View Full Version : Speed Limits on Roads which S*H*I*T U the Most!

07-06-2005, 04:13 PM
Time for a Bit of Venting!

For Me, the three road speed limits which **** me the most:
Alexander Drv (changes from 90-70-60)
Roe Hwy between Toodyay Rd and Great Northern Hwy (80kph even though it would be more than safe to do 90 or 100)
Oxley Drv, Malaga (50km/h !!!!!!!! WTF!!!)

Alright fair enough, im no civil engineer so thers no way i can say that the roads are fit for higher speeds, but some speeds in certain areas are ridiculous and the place to post them is here!


07-06-2005, 04:48 PM
South St near my area. 3 Lanes, bugger all merging, 70km/h. Feels like your crawling along at that speed most of the time.

Freeway currently, workers too ****in lazy to take down the 60km/h signs, so its still 60 at 2am in the morning when there is no1 to hit except the bollards...

07-06-2005, 04:49 PM
The main one is the 80kph BS on the fwy's.Fair enough for the road works but not after the narrows going south!!.Also the Graeme Farmer Freeway 80kph crap,a fwy in my head = 100+ speeds.

07-06-2005, 07:22 PM
70km on South st...... Fwy roadworks when no ones working......... Leach hwy they changed the speedlimit from 80 to 70 around shelly.... why? 50kms in suburban streets! bring back 60kms

07-06-2005, 07:34 PM
FWY in general should be 110 or 120

Same as country roads, 110 or 120

South St / Leach Hwy need to be 80

its a ****ing joke.

07-06-2005, 08:23 PM
cant remember how to spell it but yirragin drv,down the hill 60klm!!! even rolling you can hit 65 and the cops know this spot as revinue hill!!!! my spelling is crap!!! i know

07-06-2005, 08:27 PM
mounts bay rd....60. no driveways for cars to pull out of, kids to come running out of, etc kings park cliffs on one side, river on the other. clear view of the road. so why not 70??

07-06-2005, 08:43 PM

I've lost 7 points on alexander and also picked up a yellow sticker. Dogs.

07-06-2005, 08:53 PM
cant remember how to spell it but yirragin drv,down the hill 60klm!!! even rolling you can hit 65 and the cops know this spot as revinue hill!!!! my spelling is crap!!! i know

yeh i no the one, pigs love putting the speed cameras there

07-06-2005, 09:00 PM
Yurrigan Dv. At least you're not walking.

07-06-2005, 09:52 PM
Kevin Road in Maddington!! 2 Lanes - STRAIGHT ROAD and there is barely anyone on it.... the road is like 1km long and they put 40km/h signs up and they werent even doing roadworks for weeks. Then they had a radar on that road one afternoon and all these people got pulled over for doing 70 down there. Lucky for the long line of cop cars...

I also hate tonkin hwy in the mornings as its so ****n busy (bumper to bumper) and the light changes are ****. WHY CANT WE HAVE OVER PASSES HERE IN WA!!!!

Also the wait in perth traffic when the pipe blew FUK!!! 3 HRS just to get to vic park transfer station!!!!

07-06-2005, 10:26 PM
i have to say the majority of country roads could safely be 140 as long as the car is properly road worthy and not 50 years old. that dual carriageway just south of mandurah absolutely ****s me. 2 lanes either way, 100 metres between ooncoming traffic lanes and your own.... and its 100kmh.... wtf!??! i go to sleep on that. that'd be an autobharn if we were in europe. its stupid.

130/140 actually feels safer on there because you are moving at a speed that feels suitable for the conditions. 100 feels like you're driving though a school zone except without the risk of running over a moving speed bump

07-06-2005, 10:41 PM
i think doin 140km/h on country roads would be undoubtedly unsafe. A majority of road deaths occur on country roads, and thats at 100km/h. Most of these incidents occur due to fatigue and doing 140km/h onto oncoming traffic would be horrendous. Alot of country roads (i.e. Toodyay Rd, Caves Rd) need urgent repair, for example, coming home one day from the farm one day when it was raining, ther was water channeling in the grooves formed from so many semi's travelling up and down the road.

And anyway, ther are not alot of cars that can safely negotiate these roads at 140km/h, and the hypo-alertness caused by the increased speed would only induce more fatigue.

07-06-2005, 11:01 PM
yirragan and alexander drive....stupid.

