View Full Version : vy gto box keeps going to shite

19-05-2011, 09:37 AM
my old boys vy hsv gto auto keeps going

had it replaced 1st time under warranty 2yrs old then when it expired like 2 months after it went again and has gone another time.

does a wierd thing where in power mode or not it decides to rev to 3000-5000rpm regardless of throtle amount or gear before it shifts and when it does it slams into gear, and from all the gear box shenanigans the diff is now playing clunkers.

anythoughts on what could be causing this debarkle? ultimately it is getting rebuilt both diff and box any recommendations on places to take it other then APC


19-05-2011, 09:44 AM
Tuned or standard?
Sounds like your shift points & line pressures are wrong, so probably need a look at the tune after new gear goes in...
Speak to Mitch @ WA Performance. 1 stop shop!

19-05-2011, 09:48 AM
+1, Also when 1st dead trans was replaced where convertor,cooler,lines all flushed properly.

If untuned symptons sound like a fluid level issue or erractic valvebody operation due to contamination

19-05-2011, 09:54 AM
yeah Stock everything except for when the box went out of warranty it got a aftermarket transcooler instaled and im assuming they flushed all lines regarding that area.

cheers will do.

19-05-2011, 10:26 AM
I wonder if they filled the new tranny using the manufacturer's recommendations, or whether they just smashed the recommended volume of fluid in & thought she'd be right? If the latter, definitely a fluid level issue as you now have a larger capacity cooler/lines...

19-05-2011, 11:34 AM
aha i see, well ill get my old boy to get all the recipets out then have a squiz what they did, cheers for the info bud.