track fee for a club day
totally agree everyone is into different types of motorsport, sadly drifting and burnouts are the top 2
11-07-2013, 07:44 PM
$190 at Barbs and $180 at Collie. Its my understanding the issue Is also the committee changing what the orginal agreement was.
Collie does not set the $180 price that Trackdayz charges their members, if Barbs is only $10 more wouldn't that be a no-brainer to save a 400km~ round trip?
11-07-2013, 07:44 PM
Assuming your track hire is the same price that I pay, and I know it will be. You are paying $2614+GST for a 1-day weekend track hire. Plus $1150+GST for 2 paramedics. This is a total of $3764 for an event. Now assuming that you have 50 riders enter, you need only charge $75 per entrant to break even. I must also say that looking at the TrakDayz website, courses vary from $180-$210. So my question is, who is actually profiting?... And who is missing out on the fun?
So grab yourself a group of 50 people, each chuck in $75 and book the track independenty. I think TrackDayz is having a lend of you. Be quick, the first date they cancelled has already been rebooked.
Trakdayz isn't just time on the track its instructed time on the track, each of the 4 groups has 4 or 5 instructors. I'm assuming the extra coin goes to cover there time as well.
11-07-2013, 07:47 PM
Trakdayz isn't just time on the track its instructed time on the track, each of the 4 groups has 4 or 5 instructors. I'm assuming the extra coin goes to cover there time as well.
and that is the venue's problem?
11-07-2013, 07:49 PM
Collie does not set the $180 price that Trackdayz charges their members, if Barbs is only $10 more wouldn't that be a no-brainer to save a 400km~ round trip?
have u hit ur head recently or do u just choose to ignore the stuff I have said. The track is great fun, there is left handers compared to barbs 6 right handers. Also its not just the time on the track its the atmosphere down there getting away for the weekend with fellow riders.
Assuming your track hire is the same price that I pay, and I know it will be. You are paying $2614+GST for a 1-day weekend track hire. Plus $1150+GST for 2 paramedics. This is a total of $3764 for an event. Now assuming that you have 50 riders enter, you need only charge $75 per entrant to break even. I must also say that looking at the TrakDayz website, courses vary from $180-$210. So my question is, who is actually profiting?... And who is missing out on the fun?
So grab yourself a group of 50 people, each chuck in $75 and book the track independenty. I think TrackDayz is having a lend of you. Be quick, the first date they cancelled has already been rebooked.
Just what this thread needed!
Thank you.
edit + strong first post escaught
11-07-2013, 07:51 PM
What seems to be the problem then?
Looks pretty profitable for 50 entrants paying $180
5k in instructors and admin fees, more than the track+paramedics rofl
11-07-2013, 07:53 PM
Trakdayz isn't just time on the track its instructed time on the track, each of the 4 groups has 4 or 5 instructors. I'm assuming the extra coin goes to cover there time as well.
50 riders at $180ea = $9000. Now deduct the total of $3764 for track hire and your left with $5236. Divide this amongst your 5 instructors and their each getting paid $1047. If your work on a 7 hour day (9am till 4pm) that breaks down to a $149 hourly rate for each instructor... How do I apply to become an instructor? If their not on this rate then how much of it is TrackDayz themselves pocketing?
11-07-2013, 08:01 PM
Ignore the people taking the piss and focus on what is required.
Construction of the letter so be it... Maybe put together a petition and forward it to a Federal Member who might jump on the band wagon. It's election time soon and if they can't help you they will point you in the right direction.
11-07-2013, 08:01 PM
50 riders at $180ea = $9000. Now deduct the total of $3764 for track hire and your left with $5236. Divide this amongst your 5 instructors and their each getting paid $1047. If your work on a 7 hour day (9am till 4pm) that breaks down to a $149 hourly rate for each instructor... How do I apply to become an instructor? If their not on this rate then how much of it is TrackDayz themselves pocketing?
u misread 4 groups each with 4 or 5 instructors that means 16-20 instructors.
