View Full Version : R-class test at midland

04-06-2013, 09:42 PM
I know this has probably been asked a million times, but I' am wondering if there anything specific to watch out for in midland? I have my R class test within the fortnight and thought i'd ask.

I know there are the train tracks, which if i recall you turn left, over the train tracks and the instructor will ask you to turn right immediately, so making sure head checking if trains are coming and mirrors, indicators and blind spots.

Anything else that would be helpful would be appreciated!


04-06-2013, 10:20 PM
Do a mono, worked for my test at Richmond Raceway. That will bring back some memories.... for some who know where it is...

05-06-2013, 07:51 AM
train lines...bulk head checks at train lines & always pull up behind the white line...don't creep

got done for both years ago...was pretty inexperienced back then though

dak dak
05-06-2013, 08:01 AM
It's just like the re test except on a bigger bike so the usual
indicators (most fail leaving them on)
No speeding
don't lift the front wheel
head check every side street
and check every intersection you go through
As the others said train lines too, as you are going through them head check a few times
Don't place your right foot on the ground at any time
leave the bike in gear at all times (don't go in neutral at the lights)
Pick what wheel track you want to be in and stay there, I've been told as long as you stay to the left you'll be fine during the test.

Also make sure you arrive there with a shadow, if you don't.....automatic fail
It's another good idea to just ride around the area before your test so you know what roads are 50,60,70kph

I think thats all :)

05-06-2013, 09:35 PM
thanks peeps, basically what i had in mind, but doesn't hurt to ask!


06-06-2013, 07:45 AM
When you go under the roe highway bridge just past the military markets there is a mini feeder lane right that can confuse people. The testers like to catch people out accidentally going into that lane split and not indicating.

Also make sure when turning left or right stay as close to the kerb as you can(don't put your foot on kerb). The testers love to split up inside you if you leave a single inch and will knock of points. One of the guys at midland is known for this.

dak dak
06-06-2013, 08:50 AM
Also make sure when turning left or right stay as close to the kerb as you can(don't put your foot on kerb). The testers love to split up inside you if you leave a single inch and will knock of points. One of the guys at midland is known for this.

You just reminded me of something similar :)

Op whenever you stop your bike make sure it is close to the curb but enough distance that you can get off without stepping on the curb. When I was taken down a side street to do estops I pulled off to the side but parked to close to the curb to put my side stand down so I put my right foot down and lost points.

Goodluck with the test

08-06-2013, 08:12 PM
cheers fellas, will keep as much as i can in my head and practice it over and over.