View Full Version : 2006 wrx clutch issue's

23-12-2012, 02:44 PM
I really need some help on this one. clutch is engaging but not releasing all the way and then sometimes it wont engage at all but if i pump if it will then work. i only just brought the car at the end of october from Subaru Osborne park so im still under warrenty but if i could solve the problem without having to drive the 3 hours from merredin to perth that would be great.

23-12-2012, 04:08 PM
you wont be able to solve it, it will either be the clutch master, slave or hose check under the intercooler if there is brake fluid leaking from the hose.
If its not leaking then clamp it with a plastic pliers, if the clutch pedal is hard then the master cylinder is ok

23-12-2012, 05:59 PM
I've bleed the master cylinder and there hasnt been any leaks, i dont know about the slave cylinder tho, but im sure subaru can deal with that haha. Thanks alot for the help tho

Mister Two
25-12-2012, 12:15 AM
Bleeding the clutch hydraulics is a pain on a subaru because the slave cyliner leans backwards with the hose attaching at the back of the slave cylinder. Id bet there is still air in those lines.

25-12-2012, 02:41 AM
Good chance its the hose. Even if they are weeping they will cause issues. Ive replaced many of them over the years.

Have a good look at that hose (rip the intercooler off and double check it) If it does turn out to be fucked order a braided replacement and dont worry with the stock part again.

25-12-2012, 08:15 AM
Fozzy is right, very common issue, they arnt hard to bleed, remove intercooler and its easy, but I there is a hole then your wasting your time bleeding it

08-01-2013, 06:55 PM
I have take it to a local dealer that subaru aurthorised, they have ordered a new master and slave cylinder im hoping this will solve the problem, but we shall see. Thanks for all the input it has been really helpfull