View Full Version : Maybe Avoid Riverside Dve this morning

20-12-2011, 06:25 AM
TWO people have died in a horrific fiery high-speed traffic crash on Riverside Drive, just east of the city early today.

The pair, who have yet to be identified, were travelling in a car, believed to be a Holden Commodore, along Riverside Drive about 1am when it left the road and slammed into a large palm tree and caught fire.

The car was torn apart on impact.

The driver was incinerated in his seat while a passenger was thrown from the car and died at the scene.

Police Major crash squad is investigating the crash, which happened near the intersection of Plain Street and Riverside Drive.

Riverside Drive remains closed from Plain Street to the Causeway.

Traffic is being diverted via Plain Street and Adelaide Terrace.

Motorists should avoid the area and seek an alternative route.


20-12-2011, 07:06 AM
fark thats a bad crash!

20-12-2011, 07:28 AM
Gotta wonder how fast they were going to rip the side of the car clean off.

20-12-2011, 07:37 AM
Fark that is like a clean rip!!

20-12-2011, 07:58 AM
With no disrespect for the dead, the following will be said at somepoint

"it is obvious there was a need for the camera on riverside drive to be installed"

Huge impact. RIP.

20-12-2011, 08:17 AM
Good idea TJ!

Bad way to go, RIP

20-12-2011, 08:32 AM
The driver was incinerated in his seat while a passenger was thrown from the car and died at the scene.

Thought seatbelts saved lives?

20-12-2011, 08:36 AM
Its hard to identify the car. Looks like a base model VE to me. Must have been doing some serious speed. Its not the most comfortable place/road to do those kinds of speed.


20-12-2011, 08:40 AM
Farkkkkk, must of been some decent speed to rip the side clean off..


20-12-2011, 08:44 AM
Ve V6.
Side panels are sold as a compleat item, all one piece

20-12-2011, 08:55 AM
WHere the hell is the engine? http://www.perthnow.com.au/gallery-e6frg1vc-1226226532507?page=4

20-12-2011, 09:02 AM
Speed wasn't the issue here, I'd say it was the sudden stop into the tree that created the real problem.

20-12-2011, 09:04 AM
WHere the hell is the engine?
up against the tree i rekon, in the back seat.
at least the tree might have protected people coming the other way.

20-12-2011, 09:07 AM
Ve V6.
Side panels are sold as a compleat item, all one piece

Repairable then

20-12-2011, 09:13 AM

20-12-2011, 09:19 AM

That's a hard hit, they must've been flying along.. RIP.

20-12-2011, 09:35 AM
WHere the hell is the engine? http://www.perthnow.com.au/gallery-e6frg1vc-1226226532507?page=4

it's in there. easy to spot.

but it's in a few pieces. there is one side of the head/cylinder block near the tree

20-12-2011, 09:41 AM
Does anyone else think Suicide?

No skid marks, An overly hard hit in a location that you would really need to be trying hard to come of the road and Red Light Speed cameras in the area.... All sounds abit suss to me.

20-12-2011, 09:45 AM
You'd have to be sporting a serious set of cojones to try and off yourself in that way..

20-12-2011, 09:46 AM
Plenty of people have over the years.

20-12-2011, 09:50 AM
Fucking HORRIBLE way to die, if it was suicide.. no guarantee that you'll die doing that either.. He could have been thrown from the car, survived, and ended up breathing through a straw for the rest of his life.

20-12-2011, 09:52 AM
If you are at the stage of considering suicide, logical thought has pretty much gone anyhow.

20-12-2011, 09:59 AM
Cant believe how the whole side just came off as 1 .

20-12-2011, 10:04 AM
There was also a passenger there, so unless it was a double suicide... highly unlikely.

20-12-2011, 10:06 AM
Ryan Dunn Perth style

20-12-2011, 10:07 AM
you would hope it wasnt suicide, as he/she murdered her passenger then.

20-12-2011, 10:09 AM
Suicide? Surely not, two people in a vehicle, rare they both wanted to end there lives. One would think the passenger would have been able to reason with the driver if that was his intension.

If your doing 200km/h in a base model Commodore, that slight bend in the road is going to cause an issue....

20-12-2011, 10:10 AM
taken off facebook .. it seems it wasnt a VE, it was actually a purple 32R.

"Gerrin Good
All those people crapping on about hoons don't hurt any one and all that bull shit have a look at the commodore that hit the tree on riverside drive

20-12-2011, 10:14 AM
Plenty of people have over the years.

Dads mate did back in the late 70's... GT falcon flat tack down south mole strait into the lighthouse. Killed the baby in the passenger seat aswell. Bad break up

20-12-2011, 10:15 AM

That would have to be WELL over 200km/h to be able to split a car in two. I've hit a light pole at 150km/h and the front of the car and rear were touching each other but was still intact. ( I wasnt driving )

20-12-2011, 10:16 AM
taken off facebook .. it seems it wasnt a VE, it was actually a purple 32R.

