View Full Version : MASSIVE Employment Opportunities

18-10-2012, 04:36 PM
We have recently been advised that we have to employee between 500-800 people in the next 45 days to meet client requirements. We are still relatively new to Barrow, only signing our contract mid last year.

MASSIVE job opportunites!! We have HR emailing all staff asking us to hand out ROI's (Registration of Interest) to any friends or family that may be interested.
A company where with enough determination, you can make a difference. The company has been around for a long time but have only just recently joined the big leagues when they signed onto Gorgon.

We need everything from Peggy's > Engineers > Safety Advisors > Trade Assistants > Mechanics > Electricians > Administration > You name it, we need it.

Below is the notice i received with a number to call for more information. I can also provide ROI forms.

HR PRESTART NOTICE – 19th October 2012

CKJV Jobs email

Many employees may have received, or will receive an email thanking them for registering their interest in working for CKJV.

This has been the start of a new campaign to advertise the project in order to meet the demand for the large number of employees we will need in the future.

The intention of this was not to confuse current employees but to allow the opportunity to recommend any friends or family who they think may be suitable for the Project.

We encourage everyone to forward this email on to anyone they think suitable or alternatively advise them to call the phone number included in the information (1800 249 400).

If you have any queries in relation to the above please pass these on through your supervisor to the HR/IR department.

Cheers guys :)

18-10-2012, 04:40 PM
Please pass on contact info &/or ROI form. Keen

18-10-2012, 04:42 PM
Looking for chippies?
Formwork, residential framed housing, stick roofing, second fix, maitenence

18-10-2012, 04:49 PM
We are still relatively new to Barrow, only signing our contract mid last year.

Obviously missed the anti-poaching part of the Barrow contract when you sent the emails to other contractors employees!

Might be in a wee bit of trouble :)

18-10-2012, 04:52 PM
We have carpenters at our warehouse sites? Fill out an ROI, send it in and if they like what they see, theyll offer you the position you want or an alternate one.

I work for CBI and its well known internally as "Cousins, Brother & Inlaws" because our main recruitment strategy is through friends and family of our employees. You are also subject to alot of training and personal development.

Send me an email at alegg@ckjv.com.au and i will email you the ROI form and an email to forward it on to. I may take a day to reply as my spam filter catches everything!

1800 249 400 is the number to call for more information.

18-10-2012, 04:54 PM
You are CBI arnt you?

18-10-2012, 04:55 PM
Obviously missed the anti-poaching part of the Barrow contract when you sent the emails to other contractors employees!

Might be in a wee bit of trouble :)

Im 90% certain we dont employ people that have recently worked on gorgon with other companies. As we have had many people apply for jobs with our client and have been turned down because of that.

18-10-2012, 04:58 PM
Perth based stuff at all?

18-10-2012, 05:00 PM
We have a perth office, 3 sites down in Henderson and barrow. The positions would be spread across all 4 :)

18-10-2012, 05:06 PM
Apprenticeships by any chance?

18-10-2012, 05:10 PM
There was talk of a range of apprentices in the new year for external candidates. They just started the apprenticeship for internal candidates. Send us an email as I'm pretty sure there's a section on the ROI for apprenticeships

18-10-2012, 05:12 PM
Do Matt/munt a favour and hook him up...about time the pingpingpingping had a job.

18-10-2012, 05:14 PM
Fixed plant fitters? It's construction yeah? What kind of roster, do you know.


18-10-2012, 05:23 PM
Haha, I've already sent Matt on his way. He's pretty much the exact kind of person we want.

Um, not sure mate. Send me an email anyway and I'll post a list of jobs tomorrow when I'm back at work.

And yep, we are construction. And on barrow they work on a 26/9 roster

18-10-2012, 05:37 PM
Boilermakers, crane drivers or scaffolders?

Email sent.

18-10-2012, 05:45 PM

fuck the mining boom

18-10-2012, 06:30 PM
Scaffolders, crane/ewp/forklift = a big yes!
Not sure on boilermakers, will check tomorrow.

