View Full Version : The official Aquarium thread.
RK 86 WA
03-09-2010, 08:30 AM
Hi guys,
Have previously had a few set ups in the past inclusive of tropical and brackish style aquariums.
Unfortunately I gave away most of my fish/plants and equipment, however am looking at rekindling a previous hobby.
I want to start again from scratch, something tropical and heavily planted.
Would like something a fair whack larger than my previous set ups and am looking around for possibly a 6x2x2 foot tank and matching hardware.
Basically I want to use this thread to get some ideas and have a look see at other members set ups :)
03-09-2010, 09:51 AM
have my own salt water setup will post up piks when i'm home.
great hobby attracts a crowd!
03-09-2010, 09:53 AM
This thread is now about pics of dardddi aquariums.
RK 86 WA
03-09-2010, 09:55 AM
Hurry up and post pics then :)
My old CRS tank:
RK 86 WA
03-09-2010, 10:05 AM
that looks quite simple, but awesome.
how long did it take you to boil or seep out all the tannins in that bit of wood?
Boiled it for a good couple of hours, was still seeping a little into the water but helped with my pH so not complaining. Need to get off my ass and get back into it. All my tanks are a mess now. Used to have quite a collection of rare plants as I traded them heaps, but neglect have killed all of them off :(
03-09-2010, 10:15 AM
anyone have a mantis shrimp, i want one.
i can get you one if you want... just go to any shop and if you're real friendly with them they will give you one the next time a shipment of liverock comes in. those buggers love hiding in the LR and are usually just killed once discovered.
03-09-2010, 10:30 AM
Talk to Potter, he loooves his fishy fishy.
03-09-2010, 11:05 AM
I have a fresh water tank, 6x2x1.5 foot. Currently has about 25 african cichlids in it. Cichlids are cool, unlike normal tropicals they are really aggressive and are always doing things like moving pebbles, digging holes etc. I built a bio-filter into one end so it pretty much just looks after itself. Just change the one 3rd of the water and check ph once a month.
Its hard to take photos of it in the day but here we go
bio filter
03-09-2010, 11:49 AM
I don't have display tanks anymore, too much fucking around for my little pokey house. Have three fairly alright ponds that are self-servicing - no pumps or filters or anything like that, the trick is to have it much wider than it is deep and full of plants that treat the water, and the wide surface area allows for a lot of oxygen transfer.. I've got a variety of local plants and some from the Kimberly.
Currently have some Phalloceros caudimaculatus (South American Mosquito Fish) going in two of the ponds, Jordanella floridae (American Flag) in one, some Desert Gobies (they are awesome and I highly recommend them for fresh water peeps - they become very domestic), and some boring ol' Japanese White Clouds (Tanichthys albonubes). Then i've got a breeding pair of Coonacks in a bath tub, and a whole shitload of Western Moaning Frog taddies.
My uncle breeds shitloads of different things at his place, his set up is magnificent.
Does anyone attend the ANGFA meetings here?
RK 86 WA
03-09-2010, 12:16 PM
Always wanted to attempt a pond at some stage, just dont have the space nor money :(
Sounds pretty cool though :)
That Cichlid setup looks awesome! I miss mine looking at that. Also do agree that they are entertaining to watch, the only downside is that there isnt a huge variety.
03-09-2010, 12:17 PM bad quality but there is my tomato clown.
03-09-2010, 12:18 PM
ma fishies
I don't have display tanks anymore, too much fucking around for my little pokey house. Have three fairly alright ponds that are self-servicing - no pumps or filters or anything like that, the trick is to have it much wider than it is deep and full of plants that treat the water, and the wide surface area allows for a lot of oxygen transfer.. I've got a variety of local plants and some from the Kimberly.
Currently have some Phalloceros caudimaculatus (South American Mosquito Fish) going in two of the ponds, Jordanella floridae (American Flag) in one, some Desert Gobies (they are awesome and I highly recommend them for fresh water peeps - they become very domestic), and some boring ol' Japanese White Clouds (Tanichthys albonubes). Then i've got a breeding pair of Coonacks in a bath tub, and a whole shitload of Western Moaning Frog taddies.
My uncle breeds shitloads of different things at his place, his set up is magnificent.
Does anyone attend the ANGFA meetings here?
Would like a pond full of rainbowfish... but then again if I had a pond, it'd be full of koi :P
Also would like some arowanas!
