View Full Version : Buying a motorbike with out a bike license?
01-10-2012, 08:47 PM
Hey guys, real quick one, can you buy a motorbike without actually having your bike licence? I was under the impression you could, but my mates telling me you can't, I'm looking at getting a hyo shitter to get my motorbike license (I'm 6'2 and lanky as fuck so the bigger frame is a godsend) so say if I went to dale britton and bought a bike (cash, not finance) there wouldn't be any issues would there?
01-10-2012, 08:50 PM
You can buy a bike with no license.
U can ride it with no lincense and get caught, usually $100 fine, up from $50 a few years ago. No big deal.
Much worse if you get caught riding by yourself when ur on ur L's
01-10-2012, 09:00 PM
Excellent, I thought that was the case but my mate kept telling me I couldn't, if it was being financed I could maybe understand why the shop wouldn't let you but yeh, as long as they get they're cash I dont see them giving many fucks
01-10-2012, 09:12 PM
yes. its not really any different to owning a vehicle and not having a drivers licence.
You can buy any car and bike without a licence..
Regarding the comment about riding it, there is a difference between riding out of class and riding without any motorbike license.. If you have your 250 license and get caught riding a big bike, you can be lucky and just get a $100 fine, or as others have found out get pineappled hard and lose points and a lot more cash.
Getting caught riding a bike with no bike license at all i believe results in the same charge as driving a car without a license.... not something you'd probably want to get stung with..
02-10-2012, 04:46 AM
If you get caught riding out of class now, it's considered hoon laws. You lose the bike and license.
02-10-2012, 08:10 AM
so many armchair experts with minimal clue.
I've been caught twice, once on a gsxr600, once on my cbr1000rr. Both times, riding out of class - $150 no points.
They COULD try and do you for riding without a license, however the bike license is simply a class added onto your EXISTING license. If they did you for no license, im confident with a good lawyer you could take them to court and get it dismissed. Similar thing happened with a burnout i did once - they did me for reckless, i argued it was excessive noise as no danger was posed to public (which is what the letter of the law RE: reckless driving is) and my charge was dismissed.
There is a law in place for riding/driving a vehicle out of class - it would be exactly the same as if you decided to drive a truck down the road.
Long and short of it, you'll be running the gauntlet, in the long run, cheaper and easier just to go get your license.
02-10-2012, 08:11 AM
p.s i only have my RE L's - no 250 license
02-10-2012, 09:13 AM
^^^^ please clarify for me as im an idiot
i have my RE L's - have a bike - been riding it
if i get caught doing this on my L's (without shadow) i will be done for riding out of class rather than no license? the penalty will be $150 clams no points?
02-10-2012, 09:18 AM
^^^^ please clarify for me as im an idiot
i have my RE L's - have a bike - been riding it
if i get caught doing this on my L's (without shadow) i will be done for riding out of class rather than no license? the penalty will be $150 clams no points?
depends on the cop. the fine varies from $50 to $150, always no points HOWEVER they are with-in there right to impound your motorbike. get a cop that isn't in a good mood and your fucked.
Not to mention the fact that you are not cover by any insurance
02-10-2012, 10:02 AM
You will want to check what the fine for "riding contrary to permit" is cos thats what you will be done for not riding out of class/no lic
02-10-2012, 10:07 AM
People seem to only be focusing on the fact they might get a fine if they ride/drive a vehicle out of class. The bigger issue in my opinion is if you have an accident you will have no insurance. If some fuckwit decides to jump on there CBRGSXR1 and rides it out of class cos they "dont look cool enough" on a 250 and crashes into me with no insurance i would be fuckin pissed!
02-10-2012, 10:14 AM
If you get caught riding a bike without an approved shadow when you only have a Learners permit it is a court appearance. The end results will be a fine and minimum of 3 months suspension of you license (including car).
If you must ride by yourself or without an apporoved shadow (riding school or someone who has held their lic for 4+ years) before you have obtained a Full RE or R class license, you are better off riding without obtaining a learners permit
Halle Terry
02-10-2012, 10:21 AM
Just get your license.
It's not what the thread is asking but it's what you should do.
02-10-2012, 10:42 AM
Probably what he wants is to Buy the bike, ride it home with some one shadow him or watch him over from other vehicle (car)
Get his L's
Learn his bike
and get his RE Licence with his bike not instructors one..