Maaaaaybe not pharmacists though. But who knows, we were employing doctors, nurses and psychiatrists at one stage

18-10-2012, 06:40 PM
Haha, I've already sent Matt on his way. He's pretty much the exact kind of person we want.

That doesn't bode well for the project...

18-10-2012, 07:23 PM
so where do we get the form? im a second year apprentice sparky.

18-10-2012, 07:34 PM
slightly OT, but who are the Henderson contacts for the workshops? parts & consumable etc?
pm, or if you like I can email you from work tomorow.

18-10-2012, 08:17 PM
Keen on the Apprentice side of things, If they'd take a fourth year Heavy Duty Plant mechanic, all TAFE is done, supposed to have been fast tracked and signed off as RPL, boss is just milking it now.

What about doc controllers also, have a friend with a fair amount of experience, especially construction based.

18-10-2012, 08:57 PM

fuck the mining boom

Do a field medics course and you can put bandaids on at the Medical centre?

18-10-2012, 09:01 PM
pm sent

18-10-2012, 09:06 PM
That's interesting, CBI made 35 guys redundant 5 weeks ago on tanks crew

18-10-2012, 09:19 PM
Makes you wonder why they didn't just bring them across to Ckjv...will update info tomorrow.

18-10-2012, 09:37 PM
Project accountants?

18-10-2012, 09:48 PM
Project accountants?
Yes... what of us bean counters?

18-10-2012, 09:59 PM

fuck the mining boom

I know a few pharmicists making great coin thanks to the mining boom :P

18-10-2012, 10:52 PM
Survey Offsiders / Machine control by any chance ???

if so keen for a stint on Barrow island

18-10-2012, 11:31 PM
Part time or full time?

19-10-2012, 12:48 AM
Haha, I've already sent Matt on his way. He's pretty much the exact kind of person we want.


19-10-2012, 12:50 AM
Anything offshore based? Have STCW 95, TBOSIET, Advanced fire fighting, international first aid.

Or butchers. Everybody needs a dirty filthy slimy butcher, eh love?

19-10-2012, 07:21 AM
Hey Guys,

Ive had about 20 emails so far. Ive passed on a list of jobs, the ROI and recruitments email.

The best thing to do if you're interested is to send me an email at alegg@ckjv.com.au. We have many more positions being filled than whats on the list as well. If you PM me on here without emailing me, i may forget to send you an email.

Positions will be spread between BWI, Henderson and Perth. We have 3 sites down at Henderson. We have staff/supervision positions and crew positions going. We are even recruiting for more safety admins/clerks so you will be working with me aha

We arent recruiting for any offshore positions and having any of thje below will definately be advantageous.

-White Card
-Forklift Ticket
-Scaff Ticket
-ER Training
-Senior First Aid
-Relevant qualifications/certs

However, if you are lucky enough to be chosen for a position, you will get given this training anyway. (Except ER, unless you apply to be apart of the ER team).

Thanks guys!

19-10-2012, 08:18 AM
Database Management/Data Analyst jobs? :P

19-10-2012, 08:50 AM
Cost control/finance gigs? Email sent

19-10-2012, 08:51 AM
Any sort of analyst/project roles?

19-10-2012, 10:19 AM
+ Project management roles ^^

19-10-2012, 10:57 AM
Please send me emails! and ill send you a list of the advertised positions, an ROI and an email to send it to.

I know we are employing in many different departments but i cant give specific job titles if they arent advertised! :)

19-10-2012, 11:09 AM
email sent, though not for a job...

19-10-2012, 11:25 AM
Post nudes up here if she obliges, Beatle.

19-10-2012, 11:26 AM
Post pics when you receive.

EDIT: Haha, beaten.

19-10-2012, 11:34 AM
Lol, not that sort of email.
I want to sell them bearings, or anyone else for that matter!

