View Full Version : ramifications for riding without a license..
07-03-2013, 10:23 PM
because im to lazy to look anywhere for the answer, whats the deal with riding a bike without a license for it? does it get impounded? do you lose your drivers license? or do you just get a fine?
...not that im riding without a license
5ltrs of fun
08-03-2013, 12:25 AM
It will be the same as driving without a licence impound and court apperance loss of licence.
yup - no license= pineapple in the butt hole
out of class is a lesser charge.
gk get your license!
08-03-2013, 06:50 AM
twist wrist...when in doubt, power out
but seriously, i would be more concerned about lack of insurance should you hit a baby
08-03-2013, 08:33 AM
im all booked in to sit the test in a few weeks, but i want more practice and im a cheap ass jew who doesnt like paying for shit.. only way to learn is to get out there with traffic n shit.
whats the deal when you're outa class? just a fine.. orrr
whats the deal when you're outa class? just a fine.. orrr
...and still no insurance
08-03-2013, 09:06 AM
...and still no insurance
dont u get 3rd party insurance with registration of vehicle?
08-03-2013, 09:18 AM
The amount of idiots who think that covers you astounds me.
That insurance only covers things like you crashing into a building. It won't cover you hitting another person.
08-03-2013, 09:21 AM
A lesson is $60 or so... Get one before you end up under a car. They teach you some pretty good stuff you may not think about just jumping on a bike and tearing around (ride in wheel tracks, head checks, not to ride in blind spots, etc.).
You might get away with common sense if you're not an idiot but you're gambling with your life out there as well as your licence.
Damo 69
08-03-2013, 09:24 AM
Gambling with causing an accident and being ass fucked for the rest of your life
08-03-2013, 09:27 AM
What. An. Idiot.
The amount of idiots who think that covers you astounds me.
That insurance only covers things like you crashing into a building. It won't cover you hitting another person.
it doesn't cover any form of property damage! only injury to others!
08-03-2013, 09:51 AM
had lessons, got another one next week. test after easter. i was really just curious as ive been taking out the bike and running round my suburban streets practicing what ive learnt. no real major roads, just cul-de-sacs and the like. not having a shadow and relying on lessons only makes it hard to keep practicing - if you get my point. hence why i asked the questions in the off chance that a cop car comes down my little side street.
im not stupid enough (yet) to risk my own life, the lives of others and my license just to ride around.. if i need to go somewhere ill take my car - not hard.
08-03-2013, 09:51 AM
im all booked in to sit the test in a few weeks, but i want more practice and im a cheap ass jew who doesnt like paying for shit.. only way to learn is to get out there with traffic n shit.
whats the deal when you're outa class? just a fine.. orrr
Its not as simple as that, it comes down to the police officer that stops you.
Yes it can be as simple as a $100 fine for "riding out of class" or it could be extreme as having your bike impounded on the spot for 28days, court date and possible lost of license
so the gamble is high!
08-03-2013, 09:53 AM
riding outside of your permit restrictions will void any insurance claim regardless...don't do it, not worth it....get on PSB and find a shadow....will cost you a burger at most
edit: just read your post above about riding back streets...i did the same but literally stayed on the block i live unless i had a shadow
08-03-2013, 09:53 AM
dont u get 3rd party insurance with registration of vehicle?
Do I have to insure my car?
When you register your car you are also covered for compulsory third party insurance. This insurance only covers you for claims against you when you cause an accident and somebody is injured.
If you drive a car on a Queensland road without registration and compulsory third party insurance and you cause an accident, the injured person may make a claim for compensation against a public fund called the nominal defendant. The nominal defendant can then make a claim against you for the value of the compensation.
There are other types of insurance for your car that is advisable to have. If you cause an accident and damage somebody else's car or home or belongings it can become very expensive if you are not insured.
Third party property damage insurance covers all claims made against you for damage you cause to other people's property. This type of insurance does not cover you for damage to your own vehicle.
Comprehensive insurance covers you for damage to your vehicle regardless of who caused it. This means that if you are in an accident, you only have to deal with your insurance company to get your car repaired no matter who caused the accident.
get on psb! plenty of shadows available!
08-03-2013, 10:09 AM
dont u get 3rd party insurance with registration of vehicle?
Wow... it is a little scary to think that people out there actually think that... They should probably re-word it on the Vehicle registration paperwork.
Damo 69
08-03-2013, 10:42 AM
08-03-2013, 02:46 PM
Niva will shadow you, that nigga got a licence for everything
08-03-2013, 05:10 PM
The amount of idiots who think that covers you astounds me.
That insurance only covers things like you crashing into a building. It won't cover you hitting another person.
LOOOOL The idiot is calling idiots, idiots.
10-03-2013, 01:48 PM
it amazes me the number of people who's only concern about riding out of class/no lic is what would happen if police pull you over. In my opinion getting pulled over and fined/impounded is the best possible outcome.
Imagine someones pulles out on you u miss them but shoot of into the bush and break your back, loose a leg etc. If you work in a hands on job (basically anything not sitting infront of a computer) obviously you can no longer work or support yourself not to mention the medical costs. If you are lic and all legal at least this way you can claim thru your CTP insurance and get a healthy payout. Not enough to support yourself for rest of your life but would at least be enough to set yourself up or support yourself while you retrain for a new non labour type job.
An example a guy i used to work with someone pulled out infront of him completly not his fault and he ended up breaking is leg really bad, as in the muscle was the only thing holding the lower half of his leg on, was off work for nearly 12mths. But in the end got a payout of a couple hundred thousand in the end. Paid his medical bills then bought a property up Chittering.
Get on PSB ask in the weekly learner ride thread for a shadow and you will get plenty of experince. So you have 3 oppertunities to do 70-80km night ride in a large group before your test.
21-03-2013, 08:57 AM
[QUOTE=MadDocker;1089302]A lesson is $60 or so... Get one before you end up under a car. They teach you some pretty good stuff you may not think about just jumping on a bike and tearing around (ride in wheel tracks, head checks, not to ride in blind spots, etc.).
the amount that still do this astounds me, ive always learnt not to sit in a blind spot regardless of what vehicle you are in
23-03-2013, 05:23 PM
I left the track with my racebike on the trailer, and another track day entrant on his Fireblade actually rode up with aprox 6 other bikes and proceeded to sit in my blind spot. I had no idea how many bikes were around me so if i hadn't checked my own blindspot I would not have seen him, and then after I put my indicator on and had it on for over 30 seconds he was in such a position that he couldnt be made aware of my intention to move over. I eventually had to start moving over to make him aware to look at what was happening around him!
As MrMike said, PSB, get shadows and other people who ride to teach you and do lessons!
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