View Full Version : Occupy Melbourne... Mad_Aussie's fucking mates.

21-10-2011, 10:11 PM

Does anyone know what they are actually protesting about? I can understand it happening in the US, but just seems like a bunch of dole bludging hippies are looking for a reason to start some shit.


Dumb bitch looks like she shat herself.

21-10-2011, 10:26 PM
After much organisation and deliberation, a date and location has finally been decided for Occupy Melbourne - the international day of protest.

It has been decided that the rally will begin at City Square on Saturday October 15, commencing at 10am.pingOccupy Melbourne is a non-violent protest as a means of sending a message to the financial sector worldwide. This day will be an international day of protest, with rallies being held at numerous locations worldwide, and simultaneous protests currently being planned in other Australian cities such as Brisbane, Adelaide, Perth and Sydney.
This rally is nothing to begin a war over, though, with the organisers stating that they expect non-violence towards all, co-operation with police, commitment to clean occupational space, liasing with local business and acceptance of different views whether they be left, right or otherwise.

This rally is part of a global movement and is the perfect opportunity for anyone interested to have their voices heard.pingFor further information, visit Occupy Melbourne's official website.

Aussies version of : http://www.antilag.com/forums/showthread.php?50165-What-do-the-99-protesting-in-Wall-Street-have-to-do-with-us
Bunch of hippies carrying on about things & pooing their pants

21-10-2011, 10:27 PM
pingpingpingpings need a fucking job.. Should be legal to bash hippies

21-10-2011, 10:31 PM
Retards brainwashed into thinking they're hard done by, when in fact they're just lazy pingpingpingpings

21-10-2011, 10:47 PM
Retards brainwashed into thinking they're hard done by, when in fact they're just lazy pingpingpingpings


Doctor Chimargo the Dog
21-10-2011, 11:11 PM
One shot.One kill.Thousands will get the message...

21-10-2011, 11:44 PM
^^this guy!

22-10-2011, 12:26 AM
I think we should at least listen to what they have to say first

lol jks, bring out the water cannons on the dirty pingpingpingpings

22-10-2011, 01:26 AM
I'd gladly run over the pingpingpingpings. Fucking left wing hippie useless pingpingpingpings. Burn them at the stake. (It's 1am and I'm pissed as fuck but I stand by my comments fuck the left wing hippie useless pingpingpingpings.)

22-10-2011, 01:59 AM
Protesting for the sake of protesting.

22-10-2011, 08:17 AM
If it stops raining ima head down there today and check it out.

I just wanna hold a sign or something.

22-10-2011, 08:29 AM
Corby's fuken mates!


22-10-2011, 08:59 AM
ok im still trying to work out what they are pretesting the financial sector about. Bunch of muppets!

22-10-2011, 09:02 AM
Sit behind computer and claim "lazy pingpingpingpings"

If they are passionate about what they believe in and feel this is aiding it and doesn't actually harm anyone in the progress, then I don't give a fuck, Yes I'm aware there was a small group who got violent, but I don't think they were part of the main core.

It's too easy to sit behind a keyboard and not be passionate about anything but whinge when shit affects your life.

22-10-2011, 09:03 AM
ok im still trying to work out what they are pretesting the financial sector about.

Moving along to another area after trials?

22-10-2011, 09:37 AM
Bunch of hippies carrying on about things & pooing their pants

laugh out loud'ed :D

how funny's this pic! hipster kents


22-10-2011, 10:49 AM
And, I'll say it for the third time.

Unfortunately I think some of the Australian protesters aren't quite grasping the concept of what the protests are even for - complaining for the sake of complaining, I guess. For instance, you've got the old man/woman down the front with the "Australia has a black history" shirt on...the fuck does that have to do with the big banks, the stock market and other fiscal issues?

While similar issues may exist here in Australia, they are no where near as bad as what they are in Europe and America, and more than likely never will be. If they're complaining about jobs, then the pingpingpingpings need to get off their asses and get a job - there's plenty out there.

PS. I did lol at the reporter/journalist assuming every phone there was an iPhone:

Police in full riot gear with batons drawn were used to clear the protesters at City Square with hundreds more watching on with iPhones and cameras recording every move.

22-10-2011, 10:54 AM
Are they protesting because they are jelly that others have more money than them?

22-10-2011, 10:56 AM
They had a lady on the radio yesterday talking about occupy Perth (which they are doing for Chogm). They are protesting about how the rich are rich and poor people are poor. SERIOUSLY. Fair call in America where the rich get richer and the poor get nothing but these lazy dole bludgers don't realize this government and country pays them for nothing, will give them free accommodation and supply their fucking drug habit and they still whinge.
When asked questions about what they were trying to achieve they didn't have any idea, there answer was jumbled and made no sense. They whinged about how rich people like Twiggy Forrest are. The pingpingpingping is rich because he worked his ass off and almost got bankrupted several times. He also donates a shitload of money and pays outrageous taxes that funnel there way back to these fucking hippies.

Its like the guy living in tents down south whinging because the government hasn't given him a free house yet. The guiy has like 6 kids and his wife is pregnant, has no job and doesn't look like he is applying for one living in the bush. The dudes worst enemy is his own dick, stop having fucking children and expecting me to pay. I pay for my own kid.

22-10-2011, 11:04 AM
They whinged about how rich people like Twiggy Forrest are. The pingpingpingping is rich because he worked his ass off and almost got bankrupted several times.

He also holds on to his money as long as possible before being forced to pay up, among other dodgy things that forced his retirement from CEO at FMG. ;)

But yes, you're very right. Without a unified goal, how do they expect to achieve anything?

22-10-2011, 11:23 AM
He also holds on to his money as long as possible before being forced to pay up, among other dodgy things that forced his retirement from CEO at FMG. ;)

But yes, you're very right. Without a unified goal, how do they expect to achieve anything?

My point is he did what he had to and worked for it, he didn't sit around in a government given house taking drugs not working and expect it all to be given to him.
I see the same thing between me and my girlfriend atm. I want stuff and I work my ass off to get it, I worked 2 jobs to get my house and now Im also at uni at night. She does nothing and just whinges that she doesn't like her job and gets annoyed when I go and buy shit I want, she thinks its not fair. No whats not fair is I spend every minute of everyday working my ass off for what I want and then have someone who does fuck all turn around and say its not fair that I buy a video game?
Yes I just turned this protest personal.

22-10-2011, 11:31 AM
looks like the guy From Chaser?

22-10-2011, 11:32 AM
Sit behind computer and claim "lazy pingpingpingpings"

If they are passionate about what they believe in and feel this is aiding it and doesn't actually harm anyone in the progress, then I don't give a fuck, Yes I'm aware there was a small group who got violent, but I don't think they were part of the main core.