RK 86 WA
03-09-2010, 12:25 PM
fuck you guys have some win aquariums :)
edit - also waiting on potters fishies hahaha
03-09-2010, 12:33 PM
Always wanted to attempt a pond at some stage, just dont have the space nor money :(
Sounds pretty cool though :)
That Cichlid setup looks awesome! I miss mine looking at that. Also do agree that they are entertaining to watch, the only downside is that there isnt a huge variety.
Dude, my ponds are literally those green seashell kiddy sandpits!
Just go around some road side collections, pick one up, and come round some time, i'll give you some fushies to put in it. All my ponds owe me nothing, and only need a water change every 6 months. The rain and sprinklers let them top up and overflow enough to keep PH in check. Having some fresh water snails keeps some of the algae at bay, and as long as you scoop up dead leaves and so forth they end up being a piece of piss to take care of. Hardest thing is stopping my dog from fishing for tadpoles, she reckons they are pretty good tukker.
The long term plan is to sink them in the ground and cover them in a cement/flyscreen render to make them look natural, but since i'm living in a rental I want to be able to take them with me.
RK 86 WA
03-09-2010, 12:42 PM
LOL! never occured to me that you could do that!
Hmm I might have to wait around for verge collection :P Suddenly I think I may have a new project haha, cheers!
03-09-2010, 12:50 PM
Make sure you wash anything you find on the road out with peroxide or bleach first, don't want to end up with TB or something in your communities. But yeah, I can give you some fish and snails to get you going.
dude, go to bunnings and pick up those black square bin things, i have them and put my koi in them. all you need to get started is some fishies, duckweed and a filter. DONE
i hate the wa quarantine laws, can't get plants sent in from the eastern states!
03-09-2010, 01:23 PM
LOL dude rip the duckweed out ASAP!
i got that shit under control, my koi eats them :p
but is taking over my main tank atm and i've been too lazy to totally eradicate it.
i'd say the same thing about your snails!
03-09-2010, 01:30 PM
tocchi if that setup was saltwater in your house....i would molest you! LOL
so much want for a saltwater setup built into a brick wall...its high on the list for when i build a house soon!
will get some pictures up of our outside setup with Koi...not all done yet but the pond has been setup for 9months now.
anyone able to confirm whether its true that some koi die in the first year of the pond until it establishes???
we are running a pump and filter with UV etc....and probably in the 9 months had about 4-5die
tocchi if that setup was saltwater in your house....i would molest you! LOL
so much want for a saltwater setup built into a brick wall...its high on the list for when i build a house soon!
will get some pictures up of our outside setup with Koi...not all done yet but the pond has been setup for 9months now.
anyone able to confirm whether its true that some koi die in the first year of the pond until it establishes???
we are running a pump and filter with UV etc....and probably in the 9 months had about 4-5die
BS! Koi are fucking hardy fish. What kind of filter? Did you let the pond cycle? Get a water sample and take it to a local fish shop and get them to test it. How is your pump set up? Do you see them gasping for air at the surface? You might need a stronger pump and let it break the surface of the water for more oxygen
Also depends if there is a crowding issue, how big is the pond, how many Kois do you have? They are filthy fish, need a pretty good filtration system to make sure the water quality is good
03-09-2010, 01:37 PM
Nah its good to have fresh water snails. You need scum eaters to keep the ecosystem happy. I just selectively breed them to be as orange as I can get them, any that are too dark a brown get picked out and stomped on.
My cousins have a farm down in Vasse with the best pond i've ever seen, they dug out a 20m x 40m trench in their bush patch down in one of the paddocks and filled it with water, and directed part of the creek into it so it keeps the levels up. Its the most astonishing place to go, you walk out of the dusty dry sheep paddocks and into whats pretty much a subtropical rainforest, its quite spectacular. The CSIRO visit their property regularly because it attracts a variety of rare birds that shouldn't even be in the South West.
03-09-2010, 01:49 PM
BS! Koi are fucking hardy fish. What kind of filter? Did you let the pond cycle? Get a water sample and take it to a local fish shop and get them to test it. How is your pump set up? Do you see them gasping for air at the surface? You might need a stronger pump and let it break the surface of the water for more oxygen
Also depends if there is a crowding issue, how big is the pond, how many Kois do you have? They are filthy fish, need a pretty good filtration system to make sure the water quality is good
nah i remember seeing posts from you about Koi when you were selling them and how need a filter, etc etc....i went all out on these pingpingpingpings LOL
i am running a Laguna Pressure-Flo 5000 UVC with a seperate pump(with its own mini filter) sitting inside the pond
its 400L+ tub with about 15ish Koi in it....most are 5-10cm long
apart from gravel and a ornament of a fake Barrel in there i have no plants nothing.