"Gerrin Good
All those people crapping on about hoons don't hurt any one and all that bull shit have a look at the commodore that hit the tree on riverside drive

Dude look at the photos online - its a 4 door sedan - not sure where 32R came from?

20-12-2011, 10:20 AM
Dude look at the photos online - its a 4 door sedan - not sure where 32R came from?

Its a VE Berlina, you can tell by the wheels.

20-12-2011, 10:20 AM
You'd have to be sporting a serious set of cojones to try and off yourself in that way..

A friend of mine very sadly did this a few years ago in his WRX, Car Burnt to the ground with him inside.

People do things for strange reasons, suicide makes little sense, its a shame we don't pick up on warning signs until its to late though, he even said months before "jokingly" that's how he wanted to go.

20-12-2011, 10:23 AM
taken off facebook .. it seems it wasnt a VE, it was actually a purple 32R.


Dude look at the photos online - its a 4 door sedan - not sure where 32R came from?

Its a VE Berlina, you can tell by the wheels.

haha maybe joke was too subtle.

20-12-2011, 10:25 AM
or shit.

20-12-2011, 10:27 AM
You need to get down on one knee to get the joke

20-12-2011, 10:44 AM
Saw this car fly pass us in Victoria Park on albany highway with the passenger yelling at randoms, then later seeing it swerve through traffic like a complete idiot over the cause way.

20-12-2011, 10:45 AM
You need to get down on one knee to get the joke

LOL must be a 32 GTR thing , buyer just got on 1 knee to look under mine :D

20-12-2011, 10:50 AM
Saw this car fly pass us in Victoria Park on albany highway with the passenger yelling at randoms, then later seeing it swerve through traffic like a complete idiot over the cause way.

This isnt the only fucktard that drives like a spastic in a commodore.

20-12-2011, 10:54 AM
Gerrins status = trollolloll central

20-12-2011, 11:01 AM
Ag college lads out in Perth on the piss at 1am. It's possible. RIP fuck that would be a horrible way to go. The car was just destroyed !

20-12-2011, 11:01 AM
This isnt the only fucktard that drives like a spastic in a commodore.

Exactly! A lot of retarded drivers out there!

20-12-2011, 11:12 AM
I dont understand all the RIP (maybe for the passenger if he wasn't up for it and trying to get the guy to slow down etc as he wanted out), who cares, they took the risk and died.

Just happy they didn't miss the tree's and take out a load of tourists/family car etc.

20-12-2011, 11:20 AM
why no RIP? is it any different to the cock in the wrx that took the mother out?

definately worthy of a RIP, stupidity or not, they could have still been top blokes etc, grow a heart

20-12-2011, 11:23 AM
why no RIP? is it any different to the cock in the wrx that took the mother out?

definately worthy of a RIP, stupidity or not, they could have still been top blokes etc, grow a heart

nah fuck them. A friend of mine was travelling in the opposite direction and if it wasnt for the fact this fucktard hit the tree it would have taken out a family of 5

20-12-2011, 11:25 AM
Unless you know the pingpingpingping, and know that he or she was some child raping granny bashing thieving scum, can't see a reason why not say RIP.

No doubt most of the people ont his forum have done something really stupid in their car on many occasions, and were lucky nothing like this has happened to them. This guys's probably no different to you and me, except for the lack of luck in this instance of course.


20-12-2011, 11:28 AM
nah fuck them. A friend of mine was travelling in the opposite direction and if it wasnt for the fact this fucktard hit the tree it would have taken out a family of 5

I hear you mate but have a read of another prospective like Ryan1080 just said

Shit got stopped in its tracks pretty quick on here about the tosser that killed the mother, is it different in this case because it was a commodore?

20-12-2011, 11:30 AM
It wouldnt be the first time good people made bad mistakes.

20-12-2011, 11:33 AM
Why all the hate against these guys. Yes they made a stupid mistake, and paid the ultimate price for it. No need to be dicks on your high horse about it. Luckily they didn't kill anyone else, it's just unlucky for them that they decided to go out driving in the way they did.

20-12-2011, 11:34 AM
I hear you mate but have a read of another prospective like Ryan1080 just said

Shit got stopped in its tracks pretty quick on here about the tosser that killed the mother, is it different in this case because it was a commodore?

Not it is personally different for me because it near on affected people close to me. So personal opinion which is allowed. Just like arseholes we all have them :)

20-12-2011, 11:39 AM
Nobody put the factor of boongs stealing this car?

20-12-2011, 11:43 AM
No, news said it was two ag students from Northam.

20-12-2011, 11:45 AM
Oo ic...

