View Full Version : Best place to get Kegs

13-10-2010, 03:28 PM
My social club at uni are organising an end of year party and are looking to get some kegs. Does any one have any contacts or know of a good/cheap place to get them.

So far I'm thinking of getting a few 50L kegs of Wahoo from Gage Roads. $245 each (discount for additional kegs) and they'll do a 10% student discount.



13-10-2010, 03:40 PM
There was a place in Cannington ('U Brew It' ??) I checked out that was the same price for Corona. Didnt know if it would get finished so spent $250 at Dan Murpheys instead and got 48Ltrs and kept what people didnt finish.

13-10-2010, 03:49 PM
Kegs go very fast man, and pubs dont like it if your pissed mate brake the handles and you have to go get another one because your beer is trapped in the keg.

Cartons are a better bet but dont have the same appeal.

I paid $220 for a keg of superdry from the caralee tavern in Como.

13-10-2010, 03:52 PM

comes tapped and delivered to your door. you don't have to do anything but sit and drink. win!

13-10-2010, 04:01 PM

comes tapped and delivered to your door. you don't have to do anything but sit and drink. win!

Wow. Thats like $100 more expensive per keg. I'd rather spend an hour or so picking it up and be able to afford another keg.

13-10-2010, 04:10 PM
There was a place in Cannington ('U Brew It' ??) I checked out that was the same price for Corona. Didnt know if it would get finished so spent $250 at Dan Murpheys instead and got 48Ltrs and kept what people didnt finish.

Stay away from keg corona. Worst shit ever. Just when you think corona can't get any worse; try keg corona.

13-10-2010, 04:12 PM
Do the kegs you're getting for $100 cheaper come with all the equipment to tap and pour the beer?

13-10-2010, 04:13 PM

13-10-2010, 04:14 PM
Yeah they come with jugs, ice, gas, cold plates, drip trays, taps, tubs etc

13-10-2010, 04:22 PM
Maybe try a wholesaler like liquor home delivery in Malaga, or liquor traders in Herdsman/Ozzy Park

13-10-2010, 04:56 PM
i got a 6 gallon keg a few years back from big brews in rockingham. was only a few hundred dollars. came delivered with the keg, tap, ice, tempright, jugs and a shitload of glasses. they charged (i think) $1 a glass when they were broken. also had to leave a deposit with them for the keg and the other equipment. 6 gallon is the smaller of the 2, the normal pub size is 9 gallon. we got shitloads of beer from ours. would have been easily over 20 jugs (although i was fuckin wasted). there was a few basic aussie beers, we went with teds as it was the fashion at the time.

good times.

13-10-2010, 05:44 PM
From someone who used to work in bottlos and pubs for years, don't bother getting a keg.

Package products are not only cheaper per volume, but you have less wastage, less setup and hassle, more product selection, and the huge bonus of not having to worry about cups, ice and cellarmix all the time.

Plus you can take home anything left over.

13-10-2010, 06:26 PM
Kimberly Rum Company $125 for a keg of rum and coke. May not taste the greatest but does the job and is reasonably cheap. Comes with tap and everything as well. Had one for my 21st and stood up well to random drunken abuse and numerous keg stands!

01-06-2011, 06:37 PM
Sorry to dig up an old thread - but looking into some kegs possibly for my 21st later this year. Still the same places recommended above? Anything new since this was last mentioned?



01-06-2011, 06:40 PM
kimberly rum still do them and they have 4ltr slushies now too i think for very cheap

01-06-2011, 07:26 PM
post about keg vs packaged is on the money. i understand the appeal but seriously... you end up loosing like 10 litres in foam and stupid pingpingpingpings not pouring properly. besides if not stored properly or sealed properly can be flat shitty beer by halfway through.

my advice, buy cartons, hire wait staff = pimp factor+ the aforementioned reasons.

or splash out and get topless waiters. male/female, your preference.

01-06-2011, 07:29 PM
Cartons FTW, keep left overs rather than give them back!

01-06-2011, 07:47 PM
seems cartons may be a better choice, with a topless waitress or two it seems like a more eventful evening anyway

01-06-2011, 08:22 PM
I've had kegs at a few of my parties, I was lucky enough to be friends with the local bottleo owner. If you go into some liquorlands and ask they can point you to places that do them.
Kegs are much better than cartons, anyone can have cartons its not got the same vibe. Yes you lose some and people spill it so what.
Last time I had a keg all I could get a late notice was VB. I thought oh well average beer so we used it for an epic beer pong night.
Funny how no one cares that its VB when its free and in a keg!
Time before that I had tooheys new which I like and tasted better from a keg.
Every time I've tried those brew it carona kegs or whatever they taste nothing like what they are supposed to be and just give you a headache. If you are buying a beer make sure its not a "similar" ripoff brew.

family guy
02-06-2011, 06:52 AM
Or pick a brew from your local "u brew it" and can/bottle it. I did 2 brews for my 21st so that worked out to be 12 catons. Back in the day i think it was about $150 for a corona brew. They also higher kegs too. If you dont finish the keg you can put it into bottles or cans back at the shop.