It's too easy to sit behind a keyboard and not be passionate about anything but whinge when shit affects your life.

Sitting behind the computer I paid for with earnings from my full time job. Employed protestors dont phase me its the lazy unemployed (by choice) pingpingpingpings that have nothing better to do that need to fuck off and die.

22-10-2011, 11:40 AM
I'm off to Melbourne next week for the Cup and that, those hippie pingpingpingpings better fuck off by then!

I don't see why they are protesting in Australia? In the US, sure the financial institutions were greedy and caused the GFC, then got bailed out with taxpayers money. Fair enough for them to have a protest about that. But here? None of it has happened in Australia, so what the fuck are they protesting about??

Compare the videos of the yanks speaking out during their rally, whatever they say I suppose makes sense, they're protesting about something specific, and they want something. I'm yet to hear an aussie protester say what they're specificaly angry about, and what they want changed.

Yes, it's a protest for the sake of a protest! Stupid pingpingpingpings!

22-10-2011, 11:42 AM
I'm off to Melbourne next week for the Cup and that, those hippie pingpingpingpings better fuck off by then!

I don't see why they are protesting in Australia? In the US, sure the financial institutions were greedy and caused the GFC, then got bailed out with taxpayers money. Fair enough for them to have a protest about that. But here? None of it has happened in Australia, so what the fuck are they protesting about??

Compare the videos of the yanks speaking out during their rally, whatever they say I suppose makes sense, they're protesting about something specific, and they want something. I'm yet to hear an aussie protester say what they're specificaly angry about, and what they want changed.

Yes, it's a protest for the sake of a protest! Stupid pingpingpingpings!

Some are arguing about animal rights, some about boongs, others about carbon tax.

22-10-2011, 01:13 PM
http://a1.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/296684_2326696560660_1047043176_2797248_1768689593 _n.jpg

Maybe they should Occupy a job.

22-10-2011, 02:20 PM
Sitting behind the computer I paid for with earnings from my full time job. Employed protestors dont phase me its the lazy unemployed (by choice) pingpingpingpings that have nothing better to do that need to fuck off and die.

I agree, I don't like the unemployed by choice in any situation, but it's a silly generalisation to assume that these guys are all unemployed, Antilag has bulk users that'll sit behind their keyboard and make stupid bandwagon remarks to seem cool, when shutting the fuck up would be easier :)

When was the last time you ever saw the media ask someone a question off the street in Australia and they actually make sense, the media love looking for the dumbest pingpingpingping to interview.Suits their needs.

22-10-2011, 02:25 PM
Fair comment Brett. Can't fully trust the media :(

22-10-2011, 02:32 PM
When was the last time you ever saw the media ask someone a question off the street in Australia and they actually make sense, the media love looking for the dumbest pingpingpingping to interview.Suits their needs.

Its like Sam Newman doing street talk.

Mind you the average person wouldnt be on the street when the media goes hunting for the people's opinions.

22-10-2011, 03:02 PM
Anyone who has been unemployed for more than 3 months and claims its not their own fault is stupid. The reason I say 3 months is because no matter how qualified you are, by 3 months time your savings will be spent and by that stage you should be looking for any work possible.
People get no qualifications, do no work experience and don't do an apprenticeship and then complain that there is no work for them, its their own fault they can't get a high paying job or have to do a shit job. There is always work! People just need to get off their high horse at times.
But to be fair I know this isn't what we are talking about exactly, it just pisses me off.

22-10-2011, 03:11 PM
Maybe they should Occupy a job.


22-10-2011, 04:13 PM
Need to sort that shit out STAT! or show the door!

My point is he did what he had to and worked for it, he didn't sit around in a government given house taking drugs not working and expect it all to be given to him.
I see the same thing between me and my girlfriend atm. I want stuff and I work my ass off to get it, I worked 2 jobs to get my house and now Im also at uni at night. She does nothing and just whinges that she doesn't like her job and gets annoyed when I go and buy shit I want, she thinks its not fair. No whats not fair is I spend every minute of everyday working my ass off for what I want and then have someone who does fuck all turn around and say its not fair that I buy a video game?
Yes I just turned this protest personal.

22-10-2011, 04:37 PM
The reason I say 3 months is because no matter how qualified you are, by 3 months time your savings will be spent and by that stage you should be looking for any work possible.

That's a pretty broad generalization, i have a friend who hasnt had a job for three years by choice because he made quite a bit in the property boom. How can you say anyone's situation will take 3 months to run out of money?

22-10-2011, 04:38 PM
why don't they all protest by collecting money for people in africa/the middle east who are starving and being murdered. a few hundred (thousand?) in the city marching with buckets collecting for charity would be a nice gesture against corporate greed etc.

i'm all for protesting, but just occupying a space and chanting cheesing lines doesn't really seem to be doing anything constructive.

22-10-2011, 04:43 PM
Personally any form of anti gov/rich protests is good it shows how powerful people are and it shows how much power Police of on people doing nothing wrong.

There is alot of footage of Police bruetality that doesnt get shown on the news at the Occupy whatever cities in America.

Atleast they are fighting for something useful.

22-10-2011, 06:15 PM
That's a pretty broad generalization, i have a friend who hasnt had a job for three years by choice because he made quite a bit in the property boom. How can you say anyone's situation will take 3 months to run out of money?

It might be, if he's not asking for free money no problem. Its when people whinge they need money and can't pay their bills but refuse do look for work unless its CEO of fucking microsoft or something.

Need to sort that shit out STAT! or show the door!

I bought 2 games and preordered another 5 just because of the comment :) . I'm the man, I do what I want, because I earnt it.

22-10-2011, 06:20 PM
LOL THAT A BOY! now go get her to make you a sammich too!

22-10-2011, 06:30 PM
http://a1.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/296684_2326696560660_1047043176_2797248_1768689593 _n.jpg

Maybe they should Occupy a job.

AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! Its rare that one of these MEME type pics make me genuinly laugh.

22-10-2011, 06:39 PM
One shot.One kill.Thousands will get the message...

RK 86 WA
22-10-2011, 09:03 PM

22-10-2011, 09:09 PM

Brendan Jones
Serious question: What is so bad about our city? No 1% owns my life. I work, I get paid, I enjoy myself. This isn't America. We don't need to protest just because they are.

RK 86 WA
22-10-2011, 09:10 PM
Waits for Brendan's hippy invasion

23-10-2011, 12:34 AM
It's started, they post their arguments, which you can clearly tell they just cut and paste from some website and claim it their own opinion. All sheep, not an individual opinion among them.