pump inside pond sends water to filter...then filter sends water back out. hose is in edge of pond and breaks the surface creating the air bubbles.
they dont gasp for air and are fine. only really come up when they are getting fed
the filteration system and pump are way way bigger than the specs of the pond so got that shit sorted.
when they die its all common its got me stumped what to do after speaking to 2 different places.
before they die they basically float around on the surface and dont swim straight or they are drunk. can even pick them out of the water or touch them and they dont mind.
then a day or two later the dead! :(
03-09-2010, 01:55 PM
Go and get some Cyprus or some other freshwater reeds or sedges to put around in there. You'll find having plants will cut back on algal blooms and filter out a lot of the crap that gets in the water. And honestly, snails. Or some cat fish, etc.
Personally I hate Koi, they are just filthy boring fish that you can't eat. And they aren't particularly pretty. Australia has some beautiful fresh water fish you can get your hands on, yet people always go with boring ol koi. I honestly don't see the appeal.
03-09-2010, 02:02 PM
cheers for that. will get some plants tomorrow.
i had no real choice in home one day and my little bro with my mum went on a shopping spree and did it all. i was just given the task to make it work and had to buy filter, etc
how often do you need to feed them?? i am soo over hearing 1000 different stories from 1000 different people. some say never feed them, some say feed them only when you want to see them play, some say everday a little bit some ever X amount of days.
03-09-2010, 02:16 PM
My dad feeds his Koi once a day and only enough.
Once you feed them you will see them surface and eat the food, if after 10-15 minutes there is any food left you have put to much in and will need to put less next time.
03-09-2010, 02:22 PM
Well I rarely need to feed my ponds, because they are fully functioning ecosystems. Enough microorganisms like Daphnia breed in there to keep the smaller fish happy, and enough algae and waste is produced to keep the bottom feeders happy. Occasionally I'll catch a minnow and break its tail so that the larger fish can have a bit of a meal. And then sometimes throw some taddies into the Coonack tank to let them have some fun.
As far as the Koi go, i'd only feed them once or twice a week personally, but i've never had Koi...
03-09-2010, 02:31 PM
Chucking tadpoles into Koi pond = awesome entertainment.
03-09-2010, 02:43 PM
oi ryan we got one setup in our place. used to have discus but to hard to look after. now just have cichlids.
03-09-2010, 02:53 PM
I have had great success raising silver dollars to the point they get sold back to the pet shop but apart from neons and glow light tetras haven't had much luck seem to get to the 6mth stage and they die off due to keeping the tank too clean.
cheers for that. will get some plants tomorrow.
i had no real choice in home one day and my little bro with my mum went on a shopping spree and did it all. i was just given the task to make it work and had to buy filter, etc
That's where your problem is! You didn't let the pond cycle, to let the beneficial bacteria establish.
As for feeding, feed them once a day, every other day in winter as they are less active. And just enough so that it is all gone within a couple of minutes. Also supplement with live food/frozen bloodworms.
Also what you described about the way they die sounds like ammonia poisoning to me. Get your water parameters checked.
When you clean your filter, only clean it with old tank water. Do not clean in in fresh tap water, that kills of the beneficial bacteria and starts the cycle process all over again. Plants will help soak up the ammonia, having rocks, pebbles etc also provide surface for beneficial bacteria to establish. I'd say there's where you're going wrong
03-09-2010, 03:07 PM
That's where your problem is! You didn't let the pond cycle, to let the beneficial bacteria establish.
As for feeding, feed them once a day, every other day in winter as they are less active. And just enough so that it is all gone within a couple of minutes. Also supplement with live food/frozen bloodworms.
Also what you described about the way they die sounds like ammonia poisoning to me. Get your water parameters checked.
When you clean your filter, only clean it with old tank water. Do not clean in in fresh tap water, that kills of the beneficial bacteria and starts the cycle process all over again. Plants will help soak up the ammonia, having rocks, pebbles etc also provide surface for beneficial bacteria to establish. I'd say there's where you're going wrongwell when they bought the Koi the place said to them they dont need filter nothing. just a pump for some air generation and all good....
the filter i have is one with a backflush. never have to open it up just backwash it into the garden or bucket using the pond water, then top up the pond.
the feeds are fine in the sense its enough as its gone within a couple minutes to 5minutes max. have frozen blood worm cubes for my fighters inside so will drop a cube or two in the pond tonight :)
was given this red/orange powder to drop a cup full in the pond to help stabilise the ammonia.
will grab some plants to help too and get the water inspected.
cheers for the advice...will get busy on the weekend and sort it out.
well when they bought the Koi the place said to them they dont need filter nothing. just a pump for some air generation and all good....