02-10-2012, 11:03 AM
Probably what he wants is to Buy the bike, ride it home with some one shadow him or watch him over from other vehicle (car)
Get his L's
Learn his bike
and get his RE Licence with his bike not instructors one..
get your L's... i can shadow R-E :P
02-10-2012, 11:05 AM
Probably what he wants is to Buy the bike, ride it home with some one shadow him or watch him over from other vehicle (car)
Get his L's
Learn his bike
and get his RE Licence with his bike not instructors one..
Cannot shadow from a car.
02-10-2012, 11:19 AM
Working on it... ;) just wait for it :D
RK 86 WA
02-10-2012, 12:09 PM
Technically we have a 50cc licence with your normal car licence so AFAIK, its riding out of class and not without a licence.
However, don't do it. Just do your L's and get your licence, its not that hard.
Regarding doing your test on a hyo, just pay the extra and do it on your instructors bike. Naked >>>>>> Faired for the test.
Also don't buy a hyo new! There are a bazillion floating around on gumtree/psb/bikesales. Remember its only for a year.
02-10-2012, 12:20 PM
Probably what he wants is to Buy the bike, ride it home with some one shadow him or watch him over from other vehicle (car)
Get his L's
Learn his bike
and get his RE Licence with his bike not instructors one..
Shadow has to be either on another bike or can be pillion on the learners bike.
As Ryan said use and instructers bike, most use a yamaha scorpion 225 a stupidly easy bike to ride and turn. Dunno if you have any riding experience or not but most people have 3-4 lessons before doing a test. Its one thing to be comfortable on a bike but the examiner also tests you on slow speed manouvers and doing O turns on a full faired bike isnt impossible but why make life harder for yourself.
02-10-2012, 01:17 PM
Just wanted to know if I could buy the bike without a lisence or if id have to get my license the purchase the bike, like I said in the op, I'm buying the bike to get my license, if I was gonna get a bike and ride no license I'd just go get a cbr600 or trumpy 675, thanks for all the info anyway guys, these laws seem to be a bit of a grey area and every one seems to have had different experiences riding out of class/no license
02-10-2012, 01:51 PM
on topic-yeah can buy a bike and register it in your name without a bike lic but if you buy a bike on finance they will generally ask for proof you hold correct lic to ride the bike.
02-10-2012, 02:35 PM
Kind of on topic as it saves buying a 250 for no reason, has LAM's got a introduction date for December yet?? You could legally ride a 650 hyo over the 250 once that is brought in can't you??
02-10-2012, 03:10 PM
I think so, alot cooler shit to buy than a hyo with the introduction of LAMs, apparently there's alot of negative with the LAMs stuff aswell, some people say get in now some people saying to wait etc... Ill have to do some reading but I want a bike now haha, plus even when your onto your opens your stuck with a de tuned restricted L plate special, which I'd end up selling anyway
02-10-2012, 03:15 PM
wait for LAMs, buy a 450cc supermoto, be able to keep up with bigger bikes thru the twistys
02-10-2012, 03:25 PM
my husky 610te fall under lams approve ... be awesome 1st bike
02-10-2012, 04:18 PM
Its only 12 months, just buy whatever, sell then buy the bike of your dreams. I don't see the issue.
Admittedly I did ride around out of class a hell of a lot when on my R-E, never got pulled over once (still never to this day on a bike).
02-10-2012, 05:06 PM
wait for LAMs, buy a 450cc supermoto, be able to keep up with bigger bikes thru the twistys
Was actually looking at these a while back it's still a china shitter but I reckon it looks shit hot and all the reveiws I'd read seemed to rave about it, end of the day, what ever I buy will be sold to make way for something bigger and better at some point and the main winner for me is the gt250r for the sole fact of the frame size, and I reckon they don't look half bad for what they are
02-10-2012, 07:52 PM
just thought i would mention that im only riding in my back streets near home to get some saddle time up for my test next tuesday - not trying to be a licenceless douche but needs some practice for test
im going to roll the dice and ride my Hyo in the test...Tai @ Elite thinks i will piss it in and said the instructors can take into account your on a sports bike versus something easier to O turn....will see how that pans out, test is at city west
^ I did the same pre-licence. Ride backstreets close to home to practice turns/get confidence. Nothing wrong with that... Have a lesson or two then hang around close to home, Fuck paying when all you need is practice.