20-12-2011, 11:50 AM
https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/s720x720/389446_2930208182601_1482892455_3087968_1335143047 _n.jpg

neva seen a car split like that

20-12-2011, 12:04 PM
I ripped two of those trees out from my back yard years ago when they were small. Even then the root system on those trees was fucking amazing and a mission to cut through so the tree and stump could all be removed. Cant think of many objects that could take a hit like that and appear almost untouched. Got me thinking, if i hadnt removed them when i did, how difficult they could be to remove.

20-12-2011, 12:11 PM
fuck that photo is pretty sickening... or maybe its the coke im drinking

20-12-2011, 12:24 PM
It's almost cartoonish the way the car has split in 2. Guess Holden weren't thinkin of that sort of head on impact when they designed the hardened steel one piece sides on the VE

20-12-2011, 12:24 PM
What's the RIP stuff about the bloke who killed the Mum? I thought she died, not the driver? So I see no problem with people saying RIP for her..

20-12-2011, 12:31 PM
They do deserve kudos though on that side pannel! They've done well!

20-12-2011, 12:48 PM
Speed wasn't the issue here, I'd say it was the sudden stop into the tree that created the real problem.

the problem is i dont think anything stopped, it kept going

20-12-2011, 12:52 PM
Haha BLAA! "points for effort!"

It's a sad case of shit luck and silly ideas I'd say.
But the whole 'he's a dickhead cos It's a commodore', that's just weak. God forbid! But if one of our GTR driver members were to arse up their car like this there would be NO 'stupid GTR driver' things being said.

Once again, regardless of vehicle, shit idea, shit consequence. RIP, and let it be a lesson to all.

20-12-2011, 12:55 PM
Just rode around the river and saw the scene.
Tree was on a slight angle.


Traffic wasn't congested - there were just a couple of (I assume) accident inspectors there.

20-12-2011, 01:09 PM
The driver was incinerated in his seat while a passenger was thrown from the car and died at the scene.
Fark. Not a nice way to go!

20-12-2011, 01:10 PM
Fark. Not a nice way to go!
I'd imagine the driver was well and truly cactus before the fire happened. Still, fucking awful.

20-12-2011, 01:12 PM
You would certainly hope so, being burnt alive is right up there in the top 3 worst nightmares.

20-12-2011, 01:15 PM
Unless you know the pingpingpingping, and know that he or she was some child raping granny bashing thieving scum, can't see a reason why not say RIP.

No doubt most of the people ont his forum have done something really stupid in their car on many occasions, and were lucky nothing like this has happened to them. This guys's probably no different to you and me, except for the lack of luck in this instance of course.



You can't judge people, their thought process or actions when in reality we weren't there, didn't know them and have no idea about the circumstances at the time.

RIP for both driver and passenger.

20-12-2011, 02:14 PM
Fuck me, don't worry about speculation or anything. Karl O'Callaghan has GOT this...

"You know that extremely high speed was involved and you suspect that alcohol and/or drugs might have been involved."

Motherfucker is a bonafied clairvoyant. Speed yes, but drugs and alcohol? Can't just be that it was a case of driver losing control can it. Cars not just going to split itself standing still...

20-12-2011, 02:20 PM
Fuck me, don't worry about speculation or anything. Karl O'Callaghan has GOT this...

"You know that extremely high speed was involved and you suspect that alcohol and/or drugs might have been involved."

Motherfucker is a bonafied clairvoyant. Speed yes, but drugs and alcohol? Can't just be that it was a case of driver losing control can it. Cars not just going to split itself standing still...

Thats what I thought too - But clearly cars can only break the speed limit if you're drunk or on drugs, no one ever breaks the speed limit otherwise.

20-12-2011, 02:24 PM
he said 'might', he's hardly being definitive.

20-12-2011, 02:29 PM
It's the way he has said it in his statement, which makes it look like an insinuation, which in itself is indicative of the persons thoughts

20-12-2011, 02:39 PM
I'd say it's a pretty fair statement.

I think someone would have to be feeling the effects of drugs/alcohol to consider going 200km+ on a suburban/CBD street appropriate.

Regardless of which, the person has crashed. Whether he/she was on drugs, or influenced by alcohol at the time is really a minor detail. They made a choice to drive at excess speed, and unfortunately payed the ultimate price.


20-12-2011, 03:39 PM
Fuck me, don't worry about speculation or anything. Karl O'Callaghan has GOT this...

"You know that extremely high speed was involved and you suspect that alcohol and/or drugs might have been involved."

Motherfucker is a bonafied clairvoyant. Speed yes, but drugs and alcohol? Can't just be that it was a case of driver losing control can it. Cars not just going to split itself standing still...

Being a Psychic obviously wasnt apparent where his son was concerned. Don't mind me if I don't listen to a word that bloke says. Guys a waste of space & a puppet.

20-12-2011, 04:04 PM
Being a Psychic obviously wasnt apparent where his son was concerned. Don't mind me if I don't listen to a word that bloke says. Guys a waste of space & a puppet.

What happened with his son? Did detectives catch him on a ROE cruise?

