17-03-2011, 04:08 PM
For sale: 60-70 car mags. Top Gear Australia, Wheels Magazine, Motor magazine. Dates range from March this year back to 2003
Condition: All in good nick. Read them once then put them in a book shelf.
Price and price conditions: $20 takes the lot. Can deliver them if you're within 15ish mins of the south perth area.
Contact Details: pm me here or sms to 0427367665
Location: Kensington.
Condition: All in good nick. Read them once then put them in a book shelf.
Price and price conditions: $20 takes the lot. Can deliver them if you're within 15ish mins of the south perth area.
Contact Details: pm me here or sms to 0427367665
Location: Kensington.