View Full Version : 2 years in prison. A real story / How it really is.
03-10-2011, 11:17 AM
Forgive me if this is a repost....
but browsing for something interesting today and i suprizingly found this on AE86DC...
An ex-99chan/Internet guy's view of going to jail for 2 years for a Armed Robbery.
Really Really interesting to read. If you're bored or enjoy shit like prison break , worlds toughest prisons (lockdown) or Oz.... have a read.
After his intro/worst things in prison , people ask him questions.
" It's not right to call a prison shanking a 'stabbing' because that's not how you die. Inside, we called it 'digging a hole' or 'digging a well' like 'he got a well dug in him' or 'pulled out a hole'. The reason for this is the make shift weapons used inside are not easy to kill with. You basically make a hole as fast as you can, by stabbing as fast as you can, and then you try and get a grip inside it and just start pulling"
"Lunch was rarely attended by anyone and would almost always be ingredients for sandwiches. Junkies would go to lunch only to hoard bread, which is an excellent filter for smack, since cotton balls were impossible to come by. You'd let the bread start to go a little bit dry, and then you'd make little balls out of it and put them over your plunger. When you suck the smack into the plunger, the impurities would get caught in the bread. Then you could ball the bread back up and stash it with the rest of your food. During a shake down, the boss would come down hard if they found cottons, that is, cotton balls with heroin residue on them, but they wouldn't be able to tell if your bread had been tainted. Then if your connect ever got shook down and you were without drugs for any length of time, you could suck on the bread balls. "
03-10-2011, 11:41 AM
Continuation of the shanking story:
I had the distinct misfortune of having my cell behind a pillar, like a bulkhead kind of thing in the middle of the block. So if you wanted to shank someone, it was a great place to hide. On the flip side, it meant the boss' gave it a lot of extra attention, which was bad for rubbing one out or taking a hit. Two guys were loitering around the pillar one day, waiting for this fresh kid to wander past. Prison gossip said he's been worked over on his first night by someone who wanted him for a wife, but the kid fought back and nearly bit some fucker's nuts off. So his friends wait with a t-shirt, and a filed down toothbrush. They've cracked down on plastic toothbrushes, but there used to be enough of them that a lot of guys have them stashed away. You can file down the ends on the concrete to a point. One guy wraped a t-shirt around the kid's neck and lifted him off the ground from behind, and the other starts stabbing his gut. After a few stabs, he starts trying to get his fingers inside and he just pulls all this meat out. I thought he was going to pull out his intestines like you'd see in a horror movie, but instead, he just pulls out fist after fist of this yellow jelly shit, and then big hunks of meat like raw mince. Screw's arrived and tasered everyone. Even the kid. He was on his side, right in front of my cell, and every jolt from the taser made the big hole in his stomach smoke.
EDIT: Lol'd hard at this:
My second cell mate was this kid done for weed. He was scared as fuck. He wet the bed every night he came in for weeks. Worst thing I ever did to another human was share my junk with him. At the time, I just felt like it would help him adjust - but some people really can't handle it, or else seem to become addicted way to fast. I know my own limits, and know it takes a steady habit for months to get seriously hooked. Not this kid. He was getting the shakes after a few days without it.
One day he comes back for lock down, takes a hit and after a few minutes says - this isn't H, try it. And it turned out to be powdered MDMA, or Ecstacy. We both did it and ended up giving each other blow jobs. Afterward, things were pretty awkward until I said, you know fuck it, we're in prison, let's make a deal that if we can score for ecstacy again we'll get each other off.
03-10-2011, 11:44 AM
Thats really fucked up
03-10-2011, 11:58 AM
wow you read fuckign quick duste.
03-10-2011, 12:23 PM
That's pretty cool. I did laugh at the bit where they both took MDMA and gave each other headjobs
03-10-2011, 12:23 PM
excellent read.
03-10-2011, 12:23 PM
LOL too late
03-10-2011, 12:28 PM
wow you read fuckign quick duste.
Haha, I got bored after the Dr Pepper story though, will continue later. Really interesting stuff in there though.
