View Full Version : Wanted: Part Time/Casual Work

09-07-2010, 07:58 PM
Hey guys,

Am pretty new to the forum and dont post much, but am seeking part time or casual work.

Am 18 and studying personal training and will be going to uni next year so weekend work will be great but also 1 or 2 weekdays would be tops.

Have applied at lots of places.. bunnings, woolies, auto pro, supercheap, kmart etc but no one has got back to me..

Up for anything really..labouring, removalist etc, not shy of working hard. Have done lacky work for brickies while in yr 11 and 12 so will do the hours with no complaints.

If you have anything of know of anything that would be great.

Am located NOR in Kingsway.

Cheers heaps.


10-07-2010, 12:14 AM
you could try nightfilling. Most supermarkets are always looking for nightfillers, depends how bad u need the job, they generally are very interested in people that can commit to working friday nights.. pay is reasonable, conditions can be pretty good, just got to stack shelves when theres no one else around

10-07-2010, 12:26 AM
thanks for the tip, but... have allready tried haha.

Handed in resumes to Woolies down the road from me directly and made sure i mentioned nightfill, and still no call. Also rang them aswell, but nothing.

Applied online for casual and nightfill work for them aswell, but nothing.. Might try some servos aswell because they're pretty good pay for pretty cruisy stuff.

cheers tho karnage

10-07-2010, 09:55 AM
yeah try IGA also, look in the west australian on saturday, i always see positions for nightfill and assistants for IGA in there..

10-07-2010, 10:09 AM
Thanks heaps.

Will take a look at the paper now.

Nightfill would be cruisy.. good as for a student!
