View Full Version : Sunday 26th Ride to York Breakfast.

24-08-2012, 06:49 PM
Myself and a friend looking to go for a ride that gets you back home around lunch time .... family commitments and all that jazz.

Meet 8:40am at the caltex/woolworths petrol station attached to Red Rooster on Great Eastern Highway Midland.
Leaving 9:00am.

Ride to york and have a nice breakfast at the usual place.
Return by going out to Northam and Great eastern highway.
Take a detour at to do the weir and head down Kalamunda hill.

Once hit Roe highway, go seperate ways.

Map of Route.

https://maps.google.com.au/maps?saddr=377+Great+Eastern+Highway,+Midland,+Wes tern+Australia&daddr=York,+Western+Australia+to:Northam,+Western+ Australia+to:Mundaring+Weir+Road,+Reservoir,+Weste rn+Australia+to:High+Wycombe,+Western+Australia&hl=en&ll=-31.848399,116.376114&spn=0.402455,0.837021&sll=-31.944005,116.242905&sspn=0.402037,0.837021&geocode=FYpTGf4dbn_qBil7RTcMDbgyKjEDadyHpltOew%3BF ZRrGf4dwL71BikBgqMh4T8zKjEwFHokOPYABQ%3BFX79HP4dNU D0BilT6czWKDIzKjHwBXokOPYABA%3BFVE4GP4dc2PsBik7KlO pTcEyKjHvwYyAVtL5qQ%3BFRKjGP4drjvqBinPzi6o4LgyKjFQ Rt81tfAEBQ&oq=High+&t=h&mra=ls&z=11

Will be a medium paced ride and can have catchup points if any 250 riders/cruisers want to come.