19-10-2012, 11:39 AM

19-10-2012, 11:46 AM
I like how you said "when" you receive pictures, as if i was actually ever going to do that haha

If at least 1 person gets a job/interview through this, ill be a happy camper. 1 out of 30 shouldnt be too much to ask.

19-10-2012, 11:49 AM
ROI sent & online application complete. Name's Dean incase you are the one checking through applications & wanna get yourself a handsome yound Costie on board :p

19-10-2012, 11:57 AM
How is your name and the second part of your post connected?

19-10-2012, 12:14 PM
Email sent
Thanks jared

19-10-2012, 12:38 PM

Brett J

23-10-2012, 06:57 AM
Been advised that a couple of applicants have made it through to the online part of the application over the weekend.

23-10-2012, 08:17 AM
FYI - short term mass recruitment drives, in my experience, most definitely benefit from radio advertising - PM stumps off here ( Ben Henry ) he works at Red FM and i have used them successfully in the past for radio advertising - their coverage of remote WA is astounding - they reach to in excess of 120 towns / mine sites / oil rigs and a target audience of roughly 52000 FIFO workers.

nothing like targeting your desired audience directly for a FRACTION of what you are probably paying for paper advertising.

23-10-2012, 09:41 AM
Email sent.
Adam. P

23-10-2012, 12:21 PM
do they need mechanical designers?

24-10-2012, 06:04 PM
any civil eng needed?

05-11-2012, 05:09 PM
Medical WED... Training/inductions to start next Monday apparently.

08-11-2012, 02:05 PM
Any dogman/EWP/TA jobs going?

08-11-2012, 02:28 PM
Yay! One person!

Anyone still asking about positions available should be sending me an email asking for an ROI. And i'd say that any available positions would very nearly be gone, so be quick.

Just a reminder to all to send their completed ROI's into the recruitment email address that im supplying with the emails i send out. I am not in recruitment and can not forward them on to recruitment for you.

Thanks Guys!!

08-11-2012, 02:44 PM
I sent my printed forms to the physical Kwinana address on the paperwork. Any harm done there?

08-11-2012, 02:54 PM
I sent my printed forms to the physical Kwinana address on the paperwork. Any harm done there?

BLAA should be able to help you if any issues.

I assume you have him on fb anyhow, send him a message.


09-11-2012, 10:11 PM
Yay! One person!

Anyone still asking about positions available should be sending me an email asking for an ROI. And i'd say that any available positions would very nearly be gone, so be quick.

Just a reminder to all to send their completed ROI's into the recruitment email address that im supplying with the emails i send out. I am not in recruitment and can not forward them on to recruitment for you.

Thanks Guys!!

I gave your email to a friend of mine (Josh), he's a LV fitter

30-11-2012, 05:31 PM
Got a call a few hours ago, anyone else get one?

Hopefully get an interview next week.

30-11-2012, 07:27 PM
what you going in as if you get through?

30-11-2012, 07:29 PM
Wish I'd gone through with this now, didn't expect to be fired so soon, thought I could hold on till the end of the year,lol

30-11-2012, 07:36 PM
WTF why did you get fired?

30-11-2012, 07:49 PM
No work, they lost a huge contract.
Don't care, got trade papers :P

30-11-2012, 08:14 PM
get into CBI you fuck! then i can rub my nuts allover your tools before you get issued them!

03-12-2012, 07:48 PM
what you going in as if you get through?

I'm a qualified boilermaker but i also applied for CN crane operator, forklift operator and Trade Assistant as im over my current job. I got an interview tomorrow but I don't even know for what role it is haha but that's if Erm's stops being a pingpingpingping they called me up saying they can't get a hold of a few supervisors so hopefully they can before my interview tomorrow.

