View Full Version : F1 Live Stream Free And Paid

17-04-2012, 01:22 PM
Through i start a topic since the change to Ten plan for the F1. post your live stream for the f1 whether they are paid or free

http://www.vipbox.tv/ - Quality is ok, say HD stream but when viewing doesn't seem to be HD and sometimes its laggy

17-04-2012, 01:35 PM
i wonder if that channel 10 stream will still be live...

17-04-2012, 01:37 PM
i wonder if that channel 10 stream will still be live...
Good call - it should be. It's not like they'd bother geo-locking WA out just to timeshift the service. Not when they can't even be bothered getting us the proper coverage on time.

17-04-2012, 01:44 PM
Does any one know if BBC or Sky have a live stream for "local residents" ie UK

17-04-2012, 01:47 PM
If you live in the UK you get a tonne of options for streams.

Really hoping One HD will stream live. It's a start.

17-04-2012, 01:53 PM
Does any one know if BBC or Sky have a live stream for "local residents" ie UK

VPN is the go...

17-04-2012, 01:56 PM
If you live in the UK you get a tonne of options for streams.

Really hoping One HD will stream live. It's a start.
I have a private VPN service which allows me to connect to servers all across the world, including a dozen or so in the UK.
If it comes to it, I'll hit that up.

17-04-2012, 01:57 PM
But then you have to get a Sky Go monthly tickets. 35 pounds a month... SD feed.

It's fucking balls.

17-04-2012, 02:00 PM
for those who stream off the free feeds off the net ... or even the paid

what kind of DL amount will i be looking at per race? ... if its just the race ill be viewing.

17-04-2012, 02:03 PM
for those who stream off the free feeds off the net ... or even the paid

what kind of DL amount will i be looking at per race? ... if its just the race ill be viewing.

Couple of gig. Fork out if your plan is small!

17-04-2012, 02:03 PM
HD for a race is usually 5-6gb

17-04-2012, 02:04 PM
If One HD website isn't streaming it in decent quality, I'll be burying myself away on Sunday evening and waiting to watch until I can get my hands on a HD rip from Sky Sports F1.

If anyone else is keen PM me.

17-04-2012, 02:05 PM
Couple of gig. Fork out if your plan is small!

HD for a race is usually 5-6gb
cheers ! i think the home/business (same same) line is 8GB per month ... nothing special, as streaming movies etc isnt something i usually do.

i've got a Telsta internet dongle/USB thingo with unlimited MB/GB ... might have to see if that can cope.

17-04-2012, 02:12 PM
3g to stream? No good.

I had my stream on from 1.30 - race start 3.30, an hour after the race, used 4.8gig

17-04-2012, 02:16 PM
found another stream link:


Looks like there may be a problem called Navi-X where you can stream SKY channels will look into this more

17-04-2012, 02:22 PM
3g to stream? No good.

I had my stream on from 1.30 - race start 3.30, an hour after the race, used 4.8gig
If you wanted to download the race from someone who recorded it in HD it is a few gb higher. Again it also depends on file format etc..

17-04-2012, 02:28 PM

17-04-2012, 03:02 PM
i watch supercross live on www.justin.tv .. pretty sure they would stream the f1 live too , considering there is heaps of free live streaming channels on that site. ( i also just watch movies on there too ..better than foxtel .. just doesnt have a schedule as such )

17-04-2012, 03:16 PM
I'm going to give a paid streaming service a go this weekend. I can't justify VPN/SkyGo access with my relatively slow internet connection (~300KBs down), but I'd like a reliable internet stream. Vipbox have been good, but watching the race in China started to get video dropouts for me (but the audio almost never glitched - very happy with that much at least!).
www.flashsportstreams.tv is one I've found that seems worth a shot. Biggest thing in it's favour is there's an XBMC plugin for it so I can stream it straight through the media box and onto the projector. :)

17-04-2012, 03:23 PM
i watch supercross live on www.justin.tv .. pretty sure they would stream the f1 live too , considering there is heaps of free live streaming channels on that site. ( i also just watch movies on there too ..better than foxtel .. just doesnt have a schedule as such )

Nope - FOM actively shut down justin tv feeds. Was cool in 2010 for a while

17-04-2012, 04:55 PM
If we can secure a HD or near-HD feed, live, would people be interested in going to a single venue and paying $5-10 each?

