View Full Version : Is there a resident sticker maker?

07-04-2011, 02:48 PM
Looking to get some window/advertising stickers made up (say a quantity of 200-400) for my business.

Ideally chasing 2-3 sizes (~10cm, 20cm and 100cm), assuming printing would be the go as logo & text contain 3 colours.

If anyone is able to help that would be greatly appreciated! The huge variation in quotes i've received from walking into sticker shops is enough to do my head in!

07-04-2011, 02:55 PM
RS_Gav > all. ,edit

price ,quality ,service A1

07-04-2011, 02:56 PM
RS_Gav... you mean?

Just don;t go in his shed alone with him...

07-04-2011, 02:57 PM
^^^ my bad

07-04-2011, 02:57 PM
ADZ, PM Karl (pgc), he's in malaga, like 5 mins from you

07-04-2011, 03:08 PM
PM/Emails sent

07-04-2011, 03:14 PM
I want a one off sticker made. Am I going to have to give my left testicle for payment?

07-04-2011, 03:22 PM
I want a one off sticker made. Am I going to have to give my left testicle for payment?

1. Bring left testicle.
2. Get stickers
3. ??????
4. Profit

In all seriousness, PM me and I'll sort you out.

07-04-2011, 03:24 PM
PM/Emails sent

PM replied.

07-04-2011, 03:24 PM
Thanks mate, I'll be in touch!

07-04-2011, 03:25 PM
I want a one off sticker made. Am I going to have to give my left testicle for payment?

I thought you had sent that to the schumi fan club

07-04-2011, 03:26 PM
I'll be sending them a bomb if that old German pingpingpingping doesn't start winning races. First the Massa fan club steals my money, now they do to. At this rate I'm better off doing a Jazza and supporting whoever wins each race.

07-04-2011, 03:26 PM
Doubt it four7, just had some one off's made through pgc that came up trumps. Price was good too.

Edit: Beaten,

PS. Adz - thanks for the detail again mate, went over pits flawlessly and came up trumps. Fantastic!!

07-04-2011, 03:52 PM
Karl, Im guessing you only use vectors / .eps for stickers.

07-04-2011, 04:02 PM
Karl, Im guessing you only use vectors / .eps for stickers.

Yup. I'll actually recreate an EPS from a JPG before I let something go out the door.

Pixellation is for beginners/hacks. Near enough is not good enough.

07-04-2011, 04:32 PM
Just don;t go in his shed alone with him...wish i knew that when he invited me to his shed to "pick my ALM sticker" a couple months back...

07-04-2011, 06:58 PM
Yup. I'll actually recreate an EPS from a JPG before I let something go out the door.

Pixellation is for beginners/hacks. Near enough is not good enough.

Pretty sure i have all mine in EPS ready to go also.

07-04-2011, 06:59 PM
PS. Adz - thanks for the detail again mate, went over pits flawlessly and came up trumps. Fantastic!!

More than welcome - congrats on getting it over :)

07-04-2011, 09:05 PM
+1 for RS_Gav's work. I gave him a few logos in jpeg quality and he came up with this:
http://a1.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/196573_10150417271835517_572910516_17111633_610083 1_n.jpg
http://a4.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/198099_10150417291720517_572910516_17111939_208414 8_n.jpg

Also designed this for me. Simple, yet effective.
http://a7.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/197196_10150421579355517_572910516_17150489_472805 9_n.jpg

To top it all off, good bloke in general (and makes a mean pizza).

-1 for my picture taking ability.

07-04-2011, 10:16 PM
Gav will also make stickers in whatever colour neon you choose.

07-04-2011, 10:21 PM
gav, you made damon pizza?

08-04-2011, 06:59 AM
No. :( I just remember how goot it was first time I met him.

08-04-2011, 07:54 AM
Yup. I'll actually recreate an EPS from a JPG before I let something go out the door.

Pixellation is for beginners/hacks. Near enough is not good enough.

What with. Live trace...

Kudos if you actually spend the time to redraw logos in illustrator.

The amount of shitty jpegs sent to me for production is ridiculous.

08-04-2011, 08:25 AM
What with. Live trace...

Kudos if you actually spend the time to redraw logos in illustrator.

The amount of shitty jpegs sent to me for production is ridiculous.

Live Trace is crap. Illustrator is counter-intuituve, too.

I'll spend the time if it's simple enough. Most of the time it's only a few minutes.