20-12-2011, 04:05 PM
if it turns out that they were drink driving or on drugs, im sorry i won't be crying a river for them.

RIP all the same

20-12-2011, 04:27 PM
and not a single fuck was given.

20-12-2011, 05:28 PM
Amazed at that side panel appearing untouched.

XF Falcon
20-12-2011, 05:33 PM
would have torn all the spot welds clean off by the looks of things. those side panels are one piece so the welds were probably the weakest point. still amazed that it tore it off like that.

wonder how fast they were really going, and if they will ever be able to tell? i'm assuming the spedo is melted from the fire

20-12-2011, 05:39 PM
pingpingpingpings goto extreme measures just to torch palm trees these days...

20-12-2011, 05:57 PM
Judging by the exhaust (single exit) and shitty rims, it looks like this was a bog-stock V6 base-model Commodore.

Just a reminder that no matter what the car is, people can do silly speeds in them, and people can kill themselves in any car.

Not to open a can of worms, but people need to remember accidents like this when bringing in P Plater power restrictions.

20-12-2011, 06:18 PM
FUU paul pre-empt my post:

Demerit Points
Speeding Fines
Booze buses
Christmas Blitz
Double demerits
Original hoon laws (7 days)
Drug bus
P plate reduced demerit points
P plate curfews
One month hoon laws
Tripling the speed cameras
Red light and speed cameras
Fixed speed cameras everywhere
P plate power restrictions

Which of the above 'road safety' strategies prevented this?

That muppet from Murdoch will be calling for speed governors next

20-12-2011, 06:45 PM
^^^ fucking spot on! Post on perth now please!

20-12-2011, 06:54 PM

20-12-2011, 07:18 PM
I'm sure this will be used to further promote the use of even more speed cameras, if someone dies then they're aren't working and we need more, if people don't die then they are working and we should get more to save even more lives. We have never had so many speed cameras, fixed red light/speed cameras and now fixed cameras on the freeway, as well as hand helds on every corner. Yet this still happens? Ironically enough no more than 1km away from a very new fixed speed camera that are suppose to slash our road toll, good to see they’re working!

20-12-2011, 08:34 PM
Turns out I know him... Was fucked out on drugs at the time. His younger sister came over at 3am after looking for him for 2 hrs, i'll write up more later.

20-12-2011, 08:41 PM
wreckers yard dream, theres two good doors, a front quarter and a good wheel!

20-12-2011, 08:59 PM
In that case thank fuck they fucked themselves over and not an innocent bypasser to become a victim.

20-12-2011, 09:06 PM
Judging by the exhaust (single exit) and shitty rims, it looks like this was a bog-stock V6 base-model Commodore.

Just a reminder that no matter what the car is, people can do silly speeds in them, and people can kill themselves in any car.

Not to open a can of worms, but people need to remember accidents like this when bringing in P Plater power restrictions.

Pretty sure you can do 200km/h or close to in a stock lancer. Not saying restrictions aren't a good idea at all HP restrictions and compulsary advanced driver training is needed.

Perhaps they'll listen now.

20-12-2011, 09:23 PM
FUU paul pre-empt my post:

Demerit Points
Speeding Fines
Booze buses
Christmas Blitz
Double demerits
Original hoon laws (7 days)
Drug bus
P plate reduced demerit points
P plate curfews
One month hoon laws
Tripling the speed cameras
Red light and speed cameras
Fixed speed cameras everywhere
P plate power restrictions

Which of the above 'road safety' strategies prevented this?

That muppet from Murdoch will be calling for speed governors next
there is no 'silver bullet' to elimate extreme crashes like this - closest thing i can think of would be governors that actually work for speed limits that the cars are acutally in.

20-12-2011, 09:26 PM
Regardless of the fact the guy was on drugs the overwhelming message to come out from this will still be 'speed kills'.

20-12-2011, 09:48 PM
In a world where you can take few shots of bourbon, a couple of little pills and a set of keys to a 2 tonne vehicle, Im not overly convinced anything the government OR the car enthusiast community can do anything to stop it from happening.

Condolences to the families devastated by losing loved ones in this particular time of year. No Christmas will ever be the same.

My thoughts are also with the poor bastard who had to scrape the burnt remains of one victim out from the car and peel the other from the road - more shit that people just don't need to see.

20-12-2011, 10:00 PM
Speed never kills, Stopping fast does.

20-12-2011, 10:20 PM

Yakky Bear
20-12-2011, 10:23 PM
i have no respect for those pingpingpingpings .

1: driving around drugged off their heads. (few posts up)
2: what if they blew through a red light and took out someone innocent?
3: this is going to fuck things up for us car enthusiasts even more.

however i have huge sympathy for their family and friends.
no one deserves to go through a sudden loss of life.
ive experienced it, i can tell you i wouldnt wish it upon anyone, yes its sad they are gone, but really behind the wheel drugged up?
also highly doubt it was a suicide, to do the damage that they have, By the time they realised there was a slight bend there it would have been to late.
that has to be at least 230 odd klm/h or whatever the speed limiter is set too.