We may be able to sort it, but requires a bit of equipment and ongoing costs.

17-04-2012, 05:06 PM
If we can secure a HD or near-HD feed, live, would people be interested in going to a single venue and paying $5-10 each?

We may be able to sort it, but requires a bit of equipment and ongoing costs.

would be keen for some of the races, my work times on sundays change, but if not working i would be keen.
probably wouldnt rush into laying out cash just yet, ten might backflip on their current decision to do themselves out of business

17-04-2012, 05:34 PM
If we can secure a HD or near-HD feed, live, would people be interested in going to a single venue and paying $5-10 each?

Can I wear my typical Sunday night attire incl slippers? Lol
Semi interested, not an issue with the cost just that it's a usually a quiet Sunday night kinda thing for me but watching it with fellow enthusiasts is a big thumbs up.
For "special" races eg Monaco, Monza etc it would be pretty awesome though.

17-04-2012, 07:28 PM
casual drinks available at said venue?

would be keen either way

17-04-2012, 07:51 PM
If One HD website isn't streaming it in decent quality, I'll be burying myself away on Sunday evening and waiting to watch until I can get my hands on a HD rip from Sky Sports F1.

If anyone else is keen PM me.

what sort of quality did they use to stream it in? i never used their site for f1 before

uim shaped for my net at,, thank god i get unshaped on friday or ill be screwed! bookmarking a few sites now and wil ltry em out before because i want a good quality stream.

The ten fb page made two updates regarding f1s on super sundays, both got bombarded with complaints!!

17-04-2012, 08:06 PM
The ten fb page made two updates regarding f1s on super sundays, both got bombarded with complaints!!

For the love of God, what about the netball!!?

17-04-2012, 08:17 PM
If we can secure a HD or near-HD feed, live, would people be interested in going to a single venue and paying $5-10 each?

We may be able to sort it, but requires a bit of equipment and ongoing costs.

Yerp, happy to pay depending on location....... hard to get a lift back from the dirty south every GP after a couple of cold ones during the race.

17-04-2012, 08:19 PM
Not HD obviously, but not bad either. Much better than what you get from any of the sites mentioned here.

17-04-2012, 08:21 PM
Just laid the foot in on the facebook page, I'm sure at least someone will get their ass kicked about this :)

17-04-2012, 10:04 PM
Does any one know if BBC or Sky have a live stream for "local residents" ie UK

BBC do, or at least they did last year.

17-04-2012, 10:17 PM
Sky do, for a fee of 35 pounds per month. Will also require a VPN I guess. Happy to sort something like this if people can all watch it live.

18-04-2012, 04:34 AM
If we can secure a HD or near-HD feed, live, would people be interested in going to a single venue and paying $5-10 each?

We may be able to sort it, but requires a bit of equipment and ongoing costs.

only if endless patron pours..

18-04-2012, 08:17 AM

18-04-2012, 12:42 PM
only if endless patron pours..

Brockbank Snr's lounge or?

18-04-2012, 01:49 PM
I'll happily run a couple at my place over the season.

19-04-2012, 10:35 AM
www.flashsportstreams.tv is one I've found that seems worth a shot. Biggest thing in it's favour is there's an XBMC plugin for it so I can stream it straight through the media box and onto the projector. :)

going to give this one a shot looks really good!

otherwise was soo close to just biting the bullet and getting sky go, seems this flash sports will be better quality too

19-04-2012, 11:09 AM
going to give this one a shot looks really good!
otherwise was soo close to just biting the bullet and getting sky go, seems this flash sports will be better quality too

Well, I figured for the money the one day (2.99GBP/4.60AUD) or one week (4.99GBP/7.70AUD) option was pretty silly compared to the one month (5.99GBP/9.30AUD) option, and after checking I'd be covered for the next race, I bought it the other night. I won't really know until tomorrow evening how well it stacks up, but a quick play with it is pretty impressive. Much better flash video quality than the usual and it connected and buffered really quickly too. Annoyingly though, it turns out the XBMC plugin is offline due to security issues, but they're looking into fixing it. The stream sucked down an average of about 120KB/s, peaking at a little over 300KB/s when I was testing it. Pretty manageable even on my connection.

