25-11-2010, 09:34 AM
Hey guys
Now I'm not looking at a mortgage as such, but need some info on brokers before I start ringing around..
I'm planning on consolidating some loans, and want to see what the best options are around, and I've been told that a mortgage broker can hunt around for this.
My question is, who's had experience with them, and who should I be going to talk to? Also, do they ask for a fee, or do they get comission from the bank that you sign with? I'm thinking Aussie, only due to their excessive advertising, but anyone else I should consider?
Any help would be great guys, as well as personal experiences...
Now I'm not looking at a mortgage as such, but need some info on brokers before I start ringing around..
I'm planning on consolidating some loans, and want to see what the best options are around, and I've been told that a mortgage broker can hunt around for this.
My question is, who's had experience with them, and who should I be going to talk to? Also, do they ask for a fee, or do they get comission from the bank that you sign with? I'm thinking Aussie, only due to their excessive advertising, but anyone else I should consider?
Any help would be great guys, as well as personal experiences...