Although it has nothing to do with Collie but people are also forgetting the cost of insurance to run an event like this and insurance to cover motorbikes events isn't cheap.
But this thread has gone waaaay off topic, If you think Trakdayz is ripping riders off and just out to make a buck despite not having a clue what Trakdayz is and do that fine go on believeing that, but if you have done a track day at collie and you think it sucks that this option is no longer viable for what ever reason then send an email.
11-07-2013, 08:03 PM
50 riders at $180ea = $9000. Now deduct the total of $3764 for track hire and your left with $5236. Divide this amongst your 5 instructors and their each getting paid $1047. If your work on a 7 hour day (9am till 4pm) that breaks down to a $149 hourly rate for each instructor... How do I apply to become an instructor? If their not on this rate then how much of it is TrackDayz themselves pocketing?
I like how ur math doesn't include GST but the price people pay does include GST to make profits look inflated.
11-07-2013, 08:06 PM
i dont see what you are trying to achieve with this email?
11-07-2013, 08:07 PM
i dont see what you are trying to achieve with this email?
you've made this very clear already
11-07-2013, 08:13 PM
but you havent actually explained your point mate?
not in the know for barbs pricing, what does a barbs day cost? how much more then what escaught posted is it?
maybe a weekday might be more financially suited for trackdayz.. $900 saving according to pricing on MSW webpage
11-07-2013, 08:15 PM
Trackdayz isn't a charity. They are in it for profit. I guess collie is becoming unprofitable. I put together club days for the Ducati club down there and have done others. We run ours for about $150 head and only have about 10 bikes per group. ( Bout 40 riders total ) Tips a little into,the clubs coffers and provides a valuable ride day.
Agreed the venue has to make some profit to improve or perish as some venues over east have.
i dont see what you are trying to achieve with this email?
Are you retarded? Like seriously? I'd feel better about the human race if you are...
11-07-2013, 08:18 PM
11-07-2013, 08:19 PM
i will happily rather watch the drifting and burnouts which actually brings in money over a bunch of bat shit boring track cars and bikes
Dude stop drinking the bong water , it's making you fucking stupid .. if drift n skids did it better at bringing in the dollars then why do they only do a handful of events ?
sell bike, buy car, join ALM, see you in collie in a few weeks. problem solved ;)
11-07-2013, 08:19 PM
This shall be my last post.
I see this as a personal attack on the Collie Motorplex and have not yet seen anybody quote that they have spoken or discussed with the MSW Board themselves. Rather, you have launched a viral attack online as it is faceless. First and foremost the management of TrackDayz should address this privately with MSW. They should also not resort to coaxing others to write and express their anger. Book a meeting and sit down face to face.
$1150+GST for 2 paramedics.
$140k a year. not bad!
11-07-2013, 08:21 PM
Threat results in a Forensic need.
This shall be my last post.
I see this as a personal attack on the Collie Motorplex and have not yet seen anybody quote that they have spoken or discussed with the MSW Board themselves. Rather, you have launched a viral attack online as it is faceless. First and foremost the management of TrackDayz should address this privately with MSW. They should also not resort to coaxing others to write and express their anger. Book a meeting and sit down face to face.
Who are you sleeping with?
11-07-2013, 08:22 PM
Dude stop drinking the bong water , it's making you fucking stupid .. if drift n skids did it better at bringing in the dollars then why do they only do a handful of events ?
its winter... and the only one that can be bothered running drifts seems to be dan from bunbury auto wreckers
skids is a little funky as there is bulk skid venues, need to be smart picking dates
11-07-2013, 08:27 PM
This shall be my last post.
I see this as a personal attack on the Collie Motorplex and have not yet seen anybody quote that they have spoken or discussed with the MSW Board themselves. Rather, you have launched a viral attack online as it is faceless. First and foremost the management of TrackDayz should address this privately with MSW. They should also not resort to coaxing others to write and express their anger. Book a meeting and sit down face to face.
you have misinterpreted what my intent is, this has nothing to do with the Trakdayz group or launching as you put it a faceless personal attack on the Collie Motorplex. Its groups of riders showing their support for the event and that we hope something can be sorted out weather one or both sides of the table come to a compramise. This topic is also on PSB and the Trakdayz organisers that frequent there are well aware of people opinions.