03-12-2012, 08:16 PM
There's no CN cranes on Barrow ... LOL

03-12-2012, 08:30 PM
http://cmg.nga.net.au/cp/index.cfm?event=jobs.checkJobDetailsNewApplication&returnToEvent=jobs.listJobs&jobid=9566df26-a525-4e01-8702-a0eb00ff81c4&CurATC=CKJVGorgon&CurBID=4e0de5be-1fd8-4fa8-c680-6e0e63e48cd9&JobListID=fdd661ba-3746-d6da-7535-6dfb8caadb55&jobsListKey=166af8d8-cf40-49ca-a0b5-c75c585aabdc&persistVariables=CurATC,CurBID,JobListID,jobsListK ey,JobID&lid=11234340079 ... LOL

03-12-2012, 08:54 PM

One of them? Dont think so

03-12-2012, 09:23 PM
You're a retard, CN is a non slewing crane it is not just limited to wobby's the most common are Franna's like this


I have my ticket I should know, well done in making your self look like a dumbass.

03-12-2012, 09:25 PM
they have the yard at henderson also

03-12-2012, 09:29 PM
Plenty of Frannas on Barrow. My job up there involved driving a telehandler that could lift 3.1T with the crane jib, which also technically made it a non-slewing crane when the jib was on

03-12-2012, 09:48 PM
My bad, when you mentioned CN I thought of wobbly.

04-12-2012, 10:15 AM
Just to reiterate.

When you apply, you could be considered for positions either on BWI or one of our many sites down here in Henderson. We have a warehouse facility, a lay down yard, multiple working areas within the AMC complex. In addition to those already mentioned, we will also be taking over leightons old warehouse here in Henderson, across the road from our main AMC operations. There has also been speculation/rumours that they are looking for positions up in karratha and also at another site down in busselton/bunbury (forget which one).

Also, if you apply for a position and you get called in for an interview, it may not even be for the job you apply for. If they see your ROI/CV and think you are better suited to another position they have on offer, then they will call you up and see if you are interested.

As im sure many of you are now aware theyve started promoting our recruitment campaign through various media outlets including TV and radio. The point of this thread was to give as many people as possible a head start before the shit storm of applications coming in from the general public. Im still getting a few emails sent to me asking for ROI's and even more people sending me their CVs. I will still send on the recruitment email but now the details have been released to the general public, you really dont have leg up on the competition anymore.

Has anyone else apart from Jared had any luck in their quest for employment?

I receieved in excess of about 45 emails from people. Im hoping more than 1 person made it through.

04-12-2012, 10:17 AM

04-12-2012, 10:18 AM
Tried to edit before anyone seen.


carlos spicy wener
04-12-2012, 03:11 PM
i know the answer, but im going to ask anyway, but whats the possibility of anything being available in 3 months time?
ill be finished my Carpentry apprenticeship by then, and already have forklift ticket, EWP ticket, and Cert IV in welding.

04-12-2012, 05:32 PM
If you want to come up as a welder you'll need to pass 17 test plates (for CBI tank crew) and maybe more if you going with CBI/Kentz on piping crew. They give you 5 days to do it.

04-12-2012, 05:35 PM
In 3 months time we will still be employing. We are nowhere near capacity. We are looking to have around 3-4 thousand employees.

04-12-2012, 07:06 PM
email sent

06-12-2012, 11:32 AM

06-12-2012, 02:10 PM
Filled our application
Filled out ROI
Did safety test thing
Did Cognitive test
Passed all that, get email saying next step before interview is to fill out ROI !
What the?

12-12-2012, 10:04 PM
Filled out ROI and an application. Does anyone have any idea on how long until I will hear something back from someone?

12-12-2012, 10:14 PM
not long i dont think but all my ROI and what not was done by hand not electronic

19-12-2012, 10:34 PM
Did a questionnaire thing today. Check your emails daily, as mine was a link in one from CKJV.
Took 20 mins, can only do it on a PC (no smartphone access) no distractions, etc.

20-12-2012, 07:11 AM
Its smoother now then when i got employed but i had my interview in late november and didnt start until beginning of february.

Found out they had a recruitment drive over last weekend at the convention centre. Line up > get interviewed > get immediate yes or no answer after interview, if answer is yes you get your medical and training booked on the spot. If you pass medical youre employed straight away.