Lol what place is this? Probably said that so they could make a sale. On average tanks/ponds need about 1 month establish the BBs and stabilise the ammonia/nitrate/nitrite swings. Unless you know what you are doing, 1 month is the absolute minimum. Although there are ways to help speed up the process.
They could be fine once you throw them in, but will start dying off after a week or so.
03-09-2010, 03:20 PM
Lol what place is this? Probably said that so they could make a sale. On average tanks/ponds need about 1 month establish the BBs and stabilise the ammonia/nitrate/nitrite swings. Unless you know what you are doing, 1 month is the absolute minimum. Although there are ways to help speed up the process.
They could be fine once you throw them in, but will start dying off after a week or so.i will have to ask my little bro where they bought them much as it might be ammonia poisoning its just weird that its just not consistent. at first none died...after a couple weeks one died, then a couple months later another then a month or so another one...
like i said...about 4-5 in the 9months the Koi been in there.
they did say takes a month for the water to sit in the pond with a pump working before fish go in which we did...they said pump filter enough.
although they were wrong...
just now to fix it all.
they did say takes a month for the water to sit in the pond with a pump working before fish go in which we did...they said pump filter enough.
although they were wrong...
just now to fix it all.
yes and no, water sitting on its on with a pump will not cause BBs to establish, the BBs need a food source, that's why most people use a hardy fish for cycling a tank (goldfish etc). This is considered cruel and there also other fishless cycling methods by putting in fish food to rot, or any other source of ammonia to kick start it.
This is known as the nitrogen cycle:
03-09-2010, 03:27 PM
well the couple goldfish that went in with the koi are getting bigger and going strong....pingpingpingpings demolish the food and active as! LOL
yup... that would explain it.
should have let tank cycle, then slowly introduced more fish in. too many fish at one time will cause a shock to the nitrifying system and cause cycle to start all over again or not even establish properly. how are the koi going at the moment? how often are you cleaning/backflushing the filter?
for now, cut back on feeding, do more frequent water changes with dechlorinated water (get Prime, best you can get and its concentrated too, gets rid of chlorine and chloramines). get plants, dump them in. and you shouldn't be seeing any more deaths after that. be aware though, koi and goldfish love their veggies and will most likely demolish any plants you put in there :D you would have better luck with something like potted lotus plants, go to bunnings for them
03-09-2010, 03:40 PM
here are some fish i've had, i pretty much have only had tank buster from aus, south america and asia.
at the moment i have 2 pink giant gouramis, 2 bay snook, 3 chocolates and a gold spot pleco.
03-09-2010, 03:57 PM
yup... that would explain it.
should have let tank cycle, then slowly introduced more fish in. too many fish at one time will cause a shock to the nitrifying system and cause cycle to start all over again or not even establish properly. how are the koi going at the moment? how often are you cleaning/backflushing the filter?The Koi are going fine lately. Apart from the death of "Coxy" named by my brother after Dean Cox coz he was massive compared to others. got him for free as he was a "jumper" the place he jumped into the other tank with the smaller fish so apparantly would jump out of ours and die...never happened just died one day after a solid 8months :(
the filter has an indicator on when it gets dirty to clean..usually clean earlier than that. about 4-6weeks..filter is huge!
for now, cut back on feeding, do more frequent water changes with dechlorinated water (get Prime, best you can get and its concentrated too, gets rid of chlorine and chloramines). get plants, dump them in. and you shouldn't be seeing any more deaths after that. be aware though, koi and goldfish love their veggies and will most likely demolish any plants you put in there :D you would have better luck with something like potted lotus plants, go to bunnings for themCan get Prime from??
noted and bunnings will be another place to visit tomorrow :)
03-09-2010, 03:58 PM
malaga aquariums i know definatly have it, most shops should but.
The Koi are going fine lately. Apart from the death of "Coxy" named by my brother after Dean Cox coz he was massive compared to others. got him for free as he was a "jumper" the place he jumped into the other tank with the smaller fish so apparantly would jump out of ours and die...never happened just died one day after a solid 8months :(
the filter has an indicator on when it gets dirty to clean..usually clean earlier than that. about 4-6weeks..filter is huge!