20-12-2011, 10:46 PM
Sad thing to see but on the contrary, if he was fucked on drugs, Im just glad the tree stopped him before he slammed head onto innocent motorists.

20-12-2011, 11:01 PM
Turns out I know him... Was fucked out on drugs at the time. His younger sister came over at 3am after looking for him for 2 hrs, i'll write up more later.

Just got access to a proper computer.. Thought I should put the rumours to rest on this.

Tom went to a friends house last night near UWA, started drinking vodka + mother, then mixed in Nodoz and lsd. His family live in northam, and his sister was on her way down. Somebody called an ambulance for him as he was fucked off his head, and his friend that was in the car was having physcotic breaks. Plan was for his younger sister to meet them at the hospital after the ambulance got them at around 1am. She gets there, then recieves a call saying he wasn't home when the ambo's arrived. She drove around the western suburbs until 3am before crashing at my house. Her mum came to get her at 5, and then the mother went to ID the body at 6am.

My heart goes out to those involved, cannot imagine what the family is going though. Its hit too close to home, as he shared the same name, I had met him a number of times and he had a birthday very close to mine. RIP despite the circumstances, as I feel most for the family that is left over to deal with it.

20-12-2011, 11:02 PM
fuck trees amaze me! take out a car at high speed like a boss! carry on with palming hard! like nothing happend!

20-12-2011, 11:30 PM
....started drinking vodka + mother, then mixed in Nodoz and lsd

Unfortunately, in the Eyes of the media and Government, Speed is still the contributing factor.

20-12-2011, 11:35 PM
fuck trees amaze me! take out a car at high speed like a boss! carry on with palming hard! like nothing happend!
LOL, your'e a cunny funt!

20-12-2011, 11:44 PM
Unfortunately, in the Eyes of the media and Government, Speed is still the contributing factor.

Exactly. No amount of speed cameras or red light cameras are going to stop this from happening again. It's terrible that it happened to him and his family but there's really fuck all that can be done to prevent it happening again :(

21-12-2011, 12:00 AM
Exactly. No amount of speed cameras or red light cameras are going to stop this from happening again. It's terrible that it happened to him and his family but there's really fuck all that can be done to prevent it happening again :(

Less focus on "More cameras" and more focus on getting the drugs he was influenced by taken off the street and hitting drink drivers hard. That will have a better effect than another camera or 10.

21-12-2011, 06:50 AM
Unfortunately, in the Eyes of the media and Government, Speed is still the contributing factor.

and unfortunately they are right

good that the story is cleared up

21-12-2011, 07:45 AM
Unfortunately, in the Eyes of the media and Government, Speed is still the contributing factor.

LOL speed is always the factor ..

21-12-2011, 07:56 AM
Judging by the exhaust (single exit) and shitty rims, it looks like this was a bog-stock V6 base-model Commodore.

Just a reminder that no matter what the car is, people can do silly speeds in them, and people can kill themselves in any car.

Not to open a can of worms, but people need to remember accidents like this when bringing in P Plater power restrictions.

Restrictions wont eradicate the problem completely, but they will both minimise the temptation due to not having a 'boy racer' type car & also mean that these people are unable to hit such silly speeds in a short period of time. I know all cars can do 200, but some do it quicker than others & are able tomaintain such speeds in built up areas due to better handling & more power.
Driver training is still the better option, but both in conjunction with each other should see a greater effect than more cameras imo.

Less focus on "More cameras" and more focus on getting the drugs he was influenced by taken off the street and hitting drink drivers hard. That will have a better effect than another camera or 10.

Best comment in thread so far.

21-12-2011, 08:02 AM
fuck trees amaze me! take out a car at high speed like a boss! carry on with palming hard! like nothing happend!

Lost my shit reading this :D

21-12-2011, 08:25 AM
Best comment in thread so far.
yeah, but its a pipe dream, it will never happen.
cameras are not meant or able to stop idiots from doing incrediblley stupid shit & drunk/drugged up drivers will keep driving/crashing/killing innocent people - until we can remove their access to cars, or at least remove its potential for the speeds they now have the capability of.

finding a practical solution to his is the hard bit, but i think it has more potential than to say get the drugs off the streets (and alcohol..) & hit drunk drivers harder.

21-12-2011, 08:59 AM
fuck trees amaze me! take out a car at high speed like a boss! carry on with palming hard! like nothing happend!

Exactly my post last page!

21-12-2011, 09:10 AM
Police commisioner on 720am answering your questions this morning

I'd still like someone to ask him if restricting platers and tougher hoon laws could have prevented this

But yeah there is nothing the police can do about drugs. Just look at america.

21-12-2011, 09:10 AM
Less focus on "More cameras" and more focus on getting the drugs he was influenced by taken off the street and hitting drink drivers hard. That will have a better effect than another camera or 10.