19-04-2012, 11:48 AM
yep just bought it then, quick test and came out good, def not HD like it advertises (maybe only some channels are in HD i only tested 2) in some of its preview videos but it is ALOT better then anything vipstand, adhte, firstrowsports or any of those free stream sites offer.

it is SO far very good to watch. Plan for me is to just plug laptop in VIA HDMI cable to my 64" for the race sunday night. Sky stream no ad breaks and shitty one commentary FTW!!

19-04-2012, 12:05 PM
Well, I figured for the money the one day (2.99GBP/4.60AUD) or one week (4.99GBP/7.70AUD) option was pretty silly compared to the one month (5.99GBP/9.30AUD) option, and after checking I'd be covered for the next race, I bought it the other night. I won't really know until tomorrow evening how well it stacks up, but a quick play with it is pretty impressive. Much better flash video quality than the usual and it connected and buffered really quickly too. Annoyingly though, it turns out the XBMC plugin is offline due to security issues, but they're looking into fixing it. The stream sucked down an average of about 120KB/s, peaking at a little over 300KB/s when I was testing it. Pretty manageable even on my connection.
Are you using an english VPN for this?

Or are you talking about flashsportstreams and as such don't need to set up a VPN?

19-04-2012, 12:06 PM
yep just bought it then
Same though will review it tonight

it is by far very good to watch. Plan for me is to just plug laptop in VIA HDMI cable to my 64" for the race sunday night. Sky stream no ad breaks and shitty one commentary FTW!!

Plan on doing the same albeit smaller TV and hopefully it's still watchable at that size. Fingers crossed we can shed the Ch10 shackles within 1 week of them screwing the F1 fans of WA!

19-04-2012, 12:19 PM
Are you using an english VPN for this?

Or are you talking about flashsportstreams and as such don't need to set up a VPN?

No dont need a vpn so its good

5 pounds for a week or 6 pounds for a month, can get 6 months for 24 pounds or one year for 39 pounds. Uses google checkout to pay.

19-04-2012, 12:23 PM
No dont need a vpn so its good

5 pounds for a week or 6 pounds for a month, can get 6 months for 24 pounds or one year for 39 pounds. Uses google checkout to pay.
Ok cool.

Let us know how that goes for you, and what the quality is like.

I'll be trying the Sky Go route this weekend. Will let everyone know if we can get it to work with a high-quality broadcast.

When I tested it last night the quality was basically as good as 10's SD broadcast, maybe even slightly better. The only issue is that the VPN I'm using isn't fast enough, and it requires a bit of buffering on fast-paced scenes.

19-04-2012, 12:35 PM
Any info on how to get access to the SkyF1 channel. Got the VPN side of it sorted.

19-04-2012, 12:37 PM

You need the Sports + Entertainment pack at minimum.

19-04-2012, 12:54 PM
Ta, I couldnt find that link for the life of me.

19-04-2012, 12:54 PM
Same though will review it tonight

Plan on doing the same albeit smaller TV and hopefully it's still watchable at that size. Fingers crossed we can shed the Ch10 shackles within 1 week of them screwing the F1 fans of WA!

Keen to hear how this goes on fullscreen TV also - seems like it could be a good option moving forwards. Hopefully the audio is less tinny than some of the other streams around too.