Can get Prime from??
noted and bunnings will be another place to visit tomorrow :)
Since you are NOR, go to
Seaview Aquariums
2/386 Wanneroo Rd
Westminster WA 6061
(08) 9344 7210
Also go here for some pond plants
In fact, go to Woodvale before Bunnings
03-09-2010, 04:22 PM
malaga aquariums i know definatly have it, most shops should but.cheers for that :)
Since you are NOR, go to
Seaview Aquariums
2/386 Wanneroo Rd
Westminster WA 6061
(08) 9344 7210
Also go here for some pond plants
In fact, go to Woodvale before Bunningscheers....looks like EXCESSV gonna do some cruising around tomorrow LOL
03-09-2010, 04:28 PM
My old girl has a couple of reasonable sized tanks, for something different she went to Golden Ponds and bought a couple of smal Barramundi and Rainbow Trout.
Cerainly different, the barra are boring to watch as they lurk and wait for something to swim past to ambush, saw one barra about 70mm long trying to swallow one about 50mm long. The Trout ended up in the pond out back and are doing well, just need a cover over the top or some mesh as they jump all the time.
03-09-2010, 04:32 PM
bomb33, is that a sartoga in one of those photos?
I used to work at city farmers and there was one there.
Scooping out the goldfish from the big tank and dumping them in the toga tank. They didnt last long haha. He loved it
/cool starry bra
03-09-2010, 06:55 PM
I would like a tank - how long does this stuff last? Do the fish die often? Do they live ages? Any how to guides in regard to what is necessary to start a tank, sustain a tank, and etc?
PS. Who has an Axolotyl (sp?)
03-09-2010, 07:15 PM
3 years, twice a week, no, there are books on sustaining a tank but none on starting them.
hope that helps.
03-09-2010, 07:29 PM
3 years, twice a week, no, there are books on sustaining a tank but none on starting them.
hope that helps.
Thank you!
03-09-2010, 08:10 PM
I would like a tank - how long does this stuff last? Do the fish die often? Do they live ages? Any how to guides in regard to what is necessary to start a tank, sustain a tank, and etc?
PS. Who has an Axolotyl (sp?)
3 years, twice a week, no, there are books on sustaining a tank but none on starting them.
hope that helps.
fucking LOL.
Do the fish die often? - twice a week
05-09-2010, 05:35 PM
here are some better piks of my salt water setup.
RK 86 WA
05-09-2010, 05:48 PM
geez, im wondering if i should just bite the bullet and go salt water hmmm
05-09-2010, 05:55 PM
BIG difference between fresh water setup and saltwater setup, must have the right uv lighting-temperature-water flow-ph levels-salt blah blah blah.
i just walk down 2 beach and get new salt water in tubs once a month. BIG variety in fish and corrals but at a steep price.
well worth it tho
RK 86 WA
05-09-2010, 06:16 PM
haha thats exactly why im holding off.
dont get me wrong, i would LOVE an epic salt water set up, i just dont think i have the dilligence to maintain one though
05-09-2010, 06:54 PM
maintenance is not to bad once you have it up and running,
once a month i just check that all my measurements are right and the fish are happy with the growing live rock
get all my things from Perth aquarium and display center they know their stuff there.
RK 86 WA
05-09-2010, 07:03 PM
cheers for the info bud :) Im going hunting for a tank this weekend and might bite the bullet for a saltwater set up then :)
05-09-2010, 07:10 PM
Go see Paul at Aquirium Artists in Southern River, on Ranford Rd. Then see me at the butchers. Fish eat sausages, gay fish yannow.
05-09-2010, 07:16 PM
i have a corner piece tank think 90L that not using will snoop around for it fill it up see if it holds water and slap a small price tag on it if you like!?
i have a 2x1x1 sitting here you can have for free if ya want... but for saltwater, and pretty much anything else, bigger is better/easier
05-09-2010, 07:29 PM
Pretty much set up a mates fresh water tank over the last few weeks. peat and vermiculite held down by pebbles. in one week the plants have doubled with help from the co2 set up. practically a yeast and sugar set up going into a difuser.
When the tan is gone and the plants have gotten bigger there will be no need for water changes . Had a tank a few years ago, rarely cleaned the filter never changed the water, always crystal clean. If a fish died another would eat it
RK 86 WA
05-09-2010, 07:32 PM
ooh, kuek, that is tempting although its a bit small for my application. Having said that I might take it off your hands for my bed room :) If you pm me your number ill give you a buzz :) Thanks man!
grogers, sorry man have a 90L corner tank already haha :P
Thanks for the offer though!
05-09-2010, 07:32 PM
I have some random tetras go give away (about 10) and i think a chinese algae eater. They are at my old mans and i dont live there anymore so they are not getting looked after well.