No one has mentioned that WA's first ever fixed speed camera was around 1km down the road from where this happened!

21-12-2011, 09:15 AM
No one has mentioned that WA's first ever fixed speed camera was around 1km down the road from where this happened!

Pity he didn't crash on that particular intersection... would have been ironic. And a perfect photo opportunity.

Next time Knob Johnson says that speed cameras save lives, pull out a photo of the crash as rebuttal lol.

21-12-2011, 09:29 AM
How long does it take for speeding fines from that camera to be issued? I wouldnt be suprised if theres one for him.

21-12-2011, 09:32 AM
it wont get issued. Police will take all footage from around the time and use it in the investigation

21-12-2011, 10:03 AM
My thoughts are also with the poor bastard who had to scrape the burnt remains of one victim out from the car and peel the other from the road - more shit that people just don't need to see.


21-12-2011, 10:28 AM
it wont get issued. Police will take all footage from around the time and use it in the investigation

its also only taking photos in the other direction

21-12-2011, 10:38 AM
Spend monies made from speed cameras on some crazy DNA breatho machine or something and factory fit it to cars. Have to blow under legal BAC level to drive car, and the DNA system ensures only people registered to the machine can unlock it with their breath, so no passengers or kids can be used to start the car.. Would double as a theft deterrant..

As for speed governed cars, on major motorways I think I would be for it, provided it makes all the phaggots who do 80 on the freeway forced to do 100. Fuck it, build in auto merge and shit too, we can all be puppets on the major motorways and let the car do all the work for us via GPS or some shit.

21-12-2011, 10:42 AM
As for speed governed cars, on major motorways I think I would be for it, provided it makes all the phaggots who do 80 on the freeway forced to do 100. Fuck it, build in auto merge and shit too, we can all be puppets on the major motorways and let the car do all the work for us via GPS or some shit.

iRobot Audi spec vehicles for everybody!!

21-12-2011, 10:43 AM
the DNA system ensures only people registered to the machine can unlock it with their breath, so no passengers or kids can be used to start the car..

NOT speaking from experience but im 99% sure I read somewhere that the in car breathos work exactly as you mentioned. Only the Perp's breath can unlock them.

21-12-2011, 11:05 AM
Car systems are not that smart. Anyone can blow in it to allow the vehicle to start

21-12-2011, 11:18 AM
yeah, but its a pipe dream, it will never happen.
cameras are not meant or able to stop idiots from doing incrediblley stupid shit & drunk/drugged up drivers will keep driving/crashing/killing innocent people - until we can remove their access to cars, or at least remove its potential for the speeds they now have the capability of.

finding a practical solution to his is the hard bit, but i think it has more potential than to say get the drugs off the streets (and alcohol..) & hit drunk drivers harder.

Yes & no, While agree it would never happen in Perth it really should be focused on and like I said would have a better effect than another camera. There is a vote on perthnow.com.au on at the moment in regards to drink driving whether you'd drink drive or not, out of 3,200 votes, just over 1000 said they would, that's still 32% of people who will drink drive (Going just off this vote however) which is still an alarming figure, if we had tough laws like "hoon laws" applied to people who decide to drink + drive, then maybe they'd have too much fear to hop in a car knowing they could be pulled up the moment they hit a major road rather than a slap on the wrist and no driving for 3 months..

But for that to work you'd need more Random breath tests that aren't targeting High performance cars, because in my opinion car enthusiasts are less likely to drink + drive due to the care they take on roads and respect for their own pride + joy. (I could be wrong though, it's just my opinion)

And in regards to the drug use in Perth, While we all know what America has become, Perth is much smaller and really It should be a bigger focus than people doing 7km’s over. I can’t really see a practical solution to stopping what this guy did, while you could “Govern” all cars, people will find ways around it, and it could also put you in a dangerous situation should you have the need to drive/accelerate away from a collision or something else.

21-12-2011, 11:40 AM
if we had tough laws like "hoon laws" applied to people who decide to drink + drive, then maybe they'd have too much fear to hop in a car knowing they could be pulled up the moment they hit a major road rather than a slap on the wrist and no driving for 3 months..

But for that to work you'd need more Random breath tests that aren't targeting High performance cars, because in my opinion car enthusiasts are less likely to drink + drive due to the care they take on roads and respect for their own pride + joy. (I could be wrong though, it's just my opinion)
Agree, and already in the works...

Mr Johnson said two new booze and drug buses would come online in 2012, while extra hours for police to run the bus fleet and operate speed cameras more often would be paid for by the Road Trauma Trust Fund.

21-12-2011, 01:06 PM
At the end of the day there is always going to be those outlying circumstances where no preventative measure short of total removal of free will could prevent something like this happening.

21-12-2011, 01:36 PM
NOT speaking from experience but im 99% sure I read somewhere that the in car breathos work exactly as you mentioned. Only the Perp's breath can unlock them.