19-04-2012, 12:58 PM
you gotta get a UK address as well, use maps.

was close to getting the sky go, but seems the quality will be about the same as flashsportstreams, and when sky is 53 a month (plus another 9 or so a month for a vpn) and flashsports is the same for a year hard to choose sky.

brockas let us know how the sky one goes anyway. To see if its worth it

19-04-2012, 01:38 PM
Got myself a month subscription to Flash Sport Streams for $9.70, just to give it a shot.. supposedly works on PS3 browser, which makes me happy in the pants because its as easy as fuck to just plug the address in on my PS3. Cheaper than Sky Go, probably more reliable than using a VPN, but we'll wait and see come raceday. Quality isn't as good as Sky Go, but its sure as hell better than Justin or VIPbox

I'm seriously keen to get a Dreambox + Satellite if I can find someone with a Sky subscription.

19-04-2012, 02:10 PM
If Flash Sport Streams fixes their XBMC plugin I'll be in like flynn :)

19-04-2012, 02:22 PM
Got myself a month subscription to Flash Sport Streams for $9.70, just to give it a shot.. supposedly works on PS3 browser, which makes me happy in the pants because its as easy as fuck to just plug the address in on my PS3.

Wow, I've really got to learn how to use my PS3, I had no idea it could do that. I've only used it for Blu-Rays, GT5 and F1 2010 and haven't even look at the browser nor streaming side of it. The beauty of that is it is then connected to my AVR via HDMI for the audio. Not that I'm expecting great things but much better than what I have available to me on the laptop.

It's gonna be a late night whilst I get this sorted I think

Thanks for the heads up Joe.

19-04-2012, 02:26 PM
VPN subscription looks interesting! Booking in August for some ripper races.

19-04-2012, 02:33 PM
if anyone is interested a full size screenshot, note it was just this particular scene in widescreen, its usually in the full 16:9. dunno if this actually helps anyone theres no option to choose a prticular stream quality or if it is chosen automatically based on your connection type, taken on work pc which has a pretty average net connection, ill see if its different at home.


19-04-2012, 03:17 PM
Wow, I've really got to learn how to use my PS3, I had no idea it could do that. I've only used it for Blu-Rays, GT5 and F1 2010 and haven't even look at the browser nor streaming side of it. The beauty of that is it is then connected to my AVR via HDMI for the audio. Not that I'm expecting great things but much better than what I have available to me on the laptop.
PS3 can do everything. We have 3 PS3's in this house because they act as media servers and basically do everything I need. We have HDD's plugged into them to play TV shows, or movies, or music. They stream music and movies straight off my laptop and home server as soon as they've downloaded. They record free-to-air TV with live-pause options etc (Using PlayTV).

Once you start using them on a network, they can do some awesome shit.

19-04-2012, 04:04 PM
Joe keep us posted as to how that goes

19-04-2012, 05:04 PM
It works! Now sitting at home watching Sky streaming via PS3 and I must say the quality is much better than expected and so far seamless with currently no buffering delays. Whether that stays the same when F1 coverage starts remains to be seen.

PS3 can do everything. We have 3 PS3's in this house because they act as media servers and basically do everything I need. We have HDD's plugged into them to play TV shows, or movies, or music. They stream music and movies straight off my laptop and home server as soon as they've downloaded. They record free-to-air TV with live-pause options etc (Using PlayTV).

Once you start using them on a network, they can do some awesome shit.

I never really looked into it though may do some further investigation now. We use our Beyonwiz for network streaming at the moment so already had a solution in place but may now do a comparison with the PS3 and see what's easier to setup and use.
Thanks for the heads up.

19-04-2012, 05:47 PM
are you watching skyf1 via flashsportstream? what size is your tv?

19-04-2012, 06:13 PM
are you watching skyf1 via flashsportstream? what size is your tv?

I am indeed on a sony 40" 40NX720

19-04-2012, 06:56 PM
Yep as above, works great except for my Jew TPG internet buffering every so often.. running at just on 2meg.. Time to change ISP ASAP!

19-04-2012, 07:25 PM
Got myself a month subscription to Flash Sport Streams for $9.70, just to give it a shot.. supposedly works on PS3 browser, which makes me happy in the pants because its as easy as fuck to just plug the address in on my PS3. Cheaper than Sky Go, probably more reliable than using a VPN, but we'll wait and see come raceday. Quality isn't as good as Sky Go, but its sure as hell better than Justin or VIPbox

if anyone is interested a full size screenshot, note it was just this particular scene in widescreen, its usually in the full 16:9. dunno if this actually helps anyone theres no option to choose a prticular stream quality or if it is chosen automatically based on your connection type, taken on work pc which has a pretty average net connection, ill see if its different at home.