02-10-2012, 08:12 PM
That's was kinda my plan, get a few sneaky suburb rides in, that said a few of my friends dads have their open licence and said they'd go on rides with me so I got plenty of options, cousin doesn't have any more spare cbr's laying around do they Paul? Haha
02-10-2012, 08:30 PM
;1042030']Was actually looking at these a while back it's still a china shitter but I reckon it looks shit hot and all the reveiws I'd read seemed to rave about it, end of the day, what ever I buy will be sold to make way for something bigger and better at some point and the main winner for me is the gt250r for the sole fact of the frame size, and I reckon they don't look half bad for what they are
You lost me at china man
03-10-2012, 08:12 AM
You lost me at china man
Cmon Brett...there are very few things that aren't made in China these days! That POS iPhone your rocking is definately china!
*assuming you have hipster phone :P
03-10-2012, 05:34 PM
In regards to waiting for LAMS to come in December, It's a bit of a gamble. I'm getting my licence atm and will prob buy a KTM 200 Duke at the end of October. Reasons being i want a bike to ride now and when LAMS comes in those currently on their R-E class will likely be kept on under the old system. Either that or they'll be brought under the new LAMS rules, but then those with 250 2 strokes will have to sell their bikes or get an exemption. Also under the current rules you can apply for an open class licence after holding R-E for 12 months. Many of the LAMS states however, have a 24 or 36 month wait until you can get your R class.
I'd rather serve 12 months on a 250 limit than 36 months on a restricted 650, so im getting my license now just in case.
03-10-2012, 06:36 PM
In regards to waiting for LAMS to come in December, It's a bit of a gamble. I'm getting my licence atm and will prob buy a KTM 200 Duke at the end of October. Reasons being i want a bike to ride now and when LAMS comes in those currently on their R-E class will likely be kept on under the old system. Either that or they'll be brought under the new LAMS rules, but then those with 250 2 strokes will have to sell their bikes or get an exemption. Also under the current rules you can apply for an open class licence after holding R-E for 12 months. Many of the LAMS states however, have a 24 or 36 month wait until you can get your R class.
I'd rather serve 12 months on a 250 limit than 36 months on a restricted 650, so im getting my license now just in case.
Smart move!
Chuck, making bikes is best left to the Japs!
04-10-2012, 05:50 AM
got done like 2 months ago, it was only a $100 fine, and the cop let me ride off. (Had my 250 licence but was riding a big bike)
if you have your learners for your big bike, then its breaching your learner permit conditions. and you have to goto court for that, along with a fine.
Your RE license IS your learners permit for big bikes afaik. You don't need a separate permit to ride shadowed on a big bike if you hold your RE
04-10-2012, 08:32 AM
Your RE license IS your learners permit for big bikes afaik. You don't need a separate permit to ride shadowed on a big bike if you hold your RE
He's talking about the $70 you pay for your R learners. Which you can pay whenever you want, or as most people do, just before you sit your R test.
04-10-2012, 10:43 AM
I work at a bike shop and there is nothing to stop anyone buying a bike without a bike licence.
Only issues are we ask for a valid bike licence before test rides so you wouldn't be able to test ride and if you are financing the bike you also need to be insured and that would be impossible to get without a licence.
Nothing to stop someone getting a personal bank loan though and buying that way.
Basically we can sell you a bike an what you do with it is up to you.
He's talking about the $70 you pay for your R learners. Which you can pay whenever you want, or as most people do, just before you sit your R test.
I was referring to Colt's post not the OP
04-10-2012, 11:04 AM
I was referring to Colt's post not the OP
It applies to yours and Colts
05-10-2012, 06:05 AM
whats the fine for riding a motorbike, with no motorbike licence (only car)?
Does that come under the hoon law thing?
05-10-2012, 08:24 AM
wait for LAMs, buy a 450cc supermoto, be able to keep up with bigger bikes thru the twistys
Not if the bigger bike is a streetfighter. :)
Personally dont see the harm in doing your time on a 250. Buy one second hand for the right price, do your 12 months, learn something, flick it for next to the same $ and then upgrade to the dream bike. The lack of go can help save you from yourself when your ambition outweighs your ability. :)
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