View Full Version : Antilag Detectives - Case 3492

24-12-2010, 10:38 AM
Alright here we go,

Long story short, basically on the way to the city on the freeway a couple weeks ago, guy runs into the back of the Nissan Pulsar i was driving with his Toyota Hilux.

Not too bad damage, mainly rear right light and surrounding panels. at least 2-3k worth.

The guy was apologetic and i was pretty good about it, we exchanged phone numbers, Rego numbers and names. We then had to move off as cars were being backed up. He said he would notify his insurance and they would get in touch with me.

Ive never been involved in a motor vehicle accident so wasnt sure how it all worked.

I filled out a police accident form online.

Its been 2 weeks, i havent heard from his insurance (i dont know who they are). Ive tried calling him, first call no answer, second call a day later, phone is off.

Anyone know this guy?

Name: Steve Difuvio
Reg No.: BZ 01 WA
Car: White Toyota Hilux

Any help appreciated.

24-12-2010, 10:42 AM
this is easy.

log a claim with your insurance company. give them all his details.
your car gets repaired and they chase him up and his insurance company.

dont do what i do and wait for the guy to sort shit out on his insurance.

my car was parked in a shopping centre and i came out to it to find a guy leaving me his details as he reversed into the back of my car. he was nice about it so i took his word and waited. when i called up i got fucked around. its a company car, the guy is on a holiday bla bla bla. gotta wait for him to come back from leave to hear what happened bla bla bla. stupid muppet nothing to hear. my car parked, your employee reversed into a parked car!

anyway...called my insurance company, logged the claim, got car fixed, cost me nothing, happy days.


24-12-2010, 10:47 AM
The only problem is i only have 3rd party insurace with SGIO on the car and they said they couldnt do anything because my policy doesnt cover it

24-12-2010, 10:55 AM
Did you get his address? Easy to say after the fact but always ask to sight their drivers license.

24-12-2010, 11:01 AM
Did you get his address? Easy to say after the fact but always ask to sight their drivers license.

No i did not.

I should of go more info, but we were really forced to leave the scene as cars were being backed up and a cop car had pulled up asking us to move.

24-12-2010, 11:05 AM
Police do a report?

24-12-2010, 11:08 AM
I would go see the pollice , they will see it as bad as running without giving details

24-12-2010, 11:12 AM
Police do a report?

I did a online crash report through the WA Police website.

Would of though i might be contacted by them, but no.

24-12-2010, 11:13 AM
I would go see the pollice , they will see it as bad as running without giving details

I think i just might have to if i cant get in contact with him today.

To make matters worse one of the ignition coils suddenly failed the day after, doubt it had anything to do with the crash though.

PSI 304
24-12-2010, 11:27 AM
If ever in an accident, ALWAYS ask to sight their drivers licence. Take licence number, name, and address. Also note Rego and phone number.

The more details the better.

24-12-2010, 11:32 AM
Wrexter by any chance did you get what insurance company he is with?

sounds like you just got to go to the police or take him to small claims

24-12-2010, 11:35 AM
a cop car had pulled up asking us to move.
but didn't help at all , I bet if you had a short skirt on they would have !!

Tard Of War
24-12-2010, 11:40 AM
Go to a cop shop and report it on paper. I still haven't heard back from my police report for 6 months and it was a hit and run but i chased him. The system is fucked

24-12-2010, 11:41 AM
the insurance system tho works a treat, you should try it.

Tard Of War
24-12-2010, 11:44 AM
It works when pingpingpingpings pay there excess.

24-12-2010, 11:46 AM
sucks that you only had 3rd party.
Definitely should have taken down details from their drivers licence

24-12-2010, 11:50 AM
;759674']Wrexter by any chance did you get what insurance company he is with?

sounds like you just got to go to the police or take him to small claims

No i should of, kicking myself over it.

but didn't help at all , I bet if you had a short skirt on they would have !!

It was cop in unmarked car. I wasnt hooning enough for him to care.

Go to a cop shop and report it on paper. I still haven't heard back from my police report for 6 months and it was a hit and run but i chased him. The system is fucked

Will be doing that, at least i have the online report for backup. glad i did that.

the insurance system tho works a treat, you should try it.

haha, i have tried it for the past 6 years.

I have had insurrance and my licence for 6 years. never been in an accident, never lost a licence and they still wanted to charge me $800 to insure a 1.6L Nissan Pulsar.