11-07-2013, 08:36 PM
its winter... and the only one that can be bothered running drifts seems to be dan from bunbury auto wreckers
skids is a little funky as there is bulk skid venues, need to be smart picking dates
So how does drift bring in better money then when they do 2-3 events a year ? do they jack up the price for track hire ??
11-07-2013, 08:55 PM
there is no "jacked up" prices
you of all people should know that simon was running the place into the ground and it was at risk of closing
decisions were made to change the track manager and chairman
the venue cannot continue to exist running at a loss, it is a no-brainer that the drifters pay more for track hire
11-07-2013, 09:04 PM
but do drifters also do more damage to the track dropping wheels of edges and throwing shit up on the track itself? This has always been my understanding and why they don't allow drifting at the AHG center.
11-07-2013, 09:10 PM
Bart can also concur that track cars drag a shitload of crap onto the track to
As for damages, that is worked into the drifters price as far as i am aware
At the end of the day Trackdayz has gone about "getting what they want" the wrong way, especially when lots of them are involved in other groups who have no problems booking the track
Now i am all about the track having as much bookings at possible, but totally against it being booked out at a loss
11-07-2013, 09:45 PM
So, from what I can gather, trakdayz had an agreement with the previous management for a special rate on hire of the track. The new management has reviewed the agreement and discovered it is financially unsustainable. Trakdayz have been informed they will pay full rate for track hire, which cuts their margin, possibly meaning it is financially unsustainable at their current rate to clients.
Then there's the issue of booking dates being changed.
11-07-2013, 10:13 PM
Wow at paramedics price. Where do they come from, the city?
11-07-2013, 10:45 PM
why was this thread reported to admin? Really need to take the fucking tissues out of your bra!
It is a discussion. deal with it
12-07-2013, 02:43 AM
but do drifters also do more damage to the track dropping wheels of edges and throwing shit up on the track itself? This has always been my understanding and why they don't allow drifting at the AHG center.
Drifters cause no more damage then what any other group do ..
12-07-2013, 05:22 AM
Indeed beatle... Trackdayz cancelled their dates of which the first one was pretty much filled immediately by another group
Fairly sure you don't have to get paramedics through the venue and that you can bring your own fully trained paramedics etc
12-07-2013, 07:06 AM
Wow at paramedics price. Where do they come from, the city?
As DanWA mentioned, you can bring your own paramedics, but bringing them from the city is even more expensive. You can also try to use the local St John in Collie but they are under resourced and cannot guarantee they can make it to your event. If you permit requires them, your event goes down the toilet if they dont show. Given the circuit supplies a fully equipped ambulance and two paramedics, the rate is actually quite reasonable to whatever else is out there. You can just ring in your own paras, set up a wagon with a stretcher and manage it yourself, (has been done when in a bind) but I would rather have the best care I can afford on hand should something go wrong, and also sell off the risk to someone else so if shit goes down, other than fulfilling your role as an organiser, the care of the person is in someone elses hands. And the track will guarantee they show, and they are familiar with track events and how to respond.
Re Trakdayz, its not the first time they have thrown their toys out of the cot and dumped Collie. I guess the market will determine the outcome. If MSW prices are too high, they will lose bookings and be forced to drop prices. But if they keep them up and and have a full calendar, I guess its stump up or go elsewhere. Here's hoping they make some surplus cash and can further improve the facility.
12-07-2013, 07:22 AM
If they are track supplied, I'd be very interested in their qualifications, but either way that price is blatantly high and clearly a money grab for "private" attendance.
I reckon I could convince our crew to come down and do it for the day for half that price! We had 3 vans at Racewars for $500 over 2 days. The country ambulance subcentres surrounding Collie would probably be more than willing to do the same thing as well.
