View Full Version : $10 front end loader, integrated tool carrier & skid-steer or excavator package!

23-01-2012, 01:15 PM
G'day again people's this is leading on from the other thread I posted with regard to scoring a few mobile plant tickets for $10.... Any way that was meant to be for this weeks. course only as we were having trouble getting asses on seats due to Aussie day and no one wAnting to use their day off for training but the course was filled in the end.
we did get a few bites from the boys on here but a few couldn't make it this week so what's been done is if you are an antilag forum user and mention myself (Jared) and that you got put onto it via the forums the offer will still stand for you to grab the combo package for$10 again along as you meet the criteria such as worked/working within construction in W.A with in the last 6 months. This package is normally offered at $607 for eligible people, and in the ballpark of near on $6,000 for non-eligible people with no discounting.... Something to think about...

I get nothing out of any of this money wise apart from meaning I've got full courses for when I start training and assessing ect..
So yeh Take it or leave it fuckerssss just posting this in the hope it may help some of you muppets get ahead and skilled up to earn a little more and maybe end up as micro ballerz rolling GTRs and being able to afford the rebuilds every few months and gear box replacement costs! Or even a multi chassis dak dak of fury! Or a Ducati with lost of secret carbon fibre bits! Maybe a wrx you can hide in your garage And never to use could be more to your taste :)
And to be just one more perk of being associated with half decent car club and forums...

The following is a cut and paste from one of the office girls handling it...

they are currently offering a Combo Special for IT LL LS (Integrated Tool Carrier, Front End Loader, Skid Steer).

Participants working in or have be working in the civil construction industry in the past six months are eligible for a reduced course cost meaning Participants pay only $607.00 for the Combo Special for IT LL LS (Integrated Tool Carrier, Front End Loader, Skid Steer) Conditions Apply, to see if you qualify or for booking enquiries please contact Eyeson Safety and Training on 08 9240 9242 or email your resume to info@eyesonsafetyandtraining.com.au

23-01-2012, 01:18 PM
Are you working for them now mate?

23-01-2012, 01:21 PM
Yeh dude in the training assessing dept of them.

23-01-2012, 01:24 PM
is it working in construction "with in" the lat 6 months

or working in the contruction industry FOR 6 months and having to provinde proof of this with pay slips ect ect .....

23-01-2012, 01:34 PM
Just has to be With in the last 6 months mate just queried with our main lady who screen candidates

23-01-2012, 01:44 PM
yup, just found this ...

Construction Training Fund Eligibility Guidelines
Employees, self-employed, trainees and providers of services
Currently directly and actively employed within the Building and Construction Industry in Western Australia
Any staff member who works for a construction business
If self employed the individual’s business should be undertaking work which is directly involved in the construction process
If employed in a professional capacity which provides services to the building and construction industry access to subsidies is limited to Occupational Health and Safety training and training which assists the person to undertake their work on building sites
On completion of the course the participant must intend to continue working in the building and construction industry
If you are unemployed
Be able to demonstrate that they were directly employed in the Building and Construction Industry in Western Australia within the previous 6 months from the date of course commencement; or
Where no recent work experience is involved have written evidence of an employment offer from a construction company or contractor in the building and construction industry and be undertaking a course of training that is specific to the building and construction industry and has no application to other industries.
Note: This facility is not available for employees of labour hire companies except when hired by a host employer.
Related occupations - not eligible
Employees or individuals working on construction or maintenance projects on mining, gas or oil exploration and process sites
Subsidies do not apply to training courses which are financially supported by State, Local or Commonwealth Governments
Individuals or the employees of companies, who manufacture, supply or deliver building products or provide or install non building products on completion of the construction process
Individuals or the employees of companies who provide maintenance or repairs of a minor nature after the construction period
The employees of companies, who install, maintain and repair lifts and escalators or sign writing companies
Employees or individuals who intend to work in the resources sector on completion of their training
Employees of Telstra or Optus cannot claim subsidy
Professional workers such as Architects and Engineers are not recognised. The only exception will be limited to Occupational Health and Safety training and training which assists the person to undertake their work on building sites. Each area to be proved on its merits and approved by the Fund before hand
Carpet laying or floor covering contractors

23-01-2012, 01:57 PM
Spewing thought id sneak in with sign writing

23-01-2012, 02:45 PM
I'm a qualified chippy working in residential construction, i had a quick scan of that info but didn't see anything regarding which side of construction they accept

23-01-2012, 02:51 PM
You should be fine dude As long as you it's new buildings and such I believe give that number a ring and one of the girls should be able to clarify

23-01-2012, 02:57 PM
Was so keen for this and got halfway through writing an email before I read it properly and realized I don't qualify as I've never worked for contruction - Mega fail haha.

23-01-2012, 03:13 PM
What do you do?

23-01-2012, 03:26 PM
At uni doing marine biol/enviro biol with a few geology units, currently work for a mining company in admin haha, so not really on the list to qualify. Its good that your actually contributing to this forum though, I'm sure it'll help a few pingpings out.

23-01-2012, 03:36 PM
sweeeeet will call cheers man sounds like a great oppurtunity

23-01-2012, 04:16 PM
What if I say I work for a mate who owns a business in the industry who could provide pay slips that are non existent to qualify :)

23-01-2012, 04:26 PM
cover yourself and save any potential issues with the government as they do check just get your mate to actually "employ" you just so your on the books and all is above board!

23-01-2012, 04:54 PM
if the Gov wants to they can go and look at your tax and super contributions to confirm ... if you cant prove it properly i wouldnt do it and i wouldnt be suggesting it as the fines can go both ways both to the candidate and the training provider.

23-01-2012, 09:20 PM
where abouts does the training take place?

23-01-2012, 10:38 PM
we have a quarry we use up at carramar mate just off wanneroo rd, one perk with this is you do get alot of machine time, and the quarry runs like a very small scale mine too so for someone who is uber green you do get a little bit of exposure to traffic ect on a very small scale.

24-01-2012, 10:24 AM
This already running out of Carramar Sands pit? I didn't think that was going to be happening until the middle/end of next month. I am just up the road at the other quarry where Auscom do their training, sounds like you guys are going to have a much better setup then what they currently do.

24-01-2012, 05:57 PM
Yeh mate that's us where we are, looks like its going to be a decent little operation lots of machine time and open space for candidates to utilise ect.

27-01-2012, 04:14 PM
Also getting a dump truck in this coming week...

Tickets are $523 for candidates eligible for the construction fund.

03-02-2012, 03:50 PM
https://fbcdn-video-a.akamaihd.net/cfs-ak-ash4/444270/303/10150640629212152_64743.mp4?oh=dd08013e4dde54a841c 3b35f77d1fce2&oe=4F2E3400&__gda__=1328428032_0a9ef96aa42d48a6838e8c337618879 f