Car systems are not that smart. Anyone can blow in it to allow the vehicle to start

There should be Steve. These pingpingpingpings are making a dime from the roads for minor speeding offences. They should distribute a portion back to research to at least target drink driving offenders - when they give them their car back after a lengthy confiscation of the car. I'd have no problems blowing into a machine to start my car each day, hook that shit up I say.

I would say the same for drug testing as well but the current swab drug testing seems so untrustworthy that it might actually damage a lot of innocent people who are locked out of their car when they are drug free.

21-12-2011, 01:45 PM
There should be Steve. These pingpingpingpings are making a dime from the roads for minor speeding offences. They should distribute a portion back to research to at least target drink driving offenders - when they give them their car back after a lengthy confiscation of the car. I'd have no problems blowing into a machine to start my car each day, hook that shit up I say.

I would say the same for drug testing as well but the current swab drug testing seems so untrustworthy that it might actually damage a lot of innocent people who are locked out of their car when they are drug free.

IIRC my dad was telling me he drove a Renault in Europe that had a system fitted from factory(?) that wouldn't drive if the BAC was too high. Reckons his mate was in the car and the car kept shutting off cos his mate was too pissed and the sensors in the car kept killing the power - not sure of all the details 100% just vaguely remember the old man telling me - could be pulled out of my arse though and confused with other shit he said for all I know.

Either way a system like that in the cars of repeat offenders would be great, factory fitment would be interesting to see how it is implemented.

21-12-2011, 01:48 PM

21-12-2011, 02:33 PM
Restrictions wont eradicate the problem completely, but they will both minimise the temptation due to not having a 'boy racer' type car & also mean that these people are unable to hit such silly speeds in a short period of time. I know all cars can do 200, but some do it quicker than others & are able tomaintain such speeds in built up areas due to better handling & more power.
Fak, I thought I was making a clear point, but looks like everyone has misunderstood me!

I meant, remember this accident when they try to bring in power restrictions, because restrictions are pointless!!

Any car can do this kind of speed, and if you're stupid enough to do it then it's not going to matter what car you're in when you hit a tree at 100+.

21-12-2011, 05:12 PM
At the end of the day there is always going to be those outlying circumstances where no preventative measure short of total removal of free will could prevent something like this happening.

Yes!!! until we are all wrapped in cotton wool inside massive inflatable balls there will always be another way of this happening again. You can have al the cameras/hoon laws/ fines/rbt's etc, it wont stop.

21-12-2011, 05:48 PM
Charles Darwins survival of the fittest strikes again. Clearly the humble palm tree is the fittest.

21-12-2011, 06:45 PM
I still struggle to see how/why "hoon laws" and its harsh punishment was implemented before a drink driver version.... I dont remember but was there a significant amount of deaths due to burnouts in the lead up to its implementation. Has anyone got the state road death statistics where alcohol/drugs were involved. alcohol being over 0.05.

21-12-2011, 07:10 PM
its not just deaths that the lawmakers look at to try to stop people driving like idiots.
hoons and excessive speeders are an easy target cause they are/were everywhere and so blatently obvious, so new laws were tried.

22-12-2011, 01:58 PM
LOL speed is always the factor ..

Speed is always a factor simply because if we didn't move, we wouldn't hit anything (unless of course by something else, which was obviously moving). Shits me everytime I hear it mentioned.

22-12-2011, 02:23 PM
its not just deaths that the lawmakers look at to try to stop people driving like idiots.
hoons and excessive speeders are an easy target cause they are/were everywhere and so blatently obvious, so new laws were tried.

The government in general don't try to reduce deaths on the road at all.

The only reason the government cares about road accidents is because people get injured, survive, then cost thousands upon thousands of dollars in medicare.

It's not the deaths the government want to prevent, it's the cost.

22-12-2011, 02:43 PM
yes i was alluding to the injuries as well, although i do think they want to reduce the road toll too.

look at this stuff from the vic govt, road toll in 1989 was 776, last year it was 303.


22-12-2011, 03:04 PM
"Tom went to a friends house last night near UWA, started drinking vodka + mother, then mixed in Nodoz and lsd. His family live in northam, and his sister was on her way down. Somebody called an ambulance for him as he was ****ed off his head, and his friend that was in the car was having physcotic breaks. Plan was for his younger sister to meet them at the hospital after the ambulance got them at around 1am. She gets there, then recieves a call saying he wasn't home when the ambo's arrived. She drove around the western suburbs until 3am before crashing at my house. Her mum came to get her at 5, and then the mother went to ID the body at 6am."

Reply With Quote

Condolences to the family. good luck getting through every Christmas.
Don't drive like a spastic!

Skipmaster J
22-12-2011, 03:10 PM
The government in general don't try to reduce deaths on the road at all.

The only reason the government cares about road accidents is because people get injured, survive, then cost thousands upon thousands of dollars in medicare.