Would have shared if they had let us know, i hear they are doing more of these but down south (Bunbury) if anyones interested, ill find out details.

20-12-2012, 07:13 AM
Theres rumours of another perth one in January as well.

20-12-2012, 07:22 AM
Quantity > Quality? Sounds like a fantastic project...lol.

20-12-2012, 02:00 PM
Its a massive project. We have no shortage of unskilled workers applying for positions, I guess we'll see how it all pans out. We generally have a pretty good crew here at Henderson. Most fucksticks have been weeded out.

20-12-2012, 02:10 PM
could be very keen if they are still chasing electricians.... Wouldnt mind getting some more money =)

20-12-2012, 04:10 PM
Would there be any I.T related jobs going?

20-12-2012, 06:54 PM
Induction tomorrow for me, thanks Ash.

20-12-2012, 09:21 PM
need to find something to put in your boots when they come through my warehouse :) grats mang!

21-12-2012, 09:40 AM
Yay! Im guessing its CKJV induction first, ill be presenting ICARE part with the coordinator :)

21-12-2012, 03:21 PM
You never showed up! Our trainer had to go through the ICARE him self lol. Cheers Blaa, put some nails in them some compo would be nice ;)

21-12-2012, 04:59 PM
hey Ash let us know if there's another one in Perth - definitely keen.


21-12-2012, 05:12 PM
Packing a Goodlife bag today were we miggy? I was getting around with the Santa hat on

Noticed a aristo beached out the front also!

21-12-2012, 05:12 PM
Passed all the tests and filled in ROI, haven't heard shit, Have to resort to using g/f who works for Kentz on Barrow to help.

21-12-2012, 05:29 PM
Same! Been holding off the booze so when the medical is due I'm clear. Don't do drugs so not an issue. :P

Except haven't got an insider into the gig, lucky you Brett_J haha.

Unless the MASSIVE influx of people after the public advertisement has bottlenecked it?

21-12-2012, 06:29 PM
Packing a Goodlife bag today were we miggy? I was getting around with the Santa hat on

Noticed a aristo beached out the front also!

Nah that wasn't me but I did spot you then. You should of seen my first effort trying to get up the curb I was just about well and truly beached.

22-12-2012, 11:19 PM
ICARE coordinator left at 10am so we no showed. I'll be looking after ICARE for the next 2 weeks while he's on holiday so you might see me walking around, sharing the good word :P

For all that have done training and still haven't heard, what positions are you applying for? They have held off on mechy fitters, trade assistants and Peggy's for now as they have people waiting to come on board when we have more work.

I'll see if I can get some answers about any other positions on hold, that might answer some questions.

23-12-2012, 12:09 PM
I've applied for apprenticeships, almost all of them haha.
TA's positions, forklift/EWP driver, Heat Exchange/Boiler operator.

Thanks for keepin everyone in the loop Ash-u-lee! :)

23-12-2012, 12:50 PM
Yeah I applied for Fitter role, but would be keen to do a dual trade as a Sparky, Apparently half my HD Fitter training shortens apprenticeship by heaps, so def keen.

26-12-2012, 03:42 PM
Chucked my resume though - Chasing anything to do with HSE/Training.

07-01-2013, 07:47 AM
Little bit of an update.

All of those that i have receieved emails from ive been sending through new directions. Recruitment has advised that we are now only accepting applications through the online portion.

Go to www.bepartofsomethingbig.com.au and create an account. There will be a list of positions on there that you can choose to apply for.

I found that we have ALOT of openings for TAs so this will probably be your best bet. They recruit internally for alot of the apprenticeships so if this is the kind of position your chasing, you'd also be better off putting in for a TA position.

Just FYI for alot of you out there wondering about pay rates and such. TA's get roughly $1600 in hand per week and tradesmen get $1700. This is information direct from out rates of pay for the gorgon project. Hourly rate starts at $35ph but then you get all your allowances ontop of that.

