View Full Version : Antilag GT5 Online Racing (Thursday 16th June)
Please Note
Driving standards last week were shit. You will inevitably be punted during the evening (from accidents or lag) but 'revenge' punts just breed more shit driving.
Keep it clean. Even if you think you've been hard done by. Keep it clean and the racing experience will consequently improve for everybody.
- From about 8:30pm onwards
Eligible cars
> Racing cars GT500/DTM/FIA GT etc 630PP* or less and Racing Soft tyres.
- If you don't have any racing cars in your garage you can choose one from the arcade list (eg Calsonic Nissan GT-R or Castrol Toyota Supra)
> And the usual one make stuff from the 'Recommended' arcade car list.
* You can de-tune your car for online racing by adjusting the Power 'slider' control if your car creeps over 630PP.
> Various Tracks (inc some random generated tracks)
> Driving aids allowed except skid recovery
Driving Standards
Some drivers are obviously faster than others but we're all racing for fun so boost is turned on to keep the pack together.
> Give each other racing room. No other pushing or ramming other cars off the tarmac.
> If you accidentally push or hit a competitor off the track, slow and let them re-pass you to address the situation (apologising via your headset will also help).
> If you deliberately push or hit a competitor off the track, you won't be invited back.
For how to join and connection troubleshooting CLICK HERE (
See you all tomorrow.
In an attempt to avoid the connection issues from last week I'll also make sure the server is running well before 8:30, even if I'm running a little late.
If you haven't already, I'd also recommend taking the steps in the connection troubleshooting guide.
keen to get punted by cake and mdr
yours sincerely, totally innocent
15-06-2011, 10:16 PM
In, I'm going to try and find a good set up for the nsx so it doesn't destroy tyres so quickly.
I would love to try some of the other cars people run - the nsx, dtm cars etc...
anyone feel like gifting me something?
16-06-2011, 01:23 AM
I would love to try some of the other cars people run - the nsx, dtm cars etc...
anyone feel like gifting me something?
Pretty sure there is no more gifting as of a couple of updates ago. I splashed out and bought a shit load of LM race cars, are these disallowed? Sorry it's been a while since I've played not really sure what categories are what, I'll stick to the Jap touring cars I have otherwise, super keen for my first thurs back in. A little rusty but if I cause anything I will retun the places.
16-06-2011, 06:32 AM
I'll be on.
16-06-2011, 08:50 AM
Will be bring out the C5 Racing Vette for the 630pp class.
16-06-2011, 09:04 AM
I should be on later tonight, probably 9.30ish... The missus won't let me play till after she's finished watching her Grey's Anatomy lol
16-06-2011, 09:38 AM
keen to go 10 to one, slipstreams only
16-06-2011, 03:13 PM
Can someone clarify how I discern what is a car of one of the mentioned classes and what isn't? Keen to spend an hour or so tuning up a couple of race cars before mgr kicks off so will have a lobby open from about 7pm doing timed laps to find a balanced setup. Would rather not spend an hour tuning the wrong cars. My psn is boungboy so add me if you want to do a few tuning laps. Gives the bonus of comparing lap times which in reality means absoultely nothing in terms of winning AL races. In my experience you just need to be in 5th or 4th and avoid the last minute banzai from behind and sneak through the ensuing carnage for the victory.
16-06-2011, 09:25 PM
Same problems as last time..
I get "You have been disconnected from the server" everytime I join.
It seems to be working fine for a solid 60 seconds, then bam!
16-06-2011, 10:58 PM
Driving standards where fucking terrible.
I have been mostly happy - couple of shockers.
16-06-2011, 11:47 PM
Pointless trying to race seriously. I was trying to be extra careful all night by staying at the back of the packs in a futile attempt not to be taken out on the first hairpin of any track. Didn't work. Any time I got remotely close to the front, I was taken out by someone.
The reason why the NASCAR races are so fun is because everyone races pretty fairly.
In saying that, I still had fun regardless. You just can't take it too seriously.
17-06-2011, 12:06 AM
I gave up and quit. Absolutely pointless to try and race in that environment. That said there were about 5 or so good clean battled I had with a couple of people like Alex and a good clean one with TJ I think. Either way. Made me so mad I quit out of it. I'd like to say I won't bother again but we all know I'll be there at 8.30 next week.