23-10-2011, 01:01 AM
Fuck these smelly hippies are douche bags. eg,

elissa Dor The 1% surely know how to divide and conquer. The police officer are part of the 99% too, yet they fight against those who would stand up for the rights of all of us.
6 hours ago · Like · 1 person.

Occupy the Third-Person exactly, the police are the 99%, imagine if they stood with us. as are the military. unfortunately they are trained to take orders and never question authority. thus they become tools of fascism. violent tools.

Aust police and military are tools of fascism? Cvnts are seriously on the pipe hard. This is all such a fucking joke.

23-10-2011, 01:22 AM
Jonathan Murray
Serious question here, do you believe the legitimacy of the protests in Sydney were undermined by issuing a list of requests for "free wifi" ect and what other issues (if any) besides the apparent corruption of our financial & political system by "corporations" do you believe the Occupy movement in Australia stands for. Personally I realize that things aren't great for everyone but I think that on balance life's pretty damn good here

Yep dere be some hippie trolling win here.

23-10-2011, 09:11 AM
Adrian Altieri The world is the way it is, a small protest by a group of people with nothing better to do than complain that they have less money than some rich person who studied and did the shit necessary to become wealthy will do nothing. The general populace do not care for your plight, in fact, they think you should get a fucking job and work for your future.

Current population of WA ~2296400
Current members of OccupyPerth group ~900
They are the 0.04%

23-10-2011, 10:21 AM
I agree, I don't like the unemployed by choice in any situation, but it's a silly generalisation to assume that these guys are all unemployed, Antilag has bulk users that'll sit behind their keyboard and make stupid bandwagon remarks to seem cool, when shutting the fuck up would be easier :)

When was the last time you ever saw the media ask someone a question off the street in Australia and they actually make sense, the media love looking for the dumbest pingpingpingping to interview.Suits their needs.

If all the keyboard heros were to shut the fuck up the forums would be fairly quiet :D

RK 86 WA
23-10-2011, 10:53 AM
Fyi, https://www.facebook.com/occupyperth/posts/129906870448567?cmntid=129914853781102

Is the topic we are talking about if you want to join in

23-10-2011, 11:14 AM
ArchAngel Aries
and... while u are dishing out insults and accusations at people who are only trying to make the world a better place for their chidren, just remember that you have actively joined the page of a movement you know nothing about and therfore cannot possibly support just so that you can troll the posts and attack them... once again... douche! same goes for you brendan. when i come knocking on YOUR door then please by all means tell me to fuck off, but HERE you are in OUR house and your attcks and ignorance are not welcome... douche part II


If you want to give your children a better life, work your fucking ass off.

As Has been mentioned countless times in that thread already...this is Australia, not America; there are plenty of job opportunities out there, if only you want to look.

23-10-2011, 12:03 PM
Sarah Berenice
I had to share with you today’s energies from the Mayan Calendar as they are pertinent to our cause. I follow them daily especially as this current age of 5,000 yrs, ends on 28 October 2011 (Yes the day of our Occupation). From the 29 October we will start the new age, the Golden Age. We move from the Age of the Mind into the Age of Unity Consciousness and Spirit. I hope that gives you inspiration :)

"A great day to give thanks for the well-being, wealth and abundance in your life, and to ask for more without any guilt or timidity. Despite Western values of humility and frugality, ours is a society that worships wanton consumption and materialism that exceed the bounds of sustainable prosperity. Native people like the Maya, on the other hand, have no issue with wealth. For them, prosperity is a perfectly acceptable and desirable part of life. But they know how to balance their needs and desires with what the Earth and their communities can provide.

LOL Mayan calendar FTW people !!!

23-10-2011, 01:13 PM
I love how the wankers love to bring up the BOONGS with all their in equality arguements FFS wankers! they have it so fucking easy i have a little torres islander crap in my so can claim the benefits if need be, i copped a redundancy back in 08 and enrolled in uni to do chiro, simply for the fact between coon benefits like abstudy and some lazy part time work a few hours a week i was going to be able to CLEAR approx $700 a week in my hand and be able to have a student lifestyle ect it didnt eventuate as i scored a job offshore 1 week prior to the commencement of uni so deferred... but that is about similiar or not all that far off to what my Wench gets now for working fulltime in recruitment!

fucking joke!

23-10-2011, 01:48 PM
They're organising a rally called Protest CHOGM for Justice and Climate Action, not Racism and War.

I did not know that the queen was here to pollute and tease/kill boongs?

"Brendan Jones Seriously? Are you just picking causes out of a hat? Climate change is a load of shit, first off. That's not to say that we shouldnt look after the environment, just that climate change has been happening since before man started cutting down trees and burning fossil fuels.

So what injustices is CHOGM bringing to you? If there wasn't nut jobs with bombs "protesting" then the heightened security wouldn't be required. Otherwise Perth still manages to run normally day to day, just there's some old guys talking shit in the convention centre, meaning it is actually used for once.

This isn't fucking woodstock, people. I don't see the Queen rolling into town, proclaiming the benefits of racism and war."

I'm loving this shit. None of them have good arguments, and everyone thinks they are fighting for a different cause. Useless bunch of muppets need to go to work and shut the fuck up.

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/U9rCc4SZNSI" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

23-10-2011, 02:00 PM
Climate change is a load of shit, first off. That's not to say that we shouldnt look after the environment, just that climate change has been happening since before man started cutting down trees and burning fossil fuels.

Here we go again. If you believe that you've got your head in the sand.

23-10-2011, 02:13 PM
Here we go again. If you believe that you've got your head in the sand.

LOL. Did you know we're still technically in an Ice Age?

Point is climate change/global warming is a myth, it's not my redneck, right wing, capitalist propaganda, its because there is no clear evidence to suggest it exists. There has only been a slight increase in temperature in the how ever long they have been keeping records and there is evidence to suggest that the planet was hotter 40000 years ago that it is now.

23-10-2011, 02:21 PM
LOL. Did you know we're still technically in an Ice Age?

Theres the hole in your argument!!! where are all the mammoths if we are in an ice age!!!! YEH YEHHHHHH!! lol

23-10-2011, 02:24 PM
LOL. Did you know we're still technically in an Ice Age?

Point is climate change/global warming is a myth, it's not my redneck, right wing, capitalist propaganda, its because there is no clear evidence to suggest it exists. There has only been a slight increase in temperature in the how ever long they have been keeping records and there is evidence to suggest that the planet was hotter 40000 years ago that it is now.