Tehobbit - Im in HSE and we have taken on about 5 trainers in the past month, im not sure if anything will be open for training. We have also just taken on a few safety advisors for BWI. We are obviously still recruiting for them if we have new people coming on, so there is no harm in sending an application through.

Ill post up more information as i find out. We still have roughly 20 people coming through our inductions every day.

07-01-2013, 08:32 AM
So if I've applied for a Mechanical role and want to get my foot in the door as a T/A, would it be best to do another application instead of waiting for them to get more mechanical roles open?
LOL @ doing a trade then some kid off the street can come along with fuck all skills and earn $100 a week less !

07-01-2013, 08:39 AM
L TA's get roughly $1600 in hand per week.

Unskilled laborer, earns more than 3 art graduates.

07-01-2013, 08:50 AM
Tradesman as in Boilermakers and Welders?

If the T/A is anything like what we have currently here at my workplace not such a bad deal... tho they are always the first to get laid off when work is quiet.

07-01-2013, 09:16 AM
Been waiting 3 weeks for some sort of reply, holding off booze and had a quiet NYE so I'm ready for any medicals..... Not even a letter/email/call to tell me I've failed/passed the online exam part.
Ash-u-lee, please tell me it's just really, REALLY bottleneck busy??!
Kinda relying on a call back, as current workplace is auschwitz!

no offence to anyone related to an auschwitz survivor or otherwise.

07-01-2013, 10:23 AM
If you work the Saturday you take home around $1900 in the hand :) not great but far from bad neither being 15kms from home!

07-01-2013, 12:16 PM
I'll work Saturdays!! And Xmas day too ffs. Haha

07-01-2013, 02:29 PM
If you can put in another application, then id do that Brett.

Im going through the application process for my partner at current, hes gone through the online safety test and now is up to his cognitive test. Im not sure how this testing bullshit works because this started after i was employed.

TAs get paid $500 more than me a week to not have to deal with the politics and corporate crap. Id say $1900 a week in the hand with a saturday is pretty good jared :P

They are busy, but not 3 weeks busy. Its surprises me that they arent giving feedback. Did you say something silly on your online test like you get jealous of others or you litter?

07-01-2013, 02:45 PM
I applied today for an electricians position! Did my safety test aswell so shall be interesting to see how long this application process takes!

07-01-2013, 02:46 PM
Those tests made me think twice about taking a job if I got offered it based on their pathetic recruiting process.... But all companies are gay like that these days.

07-01-2013, 02:46 PM
Not that I know of, it said answer truthfully, and I did.
Because I get annoyed at others being loud or rude, shouldn't be dismissed as unworthy...right?

I dunno, it's the NO CONTACT that has me most concerned.
Will re-apply and do my best.

Thank you again for the reply Ash-u-lee! :)

07-01-2013, 03:01 PM
Will be sending application through for TA. That pay is kind of a big deal, considering everything else I have gone for has been sub 70k Gross!

07-01-2013, 03:08 PM
If you can put in another application, then id do that Brett.

Will see how things go, missus spoke to her guys that she works with at BWI and got the guy that handles recruiting for them down there or something, Steve or something and shot him an email.

07-01-2013, 03:57 PM
Not that I know of, it said answer truthfully, and I did.
Because I get annoyed at others being loud or rude, shouldn't be dismissed as unworthy...right?

I dunno, it's the NO CONTACT that has me most concerned.
Will re-apply and do my best.

Thank you again for the reply Ash-u-lee! :)

You do realise you will be working with men? Blue collar men? May not be for you bro...

07-01-2013, 09:56 PM
Haha, I've worked construction sites before BLAA, can throw the F's and C's just as well as the next guy.
Also done production, manufacturing and plant maintenance, got a few tickets and certs, yet every squib is getting the roles. Weak

26-01-2013, 03:52 AM
I applied today for an electricians position! Did my safety test aswell so shall be interesting to see how long this application process takes!