Passage GT
03-10-2011, 12:46 PM
pretty interesting story, prisons here are a little bit different, some of my older brothers mates were in and out their entire lives, they went in scrawny junkies and came out fit as fuck and clean.
one guy wasn't even that big, but could do 30+ chinups from our patio with my sister hanging on around his waist, she stopped and let go before he was done
they had access to gym equipment and played sports etc, they always came out buff but wouldn't take long before they were on the gear and skinny runts again, my old man belted up that dude for breaking into our house one night and he didn't even get a hit in.
a good read though and the guy has a compelling style of writing.
would be interesting to see similar stories from other prisons around the world, you could imagine third world countries being a lot worse.
03-10-2011, 01:21 PM
Epic read.
Cheers for sharing.
03-10-2011, 01:40 PM
I've known a few people who have been to prison, and the things I've heard frighten me to death about ever going. Did you ever have to fight while you were in? Or at least get your ass kicked?
Fighting wasn't as bad as it is on the outside to be honest. Drugs are just so pervasive inside that fights are over pretty quickly. You know, in my few sober moments, I wondered if maybe the screws weren't partly responsible for getting so much dope inside since it made us all pretty much zombies.
I got in a few, more than a few really. But I never really felt like I won a fight. Fridays, if you could keep track of days, were the absolute worst. It was like our brains were programmed to feel pumped up on a Friday for the weekend, but then you'd realise inside that all you had to look forward too was another two days of the same shit. You'd start a fight with anyone, over anything on a friday.
Only time I ever started a fight was over Dr Pepper. I don't know why, but Dr Pepper was the only thing that ever made me feel better about my fucked up situation. Apart from Heroin. You could get Dr Pepper in these really small plastic bottles, like on planes, but they were the least cost effective snack in the store. So i'd pretty much save up for one every now and then, smuggle it back to my cell on a Friday, chill the fuck out with my tape deck and drink it really slow. One time a guy stood over me for my Dr. Pepper and I completely snapped and tried to ram the thing up his nostril. Scored a week in solitary, and just as extra kick in the guts - store staff were forbidden from selling me Dr Pepper.
Apart from that, I was mostly getting the shit beat out of me by Aryans for consorting with niggers. Broke two ribs, my collar bone, my nose (twice), lost two teeth (they were weak as shit from a diet of candy and smack anyway) but blissfully, was raped only once - by a homiegot with the tiniest cock you've ever seen. I'm a fat fuck, and I swear that thing barely reached my asshole through my enourmous ass cheeks. It was all I could do to not laugh.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
03-10-2011, 01:49 PM
great read
03-10-2011, 01:59 PM
Awesome read, has had my attention for most of the day. Very interesting.
Awesome read, has had my attention for most of the day. Very interesting.
Plan on breaking up any fights soon?? If so, start writing notes :D
Halle Terry
03-10-2011, 02:27 PM
Great read!
03-10-2011, 02:48 PM
Wow, that was one of the most interesting things i've read on the internet.
It's all so psychological isnt it...
03-10-2011, 02:55 PM
I dont always have intelligent things to post, as i hate the internet and everyone on it.
But when i do, its normally pretty good.
eg. coFF33's Hotness thread. apparently voted best thread of 2011 ive been told.
(thanks Stef!)
03-10-2011, 03:16 PM
Great story, but it is definately more fiction then fact.
Have been linked this before and most if not all has been flagged as being a massive troll like one of the Joe spec fresh prince of belair threads.
Good read none the less.
Having a family member inside currently and a mate that just got out, its very different over here but a good insight!
03-10-2011, 04:31 PM
have printed to read on the shitter :)
i hope it isn't an epic troll!
03-10-2011, 04:32 PM
"and that was the first time i sucked cock for crack"
fuck yeah! cant wait to try this "digging a hole" caper on some boongs!
03-10-2011, 04:40 PM
I read this just over a year ago. Very interesting.
Following this email that contained the above link i got an email comparing a hard core prison in America and a hard core prison in Russia. Lets just say Russia has penitentiaries sussed!
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