Not going to debate this for the umpteenth time. I'll just feel content in 50 years time when all climate change deniers look stupid :)

23-10-2011, 02:24 PM
Theres the hole in your argument!!! where are all the mammoths if we are in an ice age!!!! YEH YEHHHHHH!! lol

It manages to keep up with modern technology by posting the above comment ;)

23-10-2011, 02:54 PM
LOL Mayan calendar FTW people !!!
Told the bitch to put the crack pipe down.
Bitches love being told to put the crack pipe down.

RK 86 WA
23-10-2011, 03:33 PM
I was wondering who that was haha

23-10-2011, 04:12 PM
Theres the hole in your argument!!! where are all the mammoths if we are in an ice age!!!! YEH YEHHHHHH!! lol

The DNA is in Japanese laboratories - give it 5 years and they expect to have a live woolly mammoth walking around destroying shit all Godzilla-like.


RK 86 WA
23-10-2011, 05:09 PM

For some reason I found that mildly soothing haha

23-10-2011, 05:57 PM
They claim police brutality. They were told to disperse and move on, they refused, they broke the law, they got arrested. Simple.

23-10-2011, 06:35 PM
Exactly. Tear gas the cvnts.

23-10-2011, 07:07 PM
That's not brutality. That's standard Police tactics across the country for breaking up protesters who have their arms linked. Grab, pull head toward ground, drag.

Biting your tongue is a more painful experience. Fucking hippie pingpingpingpings.

23-10-2011, 07:41 PM
Videos like that make me wish I followed the family and did policing haha. Needed more TRG spec 9kg pepper spray bottles, stupid hippie pingpingpingpings.

23-10-2011, 07:57 PM

For some reason I found that mildly soothing haha


23-10-2011, 08:10 PM
lol that video is awesome, stupid hippies!! i love how the cops jump in 3 at a time and just yank some smelly unemployed fucker from the crowd and drag em off

23-10-2011, 08:19 PM
Pretty sure I saw a few cheeky jabs in that vid lol

23-10-2011, 08:57 PM
Should have been given those stun gun batons :P

24-10-2011, 08:40 AM
If it stops raining ima head down there today and check it out.

I just wanna hold a sign or something.
Protesting the closure of multiple Krispy Kreme stores? :p

The best way to disperse these fools is to get people to walk around pointing and shouting "that guy's giving away free iPhones!!!!" and they'll all scurry away en masse.

24-10-2011, 12:01 PM
Have been banned from their little club and all posts removed bar the ones that they replied to. But all my replies are gone after pointing out just how useless they are, and how a certain few people are trying to use this to big note themselves into some sort of Greens political career.

The phrases "fucking art students" and "nothing but hippies" may of been uttered, also. The last argument was "The corporations have all the money, and that's not fair...". So if shit goes there way everyone will get an equal slice of any cash in circulation to date. Then I start selling weed and take it all back off of them.

24-10-2011, 12:45 PM
so much want for a legitimate excuse to punch on with hippies in broad daylight.

24-10-2011, 01:35 PM

If you want to give your children a better life, work your fucking ass off.

As Has been mentioned countless times in that thread already...this is Australia, not America; there are plenty of job opportunities out there, if only you want to look.

The most ridiculous bit about that is saying that Brendan has invaded their zone/house to voice his opinion, yet, is that not exactly what they are trying to achieve by this whole Occupy thing? Some of these people lack the irony detector. So. Many. Fucking. Muppets. In. The. World.

24-10-2011, 01:54 PM
40c in the dollar - yep its not fucking fair at all when you decide to actually work and earn a good income and pay TAX.

24-10-2011, 02:04 PM

24-10-2011, 04:16 PM

24-10-2011, 04:30 PM

LOL! So keen to print this out on a big sign, and parade with it at their protest, troll-spec...

RK 86 WA
24-10-2011, 05:24 PM

24-10-2011, 06:00 PM

LOL! So keen to print this out on a big sign, and parade with it at their protest, troll-spec...

Do it !!! How do I post it on the Occupy Perth Wall ?

24-10-2011, 08:50 PM
http://www.facebook.com/KeepKronicLegalAus/posts/148729015225025 lol lol lol

RK 86 WA
24-10-2011, 09:01 PM
buckets: https://www.facebook.com/occupyperth

24-10-2011, 09:12 PM
^ and what now?

24-10-2011, 09:15 PM

24-10-2011, 09:18 PM
just did it, see how long it lasts!


24-10-2011, 09:27 PM
I don't see it on mine. :( Oh well.

24-10-2011, 09:33 PM
Need to click; "EVERYONE" just below the pictures. Fuck me, you play with explosives?

RK 86 WA
24-10-2011, 09:43 PM
didnt last very long haha

24-10-2011, 09:48 PM
Its still there...

RK 86 WA
24-10-2011, 09:49 PM
wut, i cant see it :(

24-10-2011, 09:52 PM

24-10-2011, 10:37 PM
Fuck me, you play with explosives?

Yep that I do.

24-10-2011, 10:40 PM
I love how the wankers love to bring up the BOONGS with all their in equality arguements FFS wankers! they have it so fucking easy i have a little torres islander crap in my so can claim the benefits if need be, i copped a redundancy back in 08 and enrolled in uni to do chiro, simply for the fact between coon benefits like abstudy

you claimed abstudy? really? are you fucking serious?

its common knowledge that you're not that sharp, but do you genuinely not see something hypocritical with disrespecting aboriginals when you are, yourself part aboriginal? and even claim aboriginal benefits? what the fuck? how is that even justifiable?
do you have problems processing thoughts? are you sure you didnt apply for a mental illness benefit and they just felt so sorry for how unfathomably stupid you are and told you that you're 1/8th torres strait islander? i mean do you just wake up every day and follow loud noises and flashing lights?

its easier for me to believe that blaaa is a profile made by the admin to stir shit in the forums, than an actual living person. i have never known a person that is as ignorant and selfish as you are.
i dont think you will be able understand what my point was. if you dont, i strongly suggest an aboriginal studies course, you will get in piss easy with abstudy

24-10-2011, 10:43 PM

24-10-2011, 10:46 PM
you claimed abstudy? really? are you fucking serious?

its common knowledge that you're not that sharp, but do you genuinely not see something hypocritical with disrespecting aboriginals when you are, yourself part aboriginal? and even claim aboriginal benefits? what the fuck? how is that even justifiable?
do you have problems processing thoughts? are you sure you didnt apply for a mental illness benefit and they just felt so sorry for how unfathomably stupid you are and told you that you're 1/8th torres strait islander? i mean do you just wake up every day and follow loud noises and flashing lights?

its easier for me to believe that blaaa is a profile made by the admin to stir shit in the forums, than an actual living person. i have never known a person that is as ignorant and selfish as you are.
i dont think you will be able understand what my point was. if you dont, i strongly suggest an aboriginal studies course, you will get in piss easy with abstudy


24-10-2011, 10:48 PM
Post of the year?

