View Full Version : Telstra APNs

19-12-2011, 08:18 AM
Peeps, seeing some of you work in Telstra maybe you have something with you that you can pass on...

I upgraded my phones OS to a custom ROM (HTC Desire) and it was all sweet but then somehow shit played around in my pocket and when I took the phone back out it was in a menu for Access Point Names/Network Providor and fucked shit up there. I already called Telstra and fixed up the data and its on the right carrier network selection now - but now MMS is a little fucked (not going through from my end) and I can't be fucked calling up again and being on hold and shit while at work.

If anyone has the Access Point info for MMS could they pass it on? Should be stuff that goes by Name/APN/Proxy/Port/Username/Password/Server/MMSC/MMS proxy/MMS port/MCC/MNC/Authentication type/APN type/APN Protocol

Is there a place online Telstra provides these details so we can fix issues ourselves? Also if you have the other APNs (just in case something else was fumbled) it would be great. :)



19-12-2011, 08:59 AM
Ausdroid.net/apns i think
Else google telstra mobile configurator

19-12-2011, 09:39 AM
Will give both of those a shot - thanks man!

19-12-2011, 12:58 PM
Didn't fix it... :(

Can someone at Telstra confirm the authentication type for MMS and internet? If no one can I'll try call in this arvo anyway but mms isn't going through from my end for some reason while internet and data works and the listed APNs on Ausdroid and the ones I found on google/whirlpool must be old and shit or something cos I've got listed telstra.internet and telstra.mms and telstra.wap etc... no telstra.iph

I have telstra.internet as none for authentication type while telstra.mms is now listed as CHAP (from Ausdroid). Might try the others in the list just to see...

19-12-2011, 05:26 PM
Try sending yourself an MMS. I had the same issue and had to send one to myself to "verify" or something and then it worked.

19-12-2011, 05:30 PM
Thisi s my only APN

name - Telstra W/Portal
apn - telstra.internet
proxy -
port - 80
mmsc - http://mmsc.telstra.com:8002
mms proxy -
mms port - 80
mcc - 505
mnc - 01
auth type - not set
apn type - deafult,supl,mms,hipri
apn protocol - ipv4

19-12-2011, 06:28 PM
Try sending yourself an MMS. I had the same issue and had to send one to myself to "verify" or something and then it worked.

done this countless times and it always fixed itself.

19-12-2011, 06:36 PM
On Telstra, you only need two APNs in your settings to access all Telstra services. The APNs are as follows:

The first:
Name: Telstra Internet
APN: telstra.iph
MMS Proxy:
MMS Port:
MCC: 505
MNC: 01
APN Type: default

The second:
Name: Telstra MMS
APN: telstra.internet (you can use telstra.mms – makes no difference)
MMSC: http://mmsc.telstra.com:8002
MMS Proxy:
MMS Port: 80
MCC: 505
MNC: 01
APN Type: mms

These are the settings I use on my handset and they are confirmed working. Once you've added these two APNs, delete the rest, and again, try to access http://es.telstra.com/MyDataUsage/active – you should now be able to check your data usage on the handset. Other Telstra-specific portal sites, like Whereis, should now work as well.


19-12-2011, 07:45 PM
.iph is for iphone - doesn't work for android. :)

thanks for posting the info up though fellas - I figured out what I was doing wrong but... I kept forgetting to hit menu -> save (yes, I'm retarded lol).

for android (at least with the HTC Desire) you have 2 APNs, not sure how cplagz works with one however mine doesn't function with one...

telstra.mms and telstra.internet - the .mms should have APN type of mms while the .internet one should have an APN of default,supl

for some reason my .internet had default,supl,mms in there so not sure what happened there if there was a conflict or something - not sure if it is due to running cyanogenmod but I'm assuming all the APNs load after pinging from the service provider so it shouldn't be from the OS.

I went through a good 30 odd links on whirlpool etc. before I figured to press save - such a spastic moment....

cheers fellas. :D

20-12-2011, 06:57 AM
.iph is for iphone - doesn't work for android. :)

thanks for posting the info up though fellas - I figured out what I was doing wrong but... I kept forgetting to hit menu -> save (yes, I'm retarded lol).

for android (at least with the HTC Desire) you have 2 APNs, not sure how cplagz works with one however mine doesn't function with one...

telstra.mms and telstra.internet - the .mms should have APN type of mms while the .internet one should have an APN of default,supl

for some reason my .internet had default,supl,mms in there so not sure what happened there if there was a conflict or something - not sure if it is due to running cyanogenmod but I'm assuming all the APNs load after pinging from the service provider so it shouldn't be from the OS.

I went through a good 30 odd links on whirlpool etc. before I figured to press save - such a spastic moment....

cheers fellas. :D

You don't actually need 2 APNS. Mine is just telstra.mms and telstra.internet combined into one APN setup and it works perfectly fine.

20-12-2011, 07:34 AM
You don't actually need 2 APNS. Mine is just telstra.mms and telstra.internet combined into one APN setup and it works perfectly fine.

hmm I'll have a go at testing it out later then, I may have fumbled something with the settings so shit stopped working - as soon as I modified the APN type for telstra.internet the internet didn't function so wasn't sure.

do you know what the "hipri" is for in yours? also, mms has authentication type of CHAP however yours is listed as not set - doesn't affect it all though for you is that cos it automatically sets itself for that function or something?

20-12-2011, 07:40 AM
hmm I'll have a go at testing it out later then, I may have fumbled something with the settings so shit stopped working - as soon as I modified the APN type for telstra.internet the internet didn't function so wasn't sure.

do you know what the "hipri" is for in yours? also, mms has authentication type of CHAP however yours is listed as not set - doesn't affect it all though for you is that cos it automatically sets itself for that function or something?

hipri = High Priority
it will use that APN over others listed first, it helps with acquiring GPS fix faster when using cell tower triangulation.

This is the telstra site I was talking about

20-12-2011, 08:16 AM
Yeah I looked at the configure site before and it still didn't fix it (may have been because I didn't press save? lol)

will have to play with the hipri option in it though!

thanks man! :D