.......Tha fahrk?

and $1000 excess on top.

Sorry but for a $4000 pulsar it wasnt worth it.

24-12-2010, 11:50 AM
the insurance system tho works a treat, you should try it.

not when you have 3rd party. the insurance company does nothing for you in someone hits into you.

If the other person won't pay you have 2 options:
1. Go to the police and see if they can help
2. Get quotes for the damage to be fix then lodge a claim in small claims court, should only cost you like $40

I can tell you if the other person wants to be an pingpingpingping about it, it does become hard for you to get money from them even if your not at fault.

24-12-2010, 12:04 PM
;759693']not when you have 3rd party. the insurance company does nothing for you in someone hits into you.

If the other person won't pay you have 2 options:
1. Go to the police and see if they can help
2. Get quotes for the damage to be fix then lodge a claim in small claims court, should only cost you like $40

I can tell you if the other person wants to be an pingpingpingping about it, it does become hard for you to get money from them even if your not at fault.

Well if you own a car that is worth more than a few K you really should have full comp insurance, if you cant afford that you can't afford the car simple.

24-12-2010, 12:08 PM
No i should of, kicking myself over it.

It was cop in unmarked car. I wasnt hooning enough for him to care.

Will be doing that, at least i have the online report for backup. glad i did that.

haha, i have tried it for the past 6 years.

I have had insurrance and my licence for 6 years. never been in an accident, never lost a licence and they still wanted to charge me $800 to insure a 1.6L Nissan Pulsar.

.......Tha fahrk?

and $1000 excess on top.

Sorry but for a $4000 pulsar it wasnt worth it.
Would of been if you crashed into a ferrari or bmw

24-12-2010, 12:10 PM
Well if you own a car that is worth more than a few K you really should have full comp insurance, if you cant afford that you can't afford the car simple.
+1 - if it all turns pear-shaped. its the OP's own fault for not having full-comp.

butttt... that doesnt help after-the fact.

speak to cops. get details. lodge small claims cost. he will call you back with his insurance details (if he even HAS insurance) when a bailiff knocks on the door.

wait... if he doesnt have insurance... you're screwed.

(refer to previous "told you so" about not having full comp to begin with)

sorry dude.

24-12-2010, 12:13 PM
Would of been if you crashed into a ferrari or bmw

Why, 3rd party cover it.

24-12-2010, 12:16 PM
Please lets not turn this into a you should of had full comp insurance.

Its not about not being able to afford it. It just didnt make economical sense to me.

24-12-2010, 12:29 PM
Well if you own a car that is worth more than a few K you really should have full comp insurance, if you cant afford that you can't afford the car simple.

lol complete bs !

when i 1st got my bike. the bike cost me 5k and my insurance for full cover was 2k a year.

I could afford the bike, i could afford the 3 to 4k of gear, and i could afford the 2k a year for insurance but choice not to throw 2k year away on something which was economical

24-12-2010, 12:52 PM
Name: Lewis Hamilton
Car: McLaren MP4-23

Fixed :D

24-12-2010, 01:26 PM
Fixed :D

Location Canada?


24-12-2010, 02:45 PM
Cops wont do shit unless you have an independent witness. Some gutless fuck hit me almost 10 years ago on the freeway in his little suzuki and did a runner.. i stayed with him for a bit but my fuel was low, i thought having his rego details would have been enough. I reported it to police and nothing happened. He didn't even get fined for leaving scene of accident. Unless you have full comp, just pray that the fucker comes through in the end.. might even be worth paying him a visit at his house.. shouldn't be hard to track him down.

At the end of the day its your word vs his, and if you have no witnesses or massive evidence on your part then your pretty much gonna come out of this with a loss because it seems this guy is doing a runner.

25-12-2010, 02:19 PM
There are 3 DiFulvios in the phone book. Maybe the spelling is a little off.

1: 11 Gregory, Noranda - 9275 6845
2: 1 Amelup, Dianella - 9344 8227
3: 19 Hepworth, Noranda - 9275 2185

03-02-2011, 12:07 PM
Just an update on this, finally tracked guy down, he was camping in remote NSW and hence out of contact.

His insurer has agreed to pay me out about $3500 (car is worth $5000).

So good result. will keep most of cash and fix the car myself.

Next time, i know better to grab all the guys info before leaving accident scene.