View Full Version : WTD; Fencing and retaining walls

06-08-2012, 10:10 AM
Hey all I would like to have the super 6 fences removed at my house in Kingsley and have colour bond fences put in as well as some retaining wall work done.

Is anyone here in the 'industry' as it is always better to send the business to ppl in the AL community.

Feel free to pm or call

Damien 0402255397

06-08-2012, 10:19 AM
do you need eng drawings?

06-08-2012, 10:23 AM
Shit I hope not.. Just shitty old fences which have had it.. I want them replaced and better retaining walls (than the exisiting ones).

06-08-2012, 10:51 AM
what are you retaining?

got some pics?

if you are retaining, how high?

What is your councils policy on retaining structures?

06-08-2012, 11:34 AM
Very busy time to get work done, I have to wait 4 weeks to get 23m replaced
Other companies have a lead time of 8 weeks at the moment.

Get this, a 3.8m double gate costs $1400 install, whilst 23m of fence costs $1900 installed! Expensive welds on that gate!

06-08-2012, 12:00 PM
expensive fence too... should be at least $10/m less then that for colorbond if its a simple install.

06-08-2012, 12:06 PM
Im not too worried about lead time as im getting my prices together for a new shed, some concreting and other bits aswell.

Magic1 I assumed it would be a straight forward replacement as Im just renewing whats already there. Retaing wall is about .5m high both sides of the block and is just for strength to the fences on a sloping block.

06-08-2012, 12:31 PM
Err colour bond going rate is $119 /m $82 bucks a meter is pretty damn good.

06-08-2012, 12:38 PM
If you can wait for a couple of months you will find fencing quotes will come down in price . The reason being ,most (not All) fencing contractors put up their prices after the storms we had as lots of fencing went down and they know most insurance companies will be paying so 'jack up prices".

06-08-2012, 12:48 PM
Im just trying to help out, what council?

Fences are not generally retaining structures.

06-08-2012, 01:31 PM
Err colour bond going rate is $119 /m $82 bucks a meter is pretty damn good.

You are joking right? I have 4 quotes in front of me all less then $82/m.

06-08-2012, 01:56 PM
have a mate who does colorbond fencing, no idea how much he charges though, will pass his number along

06-08-2012, 02:17 PM
Magic1 Im not having a go at you at all I was trying to answer your questions. Im under the Joondalup council (house is in Kingsley)

Regi feel free to txt it through or pm it.

06-08-2012, 07:57 PM
Not worried about the cost of fence, I'm not paying a cent for it :)
BUT the gate is a ridiculous price, so I'm making my own, because insurance wont' put a gate in where one did not exist before :(

06-08-2012, 08:07 PM
Planning consent is required for the following:

Where a retaining wall exceeds 0.5m in height from natural ground level and does not meet the required side and rear setbacks under the Residential Design Codes (Variation 1).
Retaining wall in excess of 0.5m in height from the natural ground level and within the front setback.
Terraces created at the top of retaining walls in excess of 0.5m are classed as major openings and if do not comply with the Residential Planning Codes for cone of vision setbacks to the boundary.

so basicly, you may need eng drawings.

06-08-2012, 08:34 PM
What kind of retaining do you want done? Limestone, brick, wonderwall etc...?

06-08-2012, 08:37 PM
The drop between blocks is around a meter at its highest points and the existing retaining walls are probably right on that size (.5 high x .5 wide).

Ive got 3 companies coming to quote the job over the next two days so I will put it on them regarding the engineering drawings. What sort of money would you expect to pay for the engineering work?

06-08-2012, 08:41 PM
Autopilot the existing walls are limestone but the guys Ive been talking too do limestone and the modular style (I forget what its called..post and panel?)

06-08-2012, 09:03 PM
take some photos for me.

pricing depends on work imput.

anywhere from $500 to $1000

we have work for others on here.


06-08-2012, 09:10 PM
OK dude I will update after I get the quotes

07-08-2012, 08:51 AM
You are joking right? I have 4 quotes in front of me all less then $82/m.

Can ya provide some companies had 2 quotes so far and both were 119 bucks a meter.

07-08-2012, 08:58 AM
Can ya provide some companies had 2 quotes so far and both were 119 bucks a meter.

Fosters Fencing
Jims Fencing - Dianella (Graham)

07-08-2012, 09:05 AM
I think I paid around $90 a metre. Had quotes as high as $120. Gates are so expensive I assume as they are a 'custom' order. I do think how straight forward the job is influences the quotes. My neighbors had theirs done for $70 but when they asked him he didn't want to touch mine as he thought there would be too many tree roots.

07-08-2012, 11:00 AM
First quote came in at $75p/m but it was for 75m of fencing.. smaller quotes would have been around the low $80's.

07-08-2012, 12:09 PM
Fosters Fencing gave me a quote, was almost a grand more expensive than the other quotes, for the exact same shit.
They need to lay off the stubbies for a while.

07-08-2012, 03:17 PM
DIY? I got my gates made up by R&R fencing in kelmscott. Was by far the chaepest I could find.

Ended up with 3 different sets of gates.


07-08-2012, 03:31 PM
I am going to DIY the gate, home built
Might start up a gate business, bulk cash to be made :)

07-08-2012, 03:55 PM
hahahaa if you've got a crack pipe quote, they don't want your job, its obviously harder than other jobs they're quoting on

13-10-2012, 11:10 AM
Thought I'd bring this to the top


Nick the owner is OK, he tries his best, but his best is shit house!

