View Full Version : WTB; Guitars, what have you got? Cheapies..

31-03-2012, 09:06 PM
Looking into getting back into fiddling around, sold everything I owned a few years ago to further myself - Didn't work.

I'm chasing any of the following,

Seven strings,
Eight strings,
semi acoustic,
Artist style steel string acoustic,
Artist style classical
4/5 string Bass.

Will settle for a 6 string electric if needs be, but show me what you have. I'll offer you what its worth, 10 minutes on gumtree made me want to piss into the wind while listening to Celine Dion.

0466 907 400

PM, or post here.

01-04-2012, 03:23 PM
I've got a few up on ebay atm http://www.ebay.com.au/sch/poppysbench/m.html?_trkparms=65%253A12%257C66%253A2%257C39%253 A1%257C72%253A5520&rt=nc&_ipg=50&_trksid=p3911.c0.m14.l1581&_pgn=2