Free to good home, PM me if u want to come pick them all up.
Ryan, use the 2x1x1 for a sump, get a 6 footer for saltwater :p
OR, just do a FOWLR tank
RK 86 WA
05-09-2010, 07:46 PM
haha i guess i have no excuses :)
Hmm let me ponder it for a day or two and THEN make my rash decision hahaha :)
06-09-2010, 07:44 AM
bomb33, is that a sartoga in one of those photos?
I used to work at city farmers and there was one there.
Scooping out the goldfish from the big tank and dumping them in the toga tank. They didnt last long haha. He loved it
/cool starry bra
yeh mate, last picture is a saratoga jardini. native to australia, was a good fish til an electric catfish, 2nd last picture, i had spent the night in its tank.
city farmers in malaga? they generally have some decent fish there.
i used to do the same thing for the arowana and some peacock bass i had. used to go through heaps of $$ worth of feeders for the wankers.
the clown knife in those picture i posted used to only eat feeders when i got it, eventually trained it onto white bait.
06-09-2010, 09:32 AM
4 ft tank with cichlids, silver sharks, a couple of sucker fish and a black ghost knife fish.
06-09-2010, 10:02 AM
i love the bristle nosed pleco
they grow so big and have character nice tank!
RK 86 WA
06-09-2010, 11:06 AM
^ nice tropical Brute,
Just out of curiosity, I've been told by many people/aquariums that mixing cichlids and Silver sharks and plants wasn't a good idea?
Something along the lines of the plants getting munched, but it seems that they are going strong with no visible bite marks through out them?
silver sharks can go in planted tanks no problems (although they do eat the smaller fish). you don't see many plants in cichlid tanks simply because they will eat them and also the hard water isn't the best for growing most plants
06-09-2010, 11:21 AM
^ nice tropical Brute,
Just out of curiosity, I've been told by many people/aquariums that mixing cichlids and Silver sharks and plants wasn't a good idea?
Something along the lines of the plants getting munched, but it seems that they are going strong with no visible bite marks through out them?
Some of the smaller plants are new, they tend to get munched regularly.
But once they get bigger they tend to do all right.
As far as mixing fish goes, everyone seems to have an opinion on what should go together. I just chuck 'em in and it's survival of the fittest.
All my fish have been together for close on 2 years. My last addition was an oscar, but he was all bones the next day :)
06-09-2010, 11:30 AM
some times you need to take some fish out of the tank put in the new fish and then put the other fish back in,
So that they think that they are going into another tank with new fish and wont pick on them!angle fish get pretty territorial and is a good idea to do so.
06-09-2010, 11:33 AM
some times you need to take some fish out of the tank put in the new fish and then put the other fish back in,
So that they think that they are going into another tank with new fish and wont pick on them!angle fish get pretty territorial and is a good idea to do so.
Probably a good idea.
Much more entertaining my way :D
RK 86 WA
06-09-2010, 11:50 AM
Lol poor Oscar :(
06-09-2010, 06:52 PM
i used to have a couple oscars, they were mental, destroyed everything!
06-09-2010, 09:38 PM
Who needs TV to watch. I could stare at something like this all night...
06-09-2010, 10:02 PM
Widescreen ain't that wide nigga!
06-09-2010, 10:11 PM
Very nice saltwater setup u got there!
06-09-2010, 10:43 PM
Can it be herpariums time too?
Maintaining fluffys water is easy, just empty the bowl every second day or so, she doesnt drink much, but it serves as a useful tool for making her let go of my arm when she decides I am also a form of food.
Here she is, today, just shed, about 4 y o (I've had her almost that whole time). Since shes been hiding for the past two weeks in her heat box waiting to shed shes looking for a meal, no way I'm opening this glass untill the rat is defrosted.
oh and she just did a massive shit too:
07-09-2010, 08:06 AM
this is monty, my carpet hanging log having a feed.
RK 86 WA
07-09-2010, 08:47 AM
Who needs TV to watch. I could stare at something like this all night...
bombed :)
nice saltwater set up! i want one!
my tank before i started neglecting it
07-09-2010, 08:49 PM
That is one awesome salt water setup ! Where did you get all the corals from?
RK 86 WA
07-09-2010, 09:36 PM
just picked up a 2 x 1 x 1 off kuek, spent a few hours looking at various tank set ups and i have no idea what i want anymore haha
Thanks a lot buddy!
08-09-2010, 11:30 AM
That salt water set-up is pron!