Installer didnt know what the fuck he was doing, installed plinths above ground level to retain air... because I wanted plinths so the fence looks sick! A fucking plinth is used to retain the soil due to height differences you fucking pleb!

So back he comes to fix that fuck up and belts the posts into the ground, so I'm expecting the fence to be shit. Then he comes back again to install the panels. Then two days later the fence fell over... see previous thought about shit fence!

Then a few days later they came and went to use quickset and do a dodgy, so I told the Mrs to tell them to wait, and then the installer abuses the Mrs, tells his side kick to pack his shit up and we are fucking going... Professionals!!!

Owner then comes out to fix the fence a few days after that episode, and then one day later the fence fell over again!!!

Three weeks since telling the dickheads how to do the job, I get in contact because they don't fucking return calls, I'm told I have to wait for Jims Fencing who is being contracted to repair the work... Thats another 4 weeks away now.

So over two months with a rooted fence! I should have kept the hardi fence in place, it had 4 snapped panels but was still standing upright!


24-02-2014, 07:04 PM
Hey all I would like to have the super 6 fences removed at my house in Kingsley and have colour bond fences put in as well as some retaining wall work done.

Is anyone here in the 'industry' as it is always better to send the business to ppl in the AL community.

Feel free to pm or call

Damien 0402255397
Who'd you end up going with?

I'm in Greenwood have and also stuck with super 6 fencing :|, looking to get it replaced with colourbond in the next 6 months
Did they include removal of old fencing or did you need to get a separate contractor??


24-02-2014, 07:29 PM
I recently had some super 6/asbestos fencing that was damaged in the storms. My neighbours realestate agent ended up getting a quote from someone that she normally deals with, and the price that it came to was under 40-45% cheaper than what some of the other AL recommended fencing mobs did.
Job was done quickly and finished product was great.
M & M Markoski
Gates and Fencing
4 Hamilton Street
Osborne Park WA 6017
Phone: 0421 766 036

FYI our quote,
- Removal and disposal 13.3m asbestos sheets
- Supply and install 13.3m x 1.8m colorbond fence
- Supply and install 13.3m x 2.1m colorbond fence

Obviously with the small price difference, we went the 2.1m high colorbond as it was also the same as what the rear of our property was.

24-02-2014, 08:41 PM
Who'd you end up going with?

I'm in Greenwood have and also stuck with super 6 fencing :|, looking to get it replaced with colourbond in the next 6 months
Did they include removal of old fencing or did you need to get a separate contractor??


Got someone that does "cash" he did mine 24mtrs 2mtrs high with a 4mtr double gate for $2500 and a carton of wife basher. ill dig up his number if you want it.

24-02-2014, 11:12 PM
My old man does fencing and custom gates etc on the side. not a long wait time like the bigger fencing mobs. Pm me if anyones keen and I will pass the number on...

25-02-2014, 09:18 AM
M & M Markoski
Gates and Fencing
4 Hamilton Street
Osborne Park WA 6017
Phone: 0421 766 036

FYI our quote,
- Removal and disposal 13.3m asbestos sheets
- Supply and install 13.3m x 1.8m colorbond fence
- Supply and install 13.3m x 2.1m colorbond fence

Obviously with the small price difference, we went the 2.1m high colorbond as it was also the same as what the rear of our property was.

Geeezus thats cheap!

25-02-2014, 09:23 AM
I'll say it again,

Graham from Jims Fencing -
Mobile: 0402 110 647

I won't say what price I got as I got him to install nearly 200m of fencing on 3 properties BUT .... It's definitely cheaper then anything above listed, and I can trust him to turn up and do the job properly, which is worth more then a few bucks/m to me.

or email me with what you need done and ill forward it to him with you CC'ed in, saves you having to "name drop" :)

06-03-2014, 11:24 AM
Graham's quote came in much higher than expected (nearly double), so I'm getting a quote from the Markoski's.
Any other worthwhile contacts not already mentioned?

06-03-2014, 11:27 AM
Graham's quote came in much higher than expected (nearly double), so I'm getting a quote from the Markoski's.
Any other worthwhile contacts not already mentioned?

Really? Hmmm that's odd. All the work he's done for me has been much less then what's been quoted on here.

06-03-2014, 11:41 AM
Really? Hmmm that's odd. All the work he's done for me has been much less then what's been quoted on here.
Quoted $115/m (2.1m CB) or when worked out with all the removal & hard dig costs, $200/m.
I have ~80m of fencing to do :/

06-03-2014, 11:42 AM
Quoted $115/m (2.1m CB) or when worked out with all the removal & hard dig costs, $200/m.
I have ~80m of fencing to do :/

I'll be interested to know what Markoskis come back with.

11-03-2014, 09:42 PM
I'll be interested to know what Markoskis come back with.
Quote came back this evening, total costs work out to $130/m versus Graham's $200/m.

11-03-2014, 10:41 PM
Mine was $2500 2 meters high with a 3 meter double gate 25 meters long so thats $100/m cash he does it cheaper if you pick up the fencing from his supplier.

11-03-2014, 10:58 PM
As others have posted, Graham originally did my quote and it came in double what Markoski's did. I also had some other quote which came in just short of Grahams. Maybe they just quoted so highly as they didn't want/need the work? Timing could also be a good factor, mine was probably 2 weeks after a recent heavy storm where many required fences being fixed.