View Full Version : The fixing my 'real' car would have been cheaper build

19-10-2010, 11:57 PM
Inspired by http://antilag.com/forums/showthread.php?t=41925

It all started with a well priced g25 on the forums. I eagerly got home, fastened it to the table then after about 20 minutes realised it crap. The table wobbled, seating position sucked & pedals kept on slipping so the g25 was put into storage. I came to realise that my should be #1 project http://antilag.com/forums/showthread.php?t=21505 was going to cost a bit to get going again, I figured I'd resurrect my long lost simulator idea cause it was the cheaper alternative.... WRONG.

Having used a Hyperdrive system in the past I found it quite flimsy and prone to wobbles and have always had intentions of building my own simulator but never got around to it until I saw the group buy for the Playseats. The way it was constructed never appealed to me which got me thinking 'surely I can build something better'.

This is where the downward spiral starts... I stumbled across http://www.chilicoke.com/mods.htm and suddenly got the urge to try some of the mods.

The Shifter mod which I recommend, the handbrake mod I don't. Way too hard to do and chances of screwing up would be high but for once I was lucky. Also made an adaptor with a Nissan thread to fit a newly acquired Razo Gearknob (http://ho-garage.com/Ho-Garage/Uploads/G25/IMG_0561.JPG).

The stock wheel felt too small & toy like, Chilicoke sell a spacer US$40 + Postage, so I decided to make my own. With the help of some Antilaggers, I was pointed to Capral where I picked up a some 100mm ally tube for ~$12.
At this stage, I required a drill press... $$.

So then the holes were drilled to adapt the wheel to the controller. It is a bit heavy but is currently undergoing some weight reduction & the original buttons from the wheel were added to the OMP wheel.

I found a brand new Autotechnica seat on Gumtree for $100 with rails, and picked up some 25x25mm (1.6mm thick) tube for $3.20/m ... score! (have gone through just over 4x 6.5m lengths with minimal wastage and I've still got the shift/handbrake mount to come).
So now I need a welder. Purchase Arc welder. Found Arc welder is shit, wanted a MIG, couldn't afford a MIG but luckily a mate had a spare one :)

Now to cut the steel tube.. Angle grinder was too messy, Hack saw too slow, Metal Cut off saw too inaccurate. Then came https://www.machineryhouse.com.au/Products?stockCode=B009 works a treat and can cut at all hours of the night!

Fast forward a few weeks on & off and here is how it currently stands:

The inverted pedals are set up using the Chilicoke guide. The angles and spacing are similar to the s14 :)

Still to come is the top mount for the pedals, a raised footrest, a side mount for the shifter and s13 handbrake, and a stubby holder on the right side cause I'm now promoting drink driving :cool: Mainly hoping that this holds together as I haven't really done much welding before so I'm not too sure on the strength that this'll have :confused:

20-10-2010, 12:18 AM
one word.. awesome! :)

20-10-2010, 07:50 AM
Thats pretty awesome mate, i want to make something similar if gt5 is ever released.

20-10-2010, 08:59 AM
brian im coming over later :P

20-10-2010, 09:11 AM
Shit yeah! This is even better than that other setup TheChad made!

20-10-2010, 10:45 AM
Check out the ARC Team G25-e :p

20-10-2010, 04:31 PM
I think you'll find thats ally not steel mate

haha, no but really thats awesome!
is it heavy?

and this has so much more work than mine did, i did mine in an afternoon from cheap shit, you got premium stuff and really went all out. hat tip to you sir because for the moment this one chops mine!

is it at a stage where you can have a run on it yet? i'd be interested to see how the heavier wheel with the larger turning circle feels on the resistance, would probably be far more acurate...

love it mate, looking forwards to the only true test of functionality. you, me, lemans

20-10-2010, 05:09 PM
Just one question...

How do you slide the seat back and forth for giants and midgets?

20-10-2010, 05:18 PM
Just one question...

How do you slide the seat back and forth for giants and midgets?

dont invite kye or brockas over, that would be a win win ...............win

20-10-2010, 05:22 PM
looks like hes still got the seat rail on? in the first pic of the whole unit you can see the leaver

20-10-2010, 05:50 PM
Yep, the seat sits on rails and can be adjusted for short kunts like me, or giants like my bro.

Weight wise, it is fairly heavy but I say thats a good thing as it feels quite solid.

I have yet to test the wheel as I think the spacer is still a bit heavy so I'm going to cut out the shaded bits here: http://ho-garage.com/Ho-Garage/Uploads/G25/IMG_0506.JPG (but will be neater and more symmetrical).

30-03-2011, 08:34 AM
I started building this in October, got it to a stage where I could use it in December and it remained like that for a while to see if it'd fall apart (and I was also lazy)

Last weekend I decided to get off my ass and finish it. Outcome is as follows.

Handbrake switch - when the button is pressed (handbrake down), the circuit is broken.

Painted it a hammercoat Gunmetal colour, funnily enough found a GTR badge too.
The bar across the top is to angle the wheel so that it sits more vertical

Stole some floormats out of the daily and made a floor as the stack of white pages kept on moving around.

And the finished product:

Then we got bored.

30-03-2011, 08:45 AM
I like!

30-03-2011, 09:21 AM
Well that puts my play seat and shitty xbox wheel to shame.

Nice work!

Ben Wha
30-03-2011, 09:29 AM
Nice use of the S15 centre console Brian! Looks good!

30-03-2011, 09:54 AM
Do like drink holder.

30-03-2011, 01:50 PM
Do like drink holder.

x2 Man must have beer when playing Playstation !

30-03-2011, 01:59 PM
That is awesome! So does the handbrake actually work or...?

30-03-2011, 02:03 PM
Yes it does

30-03-2011, 02:07 PM
Even more awesome! Does it have somewhat of a pressure range or is it on/off?

30-03-2011, 02:10 PM
Unfortunately just on off as it's wired into the O button which in the game isn't pressure sensitive anyway

XF Falcon
30-03-2011, 05:36 PM
you can always put a big spring on there, so when you pull it up there is tension on there

30-03-2011, 06:15 PM
Oh I get it now, thought the qn was in relation to in game..
Anyway, yep it has tension