24-10-2011, 10:50 PM
Post of the year?

Fuck no, this dudes gonna get pwned. Waiting in anticipation.

24-10-2011, 10:52 PM
Random post to the affect that BLAAA is not real


RK 86 WA
24-10-2011, 10:56 PM
^ Perfect!

24-10-2011, 11:01 PM
you claimed abstudy? really? are you fucking serious?

He said he could if needs be, because he is part Torres-Straight Islander.

Shift key is next to the "Z" key, and the "/" on a standard QWERTY keyboard by the by.

24-10-2011, 11:07 PM
Read it again butcher boy.

24-10-2011, 11:09 PM
LOL capitals? Piss poor hack.

24-10-2011, 11:10 PM
Read it again butcher boy.

Brain hurts too much between the two of them!

24-10-2011, 11:11 PM
Because they are FILTH nothing more nothing less! i grew up with the peices of shit they are nothing but scum id like nothing better than to go and bust a hole in 99% of the pingpingpingpings that walk around! i sure as fuck dont see it as a blessing having shit blood in me! but fuck it i sleep better knowing some of my taxes are going full circle :) how bout you yo Jelly?

and its bleeding heart sorry ass fcuktards like you that allow the situation at hand where they can get such benefits, ive busted the coon card over the last 2-2.5 years now never used to before but figure fuck it why struggle on aus-study when i was studying when i can net a few hundred more a week and not so use it to smash aome unleaded up my fucking nose! i payed over $40k tax last year so meh ive payed a fuck load more back than ive ever taken.

LOL aboriginal studies course OK SURE ill think about it!.... hows about spend some time with them real time with them most pingpingpingpings i know change their black pingpingpingping loving attitudes when they do... i was once a non hater in my very very young years bulk boongs as friends n shit growing up now HA

P.S- seing as you love teh noongs so much keen to nom my junk?

24-10-2011, 11:12 PM
you claimed abstudy? really? are you fucking serious?

its common knowledge that you're not that sharp, but do you genuinely not see something hypocritical with disrespecting aboriginals when you are, yourself part aboriginal? and even claim aboriginal benefits? what the fuck? how is that even justifiable?
do you have problems processing thoughts? are you sure you didnt apply for a mental illness benefit and they just felt so sorry for how unfathomably stupid you are and told you that you're 1/8th torres strait islander? i mean do you just wake up every day and follow loud noises and flashing lights?

LOL if BLAAA understood half of what you just wrote he'd probably put together some sort of retort.

To answer all questions raised in that post, here is a picture of BLAAA which answers all of them:

24-10-2011, 11:17 PM
could have atleast posted the one with the FIRE hoggy! it truely expresses my herritage bro! and the peak of our technology!

24-10-2011, 11:17 PM

And this pingpingpingping rings me up offering life advice!


24-10-2011, 11:45 PM
NAH fcuk this shit, so im guessing youve done boong studies? lol fak thats up there with an "arts degree" studying to be unemployed do they print them on a toilet role?... so what youve flicked a few pages in some spit painted history books, had some dardy sing stand up before you and educate you on their dream time and dat dere feather foot- kadaitcha man or the dream time and the dardy rainbow serpent and thought to yourself oohhh what a wonderful worldddd how amazing are these poop throwing monkeys and their culture! and how they are so hard done by and how the white dawgs are so bad and the chip they still have on there shoulders since when ol captain cook and his boys came and chucked some dick up some gins?

Did you sign the sorry book with a "<3 lachy :)"

go watch the pingpingpingpings have a fucking all out brawl every thursday in the fucking main street because its PENSIONNN DAYYYY and lets not put it to good use when theres a fucking Emu export sale on!, have to constantly run the drunken disrespecful and sometimes armed peices of shit of your property with a rifle, have them mouth off and threaten members of your family, go get glassed by the pingpingpingpings, have to grab a bottle of metho from a fucking chimplette in the local supermarket as the bastard was trying to swig it! while its lovely cultured parent stands there and doesnt give a fuck.

pingpingpingpings like you make me sick, prols the first to cry foul too when one of the filthy scrub monkey fucks chucks his dick up ur mother or missus during a home invasion after youve eaten a brick...

25-10-2011, 01:05 AM

25-10-2011, 06:57 AM
BLAAA, I fucking love your boongrants

25-10-2011, 07:08 AM

25-10-2011, 08:07 AM
boongrants hahahhhahahahahahahaahhahaha

25-10-2011, 11:08 AM

I do believe

http://www.legaljuice.com/You%20Got%20Served%20you've%20been%20service%20of% 20process.gif

Good day sir.

25-10-2011, 11:20 AM
He did? That's not how I read it lol

25-10-2011, 11:36 AM
In amongst all the ranting he did.

Ben Wha
25-10-2011, 12:06 PM
LOL if BLAAA understood half of what you just wrote he'd probably put together some sort of retort.

To answer all questions raised in that post, here is a picture of BLAAA which answers all of them:

Fuck, I have to sift my flour with that :( Going to throw it in the bin now, tainted with your coon germs.

25-10-2011, 12:27 PM
^dont act like you are discerning when it comes to your food you fat fuck!

Ben Wha
25-10-2011, 12:37 PM
Suck my titties, noong.

25-10-2011, 12:40 PM
soon enough i will be able to! ;)
cant wait!

25-10-2011, 01:42 PM
NAH fcuk this shit, so im guessing youve done boong studies? lol fak thats up there with an "arts degree" studying to be unemployed do they print them on a toilet role?... so what youve flicked a few pages in some spit painted history books, had some dardy sing stand up before you and educate you on their dream time and dat dere feather foot- kadaitcha man or the dream time and the dardy rainbow serpent and thought to yourself oohhh what a wonderful worldddd how amazing are these poop throwing monkeys and their culture! and how they are so hard done by and how the white dawgs are so bad and the chip they still have on there shoulders since when ol captain cook and his boys came and chucked some dick up some gins?

Did you sign the sorry book with a "<3 lachy :)"

go watch the pingpingpingpings have a fucking all out brawl every thursday in the fucking main street because its PENSIONNN DAYYYY and lets not put it to good use when theres a fucking Emu export sale on!, have to constantly run the drunken disrespecful and sometimes armed peices of shit of your property with a rifle, have them mouth off and threaten members of your family, go get glassed by the pingpingpingpings, have to grab a bottle of metho from a fucking chimplette in the local supermarket as the bastard was trying to swig it! while its lovely cultured parent stands there and doesnt give a fuck.

pingpingpingpings like you make me sick, prols the first to cry foul too when one of the filthy scrub monkey fucks chucks his dick up ur mother or missus during a home invasion after youve eaten a brick...