12-07-2013, 07:24 AM
So, from what I can gather, trakdayz had an agreement with the previous management for a special rate on hire of the track. The new management has reviewed the agreement and discovered it is financially unsustainable. Trakdayz have been informed they will pay full rate for track hire, which cuts their margin, possibly meaning it is financially unsustainable at their current rate to clients.
Then there's the issue of booking dates being changed.
Re Trakdayz, its not the first time they have thrown their toys out of the cot and dumped Collie. I guess the market will determine the outcome. If MSW prices are too high, they will lose bookings and be forced to drop prices. But if they keep them up and and have a full calendar, I guess its stump up or go elsewhere. Here's hoping they make some surplus cash and can further improve the facility.
And this.
Trakdayz is a business. They will operate like a business. If something is not viable or a contract cannot be agreed on a business will pull out of a deal.
They usually have 16 or so coaches, Paramedics, an ambulance, crash clean up crew and recovery vehicles (there are always a few spills). Aside from their administration and booking staff. All of which costs money.
There are still motorcycle courses that are held at collie (MCRC, HMRC) so its not the end of the world.
12-07-2013, 08:14 AM
If they are track supplied, I'd be very interested in their qualifications, but either way that price is blatantly high and clearly a money grab for "private" attendance.
I reckon I could convince our crew to come down and do it for the day for half that price! We had 3 vans at Racewars for $500 over 2 days. The country ambulance subcentres surrounding Collie would probably be more than willing to do the same thing as well.
I have run countless days at Collie. The ambulance centres around collie are not able to help much at all. They are under resourced and struggle to fill their own rosters let alone get people committed in advance for other weekend work. You can get them from Bunno, but by the time you pay an hour travel each way, the cost of 2 paras and their ambulance, or one para and a first aider, the cost is at least as much if not more than what the track is charging. If you and your crew can do it for half the price, please let me know and we will book your services for the next Ducati day.
Re the locals, don't quote me but I expect they are trained paramedics from local mine sites. So you have two of them and a fully operational ambulance for 8 hours. Thats about $140hr for two skilled people plus the ambulance. Reasonable IMHO.
Nobody is putting a gun to your head and saying you must use MSW ambulance service. If you can do it cheaper you are welcome to. Reality is, people try to find alternatives only to find there aren't any that are better priced or as convenient.
12-07-2013, 08:34 AM
There is no milk spilt on the msw side of the fence.
Trakdayz has handled the situation like preschool kids. Riggs said a business needs to be viable or it ends so thats pretty much the end of it. The track cannot continue to operate at a loss and trakdayz can't afford the track hire ($2500+gst) so trakdayz cancelled their own bookings
Maybe fourseven can put them onto the half price paramedics and they can try save the 2nd date they cancelled if they haven't already burnt their bridges. HCMC, MCRC and the Ducatti club are always repeat returners.
Including the Collie Chamber in the sped emails is poor form
12-07-2013, 10:19 AM
There is no milk spilt on the msw side of the fence.
Trakdayz has handled the situation like preschool kids. Riggs said a business needs to be viable or it ends so thats pretty much the end of it. The track cannot continue to operate at a loss and trakdayz can't afford the track hire ($2500+gst) so trakdayz cancelled their own bookings
Maybe fourseven can put them onto the half price paramedics and they can try save the 2nd date they cancelled if they haven't already burnt their bridges. HCMC, MCRC and the Ducatti club are always repeat returners.
Including the Collie Chamber in the sped emails is poor form
I'll repeat myself again cos clearly you only want to read and absorb bits of peoples statements, This letter is not the doing of Trakdayz, its not backed by Trakdayz. It is the doing of Trakdayz SUPPORTERS like myself and fellows riders that are using the internet as a medium to convey our PERSONAL thoughts on the matter in the hope that both the Trakdayz group and the MSW can come to a mutual agreement.
You might ask then "why are we not emailing Trakdayz"? well again as I said Trakdayz coaches and management are active on PSB and are aware of peoples thoughts and love for the Collie track, The dates for Trakdayz events will usually sell out withing 48hrs after their release for both Barbs and Collie they are very popular.