It's not the deaths the government want to prevent, it's the cost.

Bingo. Dollars and cents. Always comes down to dollars and cents.

22-12-2011, 03:11 PM
look at this stuff from the vic govt, road toll in 1989 was 776, last year it was 303.

Better designed cars with more safety features :P

22-12-2011, 03:47 PM
I don't give a fuck what anyone says, it's sad.
These guys did something silly and paid for it with their lives.
My heart goes out to the families that are dealing with this loss, regardless of what time of year.

22-12-2011, 04:31 PM
"Tom went to a friends house last night near UWA, started drinking vodka + mother, then mixed in Nodoz and lsd. His family live in northam, and his sister was on her way down. Somebody called an ambulance for him as he was ****ed off his head, and his friend that was in the car was having physcotic breaks. Plan was for his younger sister to meet them at the hospital after the ambulance got them at around 1am. She gets there, then recieves a call saying he wasn't home when the ambo's arrived. She drove around the western suburbs until 3am before crashing at my house. Her mum came to get her at 5, and then the mother went to ID the body at 6am."

Reply With Quote

Condolences to the family. good luck getting through every Christmas.
Don't drive like a spastic!

Grabbed of another forum--
"I was in court yesterday for work related junk (speeders actually) and was talking to a copper who was part of the major crash unit, he was mentioning the initial information they had from others was that the young driver was having some sort of psychotic episode induced by LSD...story was he took some gear, started spazzing, his mate or someone called an ambo, but it went to the wrong address, in the mean time ole mate tripper decided to jump into his car, and his mate went with to try to calm him down..."

Would colaborate the story.

22-12-2011, 04:34 PM
Yeah what I posted a few pages back is what I was told by his younger sister.

22-12-2011, 05:00 PM
spotted couple of asians getting their photo taken at the crash site.. wtf?

22-12-2011, 05:36 PM
Pfft, amateur.

22-12-2011, 08:45 PM
Pfft, amateur.

Like you?

22-12-2011, 08:53 PM
No matter how hard these boys wigged out on LSD they still didn't resort to wearing animal ears....

22-12-2011, 08:57 PM
No matter how hard these boys wigged out on LSD they still didn't resort to wearing animal ears....

these forums really really need a "like" button

22-12-2011, 09:00 PM
these forums really really need a "like" button
Like at the top left of the screen?

22-12-2011, 09:02 PM
Yeah what I posted a few pages back is what I was told by his younger sister.

Pics of sister not loading?

22-12-2011, 09:03 PM
Like at the top left of the screen?

only relevant to whole thread though isnt it?

22-12-2011, 09:06 PM
only relevant to whole thread though isnt it?
Shut up pingpingpingping, no one wants to "like" you're individual posts anyway, you smell like glue and petrol :)
I hope you shoot yourself in eye checking the barrel whilst it's loaded :)

22-12-2011, 09:08 PM
i hope YOU'RE next LSD trip is permanent!

22-12-2011, 09:09 PM
i hope YOU'RE next LSD trip is permanent!
Not as much as me, reality is fucked :P

22-12-2011, 09:10 PM
lol well played old chap!

22-12-2011, 09:11 PM
"Glue and petrol" Sorry jared, but thats just fucken funny!

22-12-2011, 09:16 PM
Dats racisttt

22-12-2011, 09:29 PM
No matter how hard these boys wigged out on LSD they still didn't resort to wearing animal ears....
Agreed. You'd have to have done a shitload of acid to think wearing animal ears is a normal thing to do.

22-12-2011, 09:35 PM
Wait, is Klutch that chick dude thing that wore the 90's raver stuff and weird ears?

22-12-2011, 09:37 PM
Yeah I think so

22-12-2011, 09:40 PM
i gotta say as much AS i sometmes dont agrree with what you young guys say you're allright.

22-12-2011, 09:44 PM
I'm young?
Nice :)

22-12-2011, 09:45 PM
LOL, well some of you :P

22-12-2011, 11:30 PM
Agreed. You'd have to have done a shitload of acid to think wearing animal ears is a normal thing to do.


22-12-2011, 11:35 PM

22-12-2011, 11:37 PM
Reminds me a little of Sally from home and away!

22-12-2011, 11:47 PM
Reminds me a little of Sally from home and away!

23-12-2011, 07:48 AM
Shut up pingpingpingping, no one wants to "like" you're individual posts anyway, you smell like glue and petrol :)
I hope you shoot yourself in eye checking the barrel whilst it's loaded :)

If there was a like button for each post you would of scored a few for this ..

23-12-2011, 08:51 AM
Like usual, ruined by retards.

23-12-2011, 10:29 AM
Shut up pingpingpingping, no one wants to "like" you're individual posts anyway, you smell like glue and petrol :)
I hope you shoot yourself in eye checking the barrel whilst it's loaded :)

*your :)