LOL such a rant. Probably the best post I've seen you make.

25-10-2011, 02:53 PM
LOL such a rant. Probably the best post I've seen you make.
LOL rage rant! only thing i hate more than coons is fuckkers like this trying to be all fucking white knightish for his rock ape buddies!

makes me want to take to their skull with a fucking stick ("nulla nulla" so he knows what i mean as hes so boong savvy) and fuck the hole it makes! fuckker needs to go occupy something with his hippy mates before i hold him down and forcefully occupy his ass with my sandy unwashed dick!

25-10-2011, 03:12 PM
LOLLLLLLLLLL sandy unwashed dick. Gold

25-10-2011, 03:14 PM
Fuck, why boongs be so funny?

Literary gold!!

25-10-2011, 03:35 PM
LOL!! Pissing myself laughing as I read this. Great stuff keep it up.

25-10-2011, 04:09 PM
did joe just steal blaa's login?

25-10-2011, 04:41 PM

Fucking lol

25-10-2011, 05:03 PM
Wow. Those people are true idiots.

Half of them don't even know what issue they're protesting about.

A unified voice will only work if it's saying the same thing. Nobody is going to take note of a protest which has 100 different messages.

25-10-2011, 06:25 PM
makes me want to take to their skull with a fucking stick ("nulla nulla" so he knows what i mean as hes so boong savvy) and fuck the hole it makes! hold him down and forcefully occupy his ass with my sandy unwashed dick!

dude id say you could easily beat a majority of the general population in a physical fight, but mean all the time you've spent working out and you'd choose to...rape me? is that the aboriginal in you talking or repressed homosexual urges? i dont think gay guys dont go for big dudes with vulgar tats man. i think girls asses are the only kind your gonna get to stick your fingers in

25-10-2011, 06:34 PM
you sound like you have a purrrrty mouth and reasonably toight butt so keen to give it a bash! and wisper sweet nothings in your ear about the dream time mmmm mmmm

25-10-2011, 06:54 PM
dude id say you could easily beat a majority of the general population in a physical fight, but mean all the time you've spent working out and you'd choose to...rape me? is that the aboriginal in you talking or repressed homosexual urges? i dont think gay guys dont go for big dudes with vulgar tats man. i think girls asses are the only kind your gonna get to stick your fingers in

Your post doesn't make sense, re-read it and edit it so I can tell whether it is funny or not.

26-10-2011, 03:27 PM
Ha, have a listen of Monday's Hack Program on Triple J for confirmation of how vague their arguments/demands are. These guys are muppets.


26-10-2011, 03:29 PM
The guy that worked for the council was a pingpingpingping though......

26-10-2011, 06:17 PM
Re pic of BLAAA....this is the guy who is allowed to own a gun...right?

26-10-2011, 06:41 PM
Re pic of BLAAA....this is the guy who is allowed to own a gun...right?

multiple guns, luckily not assault rifles... yet

26-10-2011, 10:07 PM
Oh god, assault rifles, you sound like one of the pricks that write the gay ass laws we got to deal with lol

26-10-2011, 10:20 PM
lol its all goot! R3N is joking hes not an antigun nut! if it turns out he is ill add him to the rape list also!

26-10-2011, 10:41 PM
lol its all goot! R3N is joking hes not an antigun nut! if it turns out he is ill add him to the rape list also!

Blaaa, I fucking love your rants.

27-10-2011, 10:59 AM
Climate change is a load of shit, first off. That's not to say that we shouldnt look after the environment, just that climate change has been happening since before man started cutting down trees and burning fossil fuels.


Copied the bullet points (a speech from an archbishop of all people but non the less)

Claims of atmospheric warming often appear to conflict and depend upon the period of time under consideration.

► The earth has cooled during the past 10,000 years since the Holocene climate optimum.

► The earth has cooled since 1000 years ago, not yet achieving the temperatures of the Medieval Warm Period.

► The earth has warmed since 400 years ago after the Little Ice Age three centuries ago.

► The earth warmed between 1979 and 1998 and has cooled slightly since 2001.

The following facts are additional reasons for scepticism.

► In many places, most of the 11,700 years since the end of the last ice age were warmer than the present by up to 2C.

► Between 1695 and 1730, the temperature in England rose by 2.2C. That rapid warming, unparalleled since, occurred long before the Industrial Revolution.

► From 1976 to 2001, "the global warming rate was 0.16C per decade", as it was from 1860 to 1880 and again from 1910 to 1940.

27-10-2011, 12:29 PM
Pell used a lot of old info in his speech, all references are prior 2001. The IPCC has released more information which contradicts what he has chosen to use to support his argument. So it's kind of like using quotes from doctors in the 40's who said smoking is good for you.

There's no need for scientists to make things up about climate change if there is evidence. The guy has some good points, like creating economic policy driven by scientific facts, but the points he uses to 'prove' his scepticism are pretty useless.

27-10-2011, 01:22 PM
Pell used a lot of old info in his speech, all references are prior 2001. The IPCC has released more information which contradicts what he has chosen to use to support his argument. So it's kind of like using quotes from doctors in the 40's who said smoking is good for you.

There's no need for scientists to make things up about climate change if there is evidence. The guy has some good points, like creating economic policy driven by scientific facts, but the points he uses to 'prove' his scepticism are pretty useless.

Alot of the IPCC stuff needs to be taken with a pinch of salt, they have a vested interest in publishing data that conforms to the global warming theory. There's huge amounts of conflicting evidence of climate change, and depending what you pick and choose you can extrapolate totally different predictions. Funny how anybody that doubts it being anthroprogenic gets called an idiot though, so much for science being looked at methodically without any emotion.

27-10-2011, 01:37 PM
so much for science being looked at methodically without any emotion.
That only happens when there isn't the possibility to make billions of dollars from it.

27-10-2011, 04:59 PM

Some great reading :)

Number 4 in particular.

Seriously - Occupy was nothing more (in Australia at least) than the same extreme left people voicing the same views. It's nothing new if you're just pushing out the same tired old arguments! Was hijacked by every loopy cause there was.

27-10-2011, 05:11 PM
Indigenous Working Group, Viv, Robbie, Coby
There is a parallel between the events of Friday and happened two hundred of years ago. This violence against indigenous Australians has not stopped. We must seek truth about the history of colonization. We have been fighting for a long time for the same thing you are now fighting for. We can’t do it alone

LOL ! ... I hope they keep this up, it gives me as endless source of laughs.

