12-01-2011, 06:21 PM
For sale:
2 x tickets to Juicy On Tour, this Friday 14th Jan, 2011 @ Metro City
feat. Willie Morales
David Solano
Tony Puccio
Sebastian Morxx
Price and price conditions: $50 for both (normal ticket price is $45), pick up.
Contact Details: 0421 906 972
Location: Innaloo, NOR.
Delivery & Conditions of Delivery: Pick up after 6pm.
2 x tickets to Juicy On Tour, this Friday 14th Jan, 2011 @ Metro City
feat. Willie Morales
David Solano
Tony Puccio
Sebastian Morxx
Price and price conditions: $50 for both (normal ticket price is $45), pick up.
Contact Details: 0421 906 972
Location: Innaloo, NOR.
Delivery & Conditions of Delivery: Pick up after 6pm.