This looks pretty good, especially with being able to use the PS3. I had tried watching a justin or vipbox stream before on ps3 and it didn't work (or maybe I tried that on my phone, I forget).

19-04-2012, 09:21 PM
I fucked around with some router settings and now I'm getting a decent stream.

Quality wise, think an analog TV... But live, uninterrupted and with beautifully produced pre-race shows. I'll take it!

19-04-2012, 09:38 PM
I fucked around with some router settings and now I'm getting a decent stream.

Quality wise, think an analog TV... But live, uninterrupted and with beautifully produced pre-race shows. I'll take it!

in my experience the video quality is a little worse in high load times, and now likely to be even worse with so many aussies jumping on, the audio quality is almost always excellent. provided the net doesnt drop out you wont miss anything, only possibly miss a few seconds of video.

19-04-2012, 09:42 PM
Yeah can't complain about the audio!

20-04-2012, 08:28 AM
Considering actually forking out the 30 bucks for the timing app now, just in case have net drop outs or other issues etc.

20-04-2012, 09:21 AM
I've managed to get a live stream from Melbourne. Still not HD, but at least it's live and there are no dropouts.

I'm going to see what it looks like on the projector at work. If it's decent and people don't mind the ten coverage come Sunday night (maybe the race after Bahrain) I can have a few people come and watch. Will update the thread when I work some more shit out.

20-04-2012, 09:25 AM
LOL if we watched together it would end in a fight.

I am just going to get the service Joe has, 10 bucks a month is nothing if its good enough service.

20-04-2012, 09:39 AM
You weren't invited anyway.

It's my "No Lewis fans club".

20-04-2012, 09:44 AM
does that mean you're allowed to have one, since it's plural :D

20-04-2012, 09:58 AM
does that mean you're allowed to have one, since it's plural :D

WREXTER allready RSVP'd

13-05-2012, 02:42 AM
Update for those interested in the XBMC plugin for the FlashSportStreams site - they seem to have sorted their issues and the plugin works again. Watched the repeat of quali on it tonight - worked like a charm.

27-07-2012, 06:59 PM
Can anyone else not get rid of that add on, vipbox, the skin car one with the youtube video?

Okay I refreshed gone now.

28-07-2012, 01:28 AM
Update for those interested in the XBMC plugin for the FlashSportStreams site - they seem to have sorted their issues and the plugin works again. Watched the repeat of quali on it tonight - worked like a charm.

Just sorting a HTPC and I'm using XBMC. Will try the plugin and see how it goes.

I find the high quality stream is awesome quality, but doesn't run smoothly (possibly due to a sub 10-mbps connection, I'm not sure).

The F1 alternative channel is flawless though, can run for hours with no interruption. The only issue is the quality of the picture is pretty average.

If I could get the HD stream to work as reliable as the low quality stream, I'd be a very happy camper.

28-07-2012, 03:06 PM
I find the high quality stream is awesome quality, but doesn't run smoothly (possibly due to a sub 10-mbps connection, I'm not sure).

The F1 alternative channel is flawless though, can run for hours with no interruption. The only issue is the quality of the picture is pretty average.

If I could get the HD stream to work as reliable as the low quality stream, I'd be a very happy camper.
Yep - my experience has been the same. I find the first channel is pretty good most of the time, so I'm not sure if it's a bandwidth issue at their end or at mine. I've moved to a new place much closer to the exchange than my old place, so when I finally get an active line, I'll see how the higher quality stream runs during a race. I'm hoping for something around the 15Mb mark. Bring on the NBN already!

Saying that, the fact that they put on a second channel to cover both the demand for the F1 and made it a little easier for slower connections to use it impressed the hell out of me. Well worth the cash.