What do the salt water tank people think about the below:
Read Sea Max 130D. 130litres - all set up at around $1650 + $100 for a starter kit + extra for fishies, coral etc.
Decent? The 250D is around $3k.
That is the pricing from Seaview here off of Wanneroo Rd in the Westminister/Balcatta area. Reason I am asking is looking for a set-up, and this one seems awesome. Would love the 250D but a little out of the price range...
08-09-2010, 03:21 PM
The Arowana's
The salt water.
08-09-2010, 03:52 PM
nice TSN's mate.
pink GG looks a bit rough, what happened to it?
what size tank are the silvers in? and is that 2 whiptails on the back of the glass in with them?
08-09-2010, 06:38 PM
*shifted* Saltwater aquariums evaparate alot of fresh water. inside the lid will become clusterd with salt. most people dont bother puting lids on saltwater because its good for them to breath and vent out as much as possable as they do tend to smell musky. puting a lid on like above^^ wont stop the condensation of salt buildup above the waterline or moldy gunk, yes it dose look smart but i would always leav it open or remove the feeding flap.
the 4x led moonlights are awesome they giv an awesome efect of viewing in the moonlight, shud somehow get the moonlight on a timer so its on for 2hrs after the other lights are turned off!
other than that mate looks like a good deal! up to u to trial and error about the turbo air injector personallllly i think its abit of an overkill if you have plenty of flow throughout the tank u shouldnt need so much oxygen altho oxygen is good for fishy!
anybody els think otherwise? i have masive flow and evrything is healthy and the fish love the currant!
08-09-2010, 07:26 PM
Your post...
Sweet, seems like the way to go!
15-05-2011, 12:14 PM
Decided a couple months ago I would start up an aquarium. Didnt want goldfish as they're a bit generic. I really wanted a saltwater tank but for a beginner it seems a bit advanced with all the things needed to set it up and not knowing how to monitor, would just prove that buying $300 fish is a waste of money if they are just going to die from my lack of knowledge.
So began with fresh water tropical fish. This is my setup, however I am wanting a bigger one already haha.
50L Tank, heater and thermometer, large filter and plastic plants
Current fish - 6 guppies, 3x Yellow finned tetra fish and 2x Blue Gourami's n.jpg _n.jpg _n.jpg
building on this bit by bit so my filter has time to re-adjust to new fish, but its getting there. Wouldnt mind removing the fake plants and putting some real ones in too. is a good source of info
16-05-2011, 12:25 PM
If anyone is still keen on getting started in marine set ups and fish tank set ups in general check out gumtree.
Marine tanks with all the stuff you need and they are cycled in someone has obviously gotten sick of for the cost of the fish basically. Not sure how you go moving a tank and trying to keep the fish alive but hey im sure you can figure it out.
Tropical set ups big and smll for less than half the cost of new stuff. I got my tropical set up for 200 bux and its going great.
here are some fish i've had, i pretty much have only had tank buster from aus, south america and asia.
at the moment i have 2 pink giant gouramis, 2 bay snook, 3 chocolates and a gold spot pleco.
Nice Trimac. Btw do you still have that female Dovii? My big male is a little lonely if you're keen to sell sometime?
22-08-2011, 09:49 PM
Set my new tank up tonight, letting the water settle and get to temperature before i throw some fishys in on thursday. Keen on a tank full of electric blues and yellows.
23-08-2011, 12:56 PM
How big is the tank Tom?
The blues and yellows get pretty big relatively fast so don't get too many. Or be prepared to swap them out for smaller ones once they are too big or they will just rip each other up. Convicts are cheap and go well with electric blues and yellows and its nice to see a different colour fish in there too. Gosnells aquarium centre has cheap fishies too so make sure you have a look there. At least 20% less than the other places like aquotix and pet magic. My brothers old electric yellows used to dig the bottom of the tank up like no ones business too so make sure your rocks wont fall if they start to excavate.
I bought my first aquarium last weekend...
It's a 70L and so far we have 5 Guppies, 2 Swordtails and 2 Dwarf Gouramis. Lots of fun to watch and better yet they are all still alive!
23-08-2011, 07:38 PM
Not gonna lie damo........but guppys are gay.
23-11-2011, 09:24 PM
anyone on here with a tank built into a wall? looking for contacts of guys who can help me make a custom tank, pump/sump/filter setup to suit and set up the tank. Tank will be marine salty setup. 50th bday pressy for my dad.
have already PMd tocchi, but anyone else?
23-11-2011, 09:41 PM
How do you guys keep the temperature right in the hot and cold months ?
