View Full Version : 4 Channel Amp

07-11-2010, 01:37 PM
As the title says I'm after a 4 channel amp, doesn't need to be top of the range or anything. Just needs to work and not flatten my battery like my current one does, PM me if you can help me out :)

07-11-2010, 01:47 PM
PM wrxfiend, he might have 1 floating around

07-11-2010, 02:12 PM
As the title says I'm after a 4 channel amp, doesn't need to be top of the range or anything. Just needs to work and not flatten my battery like my current one does, PM me if you can help me out :)

How would the amp be flattening your battery?? Wired up correctly would be the 1st thing i would look at

07-11-2010, 02:16 PM
Not too sure, actually was hoping someone with more knowledge than me would see a problem with that theory. But it suddenly started draining my battery after running no problems for years, disconnected the amp and now it's fine =\

07-11-2010, 02:18 PM
How would the amp be flattening your battery?? Wired up correctly would be the 1st thing i would look at
Yep, sounds like the remote turn on wire has been hooked up to a battery feed and not acc or the decks own amp turn on wire

Not too sure, actually was hoping someone with more knowledge than me would see a problem with that theory. But it suddenly started draining my battery after running no problems for years, disconnected the amp and now it's fine =\
If nothing else has been changed in the car recently, a relay may of shat itself and be stuck on.

07-11-2010, 02:28 PM
I know next to nothing about electronics so I'm not overly sure what I'm suppose to do, new amp was my solution as nothing on the car has changed and it stopped draining the battery when I disconnected the amp.

07-11-2010, 02:30 PM
come see me then i will sell you 1 :)

07-11-2010, 09:01 PM
Got a pioneer 4 chan. Pm for more