I'll admit when I started this thread I had only been aware of one side of the argument and reading the more balanced non ranting posts in here has opened my eyes a bit to the situation. But it still does not change my opinion that is its a great loss that some agreement by both parties hasn't been reached and riders such as myself and others miss out.
12-07-2013, 10:22 AM
There is no milk spilt on the msw side of the fence.
Trakdayz has handled the situation like preschool kids. Riggs said a business needs to be viable or it ends so thats pretty much the end of it. The track cannot continue to operate at a loss and trakdayz can't afford the track hire ($2500+gst) so trakdayz cancelled their own bookings
Maybe fourseven can put them onto the half price paramedics and they can try save the 2nd date they cancelled if they haven't already burnt their bridges. HCMC, MCRC and the Ducatti club are always repeat returners.
Including the Collie Chamber in the sped emails is poor form
Least the sped email doesn't include sentences like "repeat returners"??
12-07-2013, 10:28 AM
, The dates for Trakdayz events will usually sell out withing 48hrs
Least the sped email doesn't include sentences like "repeat returners"??
Damo 69
12-07-2013, 10:45 AM
this thread gave me aids
12-07-2013, 11:09 AM
The mutual agreement is that trakdayz pays their way. Good on MSW for not bending over.
Also with attitudes like yours and some of the spankers on PSB, good riddance to Trakdays and we'll just be happy with HCMC, MCRC and the Ducatti club coming to Collie.
Have it on good authority that Trakdayz had nothing to do with this childish email barage but at the same time they havent really made an attempt to slow it down or stop it.
One thing that is clear, thank fuck antilag has Paul to organise the AL event.
12-07-2013, 11:20 AM
Emails might be misdirected. Maybe petition trackdayz to take a cut on their profit???
12-07-2013, 11:26 AM
This discussion is certainly something that can and should continue, but the insults need to stop FROM BOTH SIDES or I'm going to bin it.
12-07-2013, 11:47 AM
If trakdayz is so popular, surely passing on the price rise should be no issue?
LOL at people complaining about businesses making profit.
12-07-2013, 12:04 PM
Will be interesting to see if Trakdayz gets a please explain over the online attack on MSW and where the info came from and the members who fired it up.
The above would be in italics but tapatalk doesnt have that feature
Is collie community or private run?
12-07-2013, 01:32 PM
^^^ Good question TJ. If it was a community based entity then roll on benefits to the local area could be in the equation. But regardless of being a not for profit community based entity or a private entity, it needs to remain viable....... either through income from punters or from the public purse.
You knew exactly what my follow up was going to be :)
12-07-2013, 02:00 PM
It is not community based
12-07-2013, 02:10 PM
What is you role with MSW or Collie Motorplex Dan?
12-07-2013, 02:18 PM
12-07-2013, 02:22 PM
They can read Antilag/PSB etc and i would have got chewed if i said anything out of place. Hopefully Trakdayz/members have learnt from this and havent burnt the bridge too bad and can get another booking.
Really? judging from your other threads/posts it definetely seems that way. constantly promoting MSW etc and just the way you talk refering to the company as "We've" etc..
12-07-2013, 02:53 PM
Yeh i'm just a general helper, i hold no position nor intend to
I post events on here incase people want to pop down
12-07-2013, 02:59 PM
12-07-2013, 06:12 PM
im glad ya post the events dan its the only way i find out about them.
i will eventually wipe the sand out of my vagina and make it down there one day and say hello.
12-07-2013, 06:44 PM
Aren't you the webmaster Dan?
12-07-2013, 07:08 PM
I will keep posting them to caibs
MSW track/burnout day on Sunday since AFARCC pulled out. I posted about it to. $100 (with cams license) and $165 (without cams license). Burnouts flat $60
fourseven... yeah i was asked to do basic html edits to keep it rolling for now since it was poorly updated in the past while i push for a terry-spec re-design so the track manager can look after it himself
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