How did you go with your application . I'm a sparky
Might be intrested my first question would be hrs worked
And pay

12-02-2013, 08:17 AM
Back again!

Any decent hard working fellows/lasses looking for a position in HSE administration Henderson based.
When i say decent, you must be able to follow instructions, not be a smart mouth and be an honest and easy to get along with worker.

The HSE manager is the best boss ive had and the team is supportive. We are looking for 2 more positions and possibly a 3rd. Site/hse admin experience is advantageous but as long as youre a hard worker, have common sense and half a brain you may have a good chance.

We had 1 girl lined up for an interview but she didnt rock up.

Hours are 6.30am-5pm monday to friday.
Pay is decent for a perth based admin position.

You can send your CV directly to my email address at alegg@ckjv.com.au and ill review it. If i think you'll be suitable for any of the positions available, ill forward your CV on to my manager and he will be able to set up an interview.

These positions are different to the crew because if we want someone, they could be employed and on the project in a couple of weeks.

Important Notes
- Must have intermediate - expert excel & word experience
- Must be able to work the required hours
- Must be on time for work
- Must be interested in HSE and be willing to participate in HSE related activities

This is a great company to make a difference. For those of you that don't know, i started here as a HSE clerk with 1 years HSE experience and my cert IV in osh in Feb last year. I have now been put forward for a HSE advisors position or a position coordinating a behaviour based safety program. This shows that if you have the determination, their are plenty of people within this company and our client that are willing to recognise you.

12-02-2013, 09:45 AM
Are you guys looking at taking on an electrical apprentice? I've done a pre-app course at TAFE. EGT seems to be stuffing me around so I'm looking at other options atm.

12-02-2013, 10:15 AM
Ash what's your email addy again?

12-02-2013, 10:17 AM
Ash what's your email addy again?

LOL, read the post. All that land has gone to your head

12-02-2013, 10:19 AM

It's mentioned in this thread no less than 10 times

12-02-2013, 10:20 AM
Im not sure what recuritment are looking for at the moment. Theyve slowed down on recruiting for the moment as they are waiting for additional positions to open up.

alegg@ckjv.com.au Jared :P

Are you asking to send yours in?

12-02-2013, 10:38 AM
Hey ash, I ppplied in January for a TA position, did the online safety and the other test but I haven't herd anything back since? Failed the tests or just lost with the mass of other applications? Best way to get in contact with them? Thanks.

12-02-2013, 02:28 PM
Recruitment is dicking people around with feedback and training.
Im trying to push my partner through the system and he's been waiting 3 weeks for a reference check. Because all of that stuff gets done through chandler macleod, its not even done through us.

Try send an email through here and see if you get a reply. I cant find a direct recruitment number.

20-03-2013, 04:31 PM
starting there on thursday , bout timeeeeee

20-03-2013, 04:43 PM
Well done mate!

What's the details on where they're shipping you?

20-03-2013, 06:00 PM
im a pipefitter/welder going to henderson so im not sure i seen alot of pipes at amc so i can assume there?

20-03-2013, 07:57 PM
Yeah you will be at AMC :) welcome! Be really positive about ICARE and we can be friends.
P.S say high if you see me. I'm the little girl from HSE aha

20-03-2013, 08:02 PM
If you buy your lunch in Henderson, go to hendies, not the one next door. The wait is worth it.

20-03-2013, 08:44 PM
Hendies wasn't opened when I first started but its so god damn good.

20-03-2013, 08:46 PM
Hendies wasn't opened when I first started but its so god damn good.

oh wow , what a coincidence you did the talk on icare in my induction today just after lunch i think it was. i went to one deli behind the ship and dock somewhere and it was like no other so much food not only shit food aswell but some healthy stuff

20-03-2013, 09:30 PM
Did you go to the one on the corner or the 1 next to it?
my personal favourite is a large chips with katsu chicken and Japanese mayo.

20-03-2013, 10:06 PM
Well hi there! There were 19 guys and only 1 girl in the class today so forgive me if I can't remember which one you were :P