27-10-2011, 05:28 PM
im lost what hapend on friday?

27-10-2011, 07:01 PM
They got mobbed at the train station after refusing to give someone a dollar.

28-10-2011, 06:59 AM
https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/s720x720/302076_10150361820262860_227273632859_7916622_5878 18125_n.jpg

28-10-2011, 08:08 AM
Dumb hippies will get their heads kicked in today, they're marching straight into the CHOGM exclusion zone and have been asked to go a different way instead, organizers have refused.
I look forward to their sob stories about 'unprovoked attacks'

28-10-2011, 08:31 AM
Im heading there now to get as many photos as possible. Hope to get some blood and gore

28-10-2011, 08:58 AM
I got handed a "we are the 99%" flyer by the biggest crypt keeper I've ever seen..
Majority of the ones I've seen are scruffy and unwashed hippies/emos with a few oldies!

"people and planet before profit and human need not corporate greed" were there main points...

Just go home and get a bath, you aren't going to achieve anything..

28-10-2011, 09:06 AM
They seriously can't be so stupid to try and get into the exclusion zone can they? That's the equivalent of trying to scale the fence at a maximum security prison.

28-10-2011, 09:25 AM
https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/s720x720/302076_10150361820262860_227273632859_7916622_5878 18125_n.jpg

Occupy # in America, Occupy # in Australia - not same. Needs to be dropped in to the other thread.

RK 86 WA
28-10-2011, 09:54 AM
Fucking lol!! Cannot wait for today tonight footage of hippies getting worked!!

RK 86 WA
28-10-2011, 10:03 AM
Someone mentioned there may be an assassination attempt on the queen so the police have been told shoot to kill. Hmm protesting into a exclusion zone sounds even more stupid now.

28-10-2011, 10:26 AM
^^ Honestly, who the fuck cares? The royal family does fuck-all in this current day and age; she's just like any other old bag, just filthy rich, and with generations of inbred blood in her.

28-10-2011, 11:37 AM
I wouldn't say filthy rich. The royal family don't have a lot of money anymore!

28-10-2011, 11:44 AM
I wouldn't say filthy rich. The royal family don't have a lot of money anymore!

In total, each year the Queen gets $83.8 million from government.

$84million per year from doing nothing!

But yes, I see your point, and I'm sure you see mine. :P

28-10-2011, 11:53 AM

28-10-2011, 12:19 PM
^^^^Completely agree with that article (strange, considering its on perthnow) particularly the last few paragraphs.

28-10-2011, 01:37 PM
84 million per year isnt filthy rich?

28-10-2011, 05:18 PM
i dont think that 84mil goes straight in her pocket to buy corgees and nice coloured outfits. I'm guessing it pays for all her staff and the upkeep of all the buildings aswell as any other royal appointments. Have a look at the entourage that followers her around the world not just the ladies in waiting but cooks, drivers, personal assistants, PR staff and a huge bill would be security. All these people need to be paid and i'm sure that aint cheap. Queen probably gets fuck all left for her self.

back on topic, my brother has been making heaps of signs for these hippy fuckers, he dont care what they whinging about he just wants to do some arts and crafts and go taunt some police. My parents are waiting for the phonecall that they have to come bail him out of lockup

28-10-2011, 05:29 PM
Did the hippies actually get up to any mischief today or did they fail at that too. I don't see anything on Google News so I'd say it was a fizzer.

28-10-2011, 05:30 PM
upkeep of all the buildings

From memory all the royal property is in the name of the government, so tax-payers pay for the upkeep of said buildings.

But yes, back on topic. Did anything end up eventuating from the planned "protests"?

28-10-2011, 07:05 PM
I wouldn't say filthy rich. The royal family don't have a lot of money anymore!

would beg to differ.. she has a metric shit tonn tied up in assets and other investments

edit: can say this in confidence, I work for her

28-10-2011, 07:12 PM
edit: can say this in confidence, I work for her

Prove it! i want a corgy!... and some underwear!

28-10-2011, 07:25 PM
isnt the royal family a major share holder in Rio Tinto?

28-10-2011, 07:26 PM
Firstly, the money she gets from the government each year goes into a trust for the nation. Not in her pocket. She has 17 billion in a trust, in the name of the nation.

The Royal Family is worth fuck all.

The figures revealed by Buckingham Palace show that the Royal Family could be broke by 2012.

The Queen was forced to borrow 6.5million pounds from an emergency fund so that she could carry out her duties last year.

She has only 15.2 million pounds left in reserve and might have to withdraw another 7.2 million pounds to for basic expenses in 2010.

The Queen receives 7.9 million pounds of public money every year to pay for staff and other costs, but according to Chancelllor George Osborne this sum will remain frozen for the coming year.

28-10-2011, 07:38 PM
that is the right image to portray during times of austerity in the UK.

If needs be she can sell this off at any time to generate income. Take it as somebody who knows, she's not short of cash in the slightest.

check this.. http://www.thecrownestate.co.uk

(http://www.thecrownestate.co.uk)7 billion pounds cap. 232 million generated 2010-2011. 15% goes to her to fly the plane paint the palace etc. She (and the company im currently working for) owns %47 of the uk and the whole coast line + 12 miles off it.

This is dating back 100s of years....

Bitch is not broke, just cleverly masked. Which is good because my contract rates are quite healthy.

This is one of a set of significant investments.

28-10-2011, 07:54 PM
We aren't talking about the same thing.

Her financial capabilities and entitlements as Head of State have nothing to do with her worth. She is neither the appointer nor the beneficiary of the trusts that the billions of dollars of assets are in. She cannot sell off assets for her own personal benefit eg. to buy her own houses, cars, Playstations. For anything to be converted to cash it must directly benefit the beneficiaries.

From the website you quoted:

We are governed by an Act of Parliament. The property we manage is owned by the Crown. It is not the private property of the Queen. We work supportively with government; in Westminster, in Scotland, in Wales, Northern Ireland and at a local level.

Elizabeth Alexandra Mary is a broke bitch! As Head of State sure, she's baller. But what's it worth if you can't use it to buy coke, fund personal holidays or buy the latest Bentley in your own name?

28-10-2011, 08:52 PM
that's a matter of judgement and the definition of net worth.. its going to be a little different for the head of a monarchy, rather then a private individual who's richness comes from their capability of spending upon themselves and liquidity..

Its funny working for a company that is not government, not private, not individual, has no trading business number or VAT (GST) registrations... and yet works as a private firm with savvy investments.

This is only one "business unit" if you can even call it this!



