View Full Version : Antilag GT5 Online Racing (Thursday 14th July) : 630/550/450pp
Since the V1.10 update GT5's online stablity has been average at best. Take note of the following to improve performance:
Please do not use the (MGR) lounge prior to 8:30.
I suspect host migration may be contributing to problems like some players not being able to see others.
Before you log into the lounge tonight clear your GT5 network cache.
Got to:
scroll down to:
and select:
Driving standards: You will inevitably be punted during the evening (from accidents or lag) but 'revenge' punts just breed more shit driving.
Keep it clean. Even if you think you've been hard done by. Keep it clean.
- From about 8:30pm onwards
Eligible cars
> Any car 630PP* or less
> Any car 550pp* or less
> Any car 450pp* or less
> And the usual one make stuff from the 'Recommended' arcade car list.
* You can de-tune cars in your personal garage for online racing by adjusting the Power 'slider' control if your car creeps the PP limit.
Driving Standards
Some drivers are obviously faster than others but we're all racing for fun so boost is turned on to keep the pack together.
> Give each other racing room. No other pushing or ramming other cars off the tarmac.
> If you accidentally push or hit a competitor off the track, slow and let them re-pass you to address the situation (apologising via your headset will also help).
> If you deliberately push or hit a competitor off the track, you won't be invited back.
For how to join and connection troubleshooting CLICK HERE (
See you all tonight.
14-07-2011, 01:23 PM
I've done some fine tuning to my router and PS3 network setup to make it as stable as I can. Even to the point of running diagnostics to find my optimal MTU setting and hard set the figure to prevent data packet fragmentation.
To be honest, I just think GT5's online code isn't up to scratch. I can understand lag problems if bandwidth is slow and ping is high, but it still shouldn't drop players randomly with the frequency it has been doing. Last week we also had a few game bugs where some players couldn't see others. I was playing on Tuesday night with only 5 players and we still had the same lock-ups on the Nurb 24hour track.
We'll see how we go tonight.
14-07-2011, 01:38 PM
im in
14-07-2011, 01:41 PM
For pre racing fun/tuning jump into my lounge
14-07-2011, 02:03 PM
I may or may not be in, depending on how far under a certain thumb i am tonight...
Be there about 9.30 I dare say.
14-07-2011, 02:17 PM
Will be in for this, might move the ps3 into the lounge so i can try the fanatec wheel :D
14-07-2011, 02:59 PM
should be in, not sure what time depends on how far i get with puting a real car back togethor. lol
14-07-2011, 03:05 PM
Hopefully i'll be on tonight
14-07-2011, 03:27 PM
Got mahself a mic, so all y'all yocals can here ma surthen accent.
See you tonight!
14-07-2011, 04:11 PM
I've done some fine tuning to my router and PS3 network setup to make it as stable as I can. Even to the point of running diagnostics to find my optimal MTU setting and hard set the figure to prevent data packet fragmentation.
To be honest, I just think GT5's online code isn't up to scratch. I can understand lag problems if bandwidth is slow and ping is high, but it still shouldn't drop players randomly with the frequency it has been doing. Last week we also had a few game bugs where some players couldn't see others. I was playing on Tuesday night with only 5 players and we still had the same lock-ups on the Nurb 24hour track.
We'll see how we go tonight.
I'm with you saying that it's almost definately 1.10, however I have had up to 13 people with no hosting issues on mine, including races with some of those people who have issues. if you are interested to try something different if we have heaps of issues we can enter my lobby and I'll host but you can still controll the evening, eg cars etc. I'm on a naked amnet line a couple of stone throws from the exchange syncing up at 9m+ down and .9+ up during peak times on speed test, on a steady connection.
Because of the way it does sync up I think alot of the problems are more between eachothers connections for these guys. But either way for something different my net seems to be steady.
14-07-2011, 05:20 PM
Will be in MGR's lounge 8:31.
I'm with you saying that it's almost definately 1.10, however I have had up to 13 people with no hosting issues on mine, including races with some of those people who have issues. if you are interested to try something different if we have heaps of issues we can enter my lobby and I'll host but you can still controll the evening, eg cars etc. I'm on a naked amnet line a couple of stone throws from the exchange syncing up at 9m+ down and .9+ up during peak times on speed test, on a steady connection.
Because of the way it does sync up I think alot of the problems are more between eachothers connections for these guys. But either way for something different my net seems to be steady.
Sure, if it's not stable we'll transfer to you as host.
Are you running wireless or cable to the router?
Will be in MGR's lounge 8:31.
I'll post here when the server's up.
Might pop in a bit later for a few races :)
14-07-2011, 05:57 PM
Cable to the router, ports forwarded as your thread recommends. May not make any dif but worth a try, what ISP are you with?
14-07-2011, 06:13 PM
Anyone keen for pre MGR tuning sesh I will have my lobby open now, testing 450pp then 550pp.