23-11-2011, 09:55 PM
a heater that turns on when its too cold and turns off when too hot.......
23-11-2011, 11:12 PM
anyone on here with a tank built into a wall? looking for contacts of guys who can help me make a custom tank, pump/sump/filter setup to suit and set up the tank. Tank will be marine salty setup. 50th bday pressy for my dad.
have already PMd tocchi, but anyone else?
Paul at Aquarium Artistist in Southern River is the guy to talk to, has done stuff in Dubai etc.
24-11-2011, 01:12 AM
Thanks nice and local
24-11-2011, 07:28 PM
How do you guys keep the temperature right in the hot and cold months ?
Is it for Fresh or Salt water?
You can buy chillers but they are quite expensive.
When i had my fresh water setup i use to freeze a drink bottle then leave it in there with the heater still running.
Bit ghetto but kept the temperature moderately stable on the hot days.
25-11-2011, 12:17 PM
i have a 6x2x2 and don't use my heaters over summer, so long as the tank gets a bit of sun it should be ok.
and then i run 2 heaters over winter, i keep farely hardy fish.
25-11-2011, 12:19 PM
Paul at Aquarium Artistist in Southern River is the guy to talk to, has done stuff in Dubai etc.
i just go in there to look at all there set ups have some nice shit in there
25-11-2011, 12:25 PM
yeah true, they do have some good display tanks there.
most shops are pretty average at setting up display tanks.
25-11-2011, 12:56 PM
They recently changed the display behind the counter around, looks mint.
IIRC they have a tank set up in their shop, braceless and uses 19-20mm glass!
10-05-2015, 03:35 PM
Thread dig.
Hows everyones setups going? Ill get some recent pics of mine up soon, salty is going great, fish are a few years old now and few new additions.
10-05-2015, 10:17 PM
my small saltwater tank is going ok, lost a shrimp in a recent shift (went on holidays) but the seahorses are still going strong
18-05-2015, 05:48 PM
Not the best pics but tank is currently in the garage as renovations go on. Bottom pic is my fire shrimp, not super rare but pretty cool.
19-05-2015, 09:37 AM
nice setup man!
19-05-2015, 10:54 AM
I would love something like this in our house. No where to put it but.
Restarted my tank about 4 weeks ago. Still lots of growing in to do
09-06-2015, 09:53 PM
No light show, no care.
10-06-2015, 12:04 AM
Just bought and set up this for my daughter. Goldfish only. Easy and lazy
Used to work in aquarium city along time ago now, back then I had a 4x2x2 marine going killer.
10-06-2015, 01:20 AM
how loud are these filter/pumps? would it be annoying in an apartment?
10-06-2015, 05:39 AM
The pumps on mine are built into the protein skimmer and can't hear a thing. The freshwater tanks pump sits under the tank just on a Tea towel as it vibrates a bit and can get noisy if it sits on the timber frame.
10-06-2015, 10:32 AM
Had x2 Eheim external canister filters on an old tank. Never cleaned them or heard anything. Water stayed immaculate.
10-06-2015, 02:36 PM
Cool that's good. How often are you doing water changes etc? Recommend somewhere to check out the gear?
6ft be perfect but be better if it was narrower not a 6x2x2. You'd never get it up stairs haha
10-06-2015, 03:02 PM
Freshwater tank gets a 20% water change once a month. Salty gets 10% water change every 2 weeks. Actually doing one tomorrow night.
Depends on your set up. My planted tank rarely gets a water change despite what is recommended. Usually only do top ups. Filter clean and 40% water change every month or so.
I'd go to Vebas or Aquotix. What are you planning to set up?
10-06-2015, 05:40 PM
What do you guys use for snail issues, don't really want to go chemical. Thinking lettuce overnight might get rid of most. Have conical snails
10-06-2015, 06:07 PM
Gents, If your after Aquarium Lighting I am the Australian Distributor for Orphek LED's
I deal in fresh and salt-water options. I currently have a PR72 hung over my wifes discuss tank and did have a 4x4x2 Salty.
Also have a friend that imports discuss if you guys are keen on them?
10-06-2015, 06:20 PM
Can you do T8 and T5 LED tubes?
What do you guys use for snail issues, don't really want to go chemical. Thinking lettuce overnight might get rid of most. Have conical snails
Small sauce takeaway container, holes through the top and some blanced cucumber/zuchinni inside and some gravel to weigh it down
16-06-2015, 06:34 PM
buy this. Bargain. Plasti dip it all white to match your apartment.
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