We usually recognise fonts (a bunch of font experts here) and retype, and then use SignLab or EasySign for the logo part - both have excellent tracing functions. There's stuff like node reduction, snap to line, snap to curve and noise reduction as well.

If it's scanned from a business card and has halftones (as in tracing every single dot in a gradient), we just say no, or charge accordingly. It's amazing that people suddenly "find" an EPS when you tell them they'll have a bill of a few hundred dollars for artwork.

There are also a few tricks for finding vector-based PDFs if you look hard enough.

Have you used Brands of the World? Awesome site.

08-04-2011, 08:52 AM
Have you used Brands of the World? Awesome site.


08-04-2011, 09:23 AM
comic sans

08-04-2011, 09:25 AM
Comic sans is not the answer to everything Kuek.

08-04-2011, 09:44 AM
No, Papyrus is.

09-04-2011, 08:48 PM

all im going to say is GT Graphics.


T stands for teresa.........cute

09-04-2011, 08:51 PM
Beat me to it pingpingpingping! Should get my laptop vinyl'd this week by Gav pending I can get the design right lol.

EDIT: Sloppy seconds on that design btw haha. :P

09-04-2011, 09:01 PM
EDIT: Sloppy seconds on that design btw haha. :P

do not care! gav did a great job.....even if its your off cut

09-04-2011, 09:12 PM
do not care! gav did a great job.....even if its your off cut

Indeed he did, turned out really, really good!

09-04-2011, 10:49 PM
LOL! Thats it boys, fight for my love!
We will sort yours out mate! All good.

09-04-2011, 11:11 PM
+1 on gav

did BCI new stickers as well.

Decent enough bloke i spose.

09-04-2011, 11:13 PM

all im going to say is GT Graphics.

I could go a custom vinyl for my macbook (especially after I put a nice pin dent in the lid :( )

10-04-2011, 08:46 AM
LOL! Thats it boys, fight for my love!
We will sort yours out mate! All good.

i love you more, say it ................... say it!


10-04-2011, 09:56 AM
where are people getting all the stickers for sticker bombing like on the laptop??

10-04-2011, 10:02 AM

10-04-2011, 10:06 AM
where are people getting all the stickers for sticker bombing like on the laptop??

Its a wrap, done by Gav.

10-04-2011, 10:11 AM
Stickerbombing is no longer approved by your business manager Gav.

10-04-2011, 10:14 AM
Its a wrap, done by Gav.

ah true.

well i want one hahaha

10-04-2011, 01:00 PM

all im going to say is GT Graphics.


T stands for teresa.........cute

http://img35.imageshack.us/img35/6056/imagexkt.jpg (http://img35.imageshack.us/i/imagexkt.jpg/)

Same same, spreading the love :D

10-04-2011, 02:31 PM
Ha! In a totally legal and non-copywritten way of course! ;)

28-04-2011, 06:00 PM
^^ This guy, steadiest hands ever!


Sliced and diced between each individual panel (the sides aren't on the same part as the 'top') so it can be disassembled if required.

28-04-2011, 07:00 PM
So what do you guys use to create graphics like that? Do you do it all in singlab style programs or something like corel draw?

I ended up with a plotter cutter as a result of another side project, with the happy side effect of being able to do vinyl stickers. As I only do basic colors and layering I have never looked into graphic heavy stuff, always kind of wondered how it was done.
I could definitely benefit having the ability to create better graphics now though!

I assume you use a solvent type printer for vinyl too? I'll never have a need for anything quite like that, but that gear look pretty impressive!

28-04-2011, 07:03 PM
Found the images on the net
Edited them in PhotoShop to make their backgrounds transparent
Opened up document the size of my laptop (with overhang)
Went to town positioning the previously edited images
Had Gav print and apply the vinyl

Move Ya Hoopdee
28-04-2011, 07:12 PM
Seeing as this is the vinyl thread can anyone tell me a rough price to vinyl wrap a 180? I want the whole car matte brown

28-04-2011, 07:18 PM
Ha! In a totally legal and non-copywritten way of course! ;)

Stuff is awesome, is it ok to come at you with 'clear backed-white based' A3 decal sheet quote? [make sense?]
For automotive application, artwork supplied. PDF eps? Need 5-10. :)

29-04-2011, 08:20 AM
The Laptop wraps are amazing! so keen.
Are these something you are able to do on the regular Gav ?