14-07-2011, 07:33 PM
In in a sec!
Room is full at the moment.
14-07-2011, 10:38 PM
Great racing tonight guys. Enjoyed most of it.
I think we all need to accept that there will be some bumping and people are going to get annoyed, but I found that the slower cars resulted in a lot more fun. This is probably due to the fact that if someone bumps you in a slow car you don't go flying into a barrier at $1.50.
Slower cars = better racing IMO.
14-07-2011, 11:03 PM
What country is this car from?
Eh it no longer exists.
15-07-2011, 12:00 AM
can anyone tell me the exact episode that is from? want to DL
Good racing tonight guys. Really enjoyed sliding around in the 350pp races on comfort tyres.
Highlight was TJ trying to get his busted arse Nascar out the way on the final turn of Daytona has the leading pack came screaming past. That clusterfuck of carnage had me laughing so hard my face hurt.
15-07-2011, 07:32 AM
I need to find a better car for the 350pp races... I had one that was quick in the turns and slow on the straights. The other was quick on the straights but just wouldn't turn. I prefer the 450pp, mainly because that civic went well in that field of cars.
That last nascar race finish was hilarious. I saw TJ high on the track so I went low, by the time I got around the corner it looked like he was trying to drive off onto the infield, I had no where to go but into supralux to try and avoid TJ. From there I went spinning through pitlane and across the infield. Hopefully saved the replay of that.
I hope too that was fucking gold!
I said it twice on the headset - if you guys are coming im so slow out of 4. Didnt change lines to be honest.
Absolute gold.
Better racing than last few weeks for sure - the lower pp means people recognise you dont have the power to catch the pack so you need to concentrate on driving racing then bumping.
15-07-2011, 07:49 AM
15-07-2011, 09:08 AM
This was a fucking epic skid. you can just make out my car on the corner in that pic. i come into the corner with nothing but smoke on my screen.
15-07-2011, 12:58 PM
Nothing i did last night (network cache, router settings, etc) would allow me to stay connected for any more than a couple of minutes, its fucked. I dont think its my connection because it dont have any problems racing with the guys and they are all over the country not just in Perth
This did come up in discussions though, maybe somehting to think about?
When setting up a new race server, you are effectively setting up a network. The type of network depends if the server is fixed ownership or not.
If the server is FIXED ownership, then the HOST PS3 is the server, and all clients (other PS3's) connect to that server. The server is then responsible for routing traffic to and from all the clients.
If the server is NOT FIXED, then the HOST PS3 is initiating a MESH network. What this means simply, is that each client (PS3) that connects to this network becomes a new node that sends and receives data to all other nodes. In this model, there is NO SERVER, each PS3 is simply a peer on the network. The PS3 who is listed as the host, is simply the first PS3 to connect to this network, and is given slightly elevated rights (kick, etc)
The NON FIXED type would help to explain some of the issues we have been experiencing.
It's really a trade off;
In a FIXED model, the host will need to have a very good upload speeds for 16 guys to race smoothly.
In a NON FIXED model, we see the problems that we have been having due to the peer to peer configuration of the network, but loosing the host does not kill the network.
I would think that a fixed host would be the way to go, assuming MGR (or whoever) has uber bandwidth both up and down?
15-07-2011, 01:01 PM
It has to be the gt5 update, been playing blackop's with full rooms and not one drop or lag.
15-07-2011, 02:20 PM
whats the deal with the garage on online play? might just be me but it doesnt seem like ALL of my cars are in there? all 77 of my fav ones are there, but i cant seem to find the others.
i really enjoyed those 350pp races, it was slow enough that people could give each other more room, and aggressive maneuvers tended to be more obvious and avoidable. personally i just cannot win when there is 16 or more people, i know know how you do it MGR, i often cop a little shunt and find myself falling through the pack, and can never get back through the carnage.
i saved the nascar race, that was hilarious, i only rejoined you guys on the last lap after taking out vy for no reason other than to hear him complain about it :P and ended up getting the win, was funnier at the time because of the voice chat. how do i go about going from ps3 movie -> youtube? just save the file to thumbdrive and then as per usual?
we can try running my machine as host next week, i am back at uni so not sure how late i will play. provided others (MGR) can make changes and selections and run the room, i can have my PS3 host, and then when i am ready to go to bed, around 10 or 11 i'll just leave it on.
15-07-2011, 04:26 PM
This was a fucking epic skid. you can just make out my car on the corner in that pic. i come into the corner with nothing but smoke on my screen.
That was awesome! I was in the white M3 just behind MGR sideways all well awesome team drift but i couldn't see much through the smoke haha.
15-07-2011, 06:43 PM
<iframe width="425" height="349" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Good racing last night, keen for some more low PP racing tonight if anyones keen
15-07-2011, 07:42 PM
I'll be on soon, I've been drinking some of my parents home made wine so I'm not sure how good I'm going to go.
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