17-06-2011, 12:08 AM
I had a few shockers missing braking points and shit but i tried to avoid people as best as possible when i do. I may have dished out a couple of paybacks but i didnt read this thread before coming on to PSN so i thought it was just going to be a carry on from last week so had my bumper strips on for a few people.
Will try to improve next time but its a little bit harder with the controller.
17-06-2011, 06:47 AM
Made sweet, sweet love to MGR's rear bumper with bulk love taps in the first 2 races - our braking points must be different.. But regardless they were fairly inferior taps and nothing that was going to shake up the positions of the race.
Set the fastest time in both first race 'qualifying/mucking around' so figured I would be right up there on lap 5, got there by lap 3-4 then given ye-olde punt on lap 5 hahahaha. It seems like everyone used to try hard to get to 1st in the 1st lap and now it's just delayed til the last.
Thought it was pointless continuing on past that point so I packed it up and went to bed to play with the mrs instead.
hostage 85 and dave were shocking.
Dave should know better.
17-06-2011, 07:49 AM
Unfortunately racing on tracks like Eiger Nordwand are always going to produce crashes especially with cars like the AC427. Narrow track plus short wheel base car with not much grip was always going to be carnage. If a car spins it can block 3/4 of the track usually resulting in any following cars creating a pile up. The snow/rally race was another example of this.
I think running boost on low also helped reduce some carnage. If you are in a pack of 4 or so cars at the front and get a gap on the rest, it usually resulted in good clean racing. I think Rome was a good example of this.
I recon on the 630pp races, it should be done with no boost on to avoid a situation like last night. I'm fighting it out with MGR, Alex and Stu for most of the race, half way through the last lap VYSSUTE comes screaming into a corner, rams me hard and I take out Alex as a result.
Either way, I feel there was a slight improvement from last week. The last 3 lap Nascar race was good.
Yeah I didn't see Brockas and got on the gas. Hit him and spun me. Simple mistake
17-06-2011, 08:25 AM
hey guys, this online gaming stuff is new to me, is pay per month kinda stuff? / Download limits etc... or does it just tag onto your current internet connection?
17-06-2011, 08:38 AM
hostage 85 and dave were shocking.
Dave should know better.
lol, i know i'm pretty shit. But I somehow recall you pushing me into a wall on the last lap of the first Rome Race...
If I did hit someone, I did back off and let them pass before I took off again though.
EDIT: I have to say the Pile up at the entrance to the Pit Lane on Nurberg was Fricken Funny
17-06-2011, 08:56 AM
Unfortunately racing on tracks like Eiger Nordwand are always going to produce crashes especially with cars like the AC427. Narrow track plus short wheel base car with not much grip was always going to be carnage. If a car spins it can block 3/4 of the track usually resulting in any following cars creating a pile up. The snow/rally race was another example of this.
I think running boost on low also helped reduce some carnage. If you are in a pack of 4 or so cars at the front and get a gap on the rest, it usually resulted in good clean racing. I think Rome was a good example of this.
I recon on the 630pp races, it should be done with no boost on to avoid a situation like last night. I'm fighting it out with MGR, Alex and Stu for most of the race, half way through the last lap VYSSUTE comes screaming into a corner, rams me hard and I take out Alex as a result.
Either way, I feel there was a slight improvement from last week. The last 3 lap Nascar race was good.
I think i had a lot more speed than normal coming into that corner as i had to pit on the 3rd lap due to fucked tyres, i went from 50 seconds behind right up 2nd position by the last lap. just before that corner people were spinning out every where so i took the best lien i could.
I dont believe the hit was a full blown smash as it was definetly under brakes.
the rome track is definetly an interesting one through the chicane, i put my abs upto 3 on that track and it seems to help coming into the chicane and corners. but when there is 4 cars in front it seems everyone seemed to brake just that little bit earlier than the guy in front, so tj got a fairly good hit from me which damaged my engine.
17-06-2011, 08:58 AM
lol, i know i'm pretty shit. But I somehow recall you pushing me into a wall on the last lap of the first Rome Race...
If I did hit someone, I did back off and let them pass before I took off again though.
Like fuck. Every single corner i look in the mirror and see you coming steaming through take me out and over take.
17-06-2011, 09:02 AM
hey guys, this online gaming stuff is new to me, is pay per month kinda stuff? / Download limits etc... or does it just tag onto your current internet connection?