I suppose by any assumption (the publics view) that she is broke, but I don't see it at all... and the crown laws have the prospects of overwriting parliament has to say about shit anyway.

Semantics aside, there will never be a shortage of money unless the ass falls out of the world economy.

wait what? I hope she messes up your rat race 9-5 :D

28-10-2011, 09:44 PM
But yes, back on topic. Did anything end up eventuating from the planned "protests"?

In summary, no.
Had a mate head out to try get some 'police educating hippies with force' spec photos for his freelance shit, but nothing.

28-10-2011, 10:16 PM
LOL @ the shitfaced boongs joining the occupy march, while swigging some more metho.

29-10-2011, 01:03 PM

Bow bow.

29-10-2011, 01:14 PM

LOLLLL @ Asian dude in the background, "what the fuck"

29-10-2011, 04:55 PM
lol these protesters are so disorganised and are waving that many diffrent signs about no one is ever gonna take them serious. They just showed a new clip on ch 10 of "chogm protesters" in Forest place, front and center was a bloke holding a sign for equal marrige rights.

29-10-2011, 05:35 PM
LOL these guys are a joke. On the news last night they asked a heap of people while they were protesting. Every single one of them had a different response

29-10-2011, 05:40 PM
well on the news clip before some of the flags or signs included "Tony Abbot is a douche bag", gay rights, aborginal rights, CHOGM, Occupy Perth and a CMFEU flag was also being waved about work that one out

29-10-2011, 06:02 PM
You guys need to distinguish between CHOGM protesters and Occupy Perth protesters.

Some of the CHOGM protesters were there for genuine reasons, in that album I posted early there was a group of Africans (black and white) protesting for democracy and fair elections back in Zimbabwe. That sort of protesting is fine with me tbh.

Occupy Perth protesters, however, can go eat a dick and board a flight to America if they want something genuine to complain about.

29-10-2011, 06:09 PM
You guys need to distinguish between CHOGM protesters and Occupy Perth protesters.


why should we when even most of the people out protesting these issues cant.

29-10-2011, 06:23 PM

29-10-2011, 06:42 PM
I drove through the city looking for these muppets this morning to no avail. No wonder, they all fucked off home to wash their pencil moustaches and shit. Fucking arts kids.

29-10-2011, 07:01 PM
I drove through the city looking for these muppets this morning to no avail. No wonder, they all fucked off home to wash their pencil moustaches and shit. Fucking arts kids.

They are not arts kits they are just fucksticks.

29-10-2011, 07:04 PM
i went to the protest and all the malasian,african and abo's were really good. The police were very fair and did really well. see "photography pics section for a few of the shots

29-10-2011, 08:55 PM
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/UGL-Ex1CD1c" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

30-10-2011, 02:02 AM
That PerthNow article about the slumber party drew some fucking hilarious responses.

If you believe in a God who is in charge of all this like i do, you better get the message that he is really angry by now at mankinds inability to govern themselves. My advice is to forgive anyone you have grievences against and keep sexually pure (a virgin).

I went in to observe the protest yesterday and have respect for those who participated. First time I have seen a police person all year. Where are they on every other day of the year when crimes are being committed?

When you have a dead child because of corporate greed you might look at things a bit differently. Some of you people haven't got a clue about the things that are going on in your own country, have you?
Hahahaha "The corporation took my baby!!"

Fucking hippies. Must be an influx of acid on the market.

30-10-2011, 08:04 AM
LOL. THey were "Occupuy Perth and protest CHOGM" protesters. They had no fucking clue what they actually wanted to protest about.

They tik eh jerbs!

30-10-2011, 09:08 AM
I love how they are all protesting about corp greed etc etc..

They were all eating Maccas and Subway when I saw them.. Yeah guys, Well done.

30-10-2011, 02:32 PM
Using their iPhones/iPads to tweet or post on Facebook about how they're going...

03-11-2011, 11:05 AM
Got this in my email, so spot on:

An economics professor at a local college made a statement that he had never failed a single student before but had once failed an entire class.

That class had insisted that socialism worked and that no one would be poor and no one would be rich, a great equalizer.

The professor then said, "OK, we will have an experiment in this class on socialism. All grades would be averaged and everyone would receive the same grade so no one would fail and no one would receive an A."

After the first test, the grades were averaged and everyone got a B.

The students who studied hard were upset and the students who studied little were happy.

As the second test rolled around, the students who studied little had studied even less and the ones who studied hard decided they wanted a free ride too so they studied little.

The second test average was a D! No one was happy.

When the 3rd test rolled around, the average was an F.

The scores never increased as bickering, blame and name-calling all resulted in hard feelings and no one would study for the benefit of anyone else.

All failed, to their great surprise, and the professor told them that socialism would also ultimately fail because when the reward is great, the effort to succeed is great but when government takes the reward away, no one will try or want to succeed.

Could not be any simpler than that.

And to qualify it all………..

"You cannot legislate the poor into freedom by legislating the wealthy out of freedom. What one person receives without working for, another person must work for without receiving. The government cannot give to anybody anything that the government does not first take from somebody else. When half of the people get the idea that they do not have to work because the other half is going to take care of them, and when the other half gets the idea that it does no good to work because somebody else is going to get what they work for,that my dear friend, is about the end of any nation. You cannot multiply wealth by dividing it."

~~~~ Dr. Adrian Rogers, 1931

03-11-2011, 11:14 AM

Why do we have different tax brackets in Australia then? Why penalise someone for earning a higher wage?

When half of the people get the idea that they do not have to work because the other half is going to take care of them, and when the other half gets the idea that it does no good to work because somebody else is going to get what they work for,that my dear friend, is about the end of any nation. You cannot multiply wealth by dividing it."

~~~~ Dr. Adrian Rogers, 1931

Sounds like the Welfare system.

Halle Terry
03-11-2011, 12:13 PM
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/UGL-Ex1CD1c" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

They really strike me as a bunch of people that are pissed off, but can't really justify why.

03-11-2011, 12:37 PM
Why do we have different tax brackets in Australia then? Why penalise someone for earning a higher wage?

Sounds like the Welfare system.

Wealth re-distribution.

To be fair, to a degree it is necessary. Zero wealth re-distribution is just as bad as full on socialism...

03-11-2011, 12:59 PM
Epic post above with the Professor story, purely made up of course but illustrates the point well!
Life is a competition - it's a fact people have to accept. Like a sport perhaps, we have enough rules to make sure we are all safe but if you want the winning feeling you need to play well!

Loved this link coming through in the IPA email today - http://news.yahoo.com/attention-protestors-youre-probably-part-1-153806044.html

An interesting perspective on the "1%".