View Full Version : USA - No longer the land of the free etc etc

02-07-2013, 09:08 PM
Thoughts on the below video..

WARNING: Animal Cruelty near the end of video.

News Article (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2353347/Police-shoot-kill-Rottweiler-street-dog-runs-owner-arrested-obstruction-justice.html)

From what i can see in that video, i see no reason to arrest the guy for filming, when others are doing it and the cop who shot the dog needs a bullet in the head.

02-07-2013, 09:14 PM
Don't even want to imagine what I'd feel like if that happened to my dog in front of me.

02-07-2013, 09:18 PM
Horrible to watch.

02-07-2013, 09:22 PM
What a ridiculous course of action. Cannot believe what I just watched, fkn pitiful. I would lose my bundle if that was my dog, would be no ending the amount of suffering I would inflict on that cop giving the chance.

What was the bloke ever arrested over ( wasn't watching with sound )

02-07-2013, 09:24 PM
That's farrrked.

02-07-2013, 09:32 PM
That poor dog. No wonder the general public hate the cops over there. Fuck sake.

02-07-2013, 09:39 PM
What a ridiculous course of action. Cannot believe what I just watched, fkn pitiful. I would lose my bundle if that was my dog, would be no ending the amount of suffering I would inflict on that cop giving the chance.

What was the bloke ever arrested over ( wasn't watching with sound )

"Obstruction of justice". Read the news article for more detail behind the video.

It's bad enough those pingpingpingpings shot a dog, made even worse considering Rottweilers are my favourite dogs. Hope the man gets some sort of justice from those pricks

02-07-2013, 09:46 PM
Hang on, am I missing something here?

It looked to me like the dog had a go at the officer.

If I was a cop, I'd have done the same.. The dog biting the officer could have either hurt the officer, his fellow officers, or even caused a situation where the arrested person could have gotten free and attacked one of the officers.

Yeah, it was fucking horrible to watch the dog get shot, but in my opinion, a necessary evil.

02-07-2013, 09:49 PM
Hang on, am I missing something here?

It looked to me like the dog had a go at the officer.

If I was a cop, I'd have done the same.. The dog biting the officer could have either hurt the officer, his fellow officers, or even caused a situation where the arrested person could have gotten free and attacked one of the officers.

Yeah, it was fucking horrible to watch the dog get shot, but in my opinion, a necessary evil.

Cops have so many viable options when it comes to non lethal methods of incapacitating a person, I would assume mace or a taser would work equally as well on a dog.

Pulling taser or mace takes no more time than a gun and would have worked as effectively in the situation.

Going by that logic every time a person kicks off they should be shot ?

02-07-2013, 09:51 PM
Had old mate just gotten in his car and fucked off, rather than prancing around with his phone recording the police and stirring shit, none of that would have happened.
Might learn to mind his own business next time.

02-07-2013, 09:53 PM
Yeah, it was fucking horrible to watch the dog get shot, but in my opinion, a necessary evil.

Have to agree. Next time a large unknown dog takes a shot at you what would you do?

02-07-2013, 09:55 PM
Cops have so many viable options when it comes to non lethal methods of incapacitating a person, I would assume mace or a taser would work equally as well on a dog.

Pulling taser or mace takes no more time than a gun and would have worked as effectively in the situation.

Going by that logic every time a person kicks off they should be shot ?

Not sure if you've noticed, but a human isn't a canine.

02-07-2013, 09:56 PM
Yeah he was the only one that had taken interest in the situation and their course of action was completely justifiable

Im all for cops using necessary force and encourage it more than anything when needed, but there could have been multiple different ways to approach this situation with a completely non violent result.

02-07-2013, 10:04 PM
A person is a much bigger target than a dog. Also no chance to talk down a dog or give it a chance.

I love rotti's, there are two just outside that get treated like family, but circumstance led to it being needed in the cops eyes. My first Rotti, female, so not as big as a male, have seen what that can do when angry, so all it takes is a quick jump, hit, knocks a guy to the ground and is then going for the neck.

American cops are trained to kill to protect, so thats what he did.

Sad regardless.

02-07-2013, 10:16 PM
Granted, the guy was being a bit douchey, but he wasn't doing anything illegal. So end of the day, the cops caused the situation to escalate to what it did. They called old mate over, so he chucked the dog in the car, and wasn't being belligerent or aggressive (as far as we can see). Filming the cops isn't illegal in America, so they had no lawful cause to restrain or cuff the guy.

But on the other hand, he should've just stuck with everyone else or got in the car and left. The cops were already on high alert by the looks of things so why push it?