No costs to it. You just need a Playstation Network account (free), PS3 and GT5. Setup a net connection for the PS3 and away you go.
You may want to look into the port forwarding and connection stuff MGR posts up to provide a more reliable connection.
17-06-2011, 09:03 AM
If that was on the 630pp Race.. Yes i'm sorry about that one, I had no control over the McClaren and you always seemed to be at the same spot I was heading for.
17-06-2011, 09:10 AM
i was having terrible connection issuies, so i quite the game and redid the internet connection test and that fixed it.
17-06-2011, 09:19 AM
No costs to it. You just need a Playstation Network account (free), PS3 and GT5. Setup a net connection for the PS3 and away you go.
You may want to look into the port forwarding and connection stuff MGR posts up to provide a more reliable connection.
17-06-2011, 11:02 AM
you always seemed to be at the same spot I was heading for.
Hahahahaha, the racing line?! Whoda thunk :D
17-06-2011, 11:22 AM
lol... what i meant was, no matter how far behind I was or what i did, whenever I began to catch up and take a corner AFK6 was always there
17-06-2011, 11:39 AM
Dare I say you caught up because he had slowed down to take the corner, and you had not?
17-06-2011, 11:39 AM
Its called catch up. It was on. Also when you come up to a corner you apply brakes before it, not when the person in front is braking corectly to take the corner in the racing line and the person behind doesn't use brakes until they turn the corner and take the front person out and into the wall/sand trap.
Yes i did the same in some circumstances but usually i slowed down and let them through ratehr then race on.
17-06-2011, 11:58 AM
My point was it could have been anyone else but it always seemed to be you. yes, As I said before, i'm sorry but I didn't have control of the car (probably shouldn't have even used it) and even when I was breaking Well before the corner, it wasn't enough to slow down quickly.
lol, I came last on that track, can't really go much slower than that! :D
17-06-2011, 12:32 PM
Anyway its a game. I still had fun in other areas.
17-06-2011, 12:45 PM
I only had fun going through the pack into 1st. Got a good overtake on you when you ran wide at Tsukuba, AK, but you got me back just before I got shunted off.
17-06-2011, 01:03 PM
Yeah that was a good run
Those cars and that track were awesome
17-06-2011, 05:21 PM
I have fun whether i come last or first(never happens) LOL at people ragequitting because of being shunted, who gives a fuck its just cool to race around with other people in similar cars.
Should have it twice a week i reckon.
17-06-2011, 06:35 PM
I have fun whether i come last or first(never happens) LOL at people ragequitting because of being shunted, who gives a fuck its just cool to race around with other people in similar cars.
Should have it twice a week i reckon.
Easy to say when you aren't the one racing clean or even attempting to*
*assuming you are supralux, otherwise disregard.
17-06-2011, 06:41 PM
LOL yes i am, i did take you out once which was a total accident/lag but dont have mic to say sorry.
I attempt to race clean but my eyes are getting bad in my old age so its harder to see the braking points.
I got taken out a few times which could have been payback but i just accept it and move on with life.
17-06-2011, 07:26 PM
i rage quit a few tracks, because the cars gave me the shits, i.e come out of a corner and the car would just light the tyres and spin, those old cobra's were pure rage material though. they had no fucking power below 3k rpm and couldnt steer for shit.
so if you spun, it would take fucking ages before it would even move.
17-06-2011, 07:40 PM
They weren't to bad if you where light with the throttle with a steering wheel. Let me guess you where using a controller?
17-06-2011, 07:42 PM
Cobra's were shit for the reasons Tre-cool mentioned, also the zonda's were hard as fuck to control with a controller.
17-06-2011, 08:40 PM
LOL yes i am, i did take you out once which was a total accident/lag but dont have mic to say sorry.
I attempt to race clean but my eyes are getting bad in my old age so its harder to see the braking points.
I got taken out a few times which could have been payback but i just accept it and move on with life.
Haha yeah, it was more than one occasion though, however you were actually breaking, just going for the place a little overzealously. It's obvious who's on wheels and who's on controllers, do enjoy being able to apply the throttle smoothly out of tight bends. Anyway. It's all to be expected with 16 cars on the track, just hope the standards get better over time.
I ran a controller, had no issue getting the Cobra out of corners - the controllers will give you a degree of control, its not on or off.
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