07-06-2005, 11:31 PM
nothing wrong with the speed limit being set to suit the conditions. you are allowed to slow down when its raining you know. i still think that open country roads should be an open speed limit and drivers should just drive to their abilities. its easy to see oncoming traffic in the conditions i'm tlaking about. if people wipe themselves out through doing stupid speeds then so be it. problem is that they usually take innocent people with them.

i agree some of the major non suburban roads are absolutely shocking. there has been a lot of roadworks going on in the south west of the state in the last year or two but some of the sections of road are still crapola.

back on topic. leach highway is bloody rediculous being 70kmh. its a 3 lane road probably in better condition than the freeway itself. i think 80 kmh is more suitable. there was a proposal going around recently saying that there should only be a few speed limits throughout the state. 40 for school zones, 50 for residential areas, 60 for arterial roads, then 80 for main roads and 110 for freeway/open roads. i like that except i think that a high limit should be introduced as per above. it works in europe on their motorways and they seem to have less deaths per capita on the roads than we do. maybe we should be looking into that seriously - by we, i mean the authorities..... although that makes no money for them so we wouldn't want to do that. /sarcasm.

08-06-2005, 12:29 AM
yirragan and alexander drive....stupid.

cant agree more

08-06-2005, 07:23 AM
some parts of alexander are 70kmh
the parts where 60 is applied are oppisite houses, old people homes, and park lands
cuunts have a duty of care to protect residents and other cuunts hence the lower limits in those areas

08-06-2005, 07:27 AM
50km/h on the off ramp onto Wellington St in the city....****in pathetic. No houses or kids on an off ramp as far as I can see!!

08-06-2005, 08:11 AM
60km/h on Canning hwy! Should be 70 easy!

And tunnel should be 90km/h. And L platers banned from the tunnel haha.

08-06-2005, 08:23 AM
Farmer Fwy for sure, easily the dumbest speed limit in Perth.

08-06-2005, 08:36 AM
They need the speed limits like that have in Sydney, as they can change the speed limit as the speed signs are Digital and they changed according to road conditions.

Leach Hwy is the biggest piss off between Freeway and Albany Hwy, 70km/h WTF .

08-06-2005, 08:50 AM
[QUOTE=GZECA]They need the speed limits like that have in Sydney, as they can change the speed limit as the speed signs are Digital and they changed according to road conditions.

Thats a great idea! But Perth to far behind the times for that

08-06-2005, 09:45 AM
albany hway from like carousel to causeway is a bit too slow ..i reckon 70kph's along there....yeh the tunnel is a joke

08-06-2005, 12:17 PM
60km/h on Welshpool road. Such a joke, everyone speeds down there and there is usually a camera/hand held there at least twice a week. Got revenue?
Needs to be 80km/h, slow speed limits are just as dangerous as high speed limits, would be good if the retards realised that.
50km/h in residential areas? Who honestly does that, such a joke, again its not there to save lives it is there to make revenue! :mad:

08-06-2005, 01:46 PM
The country road speed limits, i think need to be looked at, as when i go up north or head to Kalgoorlie there are stretches of road out there that you can easily cruise at 150km/h no problems but are stuck at 110. I find to that when im in the country i concentrate more when im going faster.

08-06-2005, 01:58 PM
Yer I'm not a fan of Canning Hwy 60, been flashes on there twice haha. For most part of it it's not residential, theres a median strip, 2 lanes either way.. I don't see a need for it to be 60.

Freeway 60 is bull**** too.

08-06-2005, 02:00 PM
Canning at 60 is fine... houses schools traffic etc etc

Yirrigan Drv.. debatable ... houses either side, poor vision due to bushes

08-06-2005, 02:18 PM
I think the roads down south and things should be changed to 120... that is fast enough I think.. what is the point in speeding and risking your life at 140 to get there 5 minutes earlier???? 50km/h through perth what a joke!!!

08-06-2005, 02:29 PM
I find to that when im in the country i concentrate more when im going faster.
bingo. thats exaclty what i was saying. if its a wide open road and you are rtaveling relativly slow then you tend to drift off and think about other things

08-06-2005, 02:40 PM
even of the speed limit was that speed you would still get pissed off at old people who do 100km/h or do 90 in a caravan...

I HATE GOING DOWN SOUTH ON A LONG WEEKEND!! TOO MANY OLD FARTS THAT DO 80 ALL THE WAY TO BUSSLETON WITH A CARAVAN!! and the ****s sit bumper to bumper so u cant over take and then they try and overtake eachother in the overtaking lanes at 90km/h very frustrating!

Who here hates WA merging lanes??? Why does everyone push in front of eachother... do they think they are racing in formula 1?

08-06-2005, 06:03 PM
i reckon grand prom even though there are houses along that strip of road they are mainly occupied by old farts who leave there houses once a year for milk or something 60km/h is hella slow down that road i think 70 is a more appropriate speed. people belt down that road due to frustration. Maybe if the speed limit was at a reasonable speed ppl might not be so inclined to speed. I got my first speeding fine on that road doing 70, 1 point and 100 bucks i think it was.

08-06-2005, 06:11 PM
All freeways (mitchell, kwinnana and farmer) to be 110
Leach Hwy 80
Canning 70 except in the dodgy bits where it can stay 60
South street 80 where it's three lane
Tonkin should have overpasses instead of all those lights and associated speed zone changes, then could also be 110
Mandurah bypass should be 80 like it used to be, not stupid 70.
Hepburn ave could probably go 80

08-06-2005, 06:29 PM
canning hwys fine at 60 too many fuuckers turning right and ramming the brakes on

08-06-2005, 07:16 PM
hodges - duel carrageway = 80kph - cool
shenton - NEW duel carrageway = 70kph - enforced - not cool

same road basically as far as conditon, visibility, things on either side of road

09-06-2005, 01:17 AM
freeways should be autobahn spec

09-06-2005, 07:23 AM
All roads should be 150 mayte, then I can get to my yulleh home boys quicker!

Dogz mayte, dogz!!

09-06-2005, 09:40 AM
i think doin 140km/h on country roads would be undoubtedly unsafe. A majority of road deaths occur on country roads, and thats at 100km/h. Most of these incidents occur due to fatigue and doing 140km/h onto oncoming traffic would be horrendous. Alot of country roads (i.e. Toodyay Rd, Caves Rd) need urgent repair, for example, coming home one day from the farm one day when it was raining, ther was water channeling in the grooves formed from so many semi's travelling up and down the road.

And anyway, ther are not alot of cars that can safely negotiate these roads at 140km/h, and the hypo-alertness caused by the increased speed would only induce more fatigue.

As far as I recall, a large number of country deaths are caused by fatigue.

Now if you've driven for a long time through the country, you will see its boring as **** at 110.

Somewhere overseas, I forget where, they did a study and found that increasing the speed limit increased alertness, so in a case like this, that would actually assist.

Only issue would be, like you say, some cars can't go that fast safely, and the idiots that drive them would still try - they wouldn't drive at the cars (or their) limits.

I agree with Canning Hwy being 60, as its so thin and the amount of side streets that come off it....

09-06-2005, 09:50 AM
****en fatigue is bad ey, i thought it was bull**** till the other night @ 2am i was farked and was dozing off and woke up just before i was bout to go up a kerb. Was only doing 50km/h but it was some seriously scary ****!

Never driving tired again=/ oh yeh back on topic!

09-06-2005, 10:31 AM
that study into higher speed limits on open roads has been done in several countries. the US did the first one back in the 70's looking at increasing the speed limits on national routes from 55 to 70 mph. road toll dropped considerably in the 2 years that they tried this so it stayed like this for a while.

italy are looking at increaseing their autostrada limits from 130 to 150kmph for similar reasons.

i think being specific to perth and WA, dual lane dual carriageways sould have a higher speed limit. slower cars can sit in the left lane, faster cars in the right. that saves people from pushing older cars past their limits.

however i know that this wont work in perth because that would mean that people would have to check their mirrors at least twice every minute and thats never going to happen here.

09-06-2005, 11:02 AM
thats why is 80mph in the uk on motorways

09-06-2005, 05:53 PM
i think being specific to perth and WA, dual lane dual carriageways sould have a higher speed limit. slower cars can sit in the left lane, faster cars in the right. that saves people from pushing older cars past their limits

As if perth drivers are ever going to keep left. :p

09-06-2005, 06:48 PM
What about those dual carriageway roads that are 70km/h and then as you leave built up areas the road changes to a single lane each way with just a white line down the middle and the speed limit goes up to 80 or 90.... yeah... speed kills.

That reminds me... was up in the swan valley on the weekend and drove on some roads that felt unsafe at 70km/h (fine weather) but were sign posted at 90..... MENTAL!!

10-06-2005, 10:10 AM
ANYWHERE on canning highway.. 60 all the way, cops and multinova central.


10-06-2005, 10:48 AM
I havent seen 1 cop or multinova on canning hwy in 9months=/
And i drive from the freeway to freo @8am, then freo to freeway @5:30pm.

hhhmmm i dont wear glasses when i drive though so could be the reason:P
but you get so many dickheads in the right lane doing 50-55, braking for no reason but thats why they invented high beams and dual horns :D

Sniper X8
10-06-2005, 03:09 PM
70 on west coast hwy